George Floyd's Death, Protests and Riots across the US

As a result of these protests, there will be some reforms to how police operate in the US and more importantly, what legal actions individual officers can face if they unjustifiably kill someone.
I dont think that there can be any positive changes in this regard, not while things are like they are. You can only expect more false flag operations that will fortify the powers our governments have over us.

And heres why I think so. The police force (or military) is really a private security force for super-rich community. They will protect only corporate, banking and government interests while acting like they are here to protect our lives and community. Yeah, theyre people too but they all happily follow orders to get their paychecks so that they can feed their families and enjoy comforts of "civilised" society. Its obvious that almost all the people who work for governments are rather brainwashed and programmed and not that intelligent, wise or smart, which is why they go for these jobs in the first place and which is why they get them. So if they dare to refuse to follow orders they are sacked and their lives very easily become hell. And they will stay obedient even if their conscience is nagging them. Ofcourse there are examples that not ALL are like that but any exceptions in this case just confirm this rule. Remember 2008 fake economic crisis and what we learned during Wall Street protests? The fact that our names were starting to be written in caps on "legal" documents as opposed to the way that was done before. Which meant that for the PTBs we are now all JUST a commodity to be traded with in the stock market.

So if we expect governments and military or police to do anything that is benefitial for the masses, it is a sign that we are basically wishfull thinkers and that we cant handle the cold reality of digital feudalism/imperialism that is masked as democracy, capitalism, communism or socialism… and this will always be used against us. You can also forget that the 3 main religions will do anything that could be good for the inhabitants of this planet. I mean, everything is pointing towards the fact that, we the people, are basically just cattle to the rulling psychos, all 8-9 thousand of them. We can have "peacefull and prosperous" lives ONLY if we are playing along while being "usefull idiots" who are allowing these systems to continue to exist... and our peace and prosperity can be destroyed in any moment in the name of global "progress". Global progress towards a Matrix-ed world.

And since knowledge does indeed protect I think its better for us to accept this fact. Because when we accept it their divide and conquer tactics cant work on us anymore. And we start to see that the only successful way of defeating these unwanted systems is removing ourselves and our energy/assets from them. Otherwise we are invested in some aspect of them and giving these psychos even more power over us. Like believing Trump or Putin will do anything good for humanity for example. They will do everything to have more power in different ways, but thats all that they are here to do. They just act that they care for their populations because it benefits them and their owners and even if it is percieved as something good usually that is done before elections and goes to hell pretty fast.

If we wouldnt be so invested we certainly wouldnt have different views on why and how this is all going down and let it divide us further. Which is exactly what the PTBs want. They dont want a uniting of the serfs/cattle because we basically outnumber them 1 000 000:1. They know that if we managed to really unite they wouldnt stand a chance. And as can be seen even on this forum, which I see as the most advanced gathering of critical thinkers in the world, we are far from any uniting and successful boycotting and bringing positive changes in society.
Why do you think we have 100 times too many beaurocrats and all other "public servants”, compared to the things required to be done in a society, while they dont do it and are a burden for the rest of us. In reality they are doing nothing more than being bribed by our governments to keep the status quo of 1% rulling over 99%. The result of that is a confused society that is forced to swallow any stupidity they come up with. Why do you think that during this hoax plannedemic it is possible for all these illogical measures to have a pass at all. And why would we have to endure all these loop-holed laws that allow for super rich to get off the hook no matter what horrifying things they do to us… or our mother Earth. While on the other hand we can be jailed for "juggling with peanuts".

The only way this can ever change is if a critical mass of truly woke people is achieved. A good question is if that is even possible in a world like this. Where a huge chunk of the populations is bribed and owned by the PTBs and even more are hypnotised by the 3 religions, public school system and the demonic msm.
I say we should atleast try and work towards it... specially if we want to save this planet from the destruction to which it is being pushed and leave something good for future generations. And when our time here ends so that we can die with some real dignity and redeem all that our good ancestors did for us.
Tucker rounds up the liberal talking point about defunding the police, which is already leading to concrete policy action in several cities (LA, Minneapolis, NYC).

