Fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and Other Catholic Churches

#I Support Hugo: a teenager harassed and threatened with death by Muslims for a joke about Mecca

15th April

A joke that triggered a flood of insults and threats. Hugo, a 15-year-old teenager, shared this Saturday evening on Twitter a photograph of the crowd at the pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, with the commentary "Ptdr y a du monde à InZeBoite" (lol, it's crowded InZeBoite), in reference to a game show broadcast on the children's TV channel Gulli.

A joke that strongly displeased some Internet users, who accused the young man of disrespecting the Muslim religion. Some even stated that they wanted to physically attack the teenager, demanding his name, home address or the name of his school.

Faced with messages of hatred, insults and death threats, Hugo issued a message of apology, imploring that he be "kept alive".

More here.

And then…

On social networks, some Muslims see a connection between the fire of Notre-Dame and the blasphemous tweet of young Hugo the day before:

A few tweets:

"You're making fun of Islam, you're supporting a guy who's mocking the Mecca. Allah was quick to respond."

"They made fun of the Kaaba, Allah makes them pay by burning Notre Dame".

"Notre Dame burning… Allah's answer to your 'I support Hugo' is serious"

"You're attacking the Mecca, and you're complaining that Notre Dame is burning, Allah u akbr, there's justice, I love this life."

and so on and so forth…

Someone is really trying hard to make the Clash of Civilisation come true. Not that they need to push that hard though, it seems.
- Notre-Dame is an huge building and firefighters equipment seems ridiculous for the situation. Look at the photo. Paris is a city of mild constructions.
- Streets around Notre-Dame are very narrow so it's not easy to have a lot of firefighters trucks in the right place.

I think that only, as someone already suggested, an helicopter intervention would had been effective. Is such equipment ready to take off near Paris? If not it's lake of preparation once again.

It's part of any city's emergency plan to consider these details: helicopters, narrow streets, etc. I guess we should expect to hear a lot of narratives of "there's no 21st century technology to stop a fire at a place like Notre Dame".
Some highlights from this life feed:

- Journalist Eric Brunet was interviewed. He said he had visited the roof of Notre-Dame just 3 weeks ago, with the arch-bishop Patrick Chauvet as his guide, who had told him that every day, firemen do a tour of the cathedral given how precious the roof structure is.

- A witness who saw the fire start said that he and his colleagues noticed it started right where the scaffolding for renovations was. So, technically, access was easy.

- The architect in charge of the renovations confirmed that there were no workers left in situ at the time the fire started.

- Historian Bernard Lecomte says he is surprised by the speed at which the fire spread: For comparison, he mentions Reims cathedral in 1914. Furniture, clothing, wood planks, etc had been stored inside during the war, and when bombed, that made the church burn quickly. But in Notre-Dame, this obviously isn't the case. So "why is it spreading so fast?," he asks. (Another person said that it took only 10 for minutes from the start, for the spire to collapse.)

- He also adds in passing that Notre-Dame de Paris, apart from being the most visited monument in Europe, and the symbol of France, it is also "kilometer 0", the point from which all distances to and from Paris are measured. It was literally France's heart. :cry:

- Also Bernard Lecompte: "It's heartbreaking, a bit like an American watching the World Trade Center". (He didn't imply an inside job himself, but...)

- And now they are saying that the firemen may have to work all night long, and that they aren't sure they can stop the fire in time before the entire building collapses.

- Several interviewees talked about the firemen working, but all avoided mentioning the lack of helicopters.
I'm not sure conventional firefighters did not react quickly but:
- Notre-Dame is an huge building and firefighters equipment seems ridiculous for the situation. Look at the photo. Paris is a city of mild constructions as seen on the left.

What question me is that there was no more renovation workers at the time the fire started. But it started anyway.
Maybe this is a French thing but in my book as an engineer we always plan for contingencies. ALWAYS.

So France's top historical building had no special plan as to how the City would react to a fire (there is wood in there and lots of it) ??? I can not fathom this. Is it possible NO ONE CARED. Not the Church and NOT the City. That's what this seem to show if it is not arson.

Now the fact that one church was recently set on fire would make me SUPER cautious with Notre Dame as it had scaffolding all over the place making entry super easy. Security should have been in place. They have millions of tourist so they must have money from that or is entry now free ?

Any evening over a period of time things capable of being setoff remotely could have been planted thanks to that scaffolding.
... Now the fact that one church was recently set on fire would make me SUPER cautious with Notre Dame as it had scaffolding all over the place making entry super easy. Security should have been in place. They have millions of tourist so they must have money from that or is entry now free ?

