Free energy and HAARP technology

Perpetual motion machines really are the realm of lunacy. Atomic resonance, not so really dont need all the info I have. A thinking person could learn enough to start work on it from watching the videos. I have also offered to share more information privately. I have compiled forum posts, experimental data, etc.
But nevermind.
monotonic said:
Thank you for the soberment, RedFox and Data. I felt like there was something missing here. It helps explain that vehemence that has been shown in this thread.

Maybe OU technology is usable, but there seem to be strict boundaries around what you can do with it, as a rule of 3D perhaps. The question is, once you have it, what can you do with it?

I find it interesting that Laura just recently posted an older session from July 5, 1997, where the C's mention that there are "forces" that will "block" the use of the kind of technology discussed in this thread. I don't think there's anything wrong with trying to understand how it all "works", but as monotonic wrote above, "what can you do with it?"...,39309.0.html

Q: (Laura) Yesterday we heard from William Mann, and he asked about the Newman machine. Now, this is a very interesting device, Ark says after checking it out.

A: Newman machine is "time machine."

Q: (Laura) Well, it seems that it could run my house for very little money!

A: But, there are forces that will, and do, block its use.

Q: (Laura) Okay, then we will do it privately and quietly.

A: How do you propose to do it "privately and quietly?"

Q: (Laura) Well, just install it and say nothing!

A: And you expect this to be under the table?

Q: (Laura) Are you discouraging us from any dabbling with the Newman machine?

A: Not discouraging, just giving you "the facts of life."
So you are saying that since we can't do anything about it, we should simply stop learning about it?
The people who have contacted me before can private message me on this topic. I am, beyond a few people here and elsewhere, done with reaching out and attempting to have an enlightening dialoge.
I apologize if this offends, it is simply where I'm at at the moment intellectually and emotionally on this issue.
I look forward to discussions with everyone here on different subjects.
Inquorate said:
So you are saying that since we can't do anything about it, we should simply stop learning about it?

I don't think anyone ever said that. But, I think these things need to be discussed before any fruitful work can be done. OU technology seems partly to be a spiritual exercise, in that you may end up clashing with the PTB, and then what happens if you are not "impeccable"? Maybe the question is not can it be done, but rather, are we prepared?
Inquorate - no one is offended by such discussion. Nor should anyone stop learning, far from it.
Private messages are not recommended, for everyone's protection.
Forum Personal Messages and Predators

As with all things we invest huge amounts of emotional energy and time into (that become our identity), when we discover that they are not helpful to the Work we tend to run screaming into the night.

Perhaps take a moment to consider how Ark feels?
A physicist of great intelligence who has chosen not to develop many of his theories and interests because of the world we live in. To paraphrase, he chose this because all of his research could be twisted, weaponised or generally used to suppress humanity. Take the devastation you feel, and imagine how much worse it was for him after a life time deeply studying his passion.
Can you see it is not just you that has felt this?

These things are Not being pointed out to hurt you or anyone else (although you undoubtedly Feel hurt by the idea), but to give you the knowledge to not walk into a trap/danger.
"Hey Budy, did you know you're walking in a mine field and could be blown up?" - that's it.

Such moments of devastation are perfect fuel for growth and Work on the self.
Suffering, aloneness, self-doubt, sadness, inner conflict; these are our feelings that we have not learned to live with, that we have failed to appreciate, that we reject as destructive and completely negative, but in fact they are symptoms of an expanding consciousness. Dr. Kazimierz Dabrowski has spent 45 years piecing together the complete picture of the growth of the human psyche from primitive integration at birth; the person with potential for development will experience growth as a loosening of the stable psychic structure accompanied by symptoms of psychoneuroses. Reality becomes multileveled, the choices between higher and lower realms of behavior occupy our thought and mark us as human. Dabrowski called this process positive disintegration, he declares that psychoneurosis is not an illness and he insists that development does not come through psychotherapy but that psychotherapy is automatic when the person is conscious of his development.

