"Pizzagate" Explodes

Thanks for sharing that @iamthatis. Jeez, her story is quite sad & horrific. I watched some of her interview linked in the substack article on your post in the Krishnamurthi thread. She shares some of what she went through as a child, and it is very distressing to listen to, even the interviewer had to take a moment.

She is on point when she states that “psychopaths rule this world” in her TED talk above- there were many world leaders and their handlers (or as she says, the people who control them) in the paedophile ring that abused her. From the snippets of her interview/TED talk I watched, she appears to be excusing psychopaths behaving the way they do due to their own history of abuse and trauma. That may be true in some cases, but not all. Perhaps believing that they are redeemable somehow could be her way of being able to reconcile the unimaginable trauma she went through as a child (I could be wrong as I have not watched her interview in it’s entirety). Glad she got out and is able to use what she went through to help others.

Yeah she doesnt have the whole banana on psychopaths - seems to think they’re curable. She may have a more nuanced view, maybe in her other materials, it wouldnt be easy to give a full view in a TED talk. It is one of the main traps of psychopathy in social relations - to assume they are capable of change.

Ive been learning about the different views of that. Some men may have the psychopathic mix of narcissistic personality disorder, antisocial and/or sadistic personality disorders. If female, narcissistic and histrionic is the primary psychological mix. In some of the literature, they are all apparently amenable to treatment, but I wouldn't bet 5 bucks on that horse. Other data suggests they are not curable. It depends on a lot of things, like if they are an essential psychopath and thus sort of like demons in human skin, and thus incurable, or just severely traumatized and/or sick.

I think its hard for a lot of people to consider that there are actually demons in human skin prowling around. Still makes me shake my head sometimes.
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