George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

Right, so it's all a manipulation. Don't forget that, no matter what happens or how emotionally triggering it is to you.

@Joe šŸ˜ƒ I think you may have just helped me reach a point in my thinking that'll hopefully put me in a position to handle such racialised events in future.

Here goes nothing.

From the macro level, there's the left and the right which are the predominant political standpoints in the west. These 2 sides are always at each others throats as they look to take power and set the agenda of the day. Both sides are flanked by truly powerful individuals and institutions at the top that drive the overarching agenda.

The left side in recent years has adopted a unique strategy to try and usurp power from the right - identity politics etc which looks to mostly hook in people who may feel disenfranchised due to whatever (gender identity, sexual identity or historic race-based wounds) to use as foot soldiers in the war against the right.

To bring it to race, black people in the west are now falling victim to the left / right paradigm that has historically ruled these lands and have allowed themselves to be used by one side against the other in a game that'll never result in anything positive for them per se as it's based on manipulation and bringing up old wounds to rile them up into a frenzy.

The young black foot soldiers of BLM or whatever think they are paying homage to their fallen ancestors who suffered through slavery and the civil rights movement but in fact, they've been duped and are the foot soldiers of one political paradigm against another.

Yet again, black folks in America find themselves being enslaved, this time not by iron shackles but by an effective and sophisticated psychological programme that makes them feel empowered but actually, it's just a ploy, a trick to get them to act on the behest of an agenda - the agenda of the left against the right.

Do you reckon thats a good conceptualisation?
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The riots begin to spread to Europe... I now see the purpose of these thousands (if not millions) "refugees" migrants sent to us by Sauron during these lasts years: they are the futur present "black blocs" who increase racial riots, increase social chaos. We suspected their purpose (the migrants') and now it's obvious.

The racial issue is a hoax, there is no real racism in America, neither in Europe: black people have the same rights as White people's !

The Covid pandemic was a hoax. Racism is another one.
Obviously PTB hates us, is very jealous of us they don't want to let us tranquil.
But isn't the idea that cops disproportionately kill blacks/minorities over whites the crux of the whole thing? The primary narrative or raison d'etre for this movement/uprising, no? Some - and perhaps even most - of the protestors are critically correcting as you are; they are keeping in mind police injustices to people of all races. But the overwhelming message the media and officialdom is currently relaying on protestors' behalf - and beaming out across the world - is that American Blacks are experiencing Apartheid conditions at the hands of police (and, between the lines, at Trump's instigation).

Yeah, I can see how I'm critically correcting here. The media is intentionally blowing this up to something that is not happening. I would like to clarify that I see the whole business about police treatment of citizens as a class issue, not a race issue. But that's just me, and not really what's important but rather how the media and by extension the elites are manipulating the masses to set them against each other.

Here's how an op-ed in the Washington Post a few days ago - at the height of the terror taking place in over 20 major cities across the country, including in DC itself - framed the 'systemic' situation:

That, I'm sure you can agree, is a lie. A Black man recently served two terms as president, and actually got away with a lot of criminality - perhaps in part thanks his privilege as a 'minority' - not least, flagrantly breaking laws to ensnare the incumbent president in 'Russiagate'.

(Oops, did I use the p-word?! Well, it may in fact apply in this context.)

Yeah, it's definitely BS. The truth would be that the ruling class and its institutions place a low value on the lives of anyone besides themselves, and blacks are just a part of that. There is a great deal of ignoring reality going on with the media - like how they conveniently leave out that a black man just served as president and got away with many criminal deeds. We see the same thing in the so-called gender wars too. If it doesn't fit the narrative, then ignore, ignore, ignore.

Would you say it's more accurate to attribute blame for the 'systemic problem' you described to the police (as a whole), or to the ruling class (as a whole)?

I would say it's a top-down affect. The ruling class shows no concern or care for human life in its imperial behavior across the globe, and the "local" institutions see that and act in a similar way. That also likely attracts the worst kinds of people to authority positions like a cop, since they see that not only can they can get away with pathological behavior, in some cases it might even be supported.