To Dabrowski, real therapy is autopsychotherapy; it is the self being aware of the self through a long inner investigation; a mapping of the inner environment. There are no techniques to eliminate symptoms because the symptoms constitute the very psychic richness from which grow an increasing awareness of body, mind, humanity and cosmos. Dabrowski gives birth to that process if he can.

Without intense and painful introspection and reflection, development is unlikely. Psychoneurotic symptoms should be embraced and transformed into anxieties about human problems of an ever higher order. If psychoneuroses continue to be classified as mental illness, then perhaps it is a sickness better than health.

“Without passing through very difficult experiences and even something like psychoneurosis and neurosis we cannot understand human beings and we cannot realize our multidimensional and multilevel development toward higher and higher levels.” Dabrowski.

If you came here with the desire to help humanity, no one is asking you to give that up.
Did Ark give up, or did he find other ways to use his skills to help humanity?
In order to make progress in the Work, one must have an aim. Without aim, there is no consistent struggle and one is more or less adrift in the sea of A influences which simply make one run in circles.

The difficulty with the concept of aim is that one cannot know the precise path which one has not traveled. People may see flashes of something but they do not have a realistic assessment of the distance to travel. Thus, setting a too specific initial aim is silly and unrealistic. The aim will change as the goal and territory become better understood.

People have different motives for undertaking the Work. Some may wish knowledge, others to help the world, some to be master over themselves. In George Gurdjieff's words, only mastery over the self is a reasonable goal, since any other goals may only be reached through this first one. One may begin with the goal of "reaching enlightenment" and soon find that this must be scaled down to something much more immediate and attainable, such as remembering oneself at least once per day. One can have specific goals only for that which is at least in theory within reach.

Making specific checklists on what is or is not an acceptable learning experience or lesson of life is presumptuous and fruitless and actually goes counter to the goal of learning. Choosing a general direction is however necessary. This general direction can be described in terms of the service to others vs. service to self duality, of objectivity vs. forcing one's subjectivity onto the world, of wakefulness vs. waking sleep and so forth. Such basic values can provide a framework for placing the intrinsically unpredictable and unanticipatable events of a spiritual path in context.
RedFox said:
As with all things we invest huge amounts of emotional energy and time into (that become our identity), when we discover that they are not helpful to the Work we tend to run screaming into the night.
So very hard to accept, and yet so true. Sometimes we need to set aside current endeavors and concentrate on what is ultimately most important. And as we advance in the work we may be able to serve others far better than in ways we previously thought so valuable.
Inquorate said:
So you are saying that since we can't do anything about it, we should simply stop learning about it?

Nobody said that.

For me personally, given a good description of a verified over-unity machine, I would be eager to replicate it if it's simple enough. But even in this (unlikely) case, I would know that I'm building it for fun only. I would know that it will not solve my or other's real problems, even less the problems of humanity.

Compare this situation with our present oil-based machines. By the people from not too long ago, our current technology would have been viewed as absolutely magnificent and magical. Today, we have it all, and even more, but nothing has changed for the better in a real sense. Read Ouspensky, Mouravieff and Gurdjieff on this topic.

I guess even widespread and official availability of over-unity machines would change nothing. The system would simply introduce a tax on over-unity energy, or something like that, and then we would still be in the same place as today.

Over-unity machines, like all other 'ordinary' machines, will do little towards evolution of humanity. That's the reason why they are not one of the core interests of this forum.
Yes, Im aware of the need for The Work. Im aware that it is the primary goal of this forum. Im aware that"they" may never allow the technology to see the light of day. However, much of the basis of this technology has its roots in The Work.

To understand one is to understand the other. It is somewhat reminiscent of "service to others" opposed to service self, with regards to how it functions.

Consider that your usual garden variety electronic circuit runs down, destroys a dipole. 3d.
Consider that circuits running at resonance with all atomic processes are self sustaining, by achieving resonance with their spatial environment. 4d+

That was the previous work, involving 3 coils, transistors etc.
The new work. ?.

