Hello everyone,
When I heard about the detox program in 'Detoxify or Die' by Dr. Rogers and the FIR sauna from Laura back in October I could not wait to get hold of the book. I got the book early in October and shortly after I purchased the FIR sauna, one of those that one sits on a chair inside kind of like a tent (the head sticks out of the tent). It was the cheapest one that I could find, so I thought to myself that maybe the sauna does not have to be the most expensive one for it to work, besides I would not have been able to afford the expensive one anyway. The reason why I got so interested in this detox program is because my mother was once again diagnosed with another illness, and I just got tired of it. I did not want her to be at the mercy of the screwed up health care system again. She was diagnosed with Limpho Proliferative Disorder, an autoimmune disorder. Basically, when the blood specialist gave her the diagnosis he told her to get her blood checked regularly and when the WBC counts gets high enough (he did not say by how high) then she was supposed to come back to see him for a chemo therapy. I sure did not like the sound of that, that's for sure, as I have never been a big fan of Big Pharma in the first place.
I got her started on October 20th. I had to modify the detox coctail for her and myself a bit, the cost of the coctail would have been way over our budget, as my mother is retired and I lost my well paying job back in October. But, I did not give up and also, as a precaution, I did not get too excited about the whole thing either. I did not want to get disappointed too quickly. I like to test the theory myself first before alarming the whole nation about the good news. I must confess though that I was a bit excited at first, because this program was nothing I have ever heard of, and when I read the book it really made a lot of sense to me. This book just really hit the right spot in my brain and made it wake up full force.
So, we started the detox on October the 20th. My mother did the FIR sauna 7 times a week for 45 to 60 minutes (minus a few days out of the whole two months when she had a little enjoyment of alcohol). I did the sauna 5 to 6 days a week for 30 to 45 minutes (I have to use the sauna at my mom's place, I don't have my own, besides I do not have any major illnesses so far, she is the one in need of it). The detox coctail included the following: 300mg of Magnesium citrate, 200 mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid, 1000mg of C Vitamin, 400 IU of Vit E, and 125 mg of Glutathione (with some real red beet juice). I wish she could take higher dosages of Glutathione and Alpha Lipoic Acit, but as I said it is very expensive. But anyway, let me continue. I also took the same coctail right after we finished the sauna. Then in the morning we took a multivitamin with all kinds of minerals, 300 mg of Calcium, Vit B complex, 1000 UI Vit D3, Lutein and 300 mg of Magnesium Citrate. I also tried to exercise 15-20 minutes on a stepper right before doing the sauna, this helped me sweat a little better. I should mention that we did not sweat a lot in the sauna, maybe if the temperature was higher (we used the highest setting) like in the more expensive saunas we would have sweat more. One day I will buy the better quality sauna.
Here are the results from my mother's blood test which was taken April 28, 2009:
WBC (white blood cell count) was 30.5 (normal is between 4.0 and 11.0)
Lymphocytes was 23.2 (normal range is between 0.5 and 3.3)
Monocytes was 2.1 ((normal range is between 0.0 and 1.0)
You have to remember that her blood test results were getting worse everytime she had it done. We actually expected the WBC to be higher than 30.5
Her next blood test was done on Dec. 23, 2009, two months later after starting the detox/FIR:
WBC is 14.9 (normal range is between 4.0 and 11.00)
Lympocytes is 7.4 (normal range is 0.5 to 3.3)
Monocytes is still 2.0 (normal is 0.0 and 1.0)
Wow, I could not believe my eyes when I saw by how much the WBC count went down, even the doctor (this is the family physician not the blood specialist) could not believe it. This is truly exciting news. Although the monocytes counts is still quite high, so my mother will definitely have to continue doing this detox program (she is also excited) and after 2 months she is going to get another blood test. I got her 500 mg of NAC yesterday, so I will also get her started on that as well. I will definitely keep you posted about the next results that she will get next in February.
My health has also improved in different ways. I used to bleed a lot while menstruating, I noticed that I dont actually bleed that much anymore and I don't have to take two advils for pain either. I also noticed that my circulation has also improved, I have suffered from varicose veins for 20 years and have had the vein stripped in my left leg twice (I am petite and have never had issues with weight, but the doctor said that it is genetic). My skin has also cleared, I have suffered from acne my whole life. So, i am definitely excited about these news. Now, I have the permission to be excited as I have got the proof I was looking for.
i would like to suggest to everyone that if you have any health issues you should definitely consider doing the FIR detox program. It is OK to be a skeptic as I definitely was. I did not mind using myself as a guine pig in this case (my mom did not mind either, she was a great participant); if we got hurt we had no one else to blame but ourselves so this was definitely a fair game.
Thanks Laura, you are a jewel in this world.