Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

That kid went there to kill Trump and exit his cruel reality having exercised some modicum of power in his otherwise powerless existence. He did not intend to shoot Trump in the ear. Whether he had handlers is another question, but it seems likely to me. FWIW
Our youth are really in a bad spot, but for every child that I have encountered (I have boys the same age) that has the 'powerless existence' program running, there is a source that 'fuels the code' so to speak.

I came across the hi-res close up of taken by one of the first responders of the kids head while still on the roof, and for some reason when I went to bed I was compelled to include his parents in my prayers. For God to give them strength and stability for losing a son. Which any parent that sees that picture of their child floating out there must be horrifying.

I do think it is important to take apart his online/offline personas as I am afraid that many kids are running the same program with the same retarded emotional centers that are capable of acting on what 'demons' inspire.

Hopefully after the noise of banning all firearms, mea culpa back and forth by the state/local vs feds vs contractors, someone starts dropping info that points towards the source/inspiration.
And this is just political violence. Apolitical or opportunistic violence is a different beast altogether. Would the numbers be greater than those listed above if the fragile personalities are no longer held in check by laws, institutions and cultural norms? I think they might, especially if they are spellbound and lead by a group of organized psychopaths.
It leaves me perplexed because it seems more like a study to know exactly where to stimulate people, just put the exact trigger to give them the right push and let all that violence flow against each other and boom! civil war.

At least that seed is already making its way through their minds. They should just keep watering her.

- Online footprint ties gunman’s father to gun marketplaces, "Gun culture was in the home."

Seven months ago, a Gmail account using the name Matthew Crooks posted a review for a licensed gun reseller in Nevada called The reviewer praised the business as "the easiest way to get rid of unwanted firearms" and recommended it to others.

Multiple data brokers connected that Gmail account to a person named Matthew B. Crooks. Information in the Google profile aligns with Matthew Crooks' geographic location, showing other reviews for businesses in the Pittsburgh area, including in Bethel Park, where public records and neighbors’ interviews show the Crooks family lives.

If this is legitimate l would think he might want to join Trump's possible private security team. It seems folks haven't verified this X posting as far as l can determine. Maybe this has been discussed and l missed it.

Looks like the same kind of post was made by the "comedian" posing as Crooks and it doesn't have much relevance on the web compared to the rest of the information that they have published so far.

The post is most likely fake and one of the many wild rumors about the shooting at the former president's rally circulating. The message was shared on 4chan, an anonymous bulletin board platform where anyone can post anything. Times Now could not verify the authenticity of the post

My Name Is Jonathan Willis': Anonymous 'Secret Service Agent' Post On Trump Rally Shooting Sparks Debate
We read all this together with the first quote and immediately questions arise. Please tell me, does Laura and her family have anything to do with the political power of the United States and, moreover, with the projection of this power from the United States to the rest of the world?
I’m sure Ryan will clarify but I just wanted to say that this misunderstanding could be due to a slight ‘language barrier’. I think that what Ryan meant was that since Laura is originally American, we can say that at least some things coming from there are positive and good. That there are occasional ‘anomalies’ of goodness. :-)
One critique I've seen of this account is that the shooter (which for all we know could be a patsy) was using an iron sight and not a scope, which contradicts this account.

We don’t know that. What we know is that it APPEARS that he had no scope on the rifle in one picture. But, as pointed out earlier, there are a number of pretty small scope type devices people use on rifles which could very well be difficult to identify on such a picture.
It leaves me perplexed because it seems more like a study to know exactly where to stimulate people, just put the exact trigger to give them the right push and let all that violence flow against each other and boom! civil war.

At least that seed is already making its way through their minds. They should just keep watering her.

- Online footprint ties gunman’s father to gun marketplaces, "Gun culture was in the home."
If you go back and consider the concept of 'Disaster Capitalism' where one capitalizes on disasters, upheavals or other high octane sources of fuel.

To add a data point on the above, the kid was wearing a shirt from a very popular YouTube channel that is pretty hilarious, low-brow gun humor. And a channel that the Leftists that yearn for disarming US citizens absolutely lost their minds over. Which just made it more popular as usual when the narrative of 'no one should have guns' is pushed down people's throat. So was the comment perhaps regarding the culture 'in the home' also meant to insinuate/frame all the followers of a 'deplorable' YouTube as dangerous individuals?

Keep the 'capitalization' opportunity to take out a non-conforming sources of influence as something to be exploited.

