Freedom Trucker Convoy: From Canada to USA to all across the world

It's been two years of this nonsense. People like your stepson, dutifully wearing their slave muzzles, are why this continues. Because of brainwashed idiots like him supporting tyrants like Trudeau, I haven't been able to see my family in Canada for two years. And there is no real prospect of that changing in the near term.

I am absolutely fresh out of sympathy for the "suffering" of people like him or any of the other laptop-class bootlickers infesting the capital. Some loud noises, fireworks, and bullying for wearing a mask? Poor him. Boohoo. My heart breaks.
I think there are two types of mask wearers, probably with a large overlap. There are those who simply comply because the authorities told them to. Then there are those who don't easily comply and try to become informed, but their trust in mainstream creates fear of the "vapors" and they wear a mask to protect themselves. While I don't hold much compassion for the former, I can certainly afford some for the latter. Father, forgive them, for the know not what they do.
@Gonzo while I don't condone most everything you listed, the horns I think were brilliant. Like a literal alarm clock saying "this is it, your final wake up call."

Take in contrast everyone who brought their kids to the protest to show them what standing up for yourself looks like, to those who sat there firmly in their faulty beliefs and further victimizing themselves.

It's similar to here in Texas, a very very Republican/conservative state, but our capitol city of Austin is run by a democrat mayor, and the democrats honestly think that because the mayor of the capitol is left leaning, that they have the majority/higher ground. But the truth is so much the opposite. It's a dot of blue in a vast sea of red. (Yes I know left/right is a distraction, but the point still stands)

Furthermore, Democrats don't get to say who from Texas comes to the capitol; every Texan has a right to be there, including in the capitol building, by virtue of being a Texas citizen. Just because you live in the capitol does not make it "your city," because the capitol by definition is every citizens city. The same can't be said of every other city here, but the capitol is an exclusive case.

The other part that just makes me laugh is the fragile people who think protests are just supposed to be lovely little affairs that are neat and orderly and then people go home. Usually the minority in any situation are the ones who think this way. Protests are supposed to be disruptive. They can be "peaceful" and you don't have to destroy anything, but by the mere fact alone that people are there protesting means they have grievances that have been allowed to fester to such a point that protesting is the first form of redress.

And I can't speak for all of them, including your stepson, but those who have bought into this lie have chosen their suffering. Would I be sad if STS were denied it's food and therefore suffered? No, because they have chosen that path. Likewise, I feel no sympathy nor pity for the authoritarian crowd. They've had plenty of time and opportunity to learn real history, wake up, and choose a different path. These are all the people who want to deny you everything they don't agree with, a week or two of honking is like, bare minimum of the discomfort they should be feeling. And I'm certain more is coming for them, but for the rest of us, we've had enough of this crap.
This is an interview by Tara Henley with Ryan Alford, a professor at The Bora Laskin Faculty of Law at Lakehead University and a constitutional law expert. His take on the Emergencies Act from a constitutional p.o.v. is like looking inside the body of Canada at its skeleton. Tara Henley is a CBC journalist who quit with some parting words in public, about how she couldn't stomach the controls on journalists now in place in CBC. I right away signed up for her Substack email.

I liked this paragraph especially.

The Prime Minister maintains that the government is not infringing on Charter rights.

The argument from certain people has been that because the Emergencies Act states that the government has to observe the Constitution, therefore the regulations do not infringe the Charter. Well, I hate to tell you this, but the government always has the obligation not to infringe the Charter. The reason we have courts is because they do so routinely, and people have to go to court, as the Canadian Civil Liberties Association is doing now, to vindicate those rights. It happens every day.

Link to this interview.

Canadian Trucker Convoy: Revolution in Canada?
It's been two years of this nonsense. People like your stepson, dutifully wearing their slave muzzles, are why this continues. Because of brainwashed idiots like him supporting tyrants like Trudeau, I haven't been able to see my family in Canada for two years. And there is no real prospect of that changing in the near term.

I am absolutely fresh out of sympathy for the "suffering" of people like him or any of the other laptop-class bootlickers infesting the capital. Some loud noises, fireworks, and bullying for wearing a mask? Poor him. Boohoo. My heart breaks.

One might suspect that the stepson has no choice at the office, like so many others have no choice trying to put food on the table - want to work, wear a mask, get a vaccine or don't work, the same policy story goes. Nowhere that I could see was Gonzo saying the stepson supported the J-man (and maybe he does), it is just that he has to function at work and was being harassed, he claimed. It is also easy to see how children, who do not understand, could be frightened, and their parents angry of course. Unfortunately, their anger (and fear) is being misdirected, and they were not helping by saying nothing to their elect who easily could have changed the course, who may also seem to have encouraged the whole showdown. Such is the way of manufacturing divides, though.