The entrance in Notre-Dame is free, but visitors will need a ticket to get into the tower (8.50 EUR) and into the crypt (6 EUR). Both tickets are included in the price of the Paris Pass.
André Finot, head of communication at Notre Dame Cathedral, tells the Parisian: "We heard the alarm sounding at 6:30 pm. An alarm that was immediately identified and recognized because we had been engaged in a fire drill a few days ago."
Its unbelievable how things are turning up. They are torching this 1000 year old religious symbol. During WWII, they surrendered to Nazi's to save Paris that helped them to retain the Paris's place in tourism and culture later. Now they are torching it.
This may be nothing, but although there are no actual deaths, I suddenly started thinking about France burning, or the death of France (it's main symbols) as we know it, and I got reminded of the Cs comments about the "April Drop Dead Date". When I went to look for a quote, I found this:

Q: (nervous laughter) (H) So was the April Drop Dead date you referred to, did that have some link to the timing of the French elections? They started at the end of April.

A: Yup, and more yet to be revealed.

and this:

Q: (Discussion of last session when Guest was present, and the "April drop dead date" response to Guest's moving to France questions. The C's said the April Drop Dead Date applied in general and not just to Guest.) (Perceval) Was it a biased answer because of Guest's presence?

A: No.

Q: (J) "3 Nights": Does it have anything to do with that quatrain from Nostradamus? And you're not allowed to say "Wait and see"!

A: Wait and C.

Nostradamus...his real name was "Michel de Notre-Dâme" ou "Nostredame".

And looking at Nostradamus' alleged predictions for 2019:
Those who believe that Nostradamus predicted World War III to kick off in 2019 say that the beginning sounds reminiscent of what is currently going on in France, which now includes the Strasbourg Attack, coupled with the massive Yellow Vest Protest Movement which is beginning to spread.

The French seer wrote according to this website that: “the big war will start in France and all Europe will be attacked, it will be long and terrifying for everyone and then finally there will be peace but only a few will enjoy it – a war will start between the two great world powers and it will last for a period of 27 years.”

In other verses, Nostradamus writes: “for disagreements and negligences there will be opened a passage for Mohammed: of blood sunk in the ground and in the sea, Marseille’s port will be covered by ships and sails.”

Inquisitr reports that Nostradamus predicted that “In the city of God, there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos while the fortress endures. The great leader will succumb. The third big war will begin when the big city is burning.”

Apparently, Nostradamus predicted that catastrophic natural events will occur in the west. The French seer appears to have foreseen a terrible natural disaster which is said to destroy the western part of the United States.

A bit of a strange coincidence, if only symbolically, given that there are only a few mentions of this "April Drop Dead Date".
Notre-Dame Cathedral marks the very center of Paris.

Fire devastates Notre-Dame Cathedral, centuries-old Parisian landmark
Smoke billows from Notre Dame Cathedral after a fire broke out, in Paris, France April 15, 2019. REUTERS/Charles Platiau

Firefighters tried to contain the blaze with water hoses and cleared the area around Notre-Dame, which sits on an island in the River Seine and marks the very centre of Paris. Witnesses said the whole island was being evacuated.

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Fire devastates Notre-Dame, beloved architectural gem at heart of...

Notre Dame’s spire, clock collapse due to fire
Notre Dame’s spire, clock collapse due to fire

© REUTERS/Benoit Tessier

The top part of the spire and the clock of the Notre Dame de Paris cathedral have collapsed as a result of the fire that broke out on Monday evening, the BFM channel reports from the site.

Preliminary information suggests that there have been no casualties in the fire, Reuters agency reports. Several hundred firefighters mobilized for Paris' Notre-Dame Cathedral fire-fighting operation.

Earlier, TASS reported from the scene that the fire had engulfed new levels of the building and is now approaching its observation deck.

The fire at the Notre Dame de Paris cathedral has broken out at around 18:50 local time. As a result of the fire, the top part of the spire and the clock have collapsed. Numerous firefighter units are currently at the scene, a safety perimeter has been established around the cathedral, TASS reports.

How the fire at Notre-Dame Cathedral unfolded
Fire fighters douse flames of the burning Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France April 15, 2019. REUTERS/Charles Platiau
Notre-Dame Cathedral went up in flames on Monday in a roaring blaze that devastated the Parisian landmark, a searing loss for the city and for France.

Following is a timeline of events:

- Around 6:50pm local time (1650 GMT): Fire starts in roof of Notre-Dame cathedral, according to firefighters.

- Around 7:07 pm: A Reuters journalist sees smoke and flames at Notre-Dame from a distance.

