Jedi Master
ccholas said:Hi Tykes. It sounds like you too are in a high-crime area. Also on the front line, I imagine, so it's good to hear of your experiences. Though I would agree the state of the world is generally the same, behind the curtain anyway, there can also be some glaring differences in opportunity/comfort/safety from one region to the next.
As an example. Crime in our area(a few hours NW of you) is fairly low and is usually related to petty theft. Money here comes mainly from tourism so a huge amount of resources are expended to insure people's 'safety'. 'No crime' is very good for business. In a nearby large city, they still have the occasional shootout, but many(most?) cities do. Having been here for close to 5 years, I'm still surprised daily at how much I really enjoy living here, comparatively speaking. We feel as though we are part of a real community, in a 'lookout for your neighbors' sense. I don't go around telling much of what we often discuss here in the forum, but helping folks when they need a hand, checking in on them occasionally, giving when possible etc all makes for a tighter, safer community. Networking.
So don't lose hope in this regard, Tykes. Not all places are necessarily equal. Congrats on your decision.
Hi cholas, thank for your words. I will take into account your advice.
I´m still searching for a place to move, and the description you have made of your area it sounds quite good, ( though it´s a shame that nowadays we have to settle for places where there are only "occasional" crimes, but that´s the way it is), and of course the kind of interaction you describe it´s the ideal. It is great to know that places like that still exist, and i´m glad to hear that you enjoy to live there. If it´s not asking too much i would like to ask you more details.
Thanks again.