luke wilson
The Living Force
God, I have to say this is a depressing thread.
Yas said:Miss.K said:I think that the thing is that love manifests here on earth as hormones that feel good. The feel good hormones can be induced without real love, and can be used as a drug, with all the traps and escapes from reality, that drugs have.
But the hormones also come with real love, as love will manifest as love hormones.
Yes, but these are different hormones. If you've read Cupid's Poisoned Arrow, the hormones that are released whith bonding behaviours are different than the hormones released in other types of encounters.
Oh I agree in many ways too! Or I wouldn't have spend 6 years not getting any! :)Yas said:I think that Neil and Menna are right here. We aren't yet on the spot where we can say we know what true love is, as love is not just something that feels good, I think it is more like a state of consciousness, awareness and BEing that requires unity of self and previous Work.
Yas said:But I guess we can experience glimpses of what that is in the ways you described Miss K. (love of knowledge, wanting to know more because we love someone, or others, etc...), but even that can be programs running, so, it is very important to keep ourselves "down on earth" so to say and remember that love, in the terms that you describe it, depends on our level of BEing and therefore, it requires that we work on our BEing. OSIT
luke wilson said:In short, saying I am content to continue following the river. :)
luke wilson said:I am not sure if this is me dodging the issue, as whenever I've tried to force the issue, it felt unnatural e.g. by randomly talking to people, or if this is just indicative that for my own personal film, I have not yet reached that stage.
Yas said:Yes, but these are different hormones. If you've read Cupid's Poisoned Arrow, the hormones that are released whith bonding behaviours are different than the hormones released in other types of encounters.
I think that Neil and Menna are right here. We aren't yet on the spot where we can say we know what true love is, as love is not just something that feels good, I think it is more like a state of consciousness, awareness and BEing that requires unity of self and previous Work.
But I guess we can experience glimpses of what that is in the ways you described Miss K. (love of knowledge, wanting to know more because we love someone, or others, etc...), but even that can be programs running, so, it is very important to keep ourselves "down on earth" so to say and remember that love, in the terms that you describe it, depends on our level of BEing and therefore, it requires that we work on our BEing. OSIT
[/quote]riclapaz said:Yas said:Yes, but these are different hormones. If you've read Cupid's Poisoned Arrow, the hormones that are released whith bonding behaviours are different than the hormones released in other types of encounters.
I think that Neil and Menna are right here. We aren't yet on the spot where we can say we know what true love is, as love is not just something that feels good, I think it is more like a state of consciousness, awareness and BEing that requires unity of self and previous Work.
But I guess we can experience glimpses of what that is in the ways you described Miss K. (love of knowledge, wanting to know more because we love someone, or others, etc...), but even that can be programs running, so, it is very important to keep ourselves "down on earth" so to say and remember that love, in the terms that you describe it, depends on our level of BEing and therefore, it requires that we work on our BEing. OSIT
While reading what Yas mentioned, I remembered something that relates to this idea in the book "Bringers of the Dawn", extracts here I think that amplify the idea:
[quote author= "Bringers of the Dawn" ]
If you're stuck on the idea of love and you fail to understand what is happening to him, the problem is that we're looking outside yourself. You are looking for someone else to give meaning to your life and validate. If you're not that person, you get angry or feel worthless.
This is a model with which you grew up, where your parents and your society showed you. We have said time and again that the most important thing you can do is love yourself and honor Earth. But do not do more than I forget and find another relationship that makes you feel complete and whole. Think without a relationship are less than an acceptable citizen.
You feel alone. You have to learn to be alone. Loneliness is just a state of mind. You are never, ever alone. There are multitudes of entities around you. If you could stop feeling sorry for yourself, you would find that much information constantly sends you'd be alone to spend time receiving the contact.
When you love yourself and stop being upset by the need to have someone who loves you, then you are able to accept what anyone offers. Values is imperative that you do not settle for a love disguised. If you decide to dating or vibrate with someone and not get what you want, do not complain or refunfuñes nor will you pout that person to change according to your needs.
