JP Sears supports Black Lives Matter and that's no joke:
Yesterday I thought that what we see right now might be at least partially a very substantial ramp up by 4D STS in their desperation to crush any possibility that anyone comes out of these times with their thinking capabilities intact at all. I mean, what we are seeing for a couple of years now seems to be extreme shifts in realities and perspectives, shifting from left to right and back and forth, which seems to have increased to a point that now every month or so something extreme is shifting that requires the seeker of truth to pay "strict attention to reality right and left" (paraphrasing the C's) in order to not become "a dream of the past". I mean, just look at how many people have literally lost it over the years and especially after the mother of all mind viruses (the Corona) came on the scene and even those who we thought are on track. Any small weakness in networking and/or thinking seems to be now exploited and/or intensified and if one doesn't pay strict attention one can fall quickly.
Take JP sears for example; He was right on the money with Corona-scare, as one of the few alternative people that are left out there and now has lost it over the next scare, right on the heels of the Corona Madness. Maybe it isn't even really 4D STS that is per se "behind this", but rather looked at from a higher perspective, a natural cycle is going on at this crucial point in time, in which "the wave" is intensifying any weaknesses and/or strengths according to how much a person pays attention to reality and/or is willing to pursue the STS or STO path. Never has the idea hit home so clearly for me as now, that basically and primarily a battle for our minds might be going on.
The questions is: Who will come out of those crazy times with their thinking capabilities intact? As of now, it looks like very few will do.
Well said.
I have also been reflecting on the events and shifts we are currently witnessing. Although in recent years there has been increasing polarization of perspectives on social topics, with the main one being gender fluidity, LGBT and so-called "transphobia", the activism and protests have mostly stemmed from a very small minority of people who were directly involved with these movements and the ideologically possessed academics who spew the rhetoric.
The large majority of people have stayed out of the discussion, and appear to have remained relatively neutral up until now. However, this past week there has been nothing short of an explosion of people who have 100% adopted and internalized the myth of "white privilege" and "systemic racism and oppression". In the past years people could quite easily avoid taking a stance on these issues, whereas now they have been manipulated into believing it is their
moral duty to speak up and protest. In the blink of an eyelid, the polarization and division has increased exponentially and now people are essentially left with
no choice but to align with one or the other.
Mainstream media, celebrities, and "influences" have been pushing the concept that "silence on social media is equivalent to racism", and that "silence is inherently hurtful to black people". In this way, people are either forced to adopt a hateful, racist ideology, or stand up against it publicly (either by remaining silent, or openly condemning the movement and risk being socially castigated/isolated). Almost in a split second, the divide between people has just grown by 10,000 times, whether people chose this or not... and almost everyone must now "choose sides" so to speak.
And since the ideology driving Black Lives Matter is the exact same force behind Antifa and the LGBT crew, the average person who has succumbed to the recent brainwashing will also be susceptible to aligning with those other causes. Before, it was mostly just the gays, lesbians, trans folk, ultra-ultra lefties, and academics fighting for that cause. Whereas
now, the manpower has likely grown a LOT, because "ordinary" people have chosen to accept those influences.
The programming has been in progress for many years, and it simply required a few triggers to activate it. Now, I think there is no turning back. It is impossible to initiate rational discussion with people who were previously level-headed, without being labelled a racist.