Much of what has gone on in Ottawa (the focal point) is like the NIMBY thing (not in my back yard), so some will get excited over their loss of comfort, while forgetting that across the lands people have suffered day in and day out - the very reason they where there in Ottawa in the first place, to the very house that is supposed to represent them. However, I get your frustration, oh yes, especially being denied access to you family for two years (I know what that is like, as other do here being prisoners in our own country). Those in fear and loathing in Ottawa seemed blind to that.

Anyway, some of what Gonzo said may indeed be so, and yet it was likely more confined to certain areas and not Ottawa prober. Also, now that the brutal minders have given them back their city core, there is likely a good peppering of embellishment to peoples stories to help them justify unjustifiable actions - when to some, as can be seen, they now equate honking to the drum beat of Heil Hitler, and they were shaking in their boots. It will be the talk in Tim Hortons and the CBC, no doubt.
@Gonzo while I don't condone most everything you listed, the horns I think were brilliant. Like a literal alarm clock saying "this is it, your final wake up call."

Take in contrast everyone who brought their kids to the protest to show them what standing up for yourself looks like, to those who sat there firmly in their faulty beliefs and further victimizing themselves.

It's similar to here in Texas, a very very Republican/conservative state, but our capitol city of Austin is run by a democrat mayor, and the democrats honestly think that because the mayor of the capitol is left leaning, that they have the majority/higher ground. But the truth is so much the opposite. It's a dot of blue in a vast sea of red. (Yes I know left/right is a distraction, but the point still stands)

Furthermore, Democrats don't get to say who from Texas comes to the capitol; every Texan has a right to be there, including in the capitol building, by virtue of being a Texas citizen. Just because you live in the capitol does not make it "your city," because the capitol by definition is every citizens city. The same can't be said of every other city here, but the capitol is an exclusive case.

The other part that just makes me laugh is the fragile people who think protests are just supposed to be lovely little affairs that are neat and orderly and then people go home. Usually the minority in any situation are the ones who think this way. Protests are supposed to be disruptive. They can be "peaceful" and you don't have to destroy anything, but by the mere fact alone that people are there protesting means they have grievances that have been allowed to fester to such a point that protesting is the first form of redress.

And I can't speak for all of them, including your stepson, but those who have bought into this lie have chosen their suffering. Would I be sad if STS were denied it's food and therefore suffered? No, because they have chosen that path. Likewise, I feel no sympathy nor pity for the authoritarian crowd. They've had plenty of time and opportunity to learn real history, wake up, and choose a different path. These are all the people who want to deny you everything they don't agree with, a week or two of honking is like, bare minimum of the discomfort they should be feeling. And I'm certain more is coming for them, but for the rest of us, we've had enough of this crap.
I thought the horns were brilliant as well. My wife and I stood on the overpass, waving the truck s on as they pulled into Ottawa. Their horns reminded me of the cavalry coming. And, for the first several days, I was only paying attention to Parliament Hill and still thought the horns were wonderful - particularly since they could be heard well across the parliamentary precinct. They were blasting them for a couple of minutes every half hour.

Then I started hearing from coworkers and friends in the downtown core and beyond and realized their mental health was being affected. Considering the damage two years of lock-downs and other COVID disruptions had already taken on them, the horns became a tipping point for many, including several who also wanted an end to the mandates and the overall COVID shenanigans but could not bear the noise any longer.

I understand how difficult it can be to have empathy for others who seem to be complying and therefore part of the problem. I'm an unvaxxed public servant who was just denied my religious accommodation and therefore about to lose my income, and I'm having difficulty holding my rage. But I still have empathy for those who didn't know where to look to find information that might have changed their stance or didn't realize how corrupt the world is around them.
One might suspect that the stepson has no choice at the office, like so many others have no choice trying to put food on the table - want to work, wear a mask, get a vaccine or don't work, the same policy story goes. Nowhere that I could see was Gonzo saying the stepson supported the J-man (and maybe he does), it is just that he has to function at work and was being harassed, he claimed. It is also easy to see how children, who do not understand, could be frightened, and their parents angry of course. Unfortunately, their anger (and fear) is being misdirected, and they were not helping by saying nothing to their elect who easily could have changed the course, who may also seem to have encouraged the whole showdown. Such is the way of manufacturing divides, though.