If you set a value for yourself and not believe, then limit yourself to change your reality and continues only until you find someone who reflects your worth. Meanwhile, vibrating with love for yourself, hónrate, and understands that this trip is the discovery of self in relationships with others. It is not only husbands and wives.
On this trip it is about honoring your physical body and the uniqueness of the self while playing the lives of many. Allow always work with me and let him evolve.
All of you are afraid of intimacy with yourself; to be alone with me. Once you have developed privacy, a silence, a love for yourself, your energy containment, then want your intimacy with another person has that quality.
luke wilson said:God, I have to say this is a depressing thread.
BHelmet said:Life gives us so many opportunities to step outside the machine. To observe the machine. To BE. And everything you are telling yourself may just be the machine talking! (Of course, I don't really know, but it has to be considered.) So it is like "Wait - things aren't that bad...they are actually WAY WORSE!!" (dark humor)
A caveat should be added here that Mouravieff is abysmally ignorant of conscious evil/heavy duty STS, which expresses a form of self love that is a twisted caricature of what he has described here. While such entities may be fulfilling the love of the Absolute I in some semi-unconscious way, the thought center which they express is more akin to what we understand as hatred and cruelty. Anyway, he goes on to explain the different types of love, roughly falling into carnal, mental and spiritual categories. He says a trap is laid for the polar couples by the Absoulte III/General Law which basically amounts to confusing love with sex.Gnosis II P244 said:The nature of love cannot be precisely defined in scientific language. We can only judge from its known manifestations. St Paul gives us an objective and complete description of it in the following lines:
Love is patient and full of kindness, envies not, does not flaunt itself, is not puffed up with pride, does nothing dishonest, does not seek its own, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil, does not rejoice in in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth, bares all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.
These are the manifestations of Love, that is, of true objective love. By reversing the terms of St Pauls formula one may recognize without any difficulty the manifestations of negative emotions like jealousy, that sentiment of ownership that is stretched to include the one who qualifies as the "beloved." Thus when one says "I love you and, since I love, you should do whatever I please," it is obvious there is no question of love here, but something entirely different.
However, to know love in itself one must feel it-must live it. And one cannot feel it except in confluence with it.
We must never lose sight of this reality: Love, being of the Divine essence, reveals an absolute power in its manifestations. The result is that one cannot command love any more than one can forbid love. We know this in our heart of hearts, whatever we may say and however we may plead for ourselves or moralize for others.
However love always remains the aim of life, even for someone who is ignorant, according to the Apostle's expression, one who does not participate in this Work. Better still, love is the aim of life on the whole cosmic scale, right down to the most primitive organisms
So the clincher is there can be no lies in a relationship. The motives and sacrifices behind the union need to be cleared up at the beginning. He talks about how being in an existing relationship with the wrong person complicates the "meant to be" relationship, and I wonder if what Mouravieff is trying to get at with all of his abstract verbalizing is that the illusions generated by the mating program is tantamount to drinking the poison arrow cocktail and falling into all of the lies that come with it by basically not relegating sex to its proper place. It seems Laura already quoted all of this somewhere in one of her books and I'm just retyping her work, but I can't remember exactly where. Anyway, continuing...Gnosis II P251 said:Even when it is unconscious, the mutual attraction of polar beings is strong, and when they become conscious of it, it is enormous. Then, the General Law intervenes and immediately lays a trap for them. Wonderstruck by their love, they insensibly let themselves get caught in this trap and always, of their own free will and with the blessings of the Absolute III, they become lovers without caring too much about the consequences of their act. For those who are caught in this pitfall, the situation creates problems which, if not insoluble, are certainly difficult to resolve.