I think it's pretty clear that the main thrust of what 'the elites' want is for everyone to be thinking racially. This coincides with the substantial goal of the BLM/peaceful protest organizers, who are absolutely committed to spreading their belief that major racial injustice exists in the USA (when it doesn't). Antifa violence is useful to the elites too, but only to assist with driving home the messaging with terror and violence: 'you WILL think in racialist terms, or we will cause life-threatening problems for you. Now KNEEL...'

Agreed. It's pretty scary how successful they've been in inculcating that belief into so many peoples' minds.
Although I'm not sure I agree with all of it, The Saker makes some interesting points here:

His main point is that we are not witnessing the beginning of a civil war nor a revolution, but rather an 'insurrection' (if I understand correctly, it differs from the revolution in that it has no political agenda nor direction, it is mob-ruled, and lacks the capability to actually change the regime) that will result in the collapse of US society and its fragmentation into small zones.

Personally, I'm just watching because I think it's too early to tell exactly what's going on, although I do think someone is trying to turn this into a color revolution by hijacking the public passions and 'social justice ideologies' in order to hurt Trump before the elections - even force him to resign if possible. They may not succeed though. The mob might get tired and go home in a few days. Or maybe we'll see a replay of the Maidan massacre and some leader or leading group will step in and take over whatever this 'movement' is and give it an 'agenda'. Then there may be a color revolution, or something similar to a civil war, and either way that would be tragic because it doesn't matter which side wins, I bet it will end up being quite totalitarian and draconian.
So the D.C. Mayor has decided to paint Black Lives Matter in bright yellow on the road that leads to the White House and has renamed that part of the street "Black Lives Matter Plaza":

D.C. mayor has huge 'Black Lives Matter' name painted on street leading to White House

In Melbourne, Australia the BLM branch there has issued some guidelines for white people attending the protest including such advice as "FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. If a black person tells you to do something, you do it immediately without question. You respect the authority and decisions of the black protestors at all times.":

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I think the choice is simple, do you want to submit to a hierarcical authority (and all that that implies?) or not.
I do not think many people see it that way just yet.
On that front, I informed my employer that working for certain clients presents me with an ethical dilemna since some of them are 'part of the problem' (my own words). Also told him that I will no longer perform any work if they mandate the wearing of a mask/face covering (re: covid).
I don't like feeding the beast as it were.
I think the choice is simple, do you want to submit to a hierarcical authority (and all that that implies?) or not.
I do not think many people see it that way just yet.
On that front, I informed my employer that working for certain clients presents me with an ethical dilemna since some of them are 'part of the problem' (my own words). Also told him that I will no longer perform any work if they mandate the wearing of a mask/face covering (re: covid).
I don't like feeding the beast as it were.

I'm not sure what your situation is, but you might wanna look up 'strategic enclosure' regarding your work and employer, this stance almost always backfires if you're not practicing it.

With authority in hierarchies, Jordan Peterson has some great work on it you can find by searching for 'Jordan Peterson Hierarchies' on Youtube. If it's a competent person in a position of power it's extremely beneficial to all involved in that system... it's when pathological types gain power that it becomes corrupt and influences those below.
Someone here wrote previously (can't remember who) how s/he doesn't feel like engaging too much in following this new craziness, and I'm experiencing the same thing. After the whole corona bull**** I feel too 'saturated' to start checking all the details on this one. One reason could be, that this BLM craziness isn't (at least not yet) happening anywhere near where I live, but I'm not sure. I've been following the news quite intensively for many years regarding all sorts of topics, but now I feel somehow disinterested in this one. Perhaps the experience with the corona coverage momentarily drained my 'news energy', and now I need to charge my batteries for the next real battle.

