Breaking: Suspect in Custody for Sending Ricin Poison to President Trump
A female suspect was arrested by Customs and Border Patrol Agents trying to enter the United States from Canada.
A female suspect was arrested by Customs and Border Patrol Agents trying to enter the United States from Canada.
The New York Times reported on Saturday that authorities were seeking an unidentified Canadian woman suspect.
The letter addressed to President Trump was intercepted Saturday by federal agents.
A package containing the poison ricin and addressed to President Donald Trump was intercepted by law enforcement earlier this week, according to two law enforcement officials.
Two tests were done to confirm the presence of ricin. All mail for the White House is sorted and screened at an offsite facility before reaching the White House.
The FBI and Secret Service are investigating the matter.
The package appeared to come from Canada, according to officials who spoke to The Wall Street Journal.
Check out the latest Last American Vagabond update related to this.
If you start at 23:40, he ties the ricin operation with the anthrax false flag just after 9/11.
(actually, this goes on longer than I had anticipated, but it seemed significant so I just went with it):
We know the anthrax [event] was a lie. [It was] traced back to Fort Detrick, of all places. So realizing now that the same people are involved -- Robert Kadlec... who is aggressively connected to Emergent BioSolutions, who was very tied up in the anthrax false flag event...
Remember Robert Kadlec is the person who created the Assistant Secretary for [Health and Human Services] Preparedness and Response, the position that he now holds. The position that is in sole control of the strategic national stockpile...
The point is, coming to today, as Whitney [Webb] says, how convenient that
Health and Human Services, which Robert Kadlec is a part of, fast-tracked the ricin vaccine -- you heard it, the ricin vaccine -- just a few months ago, to add to the Robert Kadlec controlled strategic national stockpile. So, months before this [ricin event] they fast track the ricin vaccine that nobody even knows about. I'll bet you all don't even know what ricin is, or have never even heard of it. As I pointed out the other day, I never even heard of the term until I watched "Breaking Bad," almost as if [the show was early on] the social engineering, the predictive programming [for this event].
Now, suddenly, [ricin is] something we all seem to know about and talk about. Now, suddenly, because a package was sent, well, now, everybody's looking into it, knowing about it. But a few months ago, before it seemed to matter: oh, well, what do you know, they fast track that specific vaccine...
Event 201 and The Dark Winter*: it was all about the bio-threats and the country being shut down, and Marshal Law, the whole same thing, the same thing we're talkin' about now.
Thomas Inglesby, of Dark Winter and Event 201, was talking about ricin last June with none other than Rick Bright [the ousted chief of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Agency], who also warned of the darkest winter in modern history. How ridiculous. And, as [Webb] points out, the one that really puts the cherry on top,
in July the only manufacturer of the ricin vaccine -- before all this happened -- said, quote: "the remainder of 2020 will likely be a potentially transformative event for the company." What event are they talking about? How would they even know there was going to be an event, and why would 2020 be the [year]? This is in July. Hey, we're in the middle of something called Covid-19, so are they just assuming that someone's just going to take ricin, of all the many things they could use, and use THAT as a bio attack?...
And then when you find out that
Soligenix -- the company that's making this vaccine with Emergent BioSolutions -- is a subsidiary of an Israeli firm... [These] are the people behind the anthrax vaccine. And why it's relevant that the Israeli firm is tied in here: because the Israeli government is aggressively tied in with this whole thing from the very beginning -- back to anthrax, and currently today...
[Reading the title of an article]: "Soligenix, Emergent BioSolutions' extend development agreement for RiVax drug substance protein antigen." This is four years ago. [The article] says, "Soligenix inc. recently extended its development agreement with Emergent BioSolutions to implement a... production technology candidate being developed to protect against ricin exposure."
[end excerpt]
As for The Dark Winter reference, Wikipedia:
* Operation Dark Winter was the code name for a senior-level bio-terrorist attack simulation conducted from June 22–23, 2001.
[1][2][3] It was designed to carry out a mock version of a covert and widespread
smallpox attack on the United States.
Tara O'Toole and Thomas Inglesby of the
Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies (CCBS) /
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), and Randy Larsen and Mark DeMier of Analytic Services were the principal designers, authors, and controllers of the Dark Winter project.
For more on Dark Winter:
Please consider Pastor Dana Coverstone’s Dream posted earlier today regarding darkness, nationwide outages, flickering lights and the headlines he saw for December & January. Dept. of Homeland Security Full Warning “The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) continues to prepare against ever...
I've only scanned this so far. What might be of interest is a video with Whitney Webb & (Ryan) The Last American Vagabond discussing the chaos surrounding the coming election, and the possibility of an EMP attack, and “Dark Winter.”