Much of what has gone on in Ottawa (the focal point) is like the NIMBY thing (not in my back yard), so some will get excited over their loss of comfort, while forgetting that across the lands people have suffered day in and day out - the very reason they where there in Ottawa in the first place, to the very house that is supposed to represent them. However, I get your frustration, oh yes, especially being denied access to you family for two years (I know what that is like, as other do here being prisoners in our own country). Those in fear and loathing in Ottawa seemed blind to that.

Anyway, some of what Gonzo said may indeed be so, and yet it was likely more confined to certain areas and not Ottawa prober. Also, now that the brutal minders have given them back their city core, there is likely a good peppering of embellishment to peoples stories to help them justify unjustifiable actions - when to some, as can be seen, they now equate honking to the drum beat of Heil Hitler, and they were shaking in their boots. It will be the talk in Tim Hortons and the CBC, no doubt.
I didn't want to be seeming to be too defensive of Ottawa. But I did think providing other perspectives and the collateral damage was important to understand. Ottawa is NIMBY central. There's a reason we call out town the City that Fun Forgot. Most of us go to Montreal for a good time.
I thought the horns were brilliant as well. My wife and I stood on the overpass, waving the truck s on as they pulled into Ottawa. Their horns reminded me of the cavalry coming. And, for the first several days, I was only paying attention to Parliament Hill and still thought the horns were wonderful - particularly since they could be heard well across the parliamentary precinct. They were blasting them for a couple of minutes every half hour.

Then I started hearing from coworkers and friends in the downtown core and beyond and realized their mental health was being affected. Considering the damage two years of lock-downs and other COVID disruptions had already taken on them, the horns became a tipping point for many, including several who also wanted an end to the mandates and the overall COVID shenanigans but could not bear the noise any longer.

I understand how difficult it can be to have empathy for others who seem to be complying and therefore part of the problem. I'm an unvaxxed public servant who was just denied my religious accommodation and therefore about to lose my income, and I'm having difficulty holding my rage. But I still have empathy for those who didn't know where to look to find information that might have changed their stance or didn't realize how corrupt the world is around them.
All very valid points of view for sure. Do I have empathy? Absolutely. I have often times in my life been crippled by the sorrow of the human race, and I do hurt for others. But I think empathy also involves letting people reap the consequences of their choices, whether good or bad. It's all lessons after all. But the sorrow I feel is balanced by joy in knowing that "it's time" for the conclusion of this saga. Sorrow comes from looking at history to see how we got here, joy comes from knowing it's because we have been through hell and back that a different future opens up, and in doing so, the sorrow of the past will have been worth it and therefore I'm not sad anymore. Or rather, I'm sad when thinking 3D, and absolutely jubilant when thinking 4D, to the level that I am able to even think 4D. I do think I get glimpses here and there.

Anyway, all of that to say, yes, I empathize, but I do not sympathize. I also wish your stepson, and any others no matter where they fall, the strength and perseverance to carry forward in their lessons. We all end up together in 7D at the same time after all, laughing and thankful for the lessons. So there is no right or wrong road in the end. Then, I guess, we do it all over again.
One might suspect that the stepson has no choice at the office, like so many others have no choice trying to put food on the table - want to work, wear a mask, get a vaccine or don't work, the same policy story goes.

I didn't get the sense that the guy was at the office when we wore it; that didn't really occur to me because I've never seen anyone get harassed for being masked when on duty, as everyone understands that they've no choice in the matter. Those who ostentatiously virtue signal with their masks on the street are a different matter, and my impression was that the individual in question was in that group. As it is precisely that group who were most loudly complaining about the convoy, that assumption seemed fairly logical.

Perhaps this was not the case.

I still don't have any sympathy for anyone in Ottawa, however.
I understand how difficult it can be to have empathy for others who seem to be complying and therefore part of the problem. I'm an unvaxxed public servant who was just denied my religious accommodation and therefore about to lose my income, and I'm having difficulty holding my rage. But I still have empathy for those who didn't know where to look to find information that might have changed their stance or didn't realize how corrupt the world is around them.

I see empathy as a two-way street. Those supporting lockdowns, mandates, and now the explicit removal of democracy in Canada have shown no empathy for any but themselves, throughout any of this. I've tried having conversations with people in this class - I'm in the "zoom class" of educated professionals myself. I've tried explaining to them how this all looks from a working class perspective.

It bounces off of them like they're made of rubber. Just doesn't register. Most of them, at least. It's not that they're all deranged and hateful, as per the worst of social media leftoids. Most are just indifferent to teenage suicide, drug overdoses, and all the rest of the horrors their policies have led to. But many of them are enthusiastic about censorship, about firing the noncompliant, about all of it.