His take, which is correct, is that removing the police would simply lead to rule by violent mobs. Democrats want this, because they control the mobs. Removing police would therefore provide them with unaccountable power, unrestrained by the law or the Constitution; in this scenario, the law is whatever their mob says it is.

I doubt that mob rule would in practice last for long. Instead, after a short and chaotic period, the mobs would be formalized into thug mafias. The primary difference with current police departments would be that the thugs enforce the dictats of the ruling elite, without reference to the Constitution.

Everyone on this thread defending the symbolic act of kneeling before these mobs would do well to ask what this would mean.
None of these would have happened without the protests.

You think 4 cops being charged is going to change the massively complex problem of police brutality that is partly a function of a significant number (although still small overall) of pathologicals among law enforcement and many others being ponerized by the system within which they operate that is headed by pathologicals? Pathologicals don't respond to warnings, they just wait a while and keep doing the only thing they know how to do.

In addition, the protests had a significant amount of "reverse racism" as part of their agenda, touting the lie that there is systemic racism in the USA and thereby further dividing the population. The vast majority of white people in the US are not racist. Yet for more than 3 years they have been being repeatedly shamed and cajoled into accepting (at least some of them) that they are. And you think this is a good thing.
As to these protests moving to Europe and everywhere else, I don't really understand that as the policing situation in the US doesn't apply to Europe.

It could be that you're thinking that governments of each country are independent, but they're not. Thinking in terms of a one world government, or a handful of billionaires that control and direct policy in every country, that wants similar changes in every country might clarify why these protests are happening world over.
I was only thinking about the idea of elites engineering unrest/revolution to assert even greater control a week or so ago, wondering how it could actually work and now we see it coming into play. I feel de-escalation may be the only way outside of cosmic intervention to avoid the control systems plans.

Much like in the star wars prequels both sides in this conflict are directed by the same forces, the PTB and there is only so much people like Trump can do with agitators working to force a greater response. You may have a chaotic revolution where the elites try and end up on top, or the existing government wins and you end up with some form of martial law where the elites have greater power to crush dissent. Escalation either one or both ways certainly at first glance appears as a win, win scenario for the PTB; though this is without accounting for the major flaw of wishful thinking.

De-escalation itself is of course really requires knowledge, awareness and emotional control. Best achieved by an objective understanding of the situation; mainstream media is certainly no help in that regard, preferring to add fuel to the fire. As Agron mentions above, knowledge is the counter to the divide and conquer strategy. In the end you may not be able to force such knowledge and awareness on others (you shouldn’t try to violate their free will regardless) but rather can seek it out for yourself and be there for others who may have interest in understanding. Find some victory in simply saying No to the lies.

UFOs are real and Aliens are indeed the Apex predator humanity must contend with.

Well, more accurately: they're already eating us, feasting on negative emotions from 4D. Which these riots are providing by the truckload, from both sides of the manufactured drama. As designed.

That said, while there's no doubt that there's real danger in our reactions to the riots providing food for the Moon, there is also no doubt that it is the rioters who are currently acting as the proxy for 4D STS.

I am just going to build on some of Woodsman and psychegram’s posts regarding 4D STS planning to feed on us. Not only are they currently feeding on us primarily through negative energy and emotions, but the current covid crisis and civil unrest is a clear display of the energy feeding mechanism in action. Thus attention should be given to such things so as to avoid being food for the moon. After all 4D STS, as the man behind the curtain, is only consistently seen through their manipulations of humanity at this point in time. I mean the battle with 4D STS is best done through ourselves and confronting the petty tyrants of the world, I do not see how else to 'contend' with 4D STS for the time being.
You think 4 cops being charged is going to change the massively complex problem of police brutality that is partly a function of a significant number (although still small overall) of pathologicals among law enforcement and many others being ponerized by the system within which they operate that is headed by pathologicals? Pathologicals don't respond to warnings, they just wait a while and keep doing the only thing they know how to do.

In addition, the protests had a significant amount of "reverse racism" as part of their agenda, touting the lie that there is systemic racism in the USA and thereby further dividing the population. The vast majority of white people in the US are not racist. Yet for more than 3 years they have been being repeatedly shamed and cajoled into accepting (at least some of them) that they are. And you think this is a good thing.

