Fires around the world

This is sort of random but has anyone thought about when the C’s said Paradise burns - and then Paradise, California burned and now Maui (figurative paradise) is burning?

Side rant: There is video circulating of Oprah bringing in bedding and cots to a shelter on Maui, which is almost like a slap in the face to the people in need when she has the ability to do so much more. She could create her own rescue task force and all she can spare is a few pillows.
It’s really telling which team she’s on. Let the depopulation agenda continue!

Or maybe her and Bezos wanted less traffic at the airport and no tourism so this was their way of making that happen. There are theories that these “wildfires” are actually arson and happened to be fueled by the right weather conditions.
Or maybe her and Bezos wanted less traffic at the airport and no tourism so this was their way of making that happen. There are theories that these “wildfires” are actually arson and happened to be fueled by the right weather conditions.
In these strange times these sorts of questions naturally come to mind. Maui is prime land after all and maybe doing away with all the commoners would be appealing. The town will be bulldozed, then what? Will people be able to rebuild? I'm sure it was a special place and community.....very sad for these people to loose their homes and businesses. We'll see what happens now.

Zuckerberg buying Paradise:

The Big Tech billionaire and wife Priscilla Chan snatched up 600 additional acres on the island of Kauai — and an existing online petition demanding that Zuckerberg stop “colonizing” the Aloha State is now well over 1 million signatures as of Saturday.
The couple now owns more than 1,300 acres on Kauai, known as the “Garden Island” for its extensive tropical rainforests. They began assembling their fiefdom in 2014 with the 357-acre Kahuaina Plantation.

In 2017, the social-media lord filed suit against native Hawaiians owning tiny parcels around his land to force them to sell their lots so he could “enhance” his privacy.
He later dropped the suits.

FEMA map shows 2,207 structures damaged or destroyed in West Maui wildfire#LahainaFires #MauiFires

We are going to need the help of the entire country. Thank you.

Maybe not directly related considering the gap between the two events (but who knows!), this strange cloud was seen in the sky of Maui both above Ukumehame Beach Park, not far South of Lahaina, and Pukalani more in the center of the island, exactly one month before the fire: July 8th. It was shared by @Ca. on the Strange clouds thread:
Unusual rainbow cloud sighting above Ukumehame, Maui

From Pukalani

As death toll from Maui fire reaches 93, authorities say effort to count the losses is just starting
Maybe not directly related considering the gap between the two events (but who knows!), this strange cloud was seen in the sky of Maui both above Ukumehame Beach Park, not far South of Lahaina, and Pukalani more in the center of the island, exactly one month before the fire: July 8th. It was shared by @Ca

Strange occurrences reported in Hawaii fires.

Was what happened in Hawaii a hyperdimensional battle or a deployed weapon?

(Perceval) I want to know about these strange formations on the radar image of Hurricane Rita.

A: 4th density “battle.” Also includes some “practice.”

Q: (L) They’re practicing with new weapons. (Perceval) Some people said Katrina was the product of HAARP heating up the waters in the Gulf.

A: We’ve already dealt with HAARP and weather. Read transcripts.

Q: (DW) (Quoting transcripts) “HAARP has nothing to do with the weather or EM associated with same.” (Galahad) Which suggests that there is EM associated with the weather. There could be some EM stuff associated with the weather that isn’t part of HAARP. (L) 4th density. (Perceval) Were any of the storms manufactured from 3rd density or was it a natural storm?

A: Mfg in 3D? No. As we have said… 4D battles represent as weather. But the “veil” is thinning.

This person's video reminds me of what the Cs mentioned regarding the use of energy generated by hurricanes, such as that used in the events of 9/11.​

Q: (L) What was that flight that went down over the Atlantic way back when? The C's talked about it.

(Perceval) TWA Flight 800?

(L) Yeah, Flight 800.

A: Yes. Similar system.

Q: (Niall) Did that incident have anything to do with the cyclone that was going toward Yemen?

A: Utilized energy.

Q: (Perceval) Utilized energy in the 3D sense, or in the sense that weather can be associated with 4D?

A: Charged atmosphere enhances the effect.

Q: (Pierre) During 9/11, there was a similar high-energy weapon in conjunction with an unexpected cyclone...

A: Yes

Q: (L) So they're just experimenting with this kind of stuff. They're playing with it.

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Deadly games.

(Perceval) So, it was intentional, right?

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) Similar to that... Hurricane Rita on 9/11?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And it's funny: Everybody forgets about the fact that there was this hurricane there at that time.

(Pierre) Going straight to Manhattan, and then it turns!

(Niall) The one that hit Yemen was the first one ever to hit there.

(Perceval) Yeah, the first one to make landfall.

(Chu) So, that could mean they had some help from the 4D quarters.

A: Yes. We told you that the battles would be disguised as weather.
I was curious to see what the coast around Lahaina looked like, so I used Google Maps.
Direct link to it on Google Maps

Lahaina is located a little to the right of the centre of this island's habitable coastline. This stretch of coast runs from Kapalua in the north to Launiupoko in the south. When one scan this stretch of coastline, what is seen is small towns that look very recent (one can even see parcels of land whose contours have already been defined, waiting for their owners to build their enormous homes), lots of greenery, golf courses, luxury hotel residences and huge houses, and I mean really huges!

