Kanye West did an interview with Tucker Carlson yesterday where he explained why He and Candace Owens wore White Lives Matter t-shirts to Paris fashion week.
His response in a nutshell...
"Because it's true. They do."
Never actually listened to any of his music, but him being openly pro-Christian, showing support for Trump and expressing conservative opinions that generally go against woke culture, demonstrates some considerable bravery on his part given his profession in the music business and the liberal progressive culture he works in. So, kudos to him for that...
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She also mentions she is doing a documentary on the whole BLM mess:Candace Owens has also released a video telling her side of the story...
That is 47% of black respondents who were not willing to say it's ok to be white.
As of today, I'm going to re-identify as white, because I don't want to be a member of a hate group. I've accidentally joined a hate group. If nearly half of all blacks are not ok with white people -- according to this poll, not according to me -- that's a hate group
Fascinating thread on the history of slavery.
The truth is censored to keep up divided with lies.
A new documentary about the George Floyd events. Just the first 20 - 25 minutes made me sick about how we were all conned about what happened.
The Fall of Minneapolis | A Crowdfunded Documentary
Yes, and this film shows all that through the officers' body cam footage.i read that floyd was under fentanyl, could not breathe because of this