Freedom Trucker Convoy: From Canada to USA to all across the world

Horse is fine, police tell trampled protesters​

A video showing the man with the bycicle is show.

Ottawa Police said neither man nor horse were injured after mounted officers charged into Freedom Convoy protesters
Horse is fine, police tell trampled protesters

© Twitter / Ottawa Police
Authorities responded to public outrage after mounted officers charged into the crowd of protesters in Ottawa on Friday, assuring Canadians that “no one has been seriously injured or passed away” during the incident.
After several viral videos showed mounted police seemingly trampling at least two people – including an elderly lady with a walker – as authorities tried to break up the Freedom Convoy demonstration, Ottawa Police released a statement claiming neither man nor horse were injured in the incident.
“We hear your concern for people on the ground after the horses dispersed a crowd. Anyone who fell got up and walked away. We're unaware of any injuries,” police said in a statement on Twitter.
Authorities further claimed that “a bicycle was thrown at the horse further down the line and caused the horse to trip,” adding “The horse was uninjured.”

In a statement to Newsweek, Ottawa Police even denied that any protesters had been trampled, claiming that the protesters had instead fallen over.
We are not aware of any protesters being trampled by horses... We understand that one protestor fell, got up and walked away
READ MORE: Dozens arrested as Ottawa police crack down on Freedom Convoy (VIDEOS)
Police also dismissed rumors that one of the trampled protesters had been killed, assuring the public that “no one has been seriously injured or passed away in any of today's police actions.”

Footage of police violence against protesters on Friday sparked public condemnation, including from elected Canadian officials who said they were “disturbed and saddened” by the “authoritarian, military style measures” used by police against “peaceful protesters.”

The Canadian government led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, has accused protesters – who have been demonstrating against Covid-19 restrictions and mandates outside Parliament since late last month – of attempting to overthrow the government. Trudeau invoked emergency measures to deal with the protesters this week.
So JP thinks that that Dichter is one of the leaders of the trucker movement ??? Oookkkkey :whistle:
This is the write up JBP gave the thinkspot video he put up
Description In this video, Benjamin Dichter, who is integrally involved in the Truckers Freedom Convey, reads a statement of the movement's demands, who they are, and addresses what they are not asking for that has been presented by the legacy media.
That's the problem with getting info from headlines, factual distortion. Dichter is not a leader, and not described by JBP as a leader. He is and organizer
More video of the violence inflicted by the police in Ottawa.

All that violence and they could only arrest a few dozen? If they really want to quell the protests, they have to arrest thousands of people. So it's a stalemate. Unless Trudeau takes this to the next level and puts all these people in camps and doesn't release them.

Looking at Freeland's connections, it becomes obvious that she has been on the radar of the billionaires for quite some time.

Halyna is her mother's name. The following was taken from a 1999 article in a Ukrainian paper.


Then it turns out that Freeland was planning on writing a biography of Soros before she was diverted to become a Minister of Finance (being a journalist) in Trudeau's government.

However she did manage to write a book which made sure that her Rolodex was much thicker than the actor Trudeau. Her most interesting book is titled, "Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else".

Oh, you think it criticizes the uber-rich ? Think again. Apparently she did such a good job that it assured her to get one of the best seats in Davos Club whose mission is "and the Fall of Everyone Else"


Watch how none chalantly the other police stand as the man on the ground gets a knee in the body the moment he is dragged out. They must have learned this in Iraq or Afghanistan.
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Latest updates: Police move in on Ottawa protesters​

Police are expected to "break the back" of the remaining protests today and they've brought in several "Offender Transport Vans" to round people up.
I think the proper strategy for the protestors AND the truckers is to put constant pressure on the criminal authoritarion government.

Bruce Lee said two things as a fighting strategy. One is to contract when your opponent expands and to expand when your opponent contracts. Second is to be like water.

To "contract" doesn't mean to retreat, it just means to keep applying pressure with changing strategies and flow into your opponents defenses "like water". If the truckers are being arrested then the protestors should just apply more pressure allowing the truckers to regroup and continue applying pressure
especially if the pressure of the protestors begin to wane. And so it goes but each time the pressure on the criminal government steadily increases and each time a little more "damage" is done to the tyrannical control system. No backing up. No violence. "The art of fighting without fighting".
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I'd say they were given orders to beat the protesters without worrying about being held accountable. Heck, using a gun stock to beat someone (second video) is way overboard. With so many police control of one person should be nothing.

However ..... I recall some years ago this incident made international news.

When Dziekański left the Customs hall, he became visibly agitated. Bystanders and airport security guards were unable to communicate with him because he did not speak English.[9] He used chairs to prop open the one-way doors between a Customs clearing area and a public lounge and at one point threw a computer and a small table to the floor before the police arrived.[11] Four RCMP officers, Constables Gerry Rundel, Bill Bentley, Kwesi Millington, and supervisor Corporal Benjamin Robinson, arrived and entered the Customs room where Dziekański was pacing about. They apparently directed him to stand near a counter, to which Dziekański complied but then he picked up a stapler sometime after being told to place his hands on a counter.[12][13][14]

Shortly thereafter, about 25 seconds after arriving at the scene, Corporal Robinson ordered the Taser to be used. Constable Millington tasered Dziekański. He began to convulse and was tasered several more times after falling to the ground, where the four officers pinned, handcuffed, and continued to taser him. One eyewitness, who recorded the incident on her cellphone, told CBC News that Dziekański had been tasered four times. "The third and fourth ones were at the same time" delivered by the officers at Dziekański's right and left, just before Dziekański fell.[11][15]

The truckers need to start honking again, ever since they capitulated to the demand to stop they have played right into the hands of the globalists. Watching the government and stupid libtard citizens lose their minds over the sound of horns, clearly that was their best tactic, so they need to bring it back. It's psychological warfare. If police are going thug now then there is no reason to hold back. BRING BACK THE HONKING!! 😂
The truckers need to start honking again, ever since they capitulated to the demand to stop they have played right into the hands of the globalists. Watching the government and stupid libtard citizens lose their minds over the sound of horns, clearly that was their best tactic, so they need to bring it back. It's psychological warfare. If police are going thug now then there is no reason to hold back. BRING BACK THE HONKING!! 😂
I second @Pearce !
Can I dream a little bit about Canada ?
More violence on various video recordings ... (ok, that's sad at begin)
Some high ranked military who are pretty aware (that policians are not anymore working for the country but against it) are going to be upset to see what they see, some will discuss together and decide, at a point, to intervene. Some military units will put their uniform, take their weapons (yes i know it does't look like going in the good direction but wait) and gather with the manifestors and put themselves in front of the police. Of course, this move will be rapidly discussed at high level, politician will discuss about with highest military level, and the answer will be that these "military units" which went on the ground did this individually from their own and that they are simply fulfilling their role to protect Canadians and to avoid blood to be spread between police and manifestors.

I mean, at the point it arrived now, this is a possibility. Or this would be done more ... discreetly ... that some military units would join the protestors but without clothes and weapons, but just maybe with some communication devices to help them to organize ... dunno .. it's a dream after all :-)
Holy Smokes !!!!! I never expected to hear this in the Canadian Parliament, though it should have been done a long time ago. Note how the question is avoided !!!

A longer version is available at the link but since the debate is ongoing the exact time is impossible to figure out. About 50 minutes ago it was 1:40:00

This vid might help to find the moment.
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