The Force is Strong With This One
Hesper said:Solar said:Yes. I don't find the neccessary schocks for the work elsewhere.
What about the news?? Very shocking stuff there!
The whole relationship dynamic is so rooted in our (by default unhealthy) attachment style, hormones, projections, and the resultant magical thinking that goodness, it sure does take a warrior to fight their way through it to find the Love for another individual!
For myself it's been a tough time learning to Love my own life, let alone anyone else's. At the age of 28 I can at least say that I'm not my father, by any means, and that's a result of the Love of Laura and the forum and all of the energy that's been invested into this work. If I don't first love the Truth with all of my heart, and devote myself to it, then how can I know the Truth of the woman I would love? I would not be capable of it, OSIT. How could I hear what she's saying, and see who she truly is, if one "I" decided "it" loved her and another "I" couldn't, and I had no control? Better to stick to developing my Truth seeking capacities and Being until she needs me, IMO.
wand3rer said:Will definitely observe myself from here on in during interactions and when I'm surrounded by others! :)
Awesome! Learning is fun :)
Thanks Hesper. Talking about shock, a personal example:
I live in a part of the world and in a life situation where the news does not (yet) directly shock me. It is entirely clear to me why it should shock me, it just does not happen. I know this sounds pathetic on this forum, but this is the fact.
However, being a narcissist and OCD person, a heavy argument with my partner over "invading" my private space at home, makes me sit in tremor the day thereafter, rendering me 80% incapable of work at my workplace. Should I not be working with this "shock" instead, by recognizing the madness of the whole situation and deciding to act differently next time? By goint to therapy and finding solutions? A similarly pathologic story could be said about the partner.
A partnership creating such challenges has clearly nothing to do with the love you refer to, still falls under partnership category though. Two incomplete human beings, concious enough to recognize the challenges presented to each other in a relationship, and work on them willingly, together.
Does this have any validity?