George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

I’ve been reading up on this thread when I can and thank everyone for sharing their thoughts and experience both past and present. It’s no doubt distressing seeing this kinda unrest happen so fast, but also not surprising. Someone mentioned something to the extent of not expecting Minneapolis of all places to be a hot bed for the riots and essentially the catalyst for a US color revolution (maybe @Beau?)

Well, I was thinking the same thing and then I recalled that a zine/music label called Profane Existence was started out of Minneapolis in ‘89. Their motto is ‘Making punk a threat again…’ And from their wikipedia it’s pretty telling which side of the fence they’re on:

“Launched in 1989,[11] the Profane Existence magazine has been described as "the largest of the anarchist Punk fanzines in North America."[12] The magazine deals with a very broad range of topics,[13] including veganism, animal, women's and minority rights, anti-fascist action and the punk lifestyle. It published feature articles, interviews, reports on local scenes around the world, editorials, letters, "how-to" articles, and so on.”

And within the wikipedia page the founder had this to say "...the label “became ground zero for [the crust] movement” and that the aesthetic of second-wave (i.e., beginning in the late 1980s) anarcho-punk..."And here’s the site (warning: when they say profane they mean it. The imagery and themes are generally quit explicit.) They also really mix up symbolism using the peace dove and globe (where have we seen that before? 1930's Germany per chance?) They promote anything but world peace! :headbash:

It’s also interesting that they don’t mention anti-war, greed, classism, pacifism or imperialism which is what originally got me interested in the music and scene in that late ‘90s’. Here’s an article SOTT posted a few years ago which I could relate to and got me thinking:

It wouldn’t surprise me if Profane Existence and even Maximum Roll & Roll are mixed into this current manufactured uprising happening here and around the globe. If there’s anything I’ve learned from that past it’s that STS takes the path of least resistance - junkies chasing dragons while wetiko rides high. Also, are antifa essentially the orcs of Saruman? 🤔

This feels like another rabbit hole considering what I’ve learned about COINTELPRO, the CIA, Soros & Co along with ad agency's whom are essentially grooming youth aggression and commandeering movements for they own sadistic machinations. Anyway, I wanted to share for others that aren’t familiar with the underground punk scene in and around the US in hope that it provides some clues, perspective, or personal investigation as we all try to connect the dots. Stay focused everyone! :cool2:
Just wanted to mention the often-used BLM logo/symbol. Looks familiar? It's the infamous "color revolution" fist.




I'm not sure if this is the 75-year old man is what you mean, but it doesn't look legit:

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Thank you for this. I had some thoughts that it may had been staged but for me personally this incident, even if it was an agent provocateur or it was not and it may had been real situation, is undoubtedly and anyway adding fuel into fire. This is another reason for 'activists' to fight brutal police even more and wreak havoc on the street. More division.
The propaganda machine has become unreal and it’s chilling to go through. Dutch media use the word conservatives over and over as if it’s meaning is negative in nature. To them the debate is over and now they are calling for action. Some journalists are even protecting Antifa as if they are the last bastian of hope.

Conservatives need to adapt to a world that tells us that our very existence is unacceptable. That our ideas and thoughts are unacceptable. That threatening, boycotting, and cancelling us is okay.

How long before they start to stir up the public to round us up.

White supremacy is a myth. US imperialism on the other hand is very real and killed millions of people if not more so far. Not that they have the capability to care and figure that out. They are sad bunch of npc mascots who recite politically correct slogans to us.

Yet most of the human-race seems to want to cater to these robots, I wonder, whats the purpose of making them feel happy when they have no emotions and overreact over the simplest things that shouldn't be taken serious, why ? Its that whole thing that they've been programmed to react like that, they have no free will, they only want to ruin and convert everything to their liking and will do anything to spread, like the machines in the matrix, or the necromorphs from dead space, Dead bodies controlled by a higher power, thats what they are.
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I´ve never actually liked the police, because in my country when I´ve watched who became a police officer, those were all people who were bullies at school.

People always critize America as being anti-science. But you've nailed it. Americans have seen who becomes "expert" scientist, they were the wannabe bullies and arrogant little pricks. American has the dumbest "experts" in history.
How long before they start to stir up the public to round us up.

They've been coming for the right for years now: censoring them, doxing them, getting them to lose their jobs, attacking them with Antifa and then prosecuting them for defending themselves (while letting Antifa get away with it). Meanwhile, the definition of 'nazis' against whom it is permissible to use these methods keeps expanding.

But they are winning themselves no friends with these tactics, and more people are getting angrier about it every day.
Pretty much. The issue is psycho cops, not racist cops. But try telling anyone that. The horse has bolted on this one. We're speeding down the highway to crazyville with no brakes.

Brandon Smith of Alt-Market wrote an article where he specifically pointed out the psychopathic police problem:


"The riots have been co-opted. Where whites and blacks, conservatives and liberals alike were mostly in agreement, now there are attempts at racial division. Why is the death of Floyd being presented as a race issue in the first place? Why is it not being presented as a psychopath issue?"

Of course, he is an Oath-keeper and former military, and his "solution" is to use force to remove psychopaths from power. He doesn't consider the hyper-dimensional nature of what we are facing; he thinks if people just got rid of the 1% and screened for psychopathy in potential leaders afterwards the world would be just ducky. But he does acknowledge the main "3-D" problem and he's one of the better financial and current trends analysts I have found.