On paragraph 1 re the 4 cops... My answer is partly. At least it'll make it harder for them to get away with it. Ps, this might be a naive view. :whistle:

On paragraph 2... I don't think anyone can make a blanket statement about the state of mind of a whole population group as no one holds those psychic abilities. Black people can't say all white people are racist (how do they know what millions of people are thinking internally?) Likewise no one can say the vast majority of black people aren't racist or vice versa.

People can infer people's state of mind by watching their actions but you can't make definitive proclamations of the internal world of millions of people.

The other thing is who's driving this leftist SJW narrative?

Antifa, the liberal or any western media for that matter and liberal agenda inc the agenda at universities is made by predominantly white high ranking people. Black people certainly aren't driving the SJW nonesense, they don't have the political and economic might to drive such an agenda nor do black people function as some connected whole. Billionaires and other powerful individuals (predominantly white) though have the power to function in unison and set the agenda for the western world! In no way am I saying normal white folks are writers of the script!

In most of these riots, you see videos of these antifa (white liberals) pointing out what buildings to burn, providing equipment etc... The only time I see black people doing illegal things in these videos is looting... The logistics and narrative is being driven by other elements!

In my view, in the main... You have whites on the right and whites on the left warring with each other and black people mostly being used as pawns on a chess board as these 2 groups fight each other.

I'm sorry if the above elevated white people and puts black people underneath but it's how I see it - black people certainly don't have the clout, logistics, capital and know how to drive an agenda that spans the heartland of white folks (Europe and the US).

God, talk about racialised thinking! :umm:
Yet for more than 3 years they have been being repeatedly shamed and cajoled into accepting (at least some of them) that they are.

Just summarising.

They are being told that they are racist by the left. The powerful institutions on the left (liberal media), universities etc that are saying these are driven by elites who are white as they are the ones who control these institutions! Bezos, Clintons, Gates and that lot...

So whites are being told they are racist by other whites and because the supposed racism involves black people, black people can't help but get pulled in, especially given the history of race in America.
Having said that, implementing those things in the US is very hard since quite a number of police and police headquarters are already corrupt as hell and worse than many criminals out there. Also, the whole Ponerology angle plays a very significant role here. Unfortunately people in general and institutions like the police in particular are not aware of it, and worse even, in many cases are already fully pathologically entrenched/indoctrinated. Fact is: The police profession is a magnet for Psychopaths. In contrast to other professions, Psychopaths naturally gravitate towards that position. So there is a good likelihood that the percentage of Psychopaths in police circles is significantly higher than in other professions and the population at large.

And let's not forget that the US police (good and bad cops) have been taking lessons from the Israelis for a few years now, on how to behave against the enemies citizens:

Israel's hand in the militarization of American police
Homeland Security made in Israel
Durham is first US city to ban police from going to Israel for 'military-style' training
Atlanta activists fight to halt city's police exchange training program with Israel

So I doubt that they practice their skills/expertise just against a particular group of people, it's against all American people. From the article
U.S. police routinely travel to Israel to learn methods of brutality and repression, we read:

This is a small reflection of a larger reality that exists in U.S. law enforcement, one that helps explain the brutality and militarization that now characterizes so many police forces. Since 9/11, cops have been traveling abroad to learn from one of the most repressive and dangerous State forces in the world today—the Israeli military and intelligence apparatus.

Political commentator John Miranda recently stated that police brutality is directly linked to the training some officers receive in Israel.
"As for the increase in police brutality within the United States, I think this definitely can be pointed towards the Israeli training that the Department of Homeland Security is giving all of American police officers.

Some police officers are actually being flown to Israel for the training, not all of them but some, and then those that are flown to Israel, they come back home and they train the head officers in the training that they've gotten in Israel.

All these incidents, it is not just happening to African Americans. Police are literally being brutal with all Americans."
At least 300 high-ranking U.S. sheriffs and police from all over the country, as well as FBI and US Customs and Border Protection agents, have traveled to Israel to learn first-hand the most efficient means of subduing populations. The purported reason is counterterrorism, but protests and crowd control methods are commonly discussed.