- 7:40 pm: Fire spreads to the giant spire of Notre-Dame cathedral. French President Macron cancels planned TV address to the nation because of the blaze.

- 7:53 pm: Cathedral’s spire collapses.

- 7:59 pm: French president’s office says Macron is rushing to the scene.

- 8:07 pm: Entire roof of Notre-Dame collapses, according to a Reuters correspondent at the scene.

- 8:25 pm: Paris’ Ile de la Cité, the island on which Notre-Dame sits, is evacuated by police.

Notre-Dame Cathedral burns: five facts
Smoke billows as fire engulfs the spire of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France April 15, 2019. REUTERS/Benoit Tessier

Notre-Dame Cathedral went up in flames on Monday in a roaring blaze that devastated the Parisian landmark, a searing loss for the city and for France.

Here are five facts on the Gothic masterpiece that celebrated its 850th jubilee in 2013:

- The first stone of the Notre-Dame de Paris (“Our Lady of Paris”) cathedral was laid in 1163 in the reign of Louis VII, as the medieval city of Paris was growing in population and importance, both as a political and economic center of the kingdom of France.

- Construction would continue for much of the next century, with major restoration and additions made in the 17th and 18th century. The stonework and stained glass of the edifice recreate images and lessons from the Bible.

- Dominating the structure are its two 13th century bell towers. The so-called “bourdon”, the largest bell, goes by the name of “Emmanuel”.

- The 387 steps up to the towers take visitors past the gallery of chimeras, mythical creatures typically composed of more than one animal. The most famous of these, the “Stryge” gargoyle sits atop the cathedral watching Paris with its head resting in its hands.

- Victor Hugo used the cathedral as a setting for his 1831 novel, “The Hunchback of Notre-Dame”. Quasimodo, the main character, is feared by Parisians because of his deformity but finds sanctuary in the cathedral and is employed as a bell-ringer. Quasimodo has been portrayed by Hollywood actors including Charles Laughton and also in an animated Disney adaptation.

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Fire devastates Notre-Dame, beloved architectural gem at heart of...

Built over a century starting in 1163, Notre-Dame is considered to be among the finest examples of French Gothic cathedral architecture.

Trump voices horror at Notre Dame cathedral blaze in Paris

FILE PHOTO: Smoke billows from Notre Dame Cathedral after a fire broke out, in Paris, France April 15, 2019. REUTERS/Charles Platiau
U.S. President Donald Trump expressed horror on Monday at the fire engulfing the historic Notre Dame cathedral in Paris.

Blaze engulfs Paris’ Notre Dame Cathedral, famous spire collapses (Photos - video)
Blaze engulfs Paris’ Notre Dame Cathedral, famous spire collapses
Archbishop Michel Aupetit
27 minhace

To all the priests of Paris:
Firefighters are still fighting to save the towers of Notre-Dame de Paris. The structure, roof and sag are consumed. Let us pray. If you wish, you can ring the bells of your churches to invite people to pray.
And, today was Journée Mondiale de l'Art ...
The great spiritual symbol of the Knights Templar collapses.

Now is "Notre Drame" of Paris. The emotional involvement of the French in this drama must be enormous.

Things to consider:

The water poured to extinguish the fire on all sides, can be absorbed by the stones and cause further landslides.

The kind of materials were left by the workers when they were doing the reconstruction.
And there was also the damaged organ and broken stained glass windows in the basilica of Saint-Denis on March 7th.

Saint-Denis: the alleged vandal of the basilica will be judged in May

"A 41-year-old man appeared this Friday in Bobigny court for damaging the organ in the basilica. The hearing has been postponed to May the 10th.

A dialogue of the deaf.
"I don't know how I'm involved in this case," the defendant told the Bobigny court on Friday. Suspected of having damaged two doors, several stained glass windows and the organ of the Basilica of Saint-Denis in March, this 41-year-old man is being tried for immediate appearance.
When asked whether he would prefer to postpone the date of his trial to prepare his defence, as provided for in the procedure, he replied that he "does not understand the French judicial system".

Foiled by his DNA
The 40-year-old was arrested on Thursday at the detention centre in Vincennes (Val-de-Marne), foiled by his DNA found in the basilica. A Pakistani national, he arrived in France two months ago and does not speak French. He has already been reminded of the law for having damaged property twice in February.
Annoyed, the president of the court considered that "the situation is not very difficult to understand" and reiterated her question. "How can I explain if I don't know about it? "he persists.

Pre-trial detention
The magistrate ended up wondering whether he "did not deliberately not understand". The court finally decided to postpone the trial to the 10th of May, and to place the accused in pre-trial detention until that date.
A psychiatric assessment was ordered."
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