Freedom Trucker Convoy: From Canada to USA to all across the world

here’s the link on rumble, since it’s not on YT anymore, also newer short streamed videos on his channel of today’s happenings
I think the proper strategy for the protestors AND the truckers is to put constant pressure on the criminal authoritarion government.

Bruce Lee said two things as a fighting strategy. One is to contract when your opponent expands and to expand when your opponent contracts. Second is to be like water.

To "contract" doesn't mean to retreat, it just means to keep applying pressure with changing strategies and flow into your opponents defences "like water". If the truckers are being arrested then the protestors should just apply more pressure allowing the truckers to regroup and continue applying pressure
especially if the pressure of the protestors begin to wane. And so it goes but each time the pressure on the criminal government steadily increases and each time a little more "damage" is done to the tyrannical control system. No backing up. No violence. "The art of fighting without fighting".
It does not work because if the pressure grows police will use more and more violence to quell it wich will outrage many and then there is a possibility of revolution. Let me slap you multiple times in your face and you stay calm? And if you stay calm then super I will continue slaping you more.I see only benefits of non violence until police oversteps which is the goal so it could be used as ignition and for more people to see but through this corona there where many possibillities to see so and many did not, but still there are enough people who see to make real fireworks. We live in a very violent world in which never ever was anything accomplished through force of reason and prayers so go figure it out. Let history teach you.
It does not work because if the pressure grows police will use more and more violence to quell it wich will outrage many and then there is a possibility of revolution. Let me slap you multiple times in your face and you stay calm? And if you stay calm then super I will continue slaping you more.I see only benefits of non violence until police oversteps which is the goal so it could be used as ignition and for more people to see but through this corona there where many possibillities to see so and many did not, but still there are enough people who see to make real fireworks. We live in a very violent world in which never ever was anything accomplished through force of reason and prayers so go figure it out. Let history teach you.
This morning as I watched some livestream I heard some protesters, or plants, hard to know which they were, getting not so much aggressive as saying just stupidish aggressive things to police. The pressure there up against the police must be immense. Many protesters are calm and just doing their best to hold the line without insulting the police or getting a baton in the gut.

In this video, Marcel Irnie, the videographer, mostly focuses on ex-RCMP Cpl, Daniel Bulford. It's about half way through that you can really hear what Bulford is saying. He exemplifies the way to do this, not polarizing. Bulford said in an earlier livestream that he cared as (almost?) as much about the police officers as about the protesters. He did turn himself into them when he heard they were looking for him.

Police vileness to Freedom Convoy protestors downtown Ottawa Feb.18, 2022 P. Weiss | IrnieracingNews
It does not work because if the pressure grows police will use more and more violence to quell it wich will outrage many and then there is a possibility of revolution. Let me slap you multiple times in your face and you stay calm? And if you stay calm then super I will continue slaping you more.I see only benefits of non violence until police oversteps which is the goal so it could be used as ignition and for more people to see but through this corona there where many possibillities to see so and many did not, but still there are enough people who see to make real fireworks. We live in a very violent world in which never ever was anything accomplished through force of reason and prayers so go figure it out. Let history teach you.
Is there anything else to do? The truckers are already heroes. The last stand would be chaining the trucks together and chaining themselves to the trucks. The next martyrs in the making for the religion of human freedom.
Interresting short clip saw in Telegram, coming visibly from TikTok, it says that it's a women who is going in front of policemen (& women) and ask them to look her in the eyes. I can't much comment on the utility to do this but i think it's a good move, it probably disturbed the ones among police who wonder what the hell they are in the wrong rank of the whole crowd there.

The clip can be watched without Telegram :
The only crime committed was to have a different opinion and expressing it peacefully through protest.

This is the character that supposedly hacked (I think he was given high level help) the GiveSendGo site to get the list of donors which then conveniently is used by the government. What if the government had something on him enabling them to "convince" him what he needs to do for them ?
This is the character that supposedly hacked (I think he was given high level help) the GiveSendGo site to get the list of donors which then conveniently is used by the government. What if the government had something on him enabling them to "convince" him what he needs to do for them ?
(these smileys well express my feeling watching this ... human (?), or better say "humanoid" )
So I turned my eyes off the topic while I went to run errands and now I look back and the dumpster is on fire. I can't add anything to the topic right now but mention the 1988 Watchman stream is still live and it's getting brutal
multiview compilation

edit: I thought I was going to retract the term "this is getting brutal" because it was just something someone said that stuck but then the police marched in wide combat stance with clubs out and capture the public high points where cameras were set up
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Holy Smokes !!!!! I never expected to hear this in the Canadian Parliament, though it should have been done a long time ago. Note how the question is avoided !!!

A longer version is available at the link but since the debate is ongoing the exact time is impossible to figure out. About 50 minutes ago it was 1:40:00

This vid might help to find the moment.
Ahh. The typical response whenever thinking strays outside the Official Culture sandbox.

"This subject is not to be discussed. No argument or evidence needs to be given. It doesn't have official sanction from the Ministry of Truth and that is all you need to know. Next question."

When people auto-limit their thinking to only those subjects extant within the boundaries prescribed be their captors, their thinking will never allow them to leave the cage. Obviously.

But seriously.., these people are basically just pathetic robot monkeys.

They'll be Free and Courageous Thinkers, so long as they perceive that the Authorities have greenlit their thoughts first. It's one of the most frustrating and pathetic traits a person can embody.
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