I get his point, but how sorry is it that language has deteriorated to the lowest possible level and the guy can barely keep his cargo shorts from falling completely down? The decline from the WWII generation (those still alive in their 90s) to the current generation of young people is astonishing. Beyond tragic.
I like that he spoke up to those people, but I totally agree with you. I was thinking the same thing while listening to some youtubers (who I like!). They cannot speak one sentence without saying f--k! These are people who make good points, so why do they feel the need to use bad language?
A female suspect was arrested by Customs and Border Patrol Agents trying to enter the United States from Canada.
A female suspect was arrested by Customs and Border Patrol Agents trying to enter the United States from Canada.
The New York Times reported on Saturday that authorities were seeking an unidentified Canadian woman suspect.
The letter addressed to President Trump was intercepted Saturday by federal agents.
A package containing the poison ricin and addressed to President Donald Trump was intercepted by law enforcement earlier this week, according to two law enforcement officials.
Two tests were done to confirm the presence of ricin. All mail for the White House is sorted and screened at an offsite facility before reaching the White House.
The FBI and Secret Service are investigating the matter.
Ricin is a highly toxic compound extracted from castor beans that has been used in terror plots. It can be used in powder, pellet, mist or acid form. If ingested, it causes nausea, vomiting and internal bleeding of the stomach and intestines, followed by failure of the liver, spleen and kidneys, and death by collapse of the circulatory system.
BREAKING: Omaha Bar Owner Charged For Killing Rioter Who Attacked Him and His Business Has Committed Suicide
Published September 20, 2020
A Nebraska bar owner that killed a rioter who was attacking him and his business has committed suicide, a friend of Jake Gardner has confirmed to The Gateway Pundit. The bar owner, Jake Gardner, was indicted by a grand jury on counts of manslaughter, use of a firearm in the commission of a felony, attempted first-degree assault and making terrorist threats after intense political pressure was placed on the city. The district attorney had originally ruled it was self defense.
On May 30, the 38-year-old veteran confronted a group of rioters outside one of the bars he owns in Omaha and was knocked to the ground.
“From there, he fired two warning shots and tried to get to his feet, prosecutors said. As he did, Gardner got into a fight with one man, James Scurlock, 22. The two scuffled before Gardner fired a shot that killed him,” Yahoo News reports.
The rioter who was shot had repeatedly broken windows at the bar and other businesses in the area.
The incident prompted a wave of further “protests,” particularly after Donald Kleine, the Douglas County attorney, determined that Gardner had acted in self-defense and declined to bring charges.
“A week later, Kleine said in a statement that after hearing from local residents and elected officials he would welcome an outside review ‘in this rare instance.’ He added, ‘I made a decision and I would not change that decision based on everything I know today,'” the Yahoo report explains.
Douglas County District Court Judge Shelly Stratman then appointed a special council, Fredrick Franklin, an assistant U.S. attorney in the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Omaha, to handle the case, though they said they expected the same outcome.
Instead, Franklin bowed to pressure and dug up evidence and came up with charges.
“The manslaughter charge, he said, is related to Scurlock’s death; the attempted assault charge resulted from the second warning shot Gardner fired; the charge of making terrorist threats is linked to ‘a verbal confrontation’ that Gardner had with Scurlock, Franklin continued,” Yahoo reports.
On Friday, a judge signed off on an arrest warrant for Gardner.
A GoFundMe fundraiser to raise money for his defense was deleted by the platform.
Gardner was allegedly planning to turn himself in to the police on Monday. His family and friends believed that his bail was expected to be one million dollars.
A Nebraska bar owner that killed a rioter who was attacking him and his business has committed suicide, a friend of Jake Gardner has confirmed to The Gateway Pundit.
The article concludes with this additional insight: In a video from Trump’s inauguration, Gardner’s kindness really shined as he explained that though he supports the president, he also supported the Women’s March and their right to be heard. [Short-1:47]
From comments regarding the video:
" You have to watch the whole video to see that this guy's stance was mischaracterized by TGP. I have reported their error in saying that "he also supported the Women’s March". He only supported their right to be heard, did not agree with their criticisms."
Down-to-earth, sensible/reasonable veteran - with support dog? Such an avoidable tragedy and injustice.
Department Of Justice Identifies New York City, Portland And Seattle As Jurisdictions Permitting Violence And Destruction Of Property
Identification is Response to Presidential Memorandum Reviewing Federal Funding to State and Local Governments that are Permitting Anarchy, Violence, and Destruction in American Cities
The U.S. Department of Justice today identified the following three jurisdictions that have permitted violence and destruction of property to persist and have refused to undertake reasonable measures to counteract criminal activities: New York City; Portland, Oregon; and Seattle, Washington. The Department of Justice is continuing to work to identify jurisdictions that meet the criteria set out in the President’s Memorandum and will periodically update the list of selected jurisdictions as required therein.
