Also, if you need to, write a letter to him telling him just how much he has hurt you, how psychopathic he is, what a liar he is - whatever helps you to get the anger out that you feel. Then DO NOT GIVE IT TO HIM. You can tuck it away, or burn it, giving your anger to the Universe to do with as it will. Just let it all go.
Carlybee said:I do still want to express my giving loving nature but I will be learning and dedicating much more of my time learning much more about these predators, and using much more rationale and logic instead of heart wide open before even considering another potential mate in the future.
(emphasis added--shellycheval)Definitely the nail on the head there for sure! This is exactly the bait he used to hook me and many other women in his life by making them (me) feel special and of worth and value, and since my Father abandoned me when I was 1 1/2, information which he coaxed out of me when we first met, it makes perfect sense to conclude that I was seeking approval from a male figure in that way to feel special and worthy when all along I needed to recognise that it is myself that I can make myself feel special, loved and accepted.Quote from: truth seeker on February 09, 2011, 07:05:14 AM
I'm not sure how to ask this. You spoke about your mother yet I'm wondering if it was really your father you may have been seeking in this relationship? One of the things that sticks out for me is that he presented himself as a teacher. Perhaps one of the things you were hoping to gain was a feeling of being special or chosen by someone who presented himself as being special or who may have been considered that way by others ?
I was pinning my self esteem and sense of worth on the approval and acceptance of this flamboyant individual that seemed to posses this quality to feel worth something, without realising we have this potential inside all of us if we choose to tap into it and dont need to search outside the self for such things.
Dawn said:Wow! Great job on remaining calm (or appearing to be) and sticking to your guns!
Don't be surprised by a late night phone call or email. His reactive chemicals will likely go into overdrive and he may look for his next 'high' by appealing to your ....well it doesn't matter because you won't answer the phone or emails. ;) It is also very helpful to not check his statis on various social networks. Just wash your hands (even literally) of him.
Not telling you what to do, but I've been there! It's more healing to not dwell. :)
edit for: spelling
Carlybee said:Does anyone know what all this was about for me? Delayed shock? The reiki? Severe anxiety?
hithere said:Sounds like you've had a powerful reaction to the conflict you've been a part of, and an accompanying draining of your resources. It isn't unusual to have strong reactions after doing something that feels like it goes against your nature (false self), i.e. kicking out the parasite. You might still go through less powerful reactions of this kind, but they usually taper off with time and will seem less threatening than the first time! Steady as she goes! :)