France - Charlie Hebdo Attack

Re: France - 11 dead

Well that makes sense then.
The Sydney meme was about human connection and brought people together (genuine humanity which is dangerous to psychopaths), this one is about divide and conquer (fight among ourselves and ignore psychopaths). The support of such pathological/bigoted 'free speech' cartoons is also a lie (against human connection). Going against human connection is such a big lie and will end in cognitive dissonance and brain damage, people becoming more pathological.
Re: France - 11 dead

Two helicopters of the army for troop transport sent where suspects located. I guess that they have few time time to live.
Re: France - 11 dead

I wonder if the timing was on purpose to make it coincide with the geomagnetic storm* and make people more susceptible for the reaction the PTB seek to provoke in them, in case such phenomena have some influence on human psyche.

[* ]
Re: France - 11 dead

Graalsword said:
I wonder if the timing was on purpose to make it coincide with the geomagnetic storm* and make people more susceptible for the reaction the PTB seek to provoke in them, in case such phenomena have some influence on human psyche.

[* ]

Speaking of distractions!

The Palestinians formally joined the International Criminal Court on Wednesday in a move that would allow them to lodge war crime complaints against Israel as of April.

Same day as the 'terrorist attacks', how about that?
Almost like MH17 happening during Isreals latest slaughter and their popularity dropping to an all time low....
Re: France - 11 dead

Graalsword said:
I wonder if the timing was on purpose to make it coincide with the geomagnetic storm* and make people more susceptible for the reaction the PTB seek to provoke in them, in case such phenomena have some influence on human psyche.
That's an interesting hypothesis. Let's see the article (published in New York news)...
[quote author=MyFoxNY]The main intensity of the storm was supposed to have affected the planet just before 6:30 a.m. but the storm was reported to still be in progress at 9 a.m.[/quote]
6:30 a.m. in NY = 12:30 in Paris (midday)
9 a.m. in NY = 15:00 in Paris (afternoon)

Indeed, it matches finely.
Re: France - 11 dead

RedFox said:
Another thing that crossed my mind in reference to the Sydney hostage situation - the resulting support for muslims

Australian Twitter users have shown their support for their Muslim neighbors with a spontaneous campaign, offering to ride with them on buses and trains, or give them a lift to work to ensure their safety as the Sydney hostage situation continues.

It all started with a young Sydney woman, Rachael Jacobs, who posted her Facebook status about how she met a Muslim woman and who evidently felt intimidated by taking public transport amid the siege.

“…and the (presumably) Muslim woman sitting next to me on the train silently removes her hijab,” she wrote, “I ran after her at the train station. I said ‘put it back on. I’ll walk with you.”

For me that seemed genuinely human, and I'm pondering the lack of anything like that in this case.

The symbolism of the French satirical cartoon agency too - just as 9/11 was the 'heart of America', what does this cartoon agency stand for symbolically among the French? Is this a way to get over the message of 'they hate us for our freedoms'?
What is the meme 'I'm with Charley' really saying? Is it a channeling of 'humans coming together through social media' into a lie?

Someone thought about these targets for a specific psychological (culturally specific) effect/mass manipulation purposes, so what is the message/meme they attempting spread? I'm pondering this wondering if it's something that could be potentially countered through social media fwiw.
It does seem to have united the 'liberal' contingent like nothing before, being presumably about free speech and editorial cartoons. For those who haven't delved deep enough to immediately think "false flag!", their knee-jerk emotional response is to immediately jump on the bandwagon. Whatever nuances some of them may add, it's still the same bandwagon in the mass consciousness. To say it's probably a false flag before evidence to that effect can be accumulated and presented will still make you look like a conspiracy nut to most people, and by the time such evidence may be gathered most people have internalized the event and moved along further in their ponerization.

The 'right-wingers' already have their Muslim hate internalized to full effect, and they get another incident to point to where they can say, "See, this is why everyone needs to have guns so they can shoot back." At least that seems to be a popular response from U.S. conservatives. Maybe with enough of both right and left factions united this will be the event they can use to push things to the next level re: Syria or whatever, assuming not that many people start to wake up because of it.
Re: France - 11 dead

So, here's a recap of information which are a bit strange:

1/ The older of the two suspects forgot his identity card in the car they used

2/ At the beginning of the event 4 or 5 killers where reported

3/ The black car of the killers appear sometime with white outside rear-view mirrors, on other photos it is black. The sun reflecting can eventually be the raison but it was cloudy in Paris.

