Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and Other Catholic Churches

Comments by readers in the MSM (here, for example) also show quite a few people being suspicious: the firemen took 50 minutes to arrive, there were no helicopters, it happens just during Easter week, and right before president Macron was supposed to give a speech about the policies undertaken to respond to the Gilets Jaunes crisis (now postponed till further notice).
And they are very prompt to fire YV protesters with lacrymogene grenades and other weapons. :curse:
The other thing is that the best and strongest building timbers usually have a very tight grain and are not so easy to set on fire from a small source of heat/flame without accelerant and often there is smouldering/smoking for a period of time before flame appears - if it does at all - which should have been noticeable it seems to me. The pictures of the timbers in the roof seem to be fairly decent, solid lumps of timber!
I agree. Anyone who has tried to start a fire when camping should find what you say as being correct. You need a large intense fire to ignite big pieces of wood. Period !!!

Workers leave. Cathedral is closed. Fire starts at an incredible SPEED.


Stefan speaks here from experience !!!

Apparently there were some people who were cheering while ND was burning !!!!!
Major Rise in Attacks on French Churches Ignored by Media --
[...; SOTT comment:] Not to put too fine a point on it, but - and this is aside from the question of a deliberate campaign to destroy religious sites - maybe God/the Universe/Objective Reality is nudging France (and whoever can still see and hear) back from the precipice of fully embracing nihilistic postmodernist 'values'?

I just checked some comments on a Dutch news site, and many commenters felt sad and shattered in a sense. Even a few self-professed atheists expressed their sadness (Lots of Dutch people love France, it's a major holiday destination). FWIW.
I just checked some comments on a Dutch news site, and many commenters felt sad and shattered in a sense. Even a few self-professed atheists expressed their sadness (Lots of Dutch people love France, it's a major holiday destination). FWIW.

Indeed, the vast majority of French people - whether or not believers - feel deeply shaken.
Some (mostly not French) thugs and trolls are rejoicing over Notre Dame burning:
I just checked some comments on a Dutch news site, and many commenters felt sad and shattered in a sense. Even a few self-professed atheists expressed their sadness (Lots of Dutch people love France, it's a major holiday destination). FWIW.
Indeed, Notre Dame is much more than a religious building. It is a very powerful symbol of history, unity, transcendence, creativity and beauty. It is part of the very soul of France.
They have money to protect Macronitius but nothing to protect historical monuments ?
And money for selling the country's ressources, wealth (privatizations) , breaking and firing this beautifull country. :mad: :-(

Why do I feel so sad? Seeing again Notre Dame in fire, and despite writing, my tears don't stop :cry:
2019 has been an incredible year, at the summum of injustice and madness.

I remind the Cs saying sit and whatch the show. This last months have been lots of unexpected events: a serie of Russia's assasinations (ambassadors, Choir, Fire in a mall, school shooting), madness in USA, Palestine (I don't have the force to cite them, just jailing children is pathology), France (YVs, dictature in the pays des droits de l'homme), Germany (migrants and rapes), madness in UK, Venezuela and all south America collapsing, all other the world (internet obstructions, shootings, sufferings, not stopping wars), etc... and today this fire of France's heart
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A similar event happened during 9/11. I'm actually surprised that fingers are not pointing at "Islamists" although the narrative is over yet.
They will NEVER use that word in the EU. Examples of this practice in the EU currently are staggering. I am guessing, but I bet that 80% of the people in France think the same but have been effectively (as was done all over EU) to not express this Publicly unless anonymous or among friends.

I used to wonder how could the Bolsheviks so easily clamp down on the Russian people and likewise in the USSR. The answer is very easily , watching the EU, "Step by step by step ....."
Comments by readers in the MSM (here, for example) also show quite a few people being suspicious: the firemen took 50 minutes to arrive, there were no helicopters, it happens just during Easter week, and right before president Macron was supposed to give a speech about the policies undertaken to respond to the Gilets Jaunes crisis (now postponed till further notice).

I too think that the timing of this is very suspicious, not to mention just how quickly the fire spread. We woke up to the news this morning, and it was so incredibly sad to watch ND engulfed in flames, and the spire collapsing. It does feel ominous- like a portent of the very structure of the West caving in. At least there is hope of rebuilding it, according to the latest info, so all hope is not lost.
This is a real tragedy. When I heard about it, the thought popped into my mind 'The Reichstag Fire' of 1933. And, I'm left wondering how the elites are going to try and spin it, apart from trying to ingratiate themselves, and exclude all possibility of challenge.

Having an interest in astrology, I also question the similarities too. Especially as it comes to Uranus and it's return to Taurus... You might call this 'interesting times'... But as yet, I have not found any astrologers focusing on this
Historic: Reichstag Fire, horoscope for birth date 27 February 1933, born in Berlin, with Astrodatabank biography - Astro-Databank
Appears that even President Trump had this idea. I suspect he did it as a jab at Macron though but nevertheless he was in my opinion thinking along the right lines of thought, SPEEDY RESPONSE. Not arrive in 50 minutes.

I would have expected more fire workers at the scene, even helicopters?

That was the first thing that bothered me, incomprehensible.

This is a real tragedy. When I heard about it, the thought popped into my mind 'The Reichstag Fire' of 1933. And, I'm left wondering how the elites are going to try and spin it, apart from trying to ingratiate themselves, and exclude all possibility of challenge.

Having an interest in astrology, I also question the similarities too. Especially as it comes to Uranus and it's return to Taurus... You might call this 'interesting times'... But as yet, I have not found any astrologers focusing on this
Historic: Reichstag Fire, horoscope for birth date 27 February 1933, born in Berlin, with Astrodatabank biography - Astro-Databank
Some were thinking like you are about this. I have no knowledge in this area but it sounds interesting,

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