We have said over and over again and will now repeat that polar beings are bound to meet at least once in their lives. But this encounter takes place in very different circumstances which are precisely determined by the nature and weight of their karmic load. This latter is an old burden with which they are born, which is applied to the present film, multiplied by that which the two partners have accumulated in their present life before their encounter. Also, from the time they meet, by falling into the trap laid for them by the General Law, the polar beings create a new common karmic burden which is then added to the preceding ones. They act in this way, instead of trying, through joint conscious efforts, to progressively liquidate the old burdens until they are free at last and able to unite forever in the conditions required for the union of polar beings.
These conditions are rigorous and hard. For them, if they really are polar beings, this is the passage for them from the free romance to their singular romance.
In the domain of free romance the partners think seriously of nothing apart from their desire to be united, everything is subordinated to this imperative desire that is intensified by the will of the Absolute III. So much of this so that when one or even both of them are already bound elsewhere at the time of their meeting, they overlook it. In order to calm their consciences in this classic situation, they find its justification in their so-called "great love."
Whether the formula is husband-wife-lover or wife-husband-mistress both at the same time, or still more complex cases, the result is always identical: with this this "great love" they either commit themselves to the path of the wholesale lie, or else, which is even worse-they shut themselves up in a cold cynicism. Or lastly, they break the links which unite them with their family, their partner, and their children by imposing their will violently.
All of these actions invariably lead to more or less rapid exhaustion of the original force of their love. Apart from lying to others, they also begin to lie to themselves.
Love is the divine expression of the Truth; the introduction of the lie ruins the happiness of the lovers. Their Love gives them a certain amount of credit, but this credit is short-lived. A honeymoon lasts only a month!
So in that section, we sort of have the concept of giving all in advance, which is made by each partner separately and completely of their own choice, which is the only way to make it valid. So that's a summary of Mouravieff's interpretation of how this higher level STO concept of love can be brought down to the human level and how it should be carried out. The next excerpt talks about how people interact in the film, and explains a little bit about how some of the situations spoke of above occur. In this chapter, he starts out by talking about how the circular film is transformed into a spiral film when the soul acquires something of a will and an aim which I summarized in the other thread. Skipping straight to the meat of the matter:Gnosis II P 252 said:For polar beings, to fall into this trap is equivalent to a capitulation of consciousness; a shameful capitulation without any attempt to resist the General Law.
Even if the couple is composed of truly polar beings, if the lovers do not adhere to the supreme conditions demanded by Love, once their credit is exhausted, Love disappears.
The sequel is well-known: one finds oneself left with the broken pieces. This is the destiny of the free romance, whether it is crowned by marriage or not, and even, we repeat, in the case of polar beings, if the gravity of their situation escapes them.
This is the experience that life offers us if we have the courage to see things as they are. Classic and modern literature provide us with proof of this. From the angle of the A influences this situation is only too normal. Everything comes to an end, and one says to oneself: "Polar Beings? It is wonderful, of course, but only for day-dreamers!" And one buries oneself in the mire.
Yet the Love of polar beings is the only reality in life. They can and should sacrifice everything to attain this union in the purity and dignity of the Androgynous state.
But we must be careful: they should sacrifice everything which is theirs. For if, esoterically speaking, man has the right to make sacrifices, he has no right to accept them. An agreed sacrifice abolishes karma, a sacrifice that is accepted multiplies it.
So here he is talking of the "karmic lesson profile" you create in 5D where there are certain situations in your life which you must encounter and learn the lessons. Mouravieff believes that your polar being is part of your film, and meant to appear at a certain time, it's not really something you consciously control.Gnosis I P 237 said:We should know that, at the end of a spiral, a comparison is made between the film as it was conceived at the time of birth and what it became at the time of death. The balance sheet between these two states is drawn up, as in accounting, by listing assets and liabilities, followed by a profit and loss account. This will show the result of the elapsed life objectively. The balance sheet furnishes the basic elements for composing the film at the start of the following spiral. If we could avoid all errors and complications in this new experience, produced as a result of free movements, esoteric evolution would then occur in a harmonious rising curve. Generally, this is not the case. As we have just said, man most often comes to the idea of evolution after he has already complicated the film to which he belongs. But true evolution cannot occur except on the basis of the original film-after all artificially added elements have been eliminated. The latter is conditional on a return to the purity of the centers, especially the emotional center-which at least at the start- is the sole receptacle of the B influences and the seat of the magnetic center. The heart must already be pure, and if not pure, it must be purified.
