I think that's some good advice, I too was surprised by the 'life being grey/boring' comment.
However it is useful that you mention it, as it may get you closer to seeing yourself more clearly. This is important in the Work, should you wish to be doing it - hence I'd second the suggestion of reading/re-reading what Alada has mentioned.
Dabrowski's work may also be useful if you are interested.
From a practical point of view the 'life being grey/boring' can be a sign of brain chemical imbalance (lack or dopamine/serotonine), and can come from depression (see Covert Depression) and/or addiction. I went through many years of that, with sexual release providing the only moment of colour. To the point where I felt numb (and everything was grey and pointless) without it.
That was depression and addiction all tied together. And it just made things worse.
Perhaps it's worth re-reading lainey's quote from the Wave again, especially considering the hit of dopamine orgasm releases.
What is the dopamine release doing? This Is Your Brain On Porn (it applies even without porn).
Other things can give you the same chemical hit, so if it's something that interests you it may be worth considering what those things are. What gives you a rush followed by a crash/need to sleep?
If you want a better alternative, high intensity exercise to the point of exhaustion can help burn off the hormones. Black tea and oak extract can take the edge off things too.
In the end though, it comes back to what your Aim is, and if you a conscious have one.
Are you interested in the Work, and do you understand the reason for it?
It's kind of important, as that's the context that frames this discussion.
However it is useful that you mention it, as it may get you closer to seeing yourself more clearly. This is important in the Work, should you wish to be doing it - hence I'd second the suggestion of reading/re-reading what Alada has mentioned.
Dabrowski's work may also be useful if you are interested.
From a practical point of view the 'life being grey/boring' can be a sign of brain chemical imbalance (lack or dopamine/serotonine), and can come from depression (see Covert Depression) and/or addiction. I went through many years of that, with sexual release providing the only moment of colour. To the point where I felt numb (and everything was grey and pointless) without it.
That was depression and addiction all tied together. And it just made things worse.
Perhaps it's worth re-reading lainey's quote from the Wave again, especially considering the hit of dopamine orgasm releases.
What is the dopamine release doing? This Is Your Brain On Porn (it applies even without porn).
Other things can give you the same chemical hit, so if it's something that interests you it may be worth considering what those things are. What gives you a rush followed by a crash/need to sleep?
If you want a better alternative, high intensity exercise to the point of exhaustion can help burn off the hormones. Black tea and oak extract can take the edge off things too.
In the end though, it comes back to what your Aim is, and if you a conscious have one.
Are you interested in the Work, and do you understand the reason for it?
It's kind of important, as that's the context that frames this discussion.