4/ JSS News, a Jewish site, is very well informed and the they boast.
Selon des informations reçues par JSSNews, un des trois terroristes de Charlie Hebdo, le jeune Hamyd, a été arrêté. Il s’est rendu lui-même à la police – quand il a vu JSSNews publier son identité. Rappelons que JSSNews a déjà publié deux informations exclusives et vérifiées ces dernières heures. La première concernant l’identité des terroristes (Saïd et Cherif Kouachi et Hamyd Mourad) et la deuxième concernant la voiture des terroristes, retrouvée devant un restaurant casher à Paris.

Plus tôt, ce soir, Libération titrait: « les trois suspects interpelés » – le titre a été changé par « les trois suspects identifiés et localisés. »

Par Amiel Cohen
Translation: "The third terrorist surrender to the police when we published his name." So they had the names before everyone else but with a little glitch? The timing must be checked.

2 hours after the event:
La vidéo de l’attaque de Charlie Hebdo, censurée par BFM TV: ils tuent un policier à bout portant !

Voici une vidéo qui montre des échanges de tirs entre les musulmans qui ont attaqué le journal Charlie Hebdo et la police. BFM TV vient d’annoncer « ne pas vouloir montrer cette vidéo. » La vidéo est diffusée par les médias israéliens. Le policier mort dans cet échange de feu serait musulman (son prénom est Ahmed).

Pour l’instant, on dénombre 12 morts et 6 blessés (dont 4 dans un état grave).

A la fin de la vidéo, tranquillement, on entends les terroristes crier « on a tué Charlie Hebdo. »

Avec cet attentat, la France devient le pays le plus dangereux au monde pour les journalistes.
Translation: "Thanks to Israel we have a video of killers that the French don't want to broadcast".

Another article appear today but was removed (I should have some traces) where they said that one of the terrorist have been killed. There was details of the place etc... and they sais they got the information from high sources. This is a bit wired as for all other sources the killers are still alive.

5/ The police was unreachable during the assault
Il a aperçu deux personnes armées de kalachnikov qui demandaient 'C'est où Charlie Hebdo ?' Mon collègue est remonté en courant. Nous nous sommes barricadés et nous avons essayé d'appeler la police, mais ils étaient injoignables, c'était hallucinant. - Une journaliste de Première Ligne qui a souhaité rester anonyme
In "L'OBS"

6/ Between 30 and 45 mn to wait emergency services
On était une dizaine dans l'atelier quand on a entendu des tirs, sans trop comprendre d'abord ce qu'il se passait. On entendait des bruits venant de l'immeuble, qu'on n'a pas identifié tout de suite, puis dans la rue. Là on a tout de suite compris que c'était des tirs. On s'est éloigné des fenêtres. Entre une demi-heure et trois-quart d'heure plus tard, les secours sont venus nous dire de ne pas sortir. Cette situation est un peu oppressante.
In "L'OBS"

7/ One hour after the attack the French president is in the place. No fear.

8/ A police officer working for the affair commit suicide.
Number 2 of Limoges regional police service has committed suicide in his office on the night of Wednesday to Thursday by shooting himself in the head.

He was working on a mission of the police as part of the Charlie Hebdo affair. This suicide comes a little over a year after the death of another responsible for regional service of the judicial police Limoges. In November 2013, the number 3 of this service had also committed suicide and it is the Commissioner who died last night who had discovered.
Re: France - 11 dead

:thup: Well done Ellipse, this is a very good resume. I can add about your point 3 that the weather on yesterday was more than cloudy on Paris, it was very foggy the most part of the day. So, this "reflection" cause seems not obvious to me.

Also, this "Je suis Charlie" ("I am Charlie", in memory of the victims of Charlie Hebdo) thing which is everywhere on the social networks, on the streets, on all channels and everywhere all around France looks like a very well organized and how convenient wave of print for our brains. Just a thought.

I could even saw a chain for the memory of the victims coming through my husband's mobile phone just a few minutes ago, something I never seen before except by mails. It is like a crazy virus from my point of view... What will be the symptoms? I don't know. I guess we will see it the next weeks.
Re: France - 11 dead

Thanks Ellipse for this recap !

Ellipse said:
So, here's a recap of information which are a bit strange:

1/ The older of the two suspects forgot his identity card in the car they used
According to this article, one of them lost also his driver license (with his address, how convenient !) :
[quote author="Le Parisien"]A Gennevilliers (Hauts-de-Seine), il s'agit d'une femme qui pourrait être la compagne ou une ancienne compagne de Chérif Kouachi. L'adresse figurait sur le permis de conduire qui a été retrouvé dans la Citroën abandonnée rue de Meaux en début de journée mercredi.[/quote]
Translation : In Gennevilliers (a town in Hauts-de-Seine), this was a woman who could be Chérif Kouachi's life partner or a former one. The address was on his driver licence which was found in the car (Citroën), left in Meaux street wednesday morning.

