Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and Other Catholic Churches

In the Middle East many, many historical monuments were destroyed (think Palmira) erasing from the earth a jewel from our past, the past of our history as humanity. Now is it the turn of Occident? Notre Dame, all these beautiful churches also... Do we cried when Palmira was destroyed? When all the art in Irak was robbed? so now is the turn of Occident to cry.
Symbolic or done voluntarily.

Why not both, one does not exclude other.

Interesting in the light of YV protests, burning of national symbol leaves everyone in shock, for a while at least until it goes under new normal and there is nothing of value left anymore with passage of time......nothing left to remind what being a human stands for.

When it comes to these attacks on churches it is a shame, it is akin to cultural suicide and attack on a self in a way, existance itself. And people from around the world no matter their religion visit those places because of their arhitectal, sculptural beauty, because it has a world value and inspiration in that sense, even more today when you take into account today s lack of creativity, modern art and abundance of technology. It is an attack on humanity and for what being human stands for. In contrast they offer their dull, ugly, collective, brain dead machine existance with erased history like that is going to change anything but leave you without anything, without no meaning and place except in their heads. In a way destruction can come as a blessing in that times....
#Breaking: Just in - French Media confirms there were no construction workers at the time of the fire at the cathédrale Notre-Dame de #Paris. #NotreDame #France. Also the church was also closed at the time of the fire. So nothing was going on the church.

Says all electrical wires of the construction crew, were guided on the side of the building or the cranes if used at the time, and was not in contact with the wooden space at the #NotreDame church in #Paris. Says regulations were strictly and always followed by the company.

I too think that the timing of this is very suspicious, not to mention just how quickly the fire spread. We woke up to the news this morning, and it was so incredibly sad to watch ND engulfed in flames, and the spire collapsing. It does feel ominous- like a portent of the very structure of the West caving in. At least there is hope of rebuilding it, according to the latest info, so all hope is not lost.
It consoles. I hope rebuilding in a strong way, not this fragile renovation.
A: Be aware that a new world will dawn! Be not oppressed by the death throes of the old world. Goodbye.
Appears that even President Trump had this idea. I suspect he did it as a jab at Macron though but nevertheless he was in my opinion thinking along the right lines of thought, SPEEDY RESPONSE. Not arrive in 50 minutes.

Jabbing at Macron may be all well and good - he wouldn't be the only one to do that by any means, but 50 minutes for fire dept response? Well, that would all depend where you expected a fire outbreak to be. They are trying to save money, so where do you think that would be? Not Notre Dame, as a potential fire source, that would be my guess. Who would burn a cathedral?

We all need to be VERY aware that Macron DOES NOT represent all the French people. Firefighters, police and emergency responders. They may seem to 'represent' those in power, but they DON'T.... They can think for themselves and do what's right.
Has anyone asked the Fire Department why they took 50 minutes to respond to a fire at Notre Dame before msm gets there and 'usurpes' the narrative? I mean really? If you want to know - ASK!
Appears that even President Trump had this idea. I suspect he did it as a jab at Macron though but nevertheless he was in my opinion thinking along the right lines of thought, SPEEDY RESPONSE. Not arrive in 50 minutes.

There are firefighting helicopters and planes but they are located far away from Paris, in Southern France (where forest fires occur predominantly).
There's also this Spring Celebration that takes place in Zurich on the 3rd Monday of April - with exceptions, like this year (2019) that was held on the 2nd Monday of April (I cant find out why) called "Sechseläuten" meaning "The six o'clock ringing of the bells":

Sechseläuten - Wikipedia

The roots of the festival go back to medieval times when the first day of summer working hours was celebrated in the guildhalls across the city. City ordinances strictly regulated the length of the working day in that era. During the winter semester the workday in all workshops lasted as long as there was daylight, but during the summer semester (i.e. starting on Monday following vernal equinox) the law proclaimed that work must cease when the church bells tolled at six o'clock. Sechseläuten is a Swiss German word that literally translates into "The six o'clock ringing of the bells". Changing to summer working hours traditionally was a joyous occasion because it marked the beginning of the season where people had some non-working daylight hours.

Curiously, although the fire was officially started at 6.50pm, Wikipedia states those about to attend 6.15pm mass at Notre-Dame (just after the 6.00pm 'bell tolls six o'clock' and almost 40 mins before the fire was said to have started)

Notre-Dame de Paris fire - Wikipedia

It is believed that the fire started in the cathedral's attic,[13] around 18:50 CEST, near the end of the day, when the cathedral was open to tourists. A mass was scheduled around that time, between 18:15 and 19:00.[14] According to those at the scene, the doors of the cathedral were abruptly closed on them as they tried to enter, and white smoke started spreading from the roof.[15] The smoke turned to black, indicating a major fire was occurring.[15]

The early official timeline needs clarifying I think.
Has anyone asked the Fire Department why they took 50 minutes to respond to a fire at Notre Dame before msm gets there and 'usurpes' the narrative? I mean really? If you want to know - ASK!
Are you suggesting they will address the question ? I am not that optimistic.

It is my opinion that Joe Public will get standard answers such as, "We did our best", "This was an accident (without an investigation)", "Such things happen ..." ....

I reason,
1) If a regular restaurant (small big it doesn't matter) has fire alarms on its ceilings THAN WHY DOESN'T NT ?
2) You had St. Sulpice set on fire, plus you have all these Christian loving people entering France. Would you not be on alert ?
3) Would you not put security around this structure WHILE there is scaffolding around ND ?
It is good to pose questions but I doubt anyone in authority will answer them.

I've been in Paris on many occasions and know the city fairly well. I don't know where the fire stations are, that's a given. However I find it hard to believer that the French are so lax as to have everything setup in such a way that a response to a fire in the center of the city will take 50 minutes. I don't buy it.

However this could very well be complacency on the part of those who take care of ND.
Curiously, although the fire was officially started at 6.50pm, Wikipedia states those about to attend 6.15pm mass at Notre-Dame (just after the 6.00pm 'bell tolls six o'clock' and almost 40 mins before the fire was said to have started)

Take a notice, it started 6:50 pm RUSSIAN time. Or Israeli. It was 16:50 at the time in France. All RT's fault ;)
Before the period of Christianity in France, a Gallo-Roman temple dedicated to Jupiter stood on the site of Notre-Dame.

Should the self-styled French Jupiter - Emmanuel Macron - interpret the burning of Notre-Dame as a personal portent?
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