And keep in focus why would the socialists/marxists keep hammering on disarming U.S. citizens (hint, the largest army in the world is not the US DoD, but the American people).

The message was shared on 4chan, an anonymous bulletin board platform where anyone can post anything.

I think this is another 'opportunity' to discredit the information that has been dropped in 4chan over the past few years that will continue to become pronounced exposing the level of criminality of many in boardrooms and legislative offices.
Was his own political survival more important than saving the lives and health of potentially millions of Americans? You can answer that question for yourself. In my view, misplaced hope or "hopium" is not helpful either, as it is not far from wishful thinking.

Trump is all about good business and good deals. In his mind he was doing a great work in greasing the wheels of business to develop an important solution - an option on the table to be used to reopen the country faster and make some money.

It's worth noting that the forced jabs only started happening after the PTB installed the biden regime.

Beyond this, it may be called hopium but I'm sure you will agree that, having had 8 years to study living under both, living under Trump would at least be "less bad" in general.

Look at the Trump we see today. Stop looking for perfection and ask what actual effect does he have on people? Just by existing, he pushes libtards into a self-destructive rage, and he strengthens those who still believe in freedom to fight. He throws a spanner in the works of the PTB plans, at least in some areas. He does at least something to wake people up from the apathy and demoralisation.

Is that not exactly what we need, if people are ever gonna wake up?

We don't believe he's truly gonna succeed in a 3d sense, but at this time in history, in this situation, supporting Trump, and what he represents, is simply the righteous position.
I think the SS do not care at all. They were not vigilant when the assassination of the Kennedys. Nor when some lunatic tried to kill Reagan. I do not believe in the “lone wolf”.

It would likely be a mistake to say that the SS, as a general rule, don't care. Those who are experienced would be professional and highly trained. And yes, there was shenanigan's a plenty for JFK, as Ennio's referenced Evidence of Revision looks at (an excellent watch), and yet even there, there were professionals who cared and were bamboozled by second and third orders of consequences beyond their control. As for a lone wolf, it is often a contentious issue as SOTT has documented for decades (second and third teams of shooters that can be marked but slip away with a narrative that helps), but sometimes it can be just one guy who is spun up in some way. More is needed here to look at the field.

The Secret Service took a reputation hit, I don't think will be in their best interest to lose a presidential candidate after yesterday's events.

Some more is coming out on the security situation. SS is laying the blame on local police, saying it was their job to secure the surrounding properties.

Secret Service blames local police, says it was tasked with securing properties surrounding Trump’s Pa. rally

And local police are saying one of their officers confronted Crooks right before the shooting. Crooks aimed his gun at the officer, who was climbing the ladder to the roof. He then quickly took aim and fired at Trump.

Local cop confronted would-be Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks on roof moments before he opened fire, but failed to stop him

There will be a blame game for sure, and yet the reality of all this seemed to be more one of amateur hour. The venue itself would not be difficult to coordinate; like Joe said in the NewsReel show, of the simplicity of cops sitting in a chair on a roof, it is just not very hard to work out. So, one might be left with the impression that Trump got a low level C team, purely on the basis that that they could not coordinate the site - inexperience was there to see. The cops failure themselves is there to see, yet someone is always responsible - in control to ask a series of basic questions of security control - what do we have on the roofs, how is this or that being looked at, does each team member have proximity of control, and so on and so forth.

As for the counter snipers, would still lean to them being on target - or very close, and it is not typical to have two snipers when one would work with a spotter, and there was not a dedicated spotter. As for taking the shot, an A Team sniper would do that (working with a spotter). So, whether a Russian spetsnaz, a Canadian CSOR or an American special forces trained sniper, it would be second nature for them to take the shot, with the authority to do so once a threat was established (and establishment here is a question). If there was some sort of policy that this team couldn't, that makes no sense, why bother showing up?

As for the assassin (still assume he had a AR-15 with iron sights) who may have been wound up psychologically, steered and then set loose, at sub 200 yards this is not hard for the first shot (which by the grace of the DCM Trump turned), yet after that it gets dicey. Now how this guy - a kid really, came to be on the scene, who climbed up on a roof with a rifle while many people are taking notice, speaks to an operational failure beyond reason - hence being subject to post assassination attempt finger pointing. So, official narrative building seems to now be in full press.

