Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

It is a whole lots of “wait and see…”.
Who knows what’s going on here. We do know that this a game, with horrific consequences for parts or all of the world. The stakes are very high.

Trump himself is perfectly capable of playing high level games. He has been doing it for years…
On The Art of the Deal:
Trump's way of business is briefly summarized: Trump found ways to reduce all risks for himself while finding ways to have others take on the risk. This happens while Trump gains a chunk of the profits with no personal liability. Extremely clever political, legal, and business maneuvering is what's needed. And that extremely clever maneuvering that Trump describes in this book shows how it's all done. Finding loopholes in legal codes, making friends with the "right" people, and cashing in on other's failures are his chief strategies. Sounds simple? Think again. In New York, everybody is scrambling to find their own ways around while Trump has already found his.
The difference is that he is on the worlds geopolitical stage now, a big step up from New York for sure, but he did hold the presidency for a term and he is not dead yet. I really don’t know if he has sold out or not. Or is he just naieve to how the world truely operates.

"...bagman Zelenskyy now plans to meet with laundry business disruptor President Trump." Laundry business disruptor? Apparently Zelensky requested to meet with Trump. Is he worried that his gravy train is in danger?
Will there be more attempts at Trump's life after this?
ALERT: The 9 missiles that have come over the New Mexico boarder.

The teams of Pete Chambers and Bazzel Baz are the ones who have received this information from their confidential informants on the US/Mexico boarder.

One source describes 9 missiles coming over the boarder in New Mexico another source says there are 3 teams who have taken position of these missiles. The target is Trumps plane but if they can't do that they could be used for something else.

Sinaloa cartel operates in this area which may have assisted in the movement of the missiles with help from those in the US gov. Paper trail of money being transferred to the cartel can be discovered that will expose who is involved in this activity.

How the missiles function and other details.

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I personally see this whole Trump thing as just another way to divide and conquer us regardless of what the actual "truth" is. And taking up one side against another, no matter how much you believe your side is in the right after doing proper "researching", may in fact prove problematic when almost all of the news media has sold out to one side or another, regardless of what the REAL objective truth actually is... which may, in fact, be impossible to determine now for anyone using the mainstream "news" as a major source of information.

I personally believe all of this has been created in order to divide each and every one of us from each other. We all have internal sources of "truth" or "not truth". By tuning into one side or another instead of looking at both sides and seeing the patterns created to keep us divided we are just playing into their division game.

I don't think this "game" can be "won" using straight logic. Remember your heart, and how all of us that I've seen on this forum only wishes the best for each of us going forward. Do not ever let your own beliefs about what you may think is true cut you off from anyone else here if they don't see what you think you see. Instead be willing to stretch yourself to see what THEY see before judging.

We are in a unique time in history when it seem the conditions have been laid down to allow any said thing to be believed to be true, even in the absence of objective truth. Stay true to yourselves and remember love and connection to others. I believe that to be the best way forward.
It is a whole lots of “wait and see…”.
Who knows what’s going on here. We do know that this a game, with horrific consequences for parts or all of the world. The stakes are very high.

Trump himself is perfectly capable of playing high level games. He has been doing it for years…
On The Art of the Deal:

The difference is that he is on the worlds geopolitical stage now, a big step up from New York for sure, but he did hold the presidency for a term and he is not dead yet. I really don’t know if he has sold out or not. Or is he just naieve to how the world truely operates.
I'm really not sure what to think, but I tend to think Trump is always mid negotiation which is definitely on brand for him. So oftentimes when we hear things like bombing Iran, I think back to his 2016 campaign rhetoric and how over the top it was and how relatively peaceful it ended up. From that position, perceived as an impulsive wildcard, he is in an excellent negotiating position.
ALERT: The 9 missiles that have come over the New Mexico boarder.

The teams of Pete Chambers and Bazzel Baz are the ones who have received this information from their confidential informants on the US/Mexico boarder.

