The Living Force
OK, I want to play devil's advocate here for a moment. (and I do mean the general law and our place within it and our relationship to it) There is an ongoing thread of "I want to avoid some of life's greatest mistakes and traps". But I don't think we came here to avoid life. To a certain degree, we came here because we do have lessons to learn. So, in a sense, by avoiding some of life's greatest pitfalls (relationships) we are ironically, in essence, avoiding our own lessons.
We are in a dance with our self; with THE self; with God, to use the phrase. At various points in my life, I too wanted to avoid making these mistakes. ("I am above it all. I decline to play the game; I don't like the way the game looks to be played; relationships can be a huge PIA; this game is beneath me; why is everyone so obsessed with sex? etc.) There is a tendency to demonize the lower self; to try to distance the higher parts from the lower parts. And yet, these lower parts are also a part of what we have to work with. The lower self parts give us the raw material for impressions and lessons.
As both Mouravieff and Gurdjieff pointed out, we do have some duty to the Ray of Creation; we are a part of organic life on earth. We have parts to play that we may not fully comprehend. By attempting to deny our 3D human frailty and qualities, we may be shirking that duty to the evolution of organic life and withholding our contribution to life itself.
All the sports analogies come to mind. At some point, for myself, I realized that I was called to get in the game and give it my best shot. With these hard lessons can come real knowledge and understanding gained experientially and not just theoretically. And in the course of participation in life, we have opportunities to play out our part in all the various scripts we are a party to. In the course of just living life, we may make some contribution we are not even aware of to someone by how we relate to our own life.
(Parenthetical Sidebar: at some point I said to my self - 'there are so many morons and idiots reproducing, why shouldn't I, an intelligent, handsome, sensitive, humane person also reproduce to balance out the brutish, dysfunctional lot I see around me?? ...sigh, I have never shied from foolhardiness - partly from sheer ignorance and partly because this life always seemed like such an absurd circus to me anyway so, what the hell? But that is just my lower self or inner essence talking. Conversely, I have learned SO much and evolved so much from having a family and kids. It took the focus off me and my little wants and preferences that Gurdjieff talks about in the first few chapters of ISOTM. It has been rewarding, painful, challenging and enlightening, in no particular order. Especially raising the kids in this whacky world. LOL, remember, if your parents avoided these pitfalls, you wouldn't be here to have these character-building experiences! Too funny. Welcome to the jungle.)
In the course of trying to avoid the minefield, I think there is the pitfall to make our actions and choices overly significant. (Self-importance). I think we also can tend to over-rationalize our choices so as to be right and justified about it. But, in a sense, I think this is a natural attempt to remove our responsibility from our choice because of how all the reasons and justifications added up. But in reality, it is an unweighted choice! What difference does it really make in the grand scheme of things?
We ARE creatures of the creator. And yet we are also the creator itself. How can we give back to creation our conscious awareness if we are running from the game that, after all, WE set up in order to learn and accelerate the learning curve? (long cycle vs short cycle)
So, lastly, why were we in such a hurry to learn and grow that we put ourselves in this predicament?
...Ah, youth.
I knew better, but I came along because that is what we all decided.
Yes, there is a lesson there too. Not sure if I learned it, yet.
Did I come to be able to say "I told you so!" in anger?
But I know the higher self came along to be a companion with you for the ride.
I am not trying to twist anybodies arm into doing something stupid that you know better than.
My intent here is to present another point of view for consideration for the sake of possible learning.
Wow - I went WAY overboard. So be it.
We are in a dance with our self; with THE self; with God, to use the phrase. At various points in my life, I too wanted to avoid making these mistakes. ("I am above it all. I decline to play the game; I don't like the way the game looks to be played; relationships can be a huge PIA; this game is beneath me; why is everyone so obsessed with sex? etc.) There is a tendency to demonize the lower self; to try to distance the higher parts from the lower parts. And yet, these lower parts are also a part of what we have to work with. The lower self parts give us the raw material for impressions and lessons.
As both Mouravieff and Gurdjieff pointed out, we do have some duty to the Ray of Creation; we are a part of organic life on earth. We have parts to play that we may not fully comprehend. By attempting to deny our 3D human frailty and qualities, we may be shirking that duty to the evolution of organic life and withholding our contribution to life itself.
All the sports analogies come to mind. At some point, for myself, I realized that I was called to get in the game and give it my best shot. With these hard lessons can come real knowledge and understanding gained experientially and not just theoretically. And in the course of participation in life, we have opportunities to play out our part in all the various scripts we are a party to. In the course of just living life, we may make some contribution we are not even aware of to someone by how we relate to our own life.
(Parenthetical Sidebar: at some point I said to my self - 'there are so many morons and idiots reproducing, why shouldn't I, an intelligent, handsome, sensitive, humane person also reproduce to balance out the brutish, dysfunctional lot I see around me?? ...sigh, I have never shied from foolhardiness - partly from sheer ignorance and partly because this life always seemed like such an absurd circus to me anyway so, what the hell? But that is just my lower self or inner essence talking. Conversely, I have learned SO much and evolved so much from having a family and kids. It took the focus off me and my little wants and preferences that Gurdjieff talks about in the first few chapters of ISOTM. It has been rewarding, painful, challenging and enlightening, in no particular order. Especially raising the kids in this whacky world. LOL, remember, if your parents avoided these pitfalls, you wouldn't be here to have these character-building experiences! Too funny. Welcome to the jungle.)
In the course of trying to avoid the minefield, I think there is the pitfall to make our actions and choices overly significant. (Self-importance). I think we also can tend to over-rationalize our choices so as to be right and justified about it. But, in a sense, I think this is a natural attempt to remove our responsibility from our choice because of how all the reasons and justifications added up. But in reality, it is an unweighted choice! What difference does it really make in the grand scheme of things?
We ARE creatures of the creator. And yet we are also the creator itself. How can we give back to creation our conscious awareness if we are running from the game that, after all, WE set up in order to learn and accelerate the learning curve? (long cycle vs short cycle)
So, lastly, why were we in such a hurry to learn and grow that we put ourselves in this predicament?
...Ah, youth.
I knew better, but I came along because that is what we all decided.
Yes, there is a lesson there too. Not sure if I learned it, yet.
Did I come to be able to say "I told you so!" in anger?
But I know the higher self came along to be a companion with you for the ride.
I am not trying to twist anybodies arm into doing something stupid that you know better than.
My intent here is to present another point of view for consideration for the sake of possible learning.
Wow - I went WAY overboard. So be it.