It will get interesting.
Take a look at this video: This woman seems to know something is about to happen - she doesn’t flinch at all when the shots start, doesn’t look away at all - in fact pulls out a phone and starts taking pictures as the shooting is occurring. The video is also kind of grainy, but it may also look like she smiled too. Was she part of the assassination team? There to capture the shot of Trump getting his brain splattered everywhere? To me it looks so, or I’d say high likely hood. Who would have the forethought to react this way ? Only someone who knew what was about to happen.

Strange Woman behavior

Edit: Actually looks like she smiles right after the first shot.

If that is what happened things might get even stranger. And it seems to be what happened from the sounds of the article… No matter if the rooftop shooter had a scope or not, being under such extreme time pressure by being discovered/confronted by a policeman (and possibly being shot any second by that policeman!) and then just go back to the spot on the roof and deliver a bullseye hit with the first shot in a matter of seconds either points to an extreme professionalism, coolness, programming or an extremely lucky shot. And doing that possibly with iron sight is even more incredibly unlikely to succeed. Then add to that all the other „what are the odds“ elements of this attempted assassinantion and you really have to wonder what happened! It also again introduces the possibility that the first shot that hit Trump wasn’t fired by the rooftop guy.

Also, isn’t it curious that large part of the controversy in the JFK assassination revolved around a „magic bullet“ and now we have a real magic bullet doing seemingly the most incredible unlikely things. And then that it happened on Caesars birthday. Mysterious. So many curious and possibly strange elements in this.
Note from outside. It's all very interesting. In any case, for those who had doubts, it is perfectly normal and corresponds to protocol for a sniper to wait for the order to shoot down the target. Every event of this kind has a control room, even a mobile one, where the chief who gives the orders resides. The main fault was certainly at the securing of the perimeter. That there was no one on THAT roof is really outrageous. I also find ridiculous the various manipulations about women employed in the services , as if it were not a woman's job. Evidently the shots and footage are merciless, certainly a lot of incompetence, but it is not related to the fact that the obviously incompetent one was a woman. Indeed the fact that the problem is identified in a hormonally overweight woman speaks volumes about the short sightedness of those who manipulate for futile propaganda goals. Full of women who do this job very well, which requires absolute clarity, perfect timing and perfect synchronization of the hemispheres, and I don't give a damn if I pass for woke:-).
Smart move by Putin avoids Deep State actions of voter tampering accusations come November 24 2024..

MOSCOW, July 14. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin does not plan to call former US President Donald Trump who has survived an assassination attempt, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

"As far as I know no, there are no such plans," he said when asked whether Putin planned to call Trump.

Kremlin says it was obvious Trump’s life was in jeopardy

It was obvious to all outside observers that the life of former US President and new presidential candidate Donald Trump was in jeopardy, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

"After numerous attempts to remove candidate Trump from the political arena using legal instruments at first, courts, the prosecutor’s office, attempts to politically discredit and compromise the candidate it was obvious to all outside observers that his life was in jeopardy," he said.

Kremlin condemns assassination attempt on Trump

The Kremlin condemns any expressions of violence during political struggle, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said commenting on an assassination attempt on former US President and a new presidential candidate Donald Trump.

"Russia has always condemned and we strongly condemn any expressions of violence during political struggle," he told reporters.

Russia does not meddle, not to judge legitimacy of US election result

The legitimacy of the result of future presidential election in the US is the country’s internal matter, with Russia not meddling in it, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said when asked whether the assassination attempt on former US President and a possible presidential candidate Donald Trump would affect the legitimacy of the 2024 vote’s result.

"We are not to judge. We do not desire in the remotest to meddle in it, this being the US’ internal matter," he told reporters.

Blast from the past:

That is fake news.

Here's composite footage from different angles, synched together in time, showing Crooks scaling the roof (and being seen by many by-standers) 2 minutes before he opened fire:

The plot thickens - appears to be local law enforcement being the entry-point for the conspiracy.

MAYBE one or multiple of the Secret Service snipers too. Now, Eric Prince says the sniper on the roof had the assassin in his scope and didn't do anything and claims he acted not according to training. But this conflicts with other expert opinions who say he didn't have him in his sight and in fact acted according to protocol and even quite fast once he spots him. Hm.
That is fake news.

Here's composite footage from different angles, synched together in time, showing Crooks scaling the roof (and being seen by many by-standers) 2 minutes before he opened fire:

I don’t think the footage we have so far necessarily makes the alleged account of the police officer fake news. I think the account of the police officer is consistent with the footage we have so far if he climbed up the ladder the assassin took, which is on a part/side of the building where we have not seen any footage.
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