One source describes 9 missiles coming over the boarder in New Mexico another source says there are 3 teams who have taken position of these missiles. The target is Trumps plane but if they can't do that they could be used for something else.

Another enormous lie and why it was hatched according to freelance journalist Jim Stone - I haven't followed him for a long time and do so now with a giant grain of salt. However, he may have this story right:
The lie factory hit full steam against Iran when Iran, along with Russia rejected the U.N. Pact for the future.

The beef against Iran went like this: Iran got caught smuggling SAMS across the border between Mexico and New Mexico, 9 SAMS are now in the US, and their target is Trump's airplane. OK After too many people called BS and it got fully debunked, THEN Trump was immediately briefed and told Iran started making direct threats against him, and Here is his response.

Here is why the lie about Iran threatening Trump was hatched (AlJazeera link because no one else told the truth - Because Iran opposed the all new UN's new pact for the future. Suddenly, Voila! Iran gets belligerent against Trump. Only, no. Doubt it, the timing is all too perfect.

There's little doubt the UN is mad at Iran for rejecting the pact. And there's no doubt the corrupted FED is literally a zombie state for the UN at this time. So since it appears possible they might not be able to avoid admitting Trump won the election this time, they are priming Trump for war on Iran by making him believe Iran is threatening him, when in reality, Iran has done no such thing. Trump fell for it obviously, even though the missile story died from a fatal lack of credibility.

So, the UN Pact for the future is supposedly at the root of this:

OK, so what is in the UN pact for the future?

I went over it fairly well and it was quite evident that the UN was going to use AI to enforce global governance. You have to read the add-ons to pick that out though, the base document is loaded with fluff about responsible use of AI and regulating AI for the greater good yada yada endless fluff you know is BS. The devil is in the revision documents where reality is made quite clear.

Doctor Sherri Tenpenny exploded over this.​

I am sure you have heard of Doctor Sherri Tenpenny who wrecked her career by rightfully opposing the Corona vax. GOOD NEWS, her license recently got re-instated because there was no legit beef against her, and they probably want her to shut up. WELL, SHE DID NOT SHUT UP. And she's exploding over the new UN pact for the future, stating it has biometric ID and a whole lot more, including AI automated deletion of bank accounts for disseminating mis-information.​

In other words, if the AI catches you "lying" you're toast, including bank account deletion, denial of flying, denial of public transit, denial of driving, the whole 9 yards. Social credit system on steroids.

I went over the documents fairly well and could not find some of what she is talking about. However, her credibility is so high I am going to embed her video on the topic here, This is probably legit. WATCH OUT, I know governance by AI is part of the picture from what I read in the documents directly so I at least found part of what she's talking about which means it is probably all true. She was not wrong last time.

Hmm - add the above to the WHO's Pandemic Treaty and we can see how desperately the elite globalists are maneuvering to control us proles under total domination. Can't wait for their grandiose plans to start falling apart.

More at:
My guess is that Trump is already feeding the mossad/PTB wolves with what they want to hear ahead of his possible election to make it easier for him to get into the white house.

Or he is really that stupid, which I doubt, at least to that extent.
I want to believe he is like a sly fox saying what they want to hear (and RFK Jr as well for that matter) but my heart tells me that its a blind spot and he just can't see it yet. Hopefully both of them will come around either way!
Based on previous statements and what he says below, its clear that Trump is sincere when he acknowledges the Divine Intervention he has so far been graced with. In the process of revealing to the US (and to the world really) just how corrupt his opponents are, and the political underbelly of the US as a whole is, he seems also to be affirming, quite accurately, the larger more spiritual dimension of the battle presently being fought in the US.

Trump Honors St. Michael the Archangel on Feast Day by Sharing Powerful Prayer for Protection

Another enormous lie and why it was hatched according to freelance journalist Jim Stone - I haven't followed him for a long time and do so now with a giant grain of salt. However, he may have this story right:
What are you saying is a lie here, that this didn't happen at all or the claim Iran did this? What it looks like to me is, this report was shared THEN it was manipulated to cast blame on Iran possibly because of what Stone says and the Zionists want war with Iran. And deflect from what it really says.