Police are not learning from the Israeli criminal law sector that deals with Jewish residents. U.S. police are learning from Israel's military justice system, which controls Palestinians through paramilitary and counterinsurgency tactics. Residents of Gaza and the West Bank live in what is essentially a giant prison camp, where oppression and brutality from the IDF is a way of life. The use of excessive or deadly force for crowd control is rarely questioned.
Speaking only for myself, I'm trying to avoid the question of whether a person's protest is "legitimate" or not, since whether or not a person has good reasons to protest or not isn't up to any of us - that's just how the first amendment works in the United States.

Maybe you ought not to avoid it.

There is no systemic racism against Blacks by American police. It's a phantasm, like coronavirus-as-mass-killer.

There are INDIVIDUAL CASES of white police being racist towards Blacks. But no overall systemic racism.

So they're all out there protesting for nothing.

Maybe it wasn't explicit enough, but I meant avoiding it with respect to how the police and national guard engage with the protesters, since that this idea has become a fixed feature in the minds of a lot of these protesters is kind of a foregone conclusion, and even if wrong that doesn't mean they're not allowed to protest about it. (Maybe they're in a separate reality where all that is real?) So as far as facts-on-the-ground are concerned I don't think that's a tool that can be used to diffuse the situation as it is unfolding on the street. I don't imagine some stirring sermon about it from one of the police will suddenly cause the crowd to smack their heads and "Of course! How silly of us!" and then promptly disperse. Odds are they'd probably just instead say they are out protesting against police brutality in general (and that would be an improvement imo) and keep doing what they're doing.

It's also worth considering other historic forms of systemic discrimination that through a confluence of causes can increase black encounters with police in general. These can be things like redlining, blockbusting, lead toxicity in dilapidated housing in urban areas, both the introduction of crack into black communities and the war on drugs, the prison-industrial complex, the promulgation of black exploitation genres like gangster rap by large corporations, cointelpro against advocacy groups, etc. Black conservatives in particular can talk all day about the various ways in which once thriving independent black communities have been in major cities turned into a programmed block of dependents with broken families and neighborhoods, which are all predictors of higher crime rates. Obviously vested interests will keep the bigger picture out of focus and just keep it on the police, who are to be held responsible for a situation they have no power to fix other than by increasing employment of non-lethal and de-escalation methods.

On social media, sure it could probably be useful, but I think I've alienated enough acquaintances as it is by my Corona sickposting (though I have affirmed others also, even if it's a silent minority). But at the same time I can see that blacks have a lot to be angry about just the same, so I don't buy "protesting for nothing." Does strategic enclosure have any role here?
They are being told that they are racist by the left. The powerful institutions on the left (liberal media), universities etc that are saying these are driven by elites who are white as they are the ones who control these institutions! Bezos, Clintons, Gates and that lot...

So whites are being told they are racist by other whites and because the supposed racism involves black people, black people can't help but get pulled in, especially given the history of race in America.

Right, so it's all a manipulation. Don't forget that, no matter what happens or how emotionally triggering it is to you.
As a result of these protests, there will be some reforms to how police operate in the US and more importantly, what legal actions individual officers can face if they unjustifiably kill someone.

I think it's fair to say that this is indeed a color revolution. We should keep that in mind, especially since it can be difficult to realize this once it happens in the US/West because we are used to this happening only in some far-away country.

But we have witnessed it many times.

Maidan: "End corruption!" Result: Fascists taking over, civil war, suppression of minorities etc.
Syria: "Democratic reforms!" Result: Civil war, country destroyed, terrorist dictatorship etc.
Libya: "End the violence!" Result: Death and destruction.

The slogans always sound good, the result is always a Deep State/World Government puppet gaining power and bringing hell to the country at hand.

Here are two articles from some time ago that detail how this works. It's precisely what we are witnessing now (I highlighted a few things). Look at the end of the first one, written at the time of the Women's march (pus**hat). What an accurate prediction!

Last month, a day after Donald Trump's inauguration, the anti-Trump movement got a new symbol: the pink 'p****hat', worn by protesters at the Women's March. Russian observers, well-acquainted with the color revolution technology that the US once meticulously exported to Eastern Europe, are surprised to see the formula returning home to the US.

