Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and Other Catholic Churches

I would like to see body language analysis of E. Macron. Some say that he was smirking during the event.
Vladimir Putin's reaction (source: Sputnik):
"Russian President Putin sent a telegram to President Macron to express his personal sympathy to the French President and to the entire French people following the tragic consequences of the fire at Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral," the Russian Presidency announced.

In his message, Vladimir Putin points out that the fire caused "pain in the hearts of Russians".

"Notre-Dame is a historical symbol of France, an invaluable treasure of European and world culture, one of the most important Christian sanctuaries. The tragedy that occurred last night in Paris has caused pain in the hearts of Russians," the message said.

Below, a beautifully written article that somewhat echoes this comment posted on SOTT: "aside from the question of a deliberate campaign to destroy Christian sites - maybe God/the Universe/Objective Reality is nudging France (and whoever can still see and hear) back from the precipice of fully embracing nihilistic postmodernist 'values'?"

Notre Dame is burning and the people of Paris watch, meditate, pray and sing hymns to the Virgin Mary. (translated from French)

Sleeping fervour, repressed piety that suddenly spring forth at the spectacle of tragedy; for it is a tragedy and not a mere disaster. Paris struck in the heart, Paris in mourning for itself, for its profound being, Paris lost, Paris lost as the prodigal son, finally discovers the evil that devours and destroys it as these flames devour and destroy Notre-Dame.

But it is Christianity as a whole, even that part of itself, imbued with its success and infatuated with its pleasures, that suddenly discovers its profound truth, the kind of truth that only a great tragedy is able to reveal.

Yes, there was a time when simple, pious, humble but great people could dream of something very beautiful, bigger than themselves and more lasting, to dream and build, not just a simple cathedral, but a stone offering to Our Lady and a lesson for men in the centuries to come. This offering, which was also intended as a prayer, has lasted for centuries and we received it, not for what it is, but for what we were content to see there: an architectural masterpiece, a cultural property of which we are proud as we can be proud of a museum piece. The building had been preserved, the stones had been restored, the sculptures restored, the bells replaced, so that Paris remains Paris and to nourish the pleasure of our eyes.

We are now struck in the heart, for the flames that are devouring Notre-Dame de Paris reveal to us the extent of our pride and the drama of our nihilism. Suddenly we realize the paralysis of the soul that we have inflicted on ourselves; this burning stone offering reveals to us the dead wood that lies within us, and this prayer that has passed through the centuries tells us the extent of our cowardice and our desertion.

We who look down on the Middle Ages with contempt, now understand the reason for our contempt. Notre-Dame de Paris was built by men of faith, and we no longer have faith or so little. We are so self-satisfied that we do not have any, that all we have to do is despise those who did have faith in abundance and who did build from the abundance of their hearts.

All we have to do is contemplate the ruins of the blaze and withdraw into ourselves to discover the ruins that clutter our souls, to see ourselves as we are but also as we can be, for only deep faith can rebuild our souls, generate love and save the world.
There are a few interresting information in this recent article about this subject :

Most interresting one is that, the 14th April (previous sunday), one guy had a "vision-dream" and he posted and described it in the comments of the last video posted by Rorschach, he posted this yesterday, before the fire starts, I just read it it's still well there. He made a screenshoot of the text in the linked article.
The guy clearly wrote that he sees the fire in a church and that this church looks like Notre Dame de Paris.
Terribly saddening event. Eyes wide open and jaw dropped yesterday as the intensity of that fire was raging. What a fierce fire! There are no words to describe how profound is that symbol to the World. Crazy connexion with Nostradamus. I am reminded of Fulcanelli too. The relation to other historical events such as the sinking of the Titanic implies an intended sinking of the moral foundation of sanctity.

We were watching RT live waiting for the MOST AWAITED speech that was going to be given by Macron at 8 pm. I am sure a lot of people were in front of their TV, waiting for his response to the ongoing YV protests.
I mean that we were primed to wait for an answer FROM Macron specifically that night.

Sell France's patrimonial and burn it to flames seems to be an answer, at least in a roundabout way.
Everything, in that case, seems rotten to the flesh.
I find the timing extremely telling in terms of polarities with what's happening here on the forum, with the beliefs being elevated through ID and afterlife.
I would like to see body language analysis of E. Macron. Some say that he was smirking during the event.
I also noticed this disgusting to me little smile on his lips... Here is the video of Macron talking last night:

That's not true. The fire started approx. 6.50pm local French time.

From French Wikipedia:
According to the Paris public prosecutor, Rémy Heitz, an initial alert occurs at 6:20 p.m. A procedure to remove doubts ensued, but no fire seemed to be taking place. A second alert was issued at 18:43 p.m. then a fire was observed in the structure. Arriving some fifteen minutes later, the fire brigade could not control him. Many bystanders attend the scene.

Of the 10 cathedral bells, the largest 'bourdon' bell is named "Emmanuel": List of bells in Notre-Dame de Paris - Wikipedia

We can read that this specific bell is the heaviest and the larger one, even before the one named Marie:

Bells in Notre-Dame de Paris
ImageNameMass (kg)Diameter (cm)Note
Bell in Notre-Dame de Paris, 30 April 2011 001.jpgEmmanuel13271261F♯2
20130214 - Notre-Dame de Paris - Les nouvelles cloches - 017.jpgMarie6023206.5G♯2

I am not a musician, maybe someone could explain the difference between different bells and especially those Emmanuel and Marie ones.

In that case, why the first photo in this thread was timed 17:29?

It's not 17:29, it is Yesterday at 7:29 PM which means 19:29

Edit: correction of the mistake in the last sentence about time.
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the firemen took 50 minutes to arrive
Everything has been done in Paris to hinder circulation (in order to discourage cars because of pollution concerns). Then you get thousands of people crowding the streets to watch the disaster. Then firemen have to bring and install big trucks and equipments, plus boats to pump the river's waters. I think it can explain the 50 minutes to arrive without need for a conspiration theory...
Another point is the lack of prevention.
They had everything to detect a fire. However, the fire may had been slowly growing for hours unnoticed inside the wood beams, and then "bam!" a sudden blaze in a forest of ancient wooden beams, very difficult to reach by the firemen (higher than their ladders and other equipment).
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