What Pete Chambers said is he suspects the cartels worked with someone in the US government to bring these weapons in and they MAY be from Iran......totally unverified. My take was they may have been manufactured in Iran, but the perps are in the US.

I've been following Doc Chambers for years and if there is only one person in this enormous drama of reporters whose integrity I've never doubted its him. He's been on the boarder for years helping trafficked children the same with Baz.

So now an important warning for the US people is being trashed? I posted this because I thought it very important for the US people to know. I suspect they won't get Trump but they might get civilians.

If this didn't happen at all it means the informants lied. Maybe more will come out if these missiles are being tracked now because of the warning.

Yeah, Stone has always been a sensationalist.
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What are you saying is a lie here, that this didn't happen at all or the claim Iran did this? What it looks like to me is, this report was shared THEN it was manipulated to cast blame on Iran possibly because of what Stone says and the Zionists want war with Iran. And deflect from what it really says.

What Pete Chambers said is he suspects the cartels worked with someone in the US government to bring these weapons in and they MAY be from Iran......totally unverified. My take was they may have been manufactured in Iran, but the perps are in the US.

I've been following Doc Chambers for years and if there is only one person in this enormous drama of reporters whose integrity I've never doubted its him. He's been on the boarder for years helping trafficked children the same with Baz.

So now an important warning for the US people is being trashed? I posted this because I thought it very important for the US people to know. I suspect they won't get Trump but they might get civilians.

If this didn't happen at all it means the informants lied. Maybe more will come out if these missiles are being tracked now because of the warning.

Yeah, Stone has always been a sensationalist.

It's always good to maintain a degree of skepticism, no? You posted a video of Chambers a while ago where he claimed on Twitter that 'they' (his team, I guess) were on the cusp of a large anti-pedophile sting operation, which would take place 'soon' and would 'go all the way to the top'.

Anyone, even a civilian like me, can see how posting on social media about such an operation BEFORE the operation takes place, would easily be a major breach of operational security. No one who is actually involved in a sting like that would Twitter-post about it beforehand and therefore jeopardize it. Especially if it was high stakes, AKA 'reaching all the way to the top'. As he's ostensibly a military man and should know better, Chambers is quite suspicious, objectively speaking.

Now we have him claim that 6 missiles came from across the New Mexico border, and targeted Trump's plane? Somehow involving Iran?

I think it would be beneficial to stop, take a breath, and remember that you're in the belly of the beast. The propaganda has been turned up to 11, and the intensity of the frequency fence will only increase as we approach election day - as this is perhaps the most important election in American history. The main point of the propaganda is to drive people into believing lies and emotional thinking, and that includes gov't conspiracy stuff featuring special ops white hats, similar to the Q drops. There will also be spellbinder psychopaths who will attempt to hijack the movement of real patriots in America, as written by Lobaczewski. I think Chambers and 'patriots' like him should be viewed with these facts in mind.

A lot of American propaganda these days targets normal people on the right, who are generally pro-Trump. Many have come to see him as a hero, and the last man who can save America. The Deep State hates this, and part of their strategy, aside from intimidation and censorship, is that will turn up the lies to try to corrupt Trump supporters in order to drag down their FRV. The 'Love Israel, hate Iran' message is central to that. And although it pains me to say this, in reality, America will not be 'saved' on a grand scale by anyone. It will only be saved on an individual basis, person by person, as people recognize the lies, and align with the Truth.

Many Americans know how bad the situation it is, which is to say many are probably really stressed out, making them more open to propaganda. This is especially the case due to the attempts on Trump's life - I think people are in an intensely emotionally susceptible state, perhaps even a religious one, as their saviour was nearly murdered. So any story about a threat to Trump or America - Iran being very high on the list right now - is more easily believed at face value, and not taken in as a hypothesis that needs to be questioned and thought about in a nuanced way, and with a high degree of self-awareness.

