Dawn said:
Wow, this is insane!! What the heck does your (wrongly interpreted ) spiritual beliefs have to do with any freaking thing??
Absolutely nothing...except that I expect Lawyer Fancy Pants was getting paid by the hour?
I have known some Norse Pagans in my days (also studied it myself), and it is not even similar or close in any way to Wicca - which I've studied also.
Well, I think Mr Fancy Pants and his friends are about to learn the difference between a Wiccan and a Norsewoman. I THINK I just figured out the "I owe a contractor $20,000.00" lie. I did have a dispute with a contractor awhile ago that amounted to about $7000.00, however we settled our issues (which were technical) MONTHS before Joshua Gray clubbed Pepper...in fact, the contractor in question is still working for me.
What makes this interesting is that no one knew about the dispute except the contractor, my lawyer, and his lawyer, who happens to be the first Lawyer Grey hired. We never went to court, there were some misunderstandings that we worked out, and like I said, that contractor is still working for me. In fact, I just talked to him and he say's he didn't tell anyone except his attorney.
I can just tell I'm going to be filing Bar complaints against somebody before this is all over with. How did Grey's attorney find out about a PRIVATE contractual dispute to which his first lawyer was a party? Why did Lawyer Fancy Pants claim that it was ongoing when the issue was settled way before Pepper was attacked? Why did he more than double the amount of the original dispute, even if you add the claims from both sides together?
Can a civil suit be brought forth? Vet bills paid by this scum? I don't know the law.
Frontier is paying the vet bills, and the Rarrick's can bring a Civil if they can find an Attorney to take the case. The Lawyer that originally offered his services didn't follow through, I think due to illness?
I agree, absolutely completely irrelevant. When you feel up to it, I'd love to hear the details. I still hope he gets SOME sort of punishment.
Evidently NONE at all. He was suspended for a short period of time WITH PAY, but he's back to work, walking into people's yards again like nothing happened. Even IF you believe EVERY WORD of his lame, contradictory, "I was so over worked I was zombiefied to the point that I just didn't notice TWO miniature schnauzers frantically yapping in high C" story ... that's the kind of person Frontier Communications is sending into our back yards? REALLY?
Frontier Communications Technicians who are so oblivious to their surroundings that they're "surprised" by TWO of the loudest, most obnoxious barking, breed of dog on the planet? REALLY?
According to his testimony Grey was a MARINE for 4 years, and his "surprise reflex action" to a 12" tall, 15 lb barking dog is to club it senseless? This is who Frontier Communications is sending onto pet owner's properties? REALLY?
Frontier Communication's "Security Division" has done an "Extensive Investigation" ...but they NEVER spoke to the witnesses, or even asked to. REALLY??
I can actually understand how he got off on the criminal charge, it's how the law is written, and I figured that if we lost, that would be why. His lawyer brought up a hundred year old precedence that I'd actually found too, regarding a guy who was "surprised" by a horse and hit it in the head with a rock....and that guy got off too.
What I DO NOT understand is that even if Frontier Communication believes every single word of Grey's story, how can they continue to send this man onto customer's property when MANY of these customers have pets constrained in their yards?