The Living Force
Right, so it's all a manipulation. Don't forget that, no matter what happens or how emotionally triggering it is to you.

Here goes nothing.
From the macro level, there's the left and the right which are the predominant political standpoints in the west. These 2 sides are always at each others throats as they look to take power and set the agenda of the day. Both sides are flanked by truly powerful individuals and institutions at the top that drive the overarching agenda.
The left side in recent years has adopted a unique strategy to try and usurp power from the right - identity politics etc which looks to mostly hook in people who may feel disenfranchised due to whatever (gender identity, sexual identity or historic race-based wounds) to use as foot soldiers in the war against the right.
To bring it to race, black people in the west are now falling victim to the left / right paradigm that has historically ruled these lands and have allowed themselves to be used by one side against the other in a game that'll never result in anything positive for them per se as it's based on manipulation and bringing up old wounds to rile them up into a frenzy.
The young black foot soldiers of BLM or whatever think they are paying homage to their fallen ancestors who suffered through slavery and the civil rights movement but in fact, they've been duped and are the foot soldiers of one political paradigm against another.
Yet again, black folks in America find themselves being enslaved, this time not by iron shackles but by an effective and sophisticated psychological programme that makes them feel empowered but actually, it's just a ploy, a trick to get them to act on the behest of an agenda - the agenda of the left against the right.
Do you reckon thats a good conceptualisation?
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