“When state and local leaders impede their own law enforcement officers and agencies from doing their jobs, it endangers innocent citizens who deserve to be protected, including those who are trying to peacefully assemble and protest,” said Attorney General William P. Barr. “We cannot allow federal tax dollars to be wasted when the safety of the citizenry hangs in the balance. It is my hope that the cities identified by the Department of Justice today will reverse course and become serious about performing the basic function of government and start protecting their own citizens.”
The U.S. Department of Justice today identified the following three jurisdictions that have permitted violence and destruction of property to persist and have refused to undertake reasonable measures to counteract criminal activities: New York City; Portland, Oregon; and Seattle, Washington. The...
Thought for today from whatreallyhappened.com - I'm old enough to remember Helen Thomas:
We were never hyphenated as Arab-Americans. We were American, and I have always rejected the hyphen and I believe all assimilated immigrants should not be designated ethnically. Or separated, of course, by race, or creed either. These are trends that ever try to divide us as a people. -- Helen Thomas
Antifa/BLM/Covid-19 scamdemic all intended to "divide us as a people". It can't come crashing down soon enough - and I can't avoid thinking how literal that sentiment might be.
A female suspect was arrested by Customs and Border Patrol Agents trying to enter the United States from Canada.
A female suspect was arrested by Customs and Border Patrol Agents trying to enter the United States from Canada.
The New York Times reported on Saturday that authorities were seeking an unidentified Canadian woman suspect.
The letter addressed to President Trump was intercepted Saturday by federal agents.
A package containing the poison ricin and addressed to President Donald Trump was intercepted by law enforcement earlier this week, according to two law enforcement officials.
Two tests were done to confirm the presence of ricin. All mail for the White House is sorted and screened at an offsite facility before reaching the White House.
The FBI and Secret Service are investigating the matter.
The package appeared to come from Canada, according to officials who spoke to The Wall Street Journal.
Check out the latest Last American Vagabond update related to this.
If you start at 23:40, he ties the ricin operation with the anthrax false flag just after 9/11.
(actually, this goes on longer than I had anticipated, but it seemed significant so I just went with it):
We know the anthrax [event] was a lie. [It was] traced back to Fort Detrick, of all places. So realizing now that the same people are involved -- Robert Kadlec... who is aggressively connected to Emergent BioSolutions, who was very tied up in the anthrax false flag event... Remember Robert Kadlec is the person who created the Assistant Secretary for [Health and Human Services] Preparedness and Response, the position that he now holds. The position that is in sole control of the strategic national stockpile...
The point is, coming to today, as Whitney [Webb] says, how convenient that Health and Human Services, which Robert Kadlec is a part of, fast-tracked the ricin vaccine -- you heard it, the ricin vaccine -- just a few months ago, to add to the Robert Kadlec controlled strategic national stockpile. So, months before this [ricin event] they fast track the ricin vaccine that nobody even knows about. I'll bet you all don't even know what ricin is, or have never even heard of it. As I pointed out the other day, I never even heard of the term until I watched "Breaking Bad," almost as if [the show was early on] the social engineering, the predictive programming [for this event].
Now, suddenly, [ricin is] something we all seem to know about and talk about. Now, suddenly, because a package was sent, well, now, everybody's looking into it, knowing about it. But a few months ago, before it seemed to matter: oh, well, what do you know, they fast track that specific vaccine...
Event 201 and The Dark Winter*: it was all about the bio-threats and the country being shut down, and Marshal Law, the whole same thing, the same thing we're talkin' about now.
Thomas Inglesby, of Dark Winter and Event 201, was talking about ricin last June with none other than Rick Bright [the ousted chief of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Agency], who also warned of the darkest winter in modern history. How ridiculous. And, as [Webb] points out, the one that really puts the cherry on top, in July the only manufacturer of the ricin vaccine -- before all this happened -- said, quote: "the remainder of 2020 will likely be a potentially transformative event for the company." What event are they talking about? How would they even know there was going to be an event, and why would 2020 be the [year]? This is in July. Hey, we're in the middle of something called Covid-19, so are they just assuming that someone's just going to take ricin, of all the many things they could use, and use THAT as a bio attack?...
And then when you find out that Soligenix -- the company that's making this vaccine with Emergent BioSolutions -- is a subsidiary of an Israeli firm... [These] are the people behind the anthrax vaccine. And why it's relevant that the Israeli firm is tied in here: because the Israeli government is aggressively tied in with this whole thing from the very beginning -- back to anthrax, and currently today...
[Reading the title of an article]: "Soligenix, Emergent BioSolutions' extend development agreement for RiVax drug substance protein antigen." This is four years ago. [The article] says, "Soligenix inc. recently extended its development agreement with Emergent BioSolutions to implement a... production technology candidate being developed to protect against ricin exposure."