Whew! So if you navigate that minefield blindfolded and in the dark, you might just find your polar being. My God, it is a jungle out there. Better forget about looking for a partner, best to just wait and see.Gnosis I P239 said:On the basis of the preceding analysis, the essential data for the film of any ordinary person can be described as follows: as the hero of the romance of his own life, the subject must necessarily be the star of the film. But he can also play a minor role in the film of people who play a secondary role in his own film. In this way, each film gets enmeshed in other films, where the same people are found in totally different situations. One must also distinguish between the two categories of actors. The first are really part of the cast. A definite role is assigned to them: they are organically tied to the film. The second group only appear by accident in the film, drawn into the action by the free movement of the hero. This complexity is further increased because some of the actors who have genuine parts in the film play their roles badly, while others play roles which are not their own. Situations like this are widespread. Let us examine this phenomenon in more detail.
The human personality, as we know, is an organism with multiple parts or facets: 987 to be exact. In the ideal case, only realized by polar beings, and only effective from the esoteric point of view, the 987 facets of man and woman are strictly polar. These are the predestined husband and wife whose union will create a true couple. However, the cast contains other people, who play roles organically tied to the hero, and who are necessary to bring the film in its ensemble to its natural end. These are friend-souls, brother-souls, sister-souls, collaborating-souls, and servant-souls etc. The personalities of each of them have a certain number of facets identical to those of the hero, for actors of the same sex, while for actors of the opposite sex, they are polar. In the case of brothers and sisters, the number of identical or polar facets can be as many as half or even more. The lack of discernment and of sincerity towards ourselves, the innate desire to find the perfect resonance to the vibration of our soul, and the impatience that follows, all multiplied by the action of the General Law, induce us all too often to contract unions which can only result in absurd situations. Instead of resisting the mirage, instead of waiting and seeking, we slip into imperfect unions, which are a source of suffering both for the partners and their children. In addition, those unions alter the meaning of the film in its ensemble, and so corrupt the personal lives of all the actors in the drama. Lastly, the esoteric results foreseen in the initial composition of the film are gravely compromised.
Our lives very often resemble a well conceived theater play in which the roles are upset by a person searching for an absurdity; each of us is this mischievous or comic being.
It is a result of considering on the matrimonial plane, or through lack of consideration on the purely sexual, that most of our errors are committed, including those which demand the heaviest payment. Even beings of good faith are not exempt from error. To confuse a brother or a sister for husband or wife compounds an already very complicated situation, especially from the esoteric point of view. The situation is all the more confused when children are born from such unions.
Life then takes on the character of a perpetual compromise with oneself. The moral and physical health of "accidentally united couples" suffers: with changes in the intellectual center due to cheating an lying: heart disease if the emotional center is sensitive and still aspires to the truth; also diseases of obscure origin, of which cancer is one that attacks the body in its most fragile parts. In every case, the condition necessarily leads to the premature loss of fine energies which, in turn, bring on accelerated aging and lead to premature death.
Difficult as these situations are that arise out of our errors, they must not prevent anyone who throws himself into esoteric work from finding the courage to look them in the face, and to search for a satisfactory outcome. If the Devil-the General Law-tries to lead us into new errors to obstruct our esoteric evolution, the supporting hand of the Lord, gentle yet firm, is always stretched out to help us. Yet our minds, too rational and too realistic, often stop us from sensing this help.
We have already indicated the form of a just and objective solution to the problems that face us when a situation has been entangled by our errors: the Gordian knots must not be cut, they must be untied in such a way that the participants, both tied by the same knot, feel only relief at the disappearance of a situation which was simply a source of suffering for both.
If the situation is truly resolved, to the benefit of all those originally concerned, the original meaning of the film and its normal development can be found.