On Thursday, Sputnik reported on billionaire financier George Soros' extensive secret spending on special interest groups meant to help keep the global anti-Trump protests going. "The source of funding for this unrest is important to note," Thursday's report emphasized, given that "organizations affiliated with the billionaire have been deeply connected to color revolutions and political uprisings across the globe, including the Arab Spring."

On Saturday, tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets of major cities across the US for the third weekend in a row, condemning Trump's agenda, his executive orders and his cabinet appointees. Protests rocked New York City, Washington, D.C., San Francisco and Los Angeles, with smaller demonstrations held in other cities and at US embassies in other countries.

Russian observers, well-acquainted with State Department's use of color revolution technology in countries near Russia in the past, have marked their surprise in seeing some of the formula's well-known methods being deployed in the US itself.

In a recent op-ed for RIA Novosti, Radio Sputnik contributor Svetlana Kalmikova suggested that when "one looks through the images of the fervent anti-Trump protests, one unwittingly starts to search among the pink caps for the severe-looking lady handing out cookies. And who knows, maybe she's already there among the masses."

On a serious note, the journalist explained that the protest actions against the democratically-elected US government are starting to look more and more reminiscent of a well-organized campaign, and welcomed the US into the worldwide fraternity of countries subjected to the formula of color revolutions.

"Serbia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Lebanon, and the 'Arab Spring' in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Syria - the technology has been well tested,"
Kalmikova wrote.

"First, an issue or incident is chosen. In the case of the US, it's Trump's decree on immigration [the death of George Floyd]. The next step is to attract maximum attention to the issue from society, so that it becomes a headline in the news. And here the internal US issue is blown up by global media. Politicians from the EU, Asia and the Middle East rush to comment on the issue with conviction, and the US press eagerly quotes even those people whom they paid little attention to only yesterday."

"To drive their point home," the journalist added, "Trump's executive order is called 'anti-Muslim', and claims are made that it infringes on US rights and freedoms, and contradicts Western values, even if the issue is really about the threat of terrorism and national security."

And so, Kalmikova noted, the country "is filled with thousands of disgruntled representatives of the 'creative' liberal class, and they take to the streets, the same way it happened in other countries. Again, it's all presented as a spontaneous process...In reality, everything is well-orchestrated. The crowds are well-organized. Bright 'revolutionary' symbols are used for the purpose of separating friend from foe. They started with pink caps. In the future, something else may be added. The crowds are warmed up by opinion makers, including movie stars, musicians, directors, etc. All of this is very familiar."

"The next step," the journalist explained, "is the formation of the leaders of the protest movement on the political level."

"It's no accident," she noted, "that former President Barack Obama expressed his support for the protesters, and added that he was 'heartened by the level of engagement taking place in communities across the country.'"

After that, Kalmikova wrote that "traditionally, the next step is to issue threats against the legitimate authorities, and demand that they leave office."

In his own op-ed, political commentator Alexei Pankin recalled that from the first days following Trump's election, "efforts began to try to deprive him of his victory, from charges of electoral fraud, to calls for impeachment as an 'agent of the Kremlin'...After the inauguration, his opponents began murmuring something about the 25th Amendment of the US Constitution, which deals with mechanism to replace a president in the event that he is unable to fulfill his duties."

"All of this is unprecedented in American history," Pankin emphasized, and points to "classic signs of a color revolution, with dissatisfaction with election results by the active part of the losing side's electorate mixing with an elite conspiracy."

Trump, the analyst recalled, faces opposition from the "globalist-oriented part of both the Democratic and Republican establishment, from intelligence agencies, NGOs and, with a few exceptions, leading media. Influential world powers, including the leadership of the EU, Germany and France, are also on their side. We all remember the immensely important role played by international actors in the color revolutions in Yugoslavia, Georgia and Ukraine."

"That it would be more correct to call Trump's election the 'revolution', since he spoke against the party of power, is another matter altogether," Pankin wrote. Still, with that in mind, "any attempt to deprive him of his victory should really be defined as a 'counterrevolution'..."

The Democrats, the observer noted, lost their chance at victory in the elections when they failed to nominate their own 'revolutionary' candidate, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. "Trump and Sanders are two sides of the same coin. Both are anti-globalists, both see solving internal problems as their main priority, both challenged the ruling parties and appealed to the under-privileged sections of the population," Pankin suggested.

