I saw a very odd pile of paving stones in the driveway entrance to our Bank parking lot on Saturday.
The area was completely renovated and upgraded over a year ago, and these paving bricks were just placed there recently.
There are NO damaged areas in need of repair, and these weren't even a match for the ones that are in the street, so I thought it very odd.
When I told my Family members about it, we all kinda wondered if the bricks had been put there, just in case there was a chance of a Protest or a few stray ANTIFA locals got rowdy.
Sunday morning I was out running a few errands, stopped and checked, yep, the bricks were still there.
So, I loaded them all up in the trunk of my car, brought them home, and after a bit of digging and whatever, the Bricks are now a lovely boarder in my Garden.
This morning I was sent this Video of City Cops in Toronto, Canada, piling ROCKS on the street curb, right before the planned protests...I would have loaded those into my trunk for my Garden too, if I had found them.
"Strange Days indeed...
Most peculiar Mama!" ~ quote from "Nobody Told Me" by John Lennon