George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

Yeah. I don't LIKE that I'm constantly feeling negative emotions. But it's definitely a struggle.

Biggest part of the problem, OSIT, is that IRL I'm forced to interact more or less exclusively with non-colinear people. Which of course is the case for all of us. Oh, to have a nice little town somewhere, where the NPCs are banned....
The biggest part of the struggle is that it's an internal problem. There's nothing external to fix. [There absolutely are external things to be improved from our perspectives. How we process or handle things is internal.]
I know people who went to the protest on Sunday and from their social media feeds and from talking to them, it was a typical Bristol protest i.e. an excuse for people to get out and be activists. From the few protests I've witnessed personally in that city, they tend to have a festival type vibe to them, especially if the sun is shining.

I wonder if it can get more fake then that. From what you wrote it seems like the population is very "active" for the all wrong reasons(better said they see themselves to be active but are indeed very passive), better said they have no reason because they do not think but do what they are told to do, they see it like something trendy and like a fashion show where they compete like a bunch of kids going to show their kindergarden teachears look at me how good boy/girl I am for doing what you told me, now give me my dose of validation and purpose in this life, most of them are just bunch of "progressive" authoritarians unable to come to any conclusions and have any directions by their own means. They protest not for real change but for the things to stay same, or worse.

As such I wouldn't read too much into them - like trying to find a deeper meaning or something like that - there really isn't much of that to be found. All these is just an excuse for people to virtue signal and have a good time whilst doing it.

Simple minds make the best slaves.

West is truly fallen and lost, and the little remaining sense it has will disepear in the chaos of it s destruction, like Rome that was to become beacon of hope but ended to be it s opposite, Athens in Greece as second example, and other many known and unknown history examples, in this world often those who start as savers become enslavers, by the doings of dark side that gets satisfaction and empowerment from it, but that shall also pass like everything else passes.

Context is important. Statues are being torn down and defaced all over the Western world.

When a people is conquered, their history is often obliterated by the conquerors. Temples are torn down, statues removed ... all public reminders of the past are destroyed.

So they repeat the past not seeing that those statues are reminders of where they have been and directions where to go, by erasing them, that is history, they are symbolicaly rebeling against the knowledge and it s acquisition, that is that little small part they had, it is rebellion against the nature of things and positioning onself in the place of "God", and then how the story of tower of Babel ended.

Well said and I want to add. (At least that's how I see it)

These are not the kind of people who believe in democracy either. Their HATE for free speech should tell you enough. Their HATE speech against white people and anyone who disagrees with them should tell you enough. Them chanting in the streets ‘Revolution Is the Solution, Not Voting!’ should tell you enough. People don't see it before it's to late. But if they take over, we all be fighting for our lives.

They do not know where their shoelaces are, that is why they use minorities but like said they are MINORITIES not majority so without military and police stepping on their side they can forget any revolution, they can saw only chaos but that was the plan all along it seems. There will be more serious things to worry then extreme hippies on the streets.
They do not know where their shoelaces are, that is why they use minorities but like said they are MINORITIES not majority so without military and police stepping on their side they can forget any revolution, they can saw only chaos but that was the plan all along it seems. There will be more serious things to worry then extreme hippies on the streets.
Maybe all we'll get is some temporary chaos, but perhaps hidden alliances and powers should be factored in. What we're seeing worldwide does not look spontaneous or organic to me, so what could be behind it? Chaos is not likely an end game when infrastructure, natural resources, etc. are considered. Chaos can be a step between old order and new order.
(..)most of them are just bunch of "progressive" authoritarians unable to come to any conclusions and have any directions by their own means. They protest not for real change but for the things to stay same, or worse.

What will these helpless kids do when the economy comes down?

What good is looting when the stores are left empty? What about their feelings of entitlement for special treats and special treatment when the supply chains are broken? How will they get by when there will be no more living on "Easy Street"? Will their revolutionary fervor abide? They may find out that the Lives That Matter are eventually their own.

When you're short of money and food there won't be much time and energy left for demonstrations and taking selfies along the way. My feeling is that our young "progressives" will turn quite authoritarian when their needs are not met.

There is no reason "to protest for real change" because real change is about to come, but sadly it will not bring more social justice but rather the opposite, or so it seems...

While I don't know the history of the United States in detail, anyone who has read a little or at least seen movies about the Civil War, the association is Confederate = slavery.

I think that deserves deserves the post of the day award! (If there were such a thing)

Actually, that would be the NON-post of the day award (one which I personally would never win). But then - no one would ever know, would they? How can you win something when doing nothing is the qualification for winning?

Ah wait...I think I just blew my own mind. This entire WORLD is controlled by parasites who exist by "exerting" that principle...