Please consider Pastor Dana Coverstone’s Dream posted earlier today regarding darkness, nationwide outages, flickering lights and the headlines he saw for December & January. Dept. of Homeland Security Full Warning “The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) continues to prepare against ever...
I've only scanned this so far. What might be of interest is a video with Whitney Webb & (Ryan) The Last American Vagabond discussing the chaos surrounding the coming election, and the possibility of an EMP attack, and “Dark Winter.”
The city of Seattle has hired an ex-pimp at a $150,000 a year salary as the new "Street Czar," Andre Taylor. Before Taylor was contracted by the city to provide "expertise and support services in de-escalation, community engagement, and alternatives to policing," he was engaged in prostitution.
Taylor was eventually convicted of seven prostitution-related counts, three involving the Davis, two involving adult women who traveled with him, as well as two money-laundering counts.
Taylor was featured in the 1999 documentary American Pimp which examined "pimping subculture," and is known to have bragged about impregnating the young girls he pimped.
Before Taylor was contracted by the city to provide "expertise and support services in de-escalation, community engagement, and alternatives to policing," he was engaged in prostitution.
I gave that tweet to a friend in Oregon who has been keeping me informed. Their response:
"Yeah, people are really pushing back. We have to, because the little commies are pushing HARD. Threatening to burn down towns and neighborhoods constantly. Lots of patriot rallies are scheduled."
More on that 1st video where the men are chasing antifa members. Friend said this is what started it:
"Antifa punks kept driving by women and the elderly on their bikes and running into them. They also shot them with paintball guns."
Also, notice when one of the citizens/patriots begins to beat on an antifa member, another citizen places hands on the one doing the punching and says, "Don't do that," causing the angry man to stop the beating.
I'll bet you all don't even know what ricin is, or have never even heard of it. As I pointed out the other day, I never even heard of the term until I watched "Breaking Bad,"
I watched that video yesterday - I definitely remember ricin, which is derived from castor beans, because it has been in the news on and off in the past. Most notably, in 1978, Georgi Markov, a Bulgarian writer and journalist who was living in London, died after he was attacked by a man with an umbrella. The umbrella had been rigged to inject a poison ricin pellet under Markov’s skin. I only ever watched some of the beginning episodes of Breaking Bad, so unaware of that connection. Here's a couple of links about ricin:
The recent arrest of a man with the biological warfare agent triggered crazed headlines of a new terror attacks in the press, but the substance is more complicated than coverage has made out.
That a ricin vaccine has been developed is more than concerning. Dark Winter and Crimson Contagion are also new to me. DW conducted in June 22–23, 2001, and CC January to August 2019:
Crimson Contagion was a joint exercise conducted from January to August 2019, in which numerous national, state and local, private and public organizations in the US participated, in order to test the capacity of the federal government and twelve states to respond to a severe pandemic of influenza [or a respiratory virus] originating in China.
That's quite the coincidence considering what transpired in the next few months. The DW wiki link brings up John Hopkins Center involvement - another funny coincidence. It would appear that bio-terrorism has finally become a mainstream reality with Covid-19 leading the way. Beginning to feel like a setup/trial run - a scenario gone live.
I also remember the circumstances surrounding the 911 anthrax attacks and the poor guy, microbiologist Bruce Ivins, who was blamed and committed suicide (or was suicided) after the first targeted patsy successfully fought back. The real culprit was Israeli, but that's just a "conspiracy theory". I believe it came out that cipro ( ciprofloxacin) was being distributed to key people before the anthrax exposure even took place - why would that be? We know why. This from an Abby/Robbie Martin article:
"The anthrax attacks justified the fear-mongering that 9/11 was not simply a one-off incident, and that terrorism was America’s new normal."
That was written Nov. 13, 2018: How the Bush Administration Used the 2001 Anthrax Attacks to Manufacture Consent for the Iraq War
From the article - the day of Sept. 11, 2001:
Around 9pm, in Washington DC, Dick Cheney’s staff is alerted to start taking cipro injections to prevent anthrax by former NY city Office of Emergency Management head, and current Kroll inc director, Jerome Hauer. It is still unknown exactly who in the Bush administration, or on Cheney’s staff, started taking cipro, or for how long they continued to take it.
The next morning, September 12th 2001, Americans are in a deep state of a shock. A neoconservative think-tank called the Project for a New American Century, or PNAC, founded by Bill Kristol and Robert Kagan, already had 17 members planted in top positions of the George W Bush cabinet. Just hours after the deadliest terrorist attack on US soil, they were beginning to spread a particular message. The think-tank would come to serve as a propaganda mechanism to out-hawk the Bush administration itself. On an obscure AM radio program out of DC hosted by Milt Rosenberg, two PNAC members, Don Kagan and his son Fred Kagan, egg on a US military invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq and even Palestine as retaliation for 9/11. Don Kagan ends the interview by asking‘what would have happened if they had anthrax on that plane?’