In that context, this warning you've posted about missiles targeting Trump's plane from across the border is not 'an important warning to the American people', it's clearly propaganda. I'd think that that sort of news item wouldn't be easily suppressed. Somehow only Chambers knows about, though, it due to his secret intel contacts?

The bigger issue at hand, I think, isn't really whether the story is true or not - it's that you seem to have taken Chambers as the hero he is presented to be, taken his stories at face value, and then gotten emotional and defensive when this was questioned. It may be time to disidentify with the personality who is invested in being an American patriot, and open up to questioning yourself and your narratives.
You make some good points iamthatis and thanks for taking the time to write all that. I AM in the belly of the beast for sure and emotions can run high. I'm grateful for the patriots and our "hero's" we need every one of them. I see Chambers as taking on the role to inform the public to whats happening behind the scenes to some degree because so many people feel in the dark and need to know something. So in playing that role he by passes "official" conduct in these cases thankfully, the pedophile post was the same. I wonder if he was speaking of the Diddy arrest or something else is on the way. I hope so.
In that context, this warning you've posted about missiles targeting Trump's plane from across the border is not 'an important warning to the American people', it's clearly propaganda
Well, I thought it was important and it isn't clearly propaganda at all in my perspective. How long have you been paying attention to this man to be so sure of his motives? For years now I've had to rely on my intuition about people as well as observations of them over time. That has proven to be reliable. And my perceptions say he's authentic. You and others can say I'm wrong and thats ok. If I discover I'm wrong I'll say so.

I've also studied mind control for many years and of course propaganda runs rampant at this time so great caution is needed. I see it playing out continuously and I try to have patience. Spell binders, political ponerology etc etc. So I guess you think I'm being manipulated because you see it differently?

It may be time to disidentify with the personality who is invested in being an American patriot, and open up to questioning yourself and your narratives

I see this man as an American patriot, is that wrong, do you think I'm being fooled? As I see it, its important to always look within oneself and question ones motives.... I do this every day actually. I'm an old timer at that. How about you? You sound like you have this all figured out, any questioning on your narratives? I know why I've said what I have.
I've had a few more thoughts :lol:.

And although it pains me to say this, in reality, America will not be 'saved' on a grand scale by anyone. It will only be saved on an individual basis, person by person, as people recognize the lies, and align with the Truth.
I agree for the most part with this. Its folly to think one person will save the nation. My understanding is "the people" must be involved as well, will enough rise to the occasion, we'll see. Putting all eggs in one basket is a losing strategy. I don't consider myself to be one of the eggs in the big basket of American people who may be susceptible to all kinds of propaganda due to a heightened emotional state of fear. I see the game to clearly for that, so don't worry about me.

As far as Pete Chambers goes, we'll need to agree to disagree on that. I prefer to find common ground on this forum but its not always possible. If you watched that video, you read it quite differently then I did. There are a lot of people on this forum and I hope some found that helpful. Also, I believe Mars energies are still running high so agitation is in the air and it helps to think of that.

Also, I don't think anyone is perfect and isn't capable of doing and saying rather dumb things. Putting people on pedestals isn't my thing and "reality" is needed in these situations regarding people.
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Based on previous statements and what he says below, its clear that Trump is sincere when he acknowledges the Divine Intervention he has so far been graced with. In the process of revealing to the US (and to the world really) just how corrupt his opponents are, and the political underbelly of the US as a whole is, he seems also to be affirming, quite accurately, the larger more spiritual dimension of the battle presently being fought in the US.