So when I saw them freaking out during the honking, I'll be honest, my reaction was this: "Good. Suffer." It might be petty and spiteful, but it is what it is, and if the mandates aren't going anywhere and the tyranny is just going to continue, well, I'm not losing sleep over taking just a bit of malicious satisfaction that their comfortable little lives were inconvenienced for a short period of time.
Just saw this article on Substack via Alex Berenson's Substack and wanted to share:

I was just re-reading Penny Kelly's Robes: A Book of Coming Changes. She's no Laura and the C's but this lady has had her own "connecting the chakras" and awakening experiences back in the late 1970s and early 1980s. During these experiences in which reality totally shifted for her and she was able to unlock psychic intuition that she had never had access to or interest in before, 7 men in brown robes who looked like Benedictine monks would show up occasionally and ask if they could show her pictures of the coming earth/human changes. They had a warm glow about them as if exuding an inner light.

She was freaked out and not ready for the experience from what she writes. They would ask to show her pictures. She would reluctantly agree. One the first things they said was that the earth was a "living being and is quite capable of healing herself. When she does, there can be a shift of many degrees, even a complete rolling over." She writes, "I was about to protest or withdraw from the experience when the Earth and the volleyball net sort of shrugged. Bulging awkwardly like a pregnant woman in the last trimester, the Earth rolled forward, rolled back, bobbled around a bit, then resettled itself in an entirely new position. The oceans rolled and splashed like water in a bathtub, and even from my distant vantage point I could see considerable destruction as whole sections of land rose up and folded over on themselves, burying everyone and everything, leaving the surface as bare and new as the moon." To me, they were showing her the wave. She talks about the "volleyball net" to be electromagnetic forces that move through space and interact with the earth's electromagnetic waves.

In Chapter 4 which is entitled "Break-Up of Nations" the men in robes return, ever friendly. She describes them as having a combination of "patience, peacefulness, and a sort of cheery, businesslike approach." Anyways in this visit which was in 1981, they show her pictures of the Berlin Wall coming down and the USSR breaking apart into nations and then into smaller nations. Then Canada broke into two, and progressively smaller sections." That just sent chills through me as it seems very plausible that more conservative provinces break away from the globalist, liberal ones and Trudeau or whatever twin may be his replacement:
Alberta Premier files court challenge against Trudeau and government over 'unjustified' Emergencies Act, 'There is no insurrection or coup' --

She continues, "The breakup of Canada was hardly begun when the same thing began in Africa, Mexico, India, the United States, and the European nations. Even giant China began to split into independent regions."

Who knows? The robes continued, "What you are seeing represents the break up of the nations and, in most cases, the passing of democracy as well as the end of the huge national governments."

"When things change and people see only destruction, only the loss of what used to be, and not the good things they are moving toward or what they have the chance to create, then they feel heartache and pain. They resist what is normal and natural in the cycles of life. There is panic, and much more suffering than necessary."

"As you watch the coming changes increase in number and deepen in effect, keep in mind that part of the reason they are occurring is because human beings have grown past the structures that presently exist. Your new ways of life will express the levels of awareness, function, and organization into which your are evolving. "

Have to go now but will continue my post tomorrow...

She wished she asked better questions. They have not returned since then as far as I know.
Not directly related to the convoy, but still. The absolute nerve of this guy.

Watch Chrystia Freeland behind J.T. as he is talking. What in the hell is up with her?! She cannot stand still and calm to save her life; constantly checking her notes, hair flips, and unbelievable deep breaths! It's like a perpetual panic attack (or maybe a bad vaccine batch reaction?).

This is the full 40 minute address:
PM announces 'first round' of sanctions against Russia, troop deployment to Latvia
Watch Chrystia Freeland behind J.T. as he is talking. What in the hell is up with her?! She cannot stand still and calm to save her life; constantly checking her notes, hair flips, and unbelievable deep breaths! It's like a perpetual panic attack (or maybe a bad vaccine batch reaction?).
First I thought that she may be possessed but after watching it a few time it seem as she is reciting Trudeau speech under her mask. She probably had a real meltdown when Putin recognized the 2 regions as independent, she really look perturbed lol, she may even be the one who wrote the speech as Trudeau is handler. Anyway I don’t discount possession, evil take is toll.

rFirst I thought that she may be possessed but after watching it a few time it seem as she is reciting Trudeau speech under her mask. She probably had a real meltdown when Putin recognized the 2 regions as independent, she really look perturbed lol, she may even be the one who wrote the speech as Trudeau is handler. Anyway I don’t discount possession, evil take is toll.
I though the same thing. Her head movements are in conjunction with the words that Justin is saying. Even maybe she is saying the words and Justin, as a good robot, is repeating her words.
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