George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

Not sure if this has been posted, but in Bristol (UK), the protesters are now tearing down statues. I just saw on FB a petition to tear down a statue of a slave-owner in a nearby local town.

Here is the article: Black Lives Matter protesters in Bristol pull down and throw statue of 17th-century slave trader into river

I posted this status on FB about it:

Burning Books and Bricks: a Brief History of Cultural Destruction — SIR Journal

Just had a thought (maybe this was discussed and I missed it), what if this drive to tear down statues of slave-owners in the U.K. and renaming streets of slave traders (like in Glasgow) carries over to a desire to tear down statues of the British monarchy like say, statues of Queen Victoria and others? Perhaps even calls to completely disband the monarchy, since they're a symbolic representation of the aristocratic class that slave-owners would have been a part of? I should think that would be interesting to see.
Just had a thought (maybe this was discussed and I missed it), what if this drive to tear down statues of slave-owners in the U.K. and renaming streets of slave traders (like in Glasgow) carries over to a desire to tear down statues of the British monarchy like say, statues of Queen Victoria and others? Perhaps even calls to completely disband the monarchy, since they're a symbolic representation of the aristocratic class that slave-owners would have been a part of? I should think that would be interesting to see.
I think that this is what these groups seek to achieve.

It is a slippery and very dangerous slope, once people accept the tearing down and destruction of cultural monuments. Historically, it is followed by the burning of books and erasing history as a means of destroying cultural identity, community and shared values. This method is only employed by groups possessed by radical ideology, to enforce that on the population they are trying to "invade" and take power over.

Once you erase the things which bind a community together - including history, culture, religion - the people are left vulnerable to adopting a foreign ideology and accepting whatever takes its place. In the case of the UK, the monachy almost certainly represent "systemic racism, oppression, and slavery" to those who follow this way of thinking.

I believe it would be a fundamental mistake to do this, however. Yes, the monarchy are freeloaders, some being pedophiles, and don't do all that much to deserve their sheer amount of wealth. BUT, there are many people (mainly elderly folk now) who look to the royals as role models in society. They fundamentally represent "good" values, and for people who need an external form of authority to guide their decisions and behavior, the royals are not all that bad in that respect (OSIT).

Think back to the Bolshevik revolution. Who were the first targets? It was the Tsar and his family, and they posed the biggest threat to the communist ideology.

In the minds of the ideologues, stripping people of their religion, their loyalty to monarchy and their cultural/historical artifacts,are necessary to infect the minds of people at large. That is my take on it, anway.
I wrote a big steam-release for FB, providing my up to date reality check for all the insufferable people out there virtue signalling all over my news feed about the riots and Floyd and all that. Then I didn't post it. Because I'm not suicidal and Strategic Enclosures exist for a reason.

THEN, a day later, I opened up my I Ching card set, (which I do about once every couple of months when things get really funky in the world or I feel my subconscious really really wants me to shut up and listen). The message which came through was like a laser beam, and involved things like, "Arresting decay" "Biting through" and "The Family", with the fine details strongly advising that I couldn't sit quietly and do nothing, that fungus growths had to be stopped and that I would simply need to muscle through and take the resistance on the chin, but that family was worth it and that it would support me in the process.

I, of course, totally misinterpreted the message and was manhandled by my subconscious into doing the right thing anyway. Like a rag doll. I think..? (There's a reason I only pull my I Ching card set when absolutely necessary.)

So I loaded up my steam-release essay, cleaned and picked at it for a few hours and right before hitting, "Post", a friend arrived unexpectedly at the house. I paused and finally told her my plan and asked her to take a look at what I'd written before I committed to sending it off into the ether-void. She's usually good at providing mirrors and such and has a way of taking the edge off things.

Well... we wound up in a very intense discussion, which unexpectedly barely touched on any of the subject matter in the essay itself, but rather over the existence, or not, of Objective Reality.

Over the years, I'd been vaguely aware that she'd been quietly developing the notion that everybody has, "Their Truth" and that even the Flat Earth types were correct and that we all just had to Be Nice to each other because nothing was really true except what we decided was personally real.