4/ JSS News, a Jewish site, is very well informed and the they boast.
Oh really ?

8/ A police officer working for the affair commit suicide.
Another curious mystery. Wait 'n' see...
Re: France - 11 dead

RedFox said:
The symbolism of the French satirical cartoon agency too - just as 9/11 was the 'heart of America', what does this cartoon agency stand for symbolically among the French? Is this a way to get over the message of 'they hate us for our freedoms'?
What is the meme 'I'm with Charley' really saying? Is it a channeling of 'humans coming together through social media' into a lie?

Someone thought about these targets for a specific psychological (culturally specific) effect/mass manipulation purposes, so what is the message/meme they attempting spread? I'm pondering this wondering if it's something that could be potentially countered through social media fwiw.
Thank you RedFox, these questions are quite relevant.

Maybe this collection of 66 front pages from French & international newspapers can help us get a glimpse of this meme :

PS : the main meme seems to be "Freedom vs. Barbarism" - it reminds me something... was it 911 ?
Re: France - 11 dead

Talking about meme spreading, another interesting piece of news :

[quote author=USAToday]Google is part of a French media fund that will make a donation to Charlie Hebdo in the wake of the attacks on the French satirical magazine.
The donation is reported to be €250,000 — about $300,000.
There has been a massive outpouring of support for Charlie Hebdo whose remaining staff have pledged to publish next week's edition with a print run of 1 million. Charlie Hebdo's typical circulation is about 60,000.

Radio France, Le Monde and France Télévisions issued a joint statement offering "the human resources and materials needed so that the magazine can continue to live." They invited other media outlets to also contribute.[/quote]
(Bold characters are mine.)

PS : the French minister of Culture also announced that the State will unblock quickly 1 million € (about 1.2 million $) to help the newspaper continue.
Re: France - 11 dead

Bastian said:
Talking about meme spreading, another interesting piece of news :

[quote author=USAToday]There has been a massive outpouring of support for Charlie Hebdo whose remaining staff have pledged to publish next week's edition with a print run of 1 million. Charlie Hebdo's typical circulation is about 60,000.

PS : the French minister of Culture also announced that the State will unblock quickly 1 million € (about 1.2 million $) to help the newspaper continue.

Wow. Given that the population of France is about 60 million, that means that only 0.1% of French people are actually interested in reading Charlie Hebdo... And yet now they're all on TV waving "I am Charlie" signs, even the government is throwing money at the magazine, and everybody's gonna run out and buy the next issue?!

Why not support the families of those who were killed instead?

Re: France - 11 dead

Scottie said:
Bastian said:
Talking about meme spreading, another interesting piece of news :

[quote author=USAToday]There has been a massive outpouring of support for Charlie Hebdo whose remaining staff have pledged to publish next week's edition with a print run of 1 million. Charlie Hebdo's typical circulation is about 60,000.

PS : the French minister of Culture also announced that the State will unblock quickly 1 million € (about 1.2 million $) to help the newspaper continue.

Wow. Given that the population of France is about 60 million, that means that only 0.1% of French people are actually interested in reading Charlie Hebdo... And yet now they're all on TV waving "I am Charlie" signs, even the government is throwing money at the magazine, and everybody's gonna run out and buy the next issue?!

Why not support the families of those who were killed instead?


It is important to continue the "message" that this attack was against the liberty of expression. They don't care at all about the families, about nothing, they are psychopaths. They just care about this situation and they give money to this magazine to show that they care about the "freedom of the press". This is their message, their symbol, their reason.

I am very curious about what Charlie will talk in their next revue.
Re: France - 11 dead

All the nonsense about the freedom of speech is really pathetic. How could freedom of speech be attacked when there is no freedom of speech to begin with? It seems that everyone in France already forgot how the government intervened to block Dieudonné's shows, how it harasses him and many others. People are amnesic or schizophrenic and that's how the PTB controls them so easily. Whenever I see someone posting the "Je suis Charlie" meme, I think "yes you are, vulgar, idiotic, and a pawn for the PTB that is to be sacrificed whenever it pleases them or serves their interest". One can feel sorry for the victims of the attack, and for their family and friends, but falling to such political recuperation is pitiful.
Re: France - 11 dead

Another one at the moment :

At least 2 killed as armed man takes hostages in Paris store - reports

Two people have been reportedly killed after an armed man took at least five hostages in a kosher grocery store in eastern Paris, French media said. A police operation is underway in the area with traffic partially blocked and near-by schools evacuated.

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