Trump Honors St. Michael the Archangel on Feast Day by Sharing Powerful Prayer for Protection

I find it very curious that Donald Trump tweeted this particular prayer on St Michael's day (which is my own 'name day' in Catholic tradition as I am a Michael). Trump is a professed Protestant (raised as a Presbyterian by his Scottish mother) who now declares himself to be a non-denominational Christian. However, his wife Melania is a Catholic hailing from Slovenia, a predominantly Catholic country. It is not well known that when the Trumps were in the Whitehouse, Melania had the place exorcised by a Catholic priest before she went into occupation and installed a statue of Our Lady of Fatima (Fatima being a subject that President Putin, an Orthodox Christian, takes very seriously and which he discussed with the late Pope Benedict XVI when he had a papal audience with him in Rome). When Trump (as President) and Melania met with Pope Francis he presented Melania with the gift of a blessed rosary and casually asked her if she recited it, to which she replied yes. The prayer to St Michael is uniquely a Catholic prayer written by Pope Leo XIII in the 19th century. Hence, I would suggest that Trump may have become aware of this prayer through his Catholic wife, as he would not have come across it within his Presbyterian background.

The prayer to St Michael is a very powerful prayer of exorcism and its origins stem from a strange event that occurred in the Vatican Chapel after Pope Leo XIII had just finished saying Mass. Here is the background to the story of the prayer's inception:

While he was attending Mass in 1884 Pope Leo XIII reportedly had a vision and overheard a conversation between God and the devil, Satan. The conversation purported to be a request by Satan for the 75 to 100 years he needed in order to destroy the Catholic Church. God reportedly granted Satan’s request. The apparition gives us an insight into what purports to be a troubling negotiation between God and the devil — between good and evil — much like the conversation between God and Satan in the Old Testament story of Job. It is said that Leo saw in his vision wars, immorality, genocide and apostasy on a large, world-wide scale.

A number of stories about the vision have appeared over the years. Leo himself never spoke publicly or in writing about the incident. Joe Tremblay, in his 2013 article The 100 Years Test, writes the pope “turned pale and collapsed as though dead.” Father William Saunders, in his 2003 article The Prayer to St. Michael, expands on the description by relating that several attending Cardinals found the Pope had:​
no pulse…and the Holy Father was feared dead [and then] suddenly, Pope Leo awoke and said, “What a horrible picture I was permitted to see!”
In Leo’s vision:​
God gave Satan the choice of one century in which to do his worst work against the Churchthe devil chose the Twentieth Century.
— Fr. William Saunders, The Prayer to St. Michael

So troubling was the vision, that the Pope composed The Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel in which he pleaded “defend us in battle!” and to “be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.” The pope ordered the prayer be recited at the end of each Low Mass. Pope Paul VI subsequently suppressed the rite and prayer in 1968. I would add that after the Russian Revolution that brought the communists to power, the Leonine prayers, including the prayer to St Michael, said at the end of the Mass were subsequently said for the conversion of Russia.

A 1955 edition of the Roman Journal Ephemerides Liturgicae. cites Father Domenico Pechenino, who worked at the Vatican during Leo XIII’s papacy and who claimed in 1947 that he witnessed the event. The same article quotes Cardinal Nasalli Rocca di Corneliano (1872-1952) as relating that Leo’s:
...private secretary, Monsignor Rinaldo Angeli… [claimed] Leo had seen a vision of demonic spirits who were congregating on the Eternal City (Rome) [inspiring him to write] the Saint Michael prayer.

Emmett O’Regan in his blog Prophecy of Pope Leo XIII: Update opines that before 1933 the story must have “originally circulated in oral form amongst the Vatican staff and employees.” Neither Father Pechenino nor Monsignor Angeli mention the fainting and deathlike trance of the Pope. O’Regan writes that Pechenino said:

we saw him raise his head and stare at something above the [Mass] Celebrant’s head. He was staring noiselessly, without batting an eye. His expression was one of horror and awe; the colour and look of his face changing rapidly. Something unusual and grave was happening to him…[and then] coming to his senses …he headed for his private office.
— Emmet O’Regan, op.cit.

A half hour later he handed the Secretary of the Congregation of Rights the Prayer to St. Michael and told him to send it out to all the ordinaries of the world. Pechenino also said he didn’t remember in what year the incident occurred.

