Freedom Trucker Convoy: From Canada to USA to all across the world

really big guys dressed in black, balaclavas, weird insignias on their uniforms (that I don't recognize)...and just standing and staring silently. I'd guess that these are some sort of paid mercenaries or something.
I remember seeing guys looking like this, in the USA, in an old Alex Jones movie maybe fifteen years ago (pre-Obama), "keeping peace" by intimidation on streets at an event somewhere. Very mysterious and never found out who they were. I remember they wouldn't respond to direct inquiries, just silent. If same or similar, someone somewhere must be tracking their appearances.
From this vid:
The Governor General of Canada says she needs 958,000 emails to remove Trudeau. The email address is and the heading should be Non Confidence Vote and she is The Honourable Mary Simon. Then just say This is a Non Confidence Vote for Justin Trudeau. This is doable folks. Name and Province
Only Canadians emails will count I'm sure. Otherwise, seems to me the best strategy is for all the vids of the police confrontations/brutality to go viral to the max. The more people see what's really going on, the better. And people should call out the legacy media for not reporting on these tyrannical measures against the citizenry. And what chickensh*ts the Parliament is - allowing Trudeau to get away with these assaults on the people and the Charter unchallenged!


I would check Hate motivated incident in that PM Trudeau has launched an unjustified/illegal hateful assault via the police on citizens that are lawfully protesting his mandates - his caustic, name-calling rhetoric clearly indicates a high level of vitriol and loathing.
It does not work because if the pressure grows police will use more and more violence to quell it which will outrage many and then there is a possibility of revolution. Let me slap you multiple times in your face and you stay calm? And if you stay calm then super I will continue slaping you more. I see only benefits of non violence until police oversteps which is the goal so it could be used as ignition and for more people to see but through this corona there where many possibilities to see so and many did not, but still there are enough people who see to make real fireworks. We live in a very violent world in which never ever was anything accomplished through force of reason and prayers so go figure it out. Let history teach you.
non-violent protest is the only thing, generally, that does seem to work for changes. a revolution changes nothing, and it is easier for the pathocrats to take over those. There are different responses to different situations of course, but I do not see a violent response as beneficial for anyone except the gov't.
Well, these are strange times, and I'm sure the Forum will welcome your humility. I sure do, by the way, welcome!

Anyways, I feel this is really a question that you must consider yourself. The situation has intensified today (Thursday afternoon and evening) with more direct police action and large squad deployments, multiple arrests including leaders (mostly for mischief accusations, locked up hours to maybe a few days), they tried towing a truck or two and mostly failed, but some of the outlying truckers felt over-threatened and left, others relocated to the main group and still intend to hold the line.

You have to realize the likelihood of conflict escalation is going way up into the weekend. I skipped through some livestreams a couple hours ago and the situation could already have changed dramatically, at any time. But the way Trudeau behaves, I wouldn't be surprised if he was looking ahead to a bigger audience to escalate his show of force. It might be an interesting time to witness, but certainly on the higher end of the risk-benefit spectrum and in opposition to strategic enclosure. Not that I respect mine, anyways - big data knows who we are, VPN or not. So even though I still speak up online, I'd have to consider going to Ottawa differently - putting yourself on an entirely different level of risk.

What is it that you'd hope to achieve by going there? I wouldn't think it would be rational to expect anything special from .gov. Most on this board would also remind you that our expectations do not fit in the service-to-others orientation. So I'm sure if the intention was to be of service, meeting people, providing support in some way, and you felt genuinely called to go, I'd say go on right ahead - but your intention does not seem that clear to me, and you have charges that might cause trouble to others if you were to leave indeterminately - now that police make arrests more offensively. That would be my primary matter of reflection. Would going there solve more problems that it caused in the aggregate. Is there somewhere more local where you could invest your time and energy?

After all, I'd like to praise the lifestyle that you are describing. By being self-sufficient, or even simply by working towards that goal, you are withdrawing power from the centralized authorities, you are already doing an important part, being a settler on the edge of decentralization. I respect that. A step on the path of the Obyvatel. So I'd much rather know that you were working to have more stable preps, to sustain yourself with decency, than putting yourself at risk going into the heat of it.

In the end, it's really for you to consider. But if you choose to go, don't expect that your going there will change anything. There should be cool people to meet, tho!
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I feel pulled to help the other light workers expose and transmute this agenda being pushed by our government. But I cannot risk slowing down my community's goal of sustainability so I will have to settle with local involvement. Thanks again.
From this vid:

Only Canadians emails will count I'm sure. Otherwise, seems to me the best strategy is for all the vids of the police confrontations/brutality to go viral to the max. The more people see what's really going on, the better. And people should call out the legacy media for not reporting on these tyrannical measures against the citizenry. And what chickensh*ts the Parliament is - allowing Trudeau to get away with these assaults on the people and the Charter unchallenged!

Sounds mostly like an easy way to harvest the emails of dissenting Canadians. Even if 15 million Canadians send the GG a message to ask Trudeau to step down, I doubt it would have any effect other than for the GG and PM to share a smirk and the continue on with their agenda.
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