"the Energy Lattice has a base frequency of oscillation and this oscillation is coupled into all mass in the universe, which under the proper condition can 'Translate' into useful energy in may forms such as Heat, Cold and Electricity. No input is required at all... it only requires the proper mass of proper material and the Translation takes place with no further effort.
Now what I can say is that the plates do not have to be as large or in fact any larger than the diameter of the magnets, at least not for a simple demo tool as I have shown. Various materials work, although one needs to consult a Periodic Table to make a correct selection. The magnets are critical to a point, once the threshold is reached for the action, adding additional magnets has little if any benefit.
The mag field is a Spin Force, it does not lose the spin in the field lines, although to my knowledge no one has yet demonstrated this via experiment. If field lines are lines of spin, is that spin translated to particles (some) as it passes through the material? If the spin could be passed at one speed and then slowed in passing via different material, would one see a particle buildup or offset between the two materials? Which particles would be most likely to be effected by the magnetic field?"

Dr R Stiffler, emails to Ben Brandwood without associted confidentiality disclaimersdisclaimers.s attached
This may describe proprietary information, but has essentially been covered by h the inventor in publicly disclosed YouTube videos! And publicly available information released by Wilhelm Reich.
From my own research, paramagnetic and diamagnetic materials in the proper relationships are the key to RifRife's work. Magnetic field of certain strength essential. Higher does not affect output, lower won't work.

There, ive disclosed what I can.


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It works. Just a trickle so far but iTs there. Attaching a cheap voltmeter uses the energy faster than its created. Now to scale up.
I know that free energy is possible in various ways. You just inspire on something like a treadmill. May I suggest that you stop taking the feedback from others about your idea in this defensive and agressive attitude, and instead finish this project and then we will naturally see you are right? why do you get so defensive? if it is possible is possible, you do it without a question.

Is like arguing with you about my idea on how to build the ark of the covenant (ups did I say that?) all day, being a waste of time because if I am right, I will be right and I will finish it and show it to you. It gets to the point that if one is right, one doesn't even need to argue how right one is about it, one will do it and others will see it. Interested on this project, as I've been thinking this is possible to work and in a simple form.

Now to get real serious. This technology is possible, I've faith it is. But you will get slapped in the face right before you try to share this with the world, not by this forum I am sure but by some powerful folks, the rules are out there and the rules are strict and harsh, right now if you cultivate your carrots you get beaten. If you think you will be succesful, and if you are right, you will be successful on building it. But if you think this can be shared on the open just like that, you my friend are in for a wild ride. If you want to share your knowledge with others and you are right, good friends will help you to share it the right way and this I know from personal experience, but sometimes this technology must be kept private. Don't believe it if you don't want to, but just saying man. If you end up being right, please be careful. Now, let's say this does not happen and you get to do some conferences out there for the pro scientists, are you even aware of the strings that would be pulled to put you down? are you even aware of the gravity of sharing free energy generators to the world? do you know how many wallets will pay for your reputation? if you can reduce the credibility and reputation of someone in public, this is enough to direct some negativity towards one person.

In my very personal potato opinion, I sometimes prefer to be a potato unless I know the risks of knowing something of this relevance. And even if I get to know it, I could not share this at all, at all.

So all in all, interested, but be careful xD
Prometeo said:
I know that free energy is possible in various ways. You just inspire on something like a treadmill. May I suggest that you stop taking the feedback from others about your idea in this defensive and agressive attitude, and instead finish this project and then we will naturally see you are right?

Prometeo, if he were to do as you suggest, he wouldn't read the rest of your post. :) Why don't we just let him work and report his results? No offence intended here.
Why would there be any offence? if you are a "scientist" you got to be prepared to the criticism.
Prometeo said:
Why would there be any offence? if you are a "scientist" you got to be prepared to the criticism.

I meant that I wasn't intending to offend you with my comments. I might have been overstepping my bounds, though, so my apologies if so. I'll probably be working on my impulse control forever.
QER: _ link not valid please see next post

I should note that all I've done here is replicate the inventor's work, after doing research. Please don't share the video link to everyone.
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