Please note that I am not asking people to buy into the story of Pope Leo's vision but just to note that he seemingly experienced something so profound that it led him to dash off the prayer to the Archangel Michael in just 30 minutes and then ask for it to be said at the end of every Low Mass offered by priests throughout the world. It may say something then that Pope Paul VI (who had been banished by Pope Pius XII from the Vatican to Milan after the CIA had tipped off Pius that Archbishop Montini, the future Pope Paul VI, had been conducting clandestine talks with communist agents against the wishes and express orders of Pius - when Montini became pope, he continued to pursue an open-door policy with the Soviet Union and leaders from Eastern Europe were received by him on state visits) abolished the saying of the Leonine prayers at the end of the Mass without an explanation when he introduced his new rite of Mass in the vernacular in 1970.
However, Pope John Paul II would later recommend its private use, saying:

Although this prayer is no longer recited at the end of Mass, I ask everyone not to forget it and to recite it to obtain help in the battle against the forces of darkness and against the spirit of this world.”

The Archangel Michael is by tradition linked with the final battle with Satan at the end of the world, as mentioned in the Book of Daniel:​

"At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people — everyone whose name is found written in the book— will be delivered. Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge. – Daniel 12:1-4

Curiously, the C's had this to say about the Prophet Daniel:

Q: (L) Who was the angel who communicated with the Prophet Daniel?

A: Us.

This tradition of a final battle at the end of time led by St Michael against the forces of Satan was carried on by the Jewish Essenes as discovered in their writings found among the Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran.

Many link Daniel's sealing of the words of the scroll until the time of the end with the 'Seventh Seal' mentioned in St John's Apocalypse or the Book of Revelations:

When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and seven trumpets were given to them.Revelation 8:1-2

The seventh seal can thus be seen as an opening or doorway which opens the 'end times' and leads to the end of ages (the Grand Cycle).

Hence, I find it interesting that Trump should have chosen this particular prayer at this moment in time when you consider what is going on in the Middle East right now, where a group of fanatical Zionists may be trying to fulfil the end times prophecies and rebuild the Third Temple in readiness for the coming of the Messiah.

In a funny way, this mention of the seventh seal and the seven trumpets in the Apocalypse brings us back to Trump again and a rather amusing exchange with the C's in the session dated 30 January 2021 just after he had left office:
Q: (L) Well, before we jump off the topic of Trump, these people wrote to us. They call themselves the Leo Network. They were saying something about Donald Trump being the ruler of the "lower world" or in other words this world, and referred to him as some sort of trumpet…

(Joe) Trump-ets of the apocalypse. Trump, Trumpets… of the apocalypse...

A: Well, that is a bit imaginative, yes? However, we do find some humour in the expression: The last Trump shall sound!

Q: (L) The last Trump shall sound... And then what?

A: Wait and see! But wouldn't you say that the universal retrieval system has a sense of humour?

So, is there unconsciously more behind Trump's choice of prayer to St Michael than meets the eye?
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However, his wife Melania is a Catholic hailing from Slovenia, a predominantly Catholic country.

On tonight's Jesse Watters Primetime [@28:05 on rumble], it's reported that in Melania's memoir, she supports a woman's right to chose to have an abortion and that Trump spoke to her about it beforehand and supports her - she can make her own decisions on the topic.

Between the above and what J.D. Vance had to say about abortion during the debate - which has gotten virtually no mention whatsoever - the idea that Trump and Vance are completely against a woman's right to choose isn't the case anymore. Vance brought up the fact that Ohio voters approved a constitutional amendment that ensures access to abortion and other forms of reproductive health care and that he has to respect that:

JD Vance says GOP must work to regain women’s trust on abortion -- Ohio voters made that clear

Ohio Sen. JD Vance said the vote by Ohioans in 2023 that overwhelmingly approved amending the state constitution to protect individual reproductive rights forced him to realize that Republicans needed to shift their position on abortion.

This should soften the anti-Trump/Vance one-issue voters regarding abortion and Vance may have accomplished that with his debate win.
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