Dakota said:
Ok, maybe I'm trying to understand this like a child. Always thinking that I get prices if I past some lesson ;). Probablly life doesn't work that way. :/
Well I think that life do work that way. If one plays guitar, and practice a lot, one gets good at playing guitar, if one don't practice, one don't get good at playing guitar. And so it is with everything else.
I have tried several times that after having gone through work on self, that has cleared out unhealthy psychological patterns, or given spiritual insights, then having gotten bonuses like good people around me, or chances of a better income coming out of the blue.
But having said that, it has also happened that life has gotten more difficult sometimes. I have a feeling that it is the "automatic 4D STS control system" that sometimes increases trouble when one is on a path to getting to a place where one could possibly be problematic for them in the future, and I even suspect that sometimes that system uses carrots instead of sticks (like a seemingly very good job offer that gives money, but the boss is a psychopath, and it takes long to recover)
So all in all the conclusion I have made is that, yes, who I am and what I see, matters a lot in terms of bonuses, but that don't mean that I can necessarily count on, that if I have it good, that it means I've been good, or if I have it bad, it means I've been bad. Sometimes it does, sometimes it is reversed. And it should always be remembered that a lot of very bad people have it very good.
I think that it is better not to focus too much it, because it can lead to self glorification, to anticipating, to justifying if one has it bad, that it must be that one is very good and thus a danger to 4D STS, to thinking that one is bad if one has it bad, or all kinds of fantasies that are not helping one towards the aim of being in control of one self.
I find that it is more helpful to focus on observing one self in a detached way, all the time. Not anticipating, and keeping the aim of getting rid of unhealthy patterns and fantasies, and getting all the I's to agree, not thinking about how far I am as it will take the focus back to ego, instead of away from ego, and try to be a decent person.