"Pizzagate" Explodes

Thanks for sharing that @iamthatis. Jeez, her story is quite sad & horrific. I watched some of her interview linked in the substack article on your post in the Krishnamurthi thread. She shares some of what she went through as a child, and it is very distressing to listen to, even the interviewer had to take a moment.

She is on point when she states that “psychopaths rule this world” in her TED talk above- there were many world leaders and their handlers (or as she says, the people who control them) in the paedophile ring that abused her. From the snippets of her interview/TED talk I watched, she appears to be excusing psychopaths behaving the way they do due to their own history of abuse and trauma. That may be true in some cases, but not all. Perhaps believing that they are redeemable somehow could be her way of being able to reconcile the unimaginable trauma she went through as a child (I could be wrong as I have not watched her interview in it’s entirety). Glad she got out and is able to use what she went through to help others.

Yeah she doesnt have the whole banana on psychopaths - seems to think they’re curable. She may have a more nuanced view, maybe in her other materials, it wouldnt be easy to give a full view in a TED talk. It is one of the main traps of psychopathy in social relations - to assume they are capable of change.

Ive been learning about the different views of that. Some men may have the psychopathic mix of narcissistic personality disorder, antisocial and/or sadistic personality disorders. If female, narcissistic and histrionic is the primary psychological mix. In some of the literature, they are all apparently amenable to treatment, but I wouldn't bet 5 bucks on that horse. Other data suggests they are not curable. It depends on a lot of things, like if they are an essential psychopath and thus sort of like demons in human skin, and thus incurable, or just severely traumatized and/or sick.

I think its hard for a lot of people to consider that there are actually demons in human skin prowling around. Still makes me shake my head sometimes.
Tim Ballard is still working against child sex trafficking. There is a new documentary coming out soon about a recent successful operation. DCM bless this guy and everything he does.

Honored to be recognized by Ecuador for our work there. Especially the big operation we did in Canoa where we took down a child sex hotel. A new documentary will be coming out soon to tell that story. In the meantime, we are very excited to continue working side by side with Ecuadorian officials to rescue more kids
Probably the best TED talk I've ever heard.

The lady went through hell as a child sex slave in Europe, escaped, and now is giving talks about what happened.

She speaks about the need to face our world's darkness. She's direct - raised by a psychopathic mother, she was sold to a very organized group of psychopaths at a young age. She acknowledges that this pedophile ring included some of the political leaders of Europe at the time.

She also talks about the difficulty of identifying psychopaths, how they seem too good to be true, but can't feel, and are basically a brain stem and a cortex. They are trapped in materialism, and body-identified, as such are highly interested in 'rejuvenation' - a subtle reference to adrenochrome.

She advocates how important feeling is - namely going into feeling as necessary for healing trauma. Even crazy deep trauma. In that feeling, we can learn to be ourselves. And there's a broader viewpoint in that we live in the atomic age where matter doesn't reign supreme - a time when materialism no longer holds as much sway as it once did, and that without feeling, we would just be bodies. So feeling is key for the Age of Aquarius, one might say, when consciousness has a distinct change of becoming 'more conscious'.

Anyways, best of all, this thread is full of the darkness of which she speaks, and it is so great to hear from a speaker who addresses her healing from pedophilia directly. It's not often a TED talk links psychopaths, evil, trauma - and also healing!

I think it'd be a good one to share around.

Anneke Lucas has a youtube channel, where she has

Reflections and conversations with survivors, truth-speakers and others sharing unconventional truths, with a commitment to seek understanding and bridge the vast and many divides among humans

A while back, I noticed Laura reposting an X post, which included a clip of Anneke interviewing Alandra Markman, an SRA survivor. I went through the whole episode on her channel, and it was a tough watch. His account sounds outlandish and utterly horrific, but knowing what the C's have said and how Anneke compares notes with him, it's quite likely that his story "matches". :-(

A side note about the olympics opening ceremony. (I followed the beginning of it on-off, but gave up when the woke filth became increasingly apparent.)

In our country, at the start of the live broadcast, they showed a glimpse of the red carpet (where celebrities were parading) before moving on to the actual opening ceremony. It was a short snippet, featuring Chrissy Teigen and John Legend in a close-up shot. I remembered how the couple were connected to pizzagate and Teigen removed 28000+ twitter posts with a pedo-flavour.

Anyways, I might be stretching it, but seeing those two at first was almost like a "hint" as to how the upcoming ceremony would turn out to be.

This information coming out regarding Chrissy Teigen's tweets is absolutely SICK.

She was in the Epstein flight logs (supposing they are genuine) along with her husband John Legend. After looking through her tweets, I am left with the impression that she is a pedophile. She makes bizarre remarks on numerous occasions about children in a sexual way - including feeling sexually attracted to babies, young girls etc. IMO, these kind of remarks cannot simply be explained by a "dark" sense of humor.

A while back, I noticed Laura reposting an X post, which included a clip of Anneke interviewing Alandra Markman, an SRA survivor. I went through the whole episode on her channel, and it was a tough watch. His account sounds outlandish and utterly horrific, but knowing what the C's have said and how Anneke compares notes with him, it's quite likely that his story "matches". :-(

Listened to this interview today, and yes, such a very tough watch. The killings alone, which Anneke verifies... :shock: Alandra later brings up being pushed out to the islands, including Epstein's, and all that that means. So, when one thinks about all this in terms of their telling (even without their telling it is known), it provides the depth and breadth of these profoundly sick people in spheres at the highest levels, well it leaves me near speechless. That said, speaking out is what one must do (which seems almost too late, because the people who should be doing their jobs are either in on it, or they won't touch it, or they are told to not touch it). Pure evil.

“ Guatemalan Attorney General and their general secretary just filed a lawsuit in Texas claiming that Joe Biden is funneling over $21 million to an organization called Save The Children.Guess who was on the board of it? Jill Biden.And they're saying this NGO is child sèx trafficking into the United States of America inside a Guatemala and they are traveling and facilitating the transportation of child sèx trafficking into Texas. Look the media won't even touch it.What did Joe Biden do in Ukraine?He went after that AG and got him fired.Guess what he's doing? He just called down there and had a presser and said to the Guatemalan president ‘I want those two people fired for corruption.’”


Several large pedophile rings are about to be exposed that go all the way to the top. Dr Pete Chambers, at the Texas boarder, says it will blow our minds.

The audios aren't working on my end for the clips above. Hmm, go to the X site for that I guess. Here's Chambers again because its important

He asked for people to pray for them, we know it works when done with awareness, so let’s pray they are protected and successful.

Do you think the Democrats are worried about this case going public and that is part of the reason the Harris troup are desperately trying to distance themselves from Biden?
Moar " 3xbad days incoming ?" nice !
Yeah, and it’s worth remembering that Trump was active in funding and supporting the anti child trafficking services. If that’s all he did or does it’s worth electing him. The Association for Recovery of Children is made up of ex military, CIA, police etc. Personnel have been leaving government service, some of them will be involved with ARC and the like. Could be real bad day coming for some of the political elite.
Can't help but think about how Biden made sure a law was passed to protect former presidents from prosecution in relation to official acts while in office.

Maybe talking about the lawsuit - now is that it has been filed - is a tactic to make sure it can't be swept under the rug.
They must have a massive amount of evidence that is verifiable / irrefutable.
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