Anyways, I'm not sure what's going on with this feeling I'm experiencing, is anyone else going through anything similar?
Someone here wrote previously (can't remember who) how s/he doesn't feel like engaging too much in following this new craziness, and I'm experiencing the same thing. After the whole corona bull**** I feel too 'saturated' to start checking all the details on this one. One reason could be, that this BLM craziness isn't (at least not yet) happening anywhere near where I live, but I'm not sure. I've been following the news quite intensively for many years regarding all sorts of topics, but now I feel somehow disinterested in this one. Perhaps the experience with the corona coverage momentarily drained my 'news energy', and now I need to charge my batteries for the next real battle.

Anyways, I'm not sure what's going on with this feeling I'm experiencing, is anyone else going through anything similar?

I think it was Luc. I'm the same, but I'm not sure if it's because it's 'far away from me', in the USA mainly, and I'm naively thinking the violence part of it wont spread to here, or if it's because they're rerunning old scripts on a new juiced up power supply and it's getting boring. I'm leaning to the latter.
Someone here wrote previously (can't remember who) how s/he doesn't feel like engaging too much in following this new craziness, and I'm experiencing the same thing. After the whole corona bull**** I feel too 'saturated' to start checking all the details on this one. One reason could be, that this BLM craziness isn't (at least not yet) happening anywhere near where I live, but I'm not sure. I've been following the news quite intensively for many years regarding all sorts of topics, but now I feel somehow disinterested in this one. Perhaps the experience with the corona coverage momentarily drained my 'news energy', and now I need to charge my batteries for the next real battle.

Anyways, I'm not sure what's going on with this feeling I'm experiencing, is anyone else going through anything similar?
Definitely feeling something similar. There was a BLM demonstration happening here in Stockholm the other day but I could hardly make myself read the news about it... Iā€™ve been feeling quite angry since the twist from Covid into this new situation happened.. like it is even more disturbing to see than Covid was. Trying to get back into the mode of ā€enjoying the showā€:cool2:
In Melbourne, Australia the BLM branch there has issued some guidelines for white people attending the protest including such advice as "FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. If a black person tells you to do something, you do it immediately without question. You respect the authority and decisions of the black protestors at all times.":

Those guidelines apply to all their protests. There is no subtlety in what they stand for. It's a hate group. The following is not even satire.

White people, here are 10 requests from a Black Lives Matter leader

1. White people, if you donā€™t have any descendants, will your property to a black or brown family. Preferably one that lives in generational poverty.

2. White people, if youā€™re inheriting property you intend to sell upon acceptance, give it to a black or brown family. Youā€™re bound to make that money in some other white privileged way.

3. If you are a developer or realty owner of multi-family housing, build a sustainable complex in a black or brown blighted neighborhood and let black and brown people live in it for free.

4. White people, if you can afford to downsize, give up the home you own to a black or brown family. Preferably a family from generational poverty.

5. White people, if any of the people you intend to leave your property to are racists assholes, change the will, and will your property to a black or brown family. Preferably a family from generational poverty.

6. White people, re-budget your monthly so you can donate to black funds for land purchasing.

7. White people, especially white women (because this is yaw specialty ā€” Nosey Jenny and Meddling Kathy), get a racist fired. Yaw know what the fuck they be saying. You are complicit when you ignore them. Get your boss fired cause they racist too.

8. Backing up No. 7, this should be easy but all those sheetless Klan, Naziā€™s and Other lilā€™ dick-white men will all be returning to work. Get they ass fired. Call the police even: they look suspicious.

9. OK, backing up No. 8, if any white person at your work, or as you enter in spaces and you overhear a white person praising the actions from yesterday, first, get a pic. Get their name and more info. Hell, find out where they work ā€” Get Them Fired. But certainly address them, and, if you need to, you got hands: use them.

10. Commit to two things: Fighting white supremacy where and how you can (this doesnā€™t mean taking up knitting, unless youā€™re making scarves for black and brown kids in need), and funding black and brown people and their work.
It isn't character assassination to point out that Floyd was a man whose career included violent armed robbery (for which he served prison time) and pornography films, and was off his head on fentanyl (the 'crack' form of heroin) when stopped by police.

George Floyd was the first Afro American to cure the coronavirus. Let's not judge the man to harsly. šŸ˜
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