It became heated and protracted, there were loud kids distracting and family members trying to prepare meals around us, a lot of noise, so it was a struggle to push through the conversation beyond the fact that of the difficulty of the subject matter itself. I'd not realized just how far she'd gone down the YCYOR rabbit hole, but because she's brilliant and wise, she was able to make use of my comments and examples and objections.

When dealing with this particular conversation, -and I realize now that it has come up a few times over the years and I don't really attribute to it the importance it deserves; (it seems like such obvious fare to me that I assume everybody I care about and respect is naturally going to be on board), I find the most effective example of a base-line Objective Reality is to simply point out (usually in a state of amazed frustration at this point) that, "2+2=4, and it does so no matter what you wish or believe!" -The people who say otherwise aren't living in "Their Truth". They're just Wrong. -And being nice to them isn't always an option. You can make room for them to learn from the application of their own false opinions, that free will was very important, but when they start writing laws to punish people who refuse to follow, it becomes a real problem. Being 'Nice' has to work both ways, you see.

Anyway, as a result of all this intense and rapid mind-growth we let out our breaths and thanked each other for the experience. We both used to have these kinds of painful soul-growth moments, and we missed them, exhausting as they always were. We don't get to see each other as often as we once did when we were younger.

As for my essay.., I'd lost interest in attempting to enlighten the denizens of Face Book, ("If you post this, you're going to get a huge pushback and it will take over your life for a few days. It won't be easy at all, but if you have to do it, you have to do it. I'd just say that people don't like to be treated as if they're stupid and that you're correcting them. They have a lot of confusion and fear and valid points.").

No doubt.

I didn't hit 'Post' in the end.
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Reports speaks of black gangs who are attacking and stabbing Irish people because of ''slavery'' and ''white privilege''). It's all true. The barbarians are storming Rome and the Left have opened the Gates. (Warning: extremely disturbing.)

@bjorn the above are all examples of what are called hate crimes.

I would hazard a guess that such things are still against the law.
Because I'm not suicidal and Strategic Enclosures exist for a reason.

Indeed. I unplugged from FB years ago and never looked back. It just isn't worth it.

I mean, everyone's situation is different. For me, being on FB, or any other social media under my real name, really would be professional suicide. I would not be able to stop myself from arguing when my 'friends' posted stupid bullshit. And in this climate, that would destroy my career.

Well... we wound up in a very intense discussion, which unexpectedly barely touched on any of the subject matter in the essay itself, but rather over the existence, or not, of Objective Reality.

Over the years, I'd been vaguely aware that she'd been quietly developing the notion that everybody has, "Their Truth" and that even the Flat Earth types were correct and that we all just had to Be Nice to each other because nothing was really true except what we decided was personally real.

That's the nub, right there. I work in the hard sciences. You'd think, if anyone would insist on the existence of objective reality, it would be them.

LOL. Nope. The nihilism and cynicism in this culture have infected everything. Those of us who know that Truth exists and that it is synonymous with Love and Beauty are a small minority. And we have no institutional power.

The chaos around us is an obvious effect of this nihilistic belief that truth doesn't exist. The White Ally cult currently rampaging its way across the planet is directly connected to this. None of their beliefs are true, yet they fervently believe them ... and they will use coercion and violence to make the rest of us pretend to believe that their beliefs are true.

Those who have Truth have no need of coercion. Truth speaks for itself.
I would hazard a guess that such things are still against the law.

But not newsworthy apparently... The PTB expect us that we go out and kill each other. Let's show them that we are better than that. Better than how they see us. Our struggle is not with each other but with the psychopaths at the top. (And sadly the ideology possesed they throw at us)
As I live in the south west of England, I feel I'm in a good position to speak about the events that took place in Bristol (which is the biggest city in the South West).

First of all, it's important to note that Bristol is a left leaning city. It's a labour stronghold. It's a city that has one of the biggest universities in the UK. Jeremy Corbyn was a popular figure in Bristol, Greta is a popular figure in Bristol - in fact Greta graced the city of Bristol with her presence not too long ago (she was welcomed with open arms).