But what really got my attention is that Brandon's site has been attacked and removed from the internet for two brief periods over the last month (though he's back now)...and a related website has just been nerfed from Word Press:

Don't bother clicking the link; they are gone. That website was one of the largest white, conservative, liberty-minded patriot sites on the internet that featured regular articles written by citizen militia men and their leaders; conservatives; preppers; and especially second-amendment activists. There were a lot of former military members that posted there.

The fact that these websites are being attacked just reinforces what Laura wrote about whites being driven to react viciously in response to this madness. They are being directly poked in the eye now. I just hope they keep cool heads and realize that they are being played. So far they are, but it probably won't take much more to get them to act out.
Fascism on the rise. See what happens to Candace Owens and also read her follow-up comments. This is literally a war against dissenters ...

But what really got my attention is that Brandon's site has been attacked and removed from the internet for two brief periods over the last month (though he's back now)...and a related website has just been nerfed from Word Press:
Don't bother clicking the link; they are gone.
These websites belong to companies. It's like going to someone else's house as a guest. You can be ejected at any time. By now, people should not be surprised when they are no longer welcome as a guest when they visit big tech.
I read through quite a bit of thread over the past week.

Indeed, like other's here on this forum, I have found it a bit difficult to step back and "enjoy the show", as it were. I find the events of these riots/protests, and the promotion of violence by people I personally know, very distressing. Watching the media and government officials promote this violence as justified is less shocking, since I already know they would approve of such actions, but seeing it all at once still is startling. I think it's easy to get wrapped up in the "play-by-play" provided by the media, well, at least it has been for me. I am stepping back some in attempt to take a more "top-down" approach.

This "color revolution" seems to have several objectives or effects: Distraction from the fake pandemic. A component of the last ditch effort to remove Trump from power. All the deep state actors are coming out of the woodwork! Bush, Romney, Mattis, Powell, and more military coming out as against Trump - even though he's the only leader to put forth the idea of law and order. I thought his speech was decent enough, but of course his pathological narcissism always finds a way in lol "I am your president of law and order!" Oh geez.

The C's have mentioned changes in weather and astronomical phenomenon will take place "soon enough" and this should interrupt certain effects on people - I hope it is so - seeing so many people going completely off the rocker and acting like machines... it's sad and also freighting to me.

Watching the "pandemic" be exposed has been rather satisfying. And now we have PTB out saying it's ok to risk corona virus infections if you're protesting with BLM, but not if you're doing anything else, like opening your business, etc. Perhaps this is the additional exposure the C's mentioned? Well, if there's more exposure, I'm all for it!
These websites belong to companies. It's like going to someone else's house as a guest. You can be ejected at any time. By now, people should not be surprised when they are no longer welcome as a guest when they visit big tech.

In Western Rifle Shooter's case, they weren't surprised. In fact they not only expected it, they already are back up on GAB. In addition, the main members there have private comms. One of the main things they did was share tactical info on setting up HAM radio systems. Brandon Smith may have his own server, and he does most of his own computer work too. It is just that the timing of these attacks is suspect.
Brandon Smith of Alt-Market wrote an article where he specifically pointed out the psychopathic police problem:


"The riots have been co-opted. Where whites and blacks, conservatives and liberals alike were mostly in agreement, now there are attempts at racial division. Why is the death of Floyd being presented as a race issue in the first place? Why is it not being presented as a psychopath issue?"

Of course, he is an Oath-keeper and former military, and his "solution" is to use force to remove psychopaths from power. He doesn't consider the hyper-dimensional nature of what we are facing; he thinks if people just got rid of the 1% and screened for psychopathy in potential leaders afterwards the world would be just ducky. But he does acknowledge the main "3-D" problem and he's one of the better financial and current trends analysts I have found.

But what really got my attention is that Brandon's site has been attacked and removed from the internet for two brief periods over the last month (though he's back now)...and a related website has just been nerfed from Word Press:

Don't bother clicking the link; they are gone. That website was one of the largest white, conservative, liberty-minded patriot sites on the internet that featured regular articles written by citizen militia men and their leaders; conservatives; preppers; and especially second-amendment activists. There were a lot of former military members that posted there.

The fact that these websites are being attacked just reinforces what Laura wrote about whites being driven to react viciously in response to this madness. They are being directly poked in the eye now. I just hope they keep cool heads and realize that they are being played. So far they are, but it probably won't take much more to get them to act out.
I run a couple of tiny WordPress sites. Security is job #1. Low-level threats are constant but trivial. Every now and then someone — or more likely an "attack bot" — comes along with a fair bit of skill, and it could be devastating without adequate defenses. Just last week one of my sites got hit by a Microsoft IP just out of DC(!) that made repeated attempts to load malware. Don't skimp on security and keep an eye on things.

Of course it's not all cloak and dagger. Other things can take a site offline, like not renewing the domain name, violating terms of service, etc.
The fact that these websites are being attacked just reinforces what Laura wrote about whites being driven to react viciously in response to this madness.

This has been happening for a few years.

First I'm aware of was the Daily Stormer, an edgy Alt-Right news site. Post-Charlottesville, they had their domain name seized, then the next 20 domain names.

The Chateau Heartiste blog got kicked off of WordPress about a year back. He's consigned to Gab now.

This has been happening for a while. And yes, it's accelerating.
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