The article goes on to expose an attempt to connect the 911 terrorists with crop-dusting planes as well as Iraq:
On September 24th 2001: ABC and AP start running similar reports, this time with slightly more details, including claims the hijackers may have intended to disperse anthrax with the crop dusters. The articles insinuate that 9/11 was not an isolated event and there could be more attacks coming via different means. Even though the behavior of Muhammad Atta was almost cartoonishly unbelievable, in 2002 an even more ridiculous story comes out involving Atta trying to get a USDA government loan for crop-dusters appeared, seemingly confirming these early reports.
Regardless of the fact that the 9/11 attacks did not actually include chemical or biological weapons, fears of bioterrorism started ramping up in US and in Europe. The next day, on September 25th 2001: Local news channels report on terrified americans stocking up on gas masks and guns.
That same evening on ABC shows footage of health professionals, US military and emergency crews preparing for a future anthrax or smallpox attack. An animation is shown illustrating how fast anthrax would disperse in a NY subway system and how many people it could conceivably kill.
In reading about ricin, one wonders if there is a plan to put it in a mass distributed Covid vaccine - from the politics.co.uk link above:
In order to work as a poison it has to get into the human body. It will not absorb through the skin, so it must be injected, inhaled, or ingested.
Ricin is at its most lethal when injected, as with the Markov killing. It is estimated that a very small amount (possibly 250 micrograms for an adult) can kill by injection. But this still doesn't make it very useful for terrorists. It is difficult to imagine scenarios where people form an orderly queue to be injected by terrorists.
Uh, no - not difficult at all to imagine people forming an orderly queue to be injected by health terrorists.
Approximately 45 days to the election - what kind of hellish chaos is going to transpire in the next few weeks? That Whitney Webb interview certainly exposes some dark possibilities. Trump has indicated more than once than any vaccine will be voluntary. Another reason why it's imperative that Biden becomes the replacement? He's already saying he'll make masks mandatory so you know the vaccine will be, too.
New video reveals the truth about Kyle Rittenhouse’s fateful night in Kenosha
An organization raising funds for Kyle Rittenhouse's legal defense published a viral video that tells the truth about the 17-year-old accused of fatally shooting two men during the Jacob Blake riots in Kenosha.
An organisation raising funds for Kyle Rittenhouse’s legal defense published a viral video that allegedly tells the truth about the 17-year-old accused of fatally shooting two men during the Jacob Blake riots in Kenosha.
Tore's show from yesterday. Please watch, beginning will tell how to remove mayors/govenors. People must begin to particpate and take matters in hand....no one will save them in anarchist cities, if they do not move against a government that is not serving or protecting them. Federal powers are tied in matters of the state, but if need be, citizens can call them in....
This video will also show similar past events at the time of Eisenhower's overthrow of Arkansas's refusal to let black students into white schools....compare to situation Trump is in today.....
Tore's show from yesterday. Please watch, beginning will tell how to remove mayors/govenors. People must begin to particpate and take matters in hand....no one will save them in anarchist cities, if they do not move against a government that is not serving or protecting them. Federal powers are tied in matters of the state, but if need be, citizens can call them in....
This video will also show similar past events at the time of Eisenhower's overthrow of Arkansas's refusal to let black students into white schools....compare to situation Trump is in today.....
So, I made myself a bowl of popcorn, sat down and watched the show. It was informative to hear and see Eisenhower speak and the real similarity to whats happening now with Trump as well as the other things you mention. Tore is an inspiring woman, and her head and heart are in the right place. She has inspired and energized me and sparked my love for our country! Good work.
In the last 5 days or so I've taken the time to watch 4 of her shows and I'm hooked. This is just the kind of program I enjoy. I like thats she has a broad base of knowledge for not only whats happening in the US but events around the world that are happening currently and in the past. She has the insider and behind the scenes perspective that catches my attention and broadens my understanding of whats going on. I like that she plays news clips and her added comments.
The Sept. 21 show was particularly interesting to me. She spoke of Ruth Bader Ginsbergs death and the complicity of Chief Justice Roberts in the abuse of the FISA court during Spygate so he was in on it. Also his trip to Malta in 2012 (after supporting Obamacare) and that islands connection with secret societies is interesting and gives a bit of the historical background. Now this is interesting and I don't know how she would know this. She's saying RBG has been dead for awhile now and was on life support for awhile. It was easy to hide this because of covid. Now all of this I found to be rather vague so clarification would be nice.
I've a sense we're on the verge of exhilarated events and maybe we'll see an October surprise with more exposure of the people behind the curtain.
Her show on Constitution Day was also informative and educational as well as inspiring.
1:35:28 Roberts and Malta/FISA. 1:45:01 RBG death.
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