Um, in George Floyd news here in California, the state legislature has banned the "sleeper hold" for police:

At least we still *have* police at present. And most of our statues are still standing. But the leash is being placed on law enforcement, and I expect it will get worse. I now think maximum chaos could occur here very soon. All it needs is another spark...
This is a series of tweets:
An Australian Aboriginal woman who is an activist and Town Councillor is speaking out about her disgust at the virtue signalling in regards to BLM. She reiterates statistics indicating that there is more black on black violence and deaths than there are Aboriginal deaths in custody or at the hands of the police. Most violence and deaths in the Aboriginal community comes from family members.

Riots, vandalism, lootings again in México City. Today, due the brutality of police last Friday, they kicked a girl, turn out to be underaged and was seen before with a large stick. As usually, infiltrators, shock groups, looters and, also several of those who attend the march also vandalized monuments and buildings, it had be seen at other marches. Last few times, people in social media justify the graffiti because the person worth more than the walls.

In Mexico City, a permit or warning is requested for the day's marches, this time according to the report, those demonstrating are feminists, anarquist, antifacist queer and LGTBBETC, and the like, curiously it also mention "Encapuchados P8" (-people with- hoods P8).

So, City authorities know but, they let them be. Police instruction is supposed to be non-confrontational. So vandalism and theft are done freely.

Many are yungsters, I think it happens similar as Larry Elder mentions in a video post above that, violence starts with young ones without a father, the descomposición of the family. México City had been liberal since more than 20 years, liberal policies as single mother, feminist empowerment, financial support, "right" to abortion, etc. It makes young people's lives unstructured and meaningless, their anger has to be deeper and no way has been found to diminish it.



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Here is a snip from an interview with the president of the city council of Minneapolis, Lisa Bender. The reporter asks her what will she do if someone breaks into her home at night and there are no police to call. The woman replies, this response is coming from a position of privilege. This person is surely a brainwashed, green wearing, member of the Sunrise Movement repeating their rhetoric. She's very young, seems intelligent and really believes in what she's saying but its a fantasy world that will create a lot of suffering. What world is she living in?This does look like its shaping up to be a cult. Even the reporter from CNN is looking concerned and annoyed.

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Here is a snip from an interview with the president of the city council of Minneapolis, Lisa Bender. The reporter asks her what will she do if someone breaks into her home at night and there are no police to call. The woman replies, this response is coming from a position of privilege. This person is surely a brainwashed, green wearing, member of the Sunrise Movement repeating their rhetoric. She's very young, seems intelligent and really believes in what she's saying but its a fantasy world that will create a lot of suffering. What world is she living in?This does look like its shaping up to be a cult. Even the reporter from CNN is looking concerned and annoyed.
She seem to live in utopialand, a cult full of dangerous idiots, to which the reporter, perhaps for an instant realized, that they help to create a mounster.
Position of privilege??...(she and her cult will be safe, not the others). It reminded me the Demolition Man movie, allude in Brave New World of Aldous Huxley.
I have the feeling that we are living in a book, in which the chapters are now becoming shorter and more rapid. My head can no longer switch so quickly so that I can find a connection in the new topic. We have been moved from one hysteria to another every month since Greta and the climate catastrophe.
On the one hand, this leads to permanent anger and, on the other hand, to lethargy. The point of view of hysterical people is interesting. Yesterday they wanted to behead everyone at coronary demonstrations, because they irresponsibly endangered the health of all people on the planet. Today they defend the big demos because it is now time to protect the blacks. And it is exactly the same people who practice bullying by putting others in negative drawers.

Seriously. In Germany nobody gets their asses off the couch for German affairs. Now we defend blacks who would have driven them out of the country yesterday in the wave of refugees. I am terrified of how ignorant spontaneous group formation in the negative sense arises here. The arguments are just as hair-raising.
In the climate issue, the SUV and the heating systems were to blame, Corona is dangerous because there were thousands of deaths and today a black dead man recurs to be against racism worldwide overnight. Racism is bullying - they can bully anyone and everyone. I'm really getting sick because of all that stupidity. The chapter will not survive June. Since this hysteria has to be kept alive, the next story is already waiting for us.
Yesterday I had a conversation with a former bank director who completely lost sight of the stock market. Shares rose 40% during Corona even though the economy went flat. He said that something like that can no longer be explained with a real mind and it looks as if a bomb is about to go off here soon. In Germany, bankruptcies are also suspended until September. I was wondering why I don't hear anything on this topic. In October, the insolvent companies fly around our ears in Germany and they will not only bring the banks into difficulties, they will also tip them over. The German bank is capable of blowing up the entire system.

But because of the new life in the sense of chapters, everything makes sense. The lockdown and also the curfew. A curfew creates fear and then very high anger. And the anger was allowed to discharge because there was a racist theme overnight. Few people on the street really support this topic. Most are currently living out their anger because of personal motives.