So, it is reasonable to say that this whole stretch of coast is owned by very, very rich people and luxury hotel companies, EXCEPT Lahaina.

One can see the little town as it was before the huge fire, and notice that it looks nothing like the others that surround it: Lots of little houses, many with photovoltaic panels , sometimes the whole roof (could this be part of the weird things noticed by some people, like houses burnt to the ground but the surrounding trees still intact?). A little town with people that are not super rich.

So think that Lahaina had to be wiped off the map to be rebuilt as a huge housing complex and luxury hotel residences for the rich, the very rich, seems reasonable at this point. And if the fire that completely destroyed the small town also serves the global warming agenda, doubts become even more reasonable.

I'm afraid people from there will never be allowed to rebuild their little house, victims of the greed of the big business and power-rich people. Very sad, indeed.
It's so painful to see all this, all this destruction. As for me, I believe that all these fires, in Hawaii as in Canada, this summer, are part of their Agenda: destruction of natural resources, destruction of the habitat of certain groups and destruction of plant and animal life. They want to make this planet a desert because they are reptilians.
To which I would not be surprised, given the circumnstances. :-(
HAWAII UPDATES: ''I just got out of a meeting where I was informed by someone in the Mayor's office about developments that are being kept from the public. I am not a conspiracy theorist and I don’t want to make trouble but here’s what I’ve heard. The amount of fatalities is expected to be more than 500 but less than 1000. Many of the fatalities will be children who were at home because they canceled school, parents were working, and were not there to evacuate the children. The children had no idea they needed to leave and by the time they noticed their homes or apartments were on fire, it was too late. The government is worried about how we will react when we learn that the fire department left the fire earlier in the day and claimed it was 100% contained knowing that the winds were expected to be 70mph by the afternoon. This is against all fire control protocols: The fire department should not have left the original fire unattended. They are scared that the public calls for accountability will be more than they can control and protests and riots will occur. They plan to lock down Lahaina for several months. It will take months to clean up the hazardous and environmental contamination. They won’t have enough housing for all the displaced. There were 2,000 folks unaccounted for this morning. They found 700 today but there are still 1300 missing. They are very worried that the community is going to freak out when they find out how not a single fire truck responded to the sinister
Maui Police Chief John Pelletier told reporters that the fire melted metal, making the remains extremely difficult to identify.
Metal melted???
Average temperature of molten metal: 1400°C
Temperature of a fire: 600°C

But about the Maui Police Chief John Pelletier, there is this weird "coincidence":

The dog in the video below seems to have been burnt instantly:
Have direct energy weapons been used?
People who live there say that the news lies about the seriousness of the situation. It's much worse.

This is a video about that thing we aren’t supposed to talk about here so, just watch. It’s about some "fire" stuff.
I live on Maui, the media is lying

Most of the missing still not found in Maui are dead and identifying their bodies will take more time. The death toll will be way higher when all is said and done. Very tragic. Now the elites will rebuild the city of Lahaina and make it a private resort.
Not a resort, a WEF/NWO sanctioned Smart City. They met in January about it and are meeting again in October.

One doesn't preclude the other: A resort and a Smart City.

Here we go for Climate Change/Warming Scam:
Please can someone explain how a book was able to be written, published then sold on Amazon less than a week after the Maui, Hawaii fires?

But here what is weird: This book of only 86 pages, but still, has been published on August 10th 2023; See this link on Amazon.
The book chronicles the events of August 8-11, 2023, when a massive fire swept across the island of Maui, fueled by drought, heat, and hurricane winds.

And the name of the author is "Dr Miles Stones": milestone? Really? Meaning of the word:
2. An important event, as in a child's development, the history of a nation, or the advancement of knowledge in a field; a turning point.

I wonder if the Lahaina fire should have its own thread. It's getting more and more bizarre.

Edit: Clarity
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But here what is weird: This book of only 86 pages, but still, has been published on August 10th 2023
If you do a search on with the query "maui fire", in fact, there are several more !

Maybe this could be an explanation:

One of the channel's I follow posted a clip from a local testimonial. I was able to find the original video which was a live stream of a local real estate agent it looks like who's doing live updates. Here's the full video, but placed at about the timestamp for the clip I had seen:

The local resident's ("Fish") testimonial in a summary is the police told people to evacuate by car, but then a blockade was setup by an officer that prevented anyone from leaving.
"I saw the fire start".
This man says that there was no communication, no cellphone signal and no power since 5:00 AM on Day one, August 8th. And that there is still no power and that it won't came back for weeks.

Another direct testimony:
Chronological events up what happened from the start of the Lahaina, Maui fires to evacutaion point #Hawaii #hawaiifires #LahainaFires #MauiFires #lahaina #Maui #Prayformaui

Laser focused? What a strange choice of words! #MauiFires #Lahaina #Hawaii
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