lainey said:
Do you feel like you really want to work on your machine and progress spiritually?
Who would answer no to this question.. :D Yes, I do! What that entails on the other hand is hard to know. How to measure it is also hard to know. For example lets say I say, I'll take today as a starting point, take some form of measurement now... work on myself.... in future take another measurement. How can you know you've made progress? How can you measure it. What do you even measure?
I do consider myself spiritual but that is also ambiguous. What does it mean? How can you measure that?
I'm not scientist and I'm not looking for empirical proof but with some of these concepts it's hard to know what progress is.
I can say, ok, I'm mechanical and I'll always be mechanical no matter how hard I try. Or I can say, I am mechanical and if I try I may be less mechanical... But how do you know? At any one point when you do something, when you think something, how can you know if that is mechanical or if it isn't? How do you know. How does anyone know? Is it by seeking external validation, is it by internal validation? Maybe by both? Do you know?
Am I overthinking it? Should I stop thinking about it? But how can I figure it out if I don't think about it? Hmmmmmmmmmmm.....?
lainey said:
I might be wrong but it seems like you are more into the news and world events side than the search for the philosophers stone side (meaning cleaning your machine and developing internally and forging a true self)?
When you say 'more into the news and world events' I immediately think joe and niall. They are like the points of reference. I would consider myself light years from there but at least their is a point of reference. I am curious about events, some pique my interest, others don't. Sometimes I get an impression about something and I stick by it, use that as my beacon on the horizon, which sometimes it means I can miss all the little subtleties along the way e.g. Greece, I was pretty sure about the final result, but all the twists and turns in between, I didn't care much about, seemed to dizzying, was just like, I already know how it'll end so why bother if the PM did it because he's a snake or because he had no other choice. The result is the same. And can you really know he had no other choice... It doesn't matter, result is the same at the end of the day. All the analysts can analyse until the world end, won't change the result. Ok, so sometimes it's like that. Other times it's like I have no idea... actor theory.. is this real? Then I read and learn based on what is said.
I am also interested in forging a true self but I need to know what that is, I need to wrestle with the idea of what this manifestation of the true self is. I need to forge an image of this. An image that I can apply to myself. I can then measure that image as a point to aim to. Otherwise someone might just say the 'true self' but really what is it? How do you know if you are there? Do you know?
Cleaning my machine.. ok, I'm abit slack on that. Obviously porn is one issue, sugar is another for me personally, more refined exercise regime yet another, taking in the right information, discarding the wrong etc.
Still a lot to do but also still a lot to frame in the mental sphere.