And when the bankruptcies begin here in Germany in autumn, there will be a lot more anger on the street. If Corona marches in again, a curfew will no longer be possible. Before that they dismantled our country. Since the American elections are still around the corner, it will be interesting to see how many chapters of the fairy tale hour are still open.

And such crazy pictures from the USA don't give me any hope. What are they all doing on the floor?


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This whole "defund the police" thing is a really interesting agenda item, because it's just so obvious that people haven't even thought to consider that the police were created to solve a problem (i.e. the problem of the military being required to pacify a population - where they see the foreign population as less relatable and sympathetic when hurt).

If there are no police, that means that security needs to be organized more locally (such as community watches or ethnic gangs), or otherwise for hire in the form of mercenaries. And that's if by "defund" they mean "eliminate funding". If they only mean "decrease funding", you can bet that the police will only enforce laws on groups for which there is relatively little risk for them in terms of lives and resources.

The more violent neighborhoods of the inner cities they probably just won't bother with (which let's be honest is the intent behind it). During the LA riots back in 1992 the Korean business district became heavily armed to protect their neighborhoods from rioting (South Korea's compulsory military service meant a lot of immigrants had military training). But the LA police came and confiscated the arms of people defending shops unless they personally owned the business. I am concerned that's the type of enforcement the police will go with in these huge Democrat cities: enough enforcement to disarm the white population but not enough to put a dent in any type of criminal activity involving those who aren't afraid to use firearms on the police. In the dissident right this is known as Anarcho-Tyranny.

So that's what the middle class will be doing in these low-policing areas. The elite will be more than able to afford their own private security to protect them. Those too broke to afford private security will need to rely on community cohesion for protection, and that is sorely lacking in neighborhoods of atomized individuals. More ethnically or religiously circumscribed groups will probably fare better under these conditions.

I know prisons themselves are probably in the firing line as well, being only used to arrest people who protest lockdowns, but they can teach us a few things about "law of the jungle". In prisons often people rely on gangs for protection from predation, and many of these are ethnically circumscribed as well. Blacks would join a Black gang, Hispanics a Hispanic gang, and Whites have their gangs also but Whites tend to have the least sense of ethnic identity compared to Blacks and Hispanics. So if the goal of all this anti-racist drama is to reduce discrimination against POC by whites, there is good grounds to believe it may very well cause the opposite by forcing people to think along the lines of ethnic identity purely for self-preservation. It's like the film series The Purge.

The whole idea of emptying out prisons will have a lot of consequences as well if it comes to fruition. You can't eliminate walls or borders. Eliminating walls or border just makes the walls and borders more atomized. For example in a lot of poor neighborhood malls the security teams that stores have search their low-wage retail employees after leaving (low barrier to entry), whereas people in say, high finance (high barrier to entry) may not even be drug tested once a year.

In absence of dialogue with individuals to establish rapport, there's not many ways for you to build trust; under such conditions security cannot be created nor destroyed, just moved around. So one solution was to concentrate the insecurity in our society into prison cells, and do our best to exclude insecurity from coming in our borders (eg, criminal background checks when applying for a job somewhere, or a visa). If you have a violent city, the gated community becomes the border; in its absence every house needs to mind its own security unless you organize with neighbors to create that border. But dissolving this all into a mishmash as the progressives want to do just reduces to overall ambient security of the ENTIRE society. The exception again, are the rich who can afford mercenaries to look after them, while telling the law-abiding decent people they are on their own to struggle with crime in their neighborhoods.

Add to that the enforced isolation from the fear of viruses. Maybe if you agree to do some volunteer work kicking in the face of old ladies who looked at an Antifa Commissar wrong they'd let you go outside...

For what it's worth I do understand the importance of an area being policed by members of that same community. People know where you live and a Sheriff needs to make peace with the locals and stay in rapport and on positive terms. They also have more personal investment in the quality of life of people in that neighborhood as well. It is aligned with Distributist principles of solving a problem (i.e. security) at the lowest level of abstraction possible while still yielding a good result. The absolute lowest level is owning a firearm for protection, which appears to be coming more into vogue after all the footage of riots has hit social media. Myself personally, I still would prefer violence to be administered by professional members of my community according to laws that we the people vote on in free and fair elections 🌈 but I didn't create the world I just live in it🤷‍♂️.

Another trade-off is that communities may have greater differences between them in terms of the types of laws enforced, and the enforcement priorities. One way around that for a corrupt ruling class would be to transform twitter and other social media into The People's Courthouse, where doxxing an individual would be all one would need to sign their death warrant unless the forthcoming Maoist Struggle Session shows sufficient remorse of conscience for posting a white square on social media. Hopefully the satellites fry before then.

This is ranty, I know, but it feels good to put it all into words rather than keeping it bottled up.
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