Bristol is the home of Banksy and various gifted graffiti artists... It has a lot of gentrified communities... It has art, it has music, it has festivals galore, it has street food and pop up markets, it has highly opinionated people (feminists, environmentalists, vegetarians etc). It is quite multi cultural and is a bit of a mixing pot. In short, it's the main hub of the south west.

A few controversial points in the city are to do with its honouring of some of its past patrons who were slave owners. This has been a running issue in Bristol for years from what I gather.

From 1999

What I'm trying to say is that it was only a matter of time before statues were taken down or buildings renamed - it was inevitable given the nature of the city and its alignment with activism of all sorts.

I know people who went to the protest on Sunday and from their social media feeds and from talking to them, it was a typical Bristol protest i.e. an excuse for people to get out and be activists. From the few protests I've witnessed personally in that city, they tend to have a festival type vibe to them, especially if the sun is shining.

For example, here are 2 photos I took last year from the extinction rebellion protests I happened to see whilst in the city for work.



As you can see, more 'festival like' than anything else - this is pretty much how that city operates!

Bringing it back to this whole George Floyd thing, I highly doubt the City would descend to the sort of anarchism we've seen in America or London.

Today they protest this, tomorrow they'll be protesting something else.

Protest is in the DNA of the city.

As such I wouldn't read too much into them - like trying to find a deeper meaning or something like that - there really isn't much of that to be found. All these is just an excuse for people to virtue signal and have a good time whilst doing it.

The cops even know this and that is why confrontations between police officers and protestors here are virtually non existent.

Having said all the above, right wing protests are definitely not allowed in Bristol. Those get driven out of the city pretty quickly.
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Lowell, Michigan Police Chief Steven Bukala was forced to resign on Thursday after 25 years with the force, after writing on Facebook in support of four young men who armed themselves against potential violent protesters.

By now the police should be able to start to see that the establishment is rooting for the mob, not the police. To protect and serve, right? The elites are not your ally, but the public is and they need you.

As such I wouldn't read too much into them - like trying to find a deeper meaning or something like that - there really isn't much of that to be found. All these is just an excuse for people to virtue signal and have a good time whilst doing it.

Context is important. Statues are being torn down and defaced all over the Western world.

When a people is conquered, their history is often obliterated by the conquerors. Temples are torn down, statues removed ... all public reminders of the past are destroyed.

The Left is announcing that they do not belong to our civilization, and that they intend to destroy it, root and branch.
The Left is announcing that they do not belong to our civilization, and that they intend to destroy it, root and branch.

Well said and I want to add. (At least that's how I see it)

These are not the kind of people who believe in democracy either. Their HATE for free speech should tell you enough. Their HATE speech against white people and anyone who disagrees with them should tell you enough. Them chanting in the streets ‘Revolution Is the Solution, Not Voting!’ should tell you enough. People don't see it before it's to late. But if they take over, we all be fighting for our lives.
Context is important. Statues are being torn down and defaced all over the Western world.

When a people is conquered, their history is often obliterated by the conquerors. Temples are torn down, statues removed ... all public reminders of the past are destroyed.

The Left is announcing that they do not belong to our civilization, and that they intend to destroy it, root and branch.

I totally agree with all you say.

In previous posts above, you wrote about what's happening in right wing communities. It was interesting reading it - seemed like you know much about them, almost like you've rubbed shoulders. In that way, I found your perspective quite interesting.

What I'm trying to say is I've rubbed shoulders with a lot of lefties... The nearest big city to me is a leftist hub... Leftist ideology is quite strong here even though the countryside is quite conservative (as opposed to Labour)

My experience of these leftists is they aren't interpreting the ordeals as you are - the guys who tore that statue down think they are getting rid of symbols of oppression. They think they are doing good.

Recently I saw that they are starting to advocate that England starts teaching kids about its colonial history - this subject is not in the current curriculum.

They are all about tearing down what they perceive as bad. Be it plastics, be it "abuse of animals", be it discrimination, be it venerated "shady" historical figures, heck be it exhaust fumes from Cars (Bristol has banned diesel cars, coming into effect in a couple of years) etc. Activism is there way of life.

I'm just saying it as it is.

They don't see the world the way you do.

Your arguments don't feature in their worldview.

Your view and there's don't intersect... They might as well exist in 2 separate planets.
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