Now, Russian observers warn, the biggest danger stems from the next step in the color revolution playbook: a provocation against police or other law enforcement agents, for example by 'unprovoked' violence by police against protesters which serves to further galvanize protesters' anti-government moods, and results in more demonstraters joining in.

This final step was most vividly (and brutally) demonstrated in Kiev in February 2014, when snipers (whose identity remains a mystery to this day) fired on protesters and police alike. Protest leaders then accused the government of extreme brutality, authorities lost their nerve, and a coup d'état followed. Hopefully, US officials are aware of the dangers of such an eventuality, and won't allow things to reach that point.

Geopolitics becomes a lot easier if we can discern repeating patterns. For example, the common thread through the crises in Ukraine, Libya and Syria is a clever but ruthless playbook of regime-change. This stratagem of toppling governments while appearing noble should perhaps be called the "geopolitics of crocodile tears."

There were times in history when a powerful country would simply invade the weaker ones. Now the elites resort to elaborate Hollywood-style scripts brimming with inspiring heroes, sob stories and altruistic efforts.

Here are the simple facts: Libya and Syria were a tad bit too independent and successful, and thus have been targeted by globalists for a long time. Ukraine, which borders Russia, is a treasured piece on the geopolitical chessboard - get Ukraine and Crimea, you weaken Russia immensely.

The fundamental ploy in Libya, Syria and Ukraine was the same: rile up the population and then stage a coup in the midst of chaos, while claiming to liberate the people.

The coup is carried out in many stages.

Stage 1: Planned Protests

Stage 2: Protesters killed, leading to outrage and UN resolutions/sanctions

Stage 3: Armed mutiny and attempts to force the government out

Stage 4: If Stage 3 fails, sponsor a full-fledged civil war to overthrow the government

Simple enough? Let's hop on the time machine back to 2011.

Act 1: "Peaceful" protests

While all three cases were portrayed as "peaceful protests," the facts on the ground couldn't be more antithetical. The beginning is always peaceful and this sets the tone of the narrative. But truly peaceful protests always fizzle out when there is no major crisis in a nation.

The art of protests and violence are not well understood by the public. There are many elites and groups who are experts in mass psychology. Just like a clever marketing person creating a viral ad, there are social engineering gurus who know how to create protests and riots. For example, with 10 provocateurs and 100 well-paid community leaders, one can easily create a protest of few thousand people and then turn it into a riot. Once chaos begins, mob mentality sets in, and then innocent protesters morph into dangerous elements.

With enough money and weapons, you can overthrow any government.

Libya was a stable and wealthy country under Gaddafi. Everyone had access to free school, free college and free healthcare; young married couples got a free apartment; and Libya had the highest HDI (Human Development Index) in Africa. Similarly, Syria was prosperous and safe. Under Assad, the GDP had tripled (in US dollars), inflation was low, and debt was cut in half. Millions of tourists visited Syria every year because it was beautiful, free and safe. In Ukraine, the economy wasn't so great and people weren't too happy with the politicians, but that's normal for Ukraine.

So how do you organize protests in such situations? In Libya, the excuse was "Day of Rage," which was the anniversary of clashes in 2006 when police killed a few protesters. For the first few days in 2011, the protests and the riots were limited to small, remote towns. Large cities such as Tripoli, the capital, were calm and seemed unaware of the protests.

In Syria, the first few attempts to organize protests in February failed miserably. Then with more money and propaganda through Saudi-funded mosques, the protests began in March in Daraa, a small border town (which is close to ... ahem ... the U.S. military base in Jordan). The famous Omari mosque in Daraa turned into a warehouse for weapons, ammunition and cash. Just like in Libya, large cities such as Damascus and Aleppo were quiet and normal.

In Ukraine, thanks to George Soros, USAID and NED, there was a well-established system of grassroots movement that could spring into action at a moment's notice. Outside of Kiev, there were no protests, but the media made it seem like the whole country was behind the Euromaidan faux revolution.

At this point, the corporate media all over the world would show wonderful pictures and videos of peaceful protesters demanding freedom and justice. Who can be against that? The media always makes sure that these protests are labeled "spontaneous." Of course, most people outside these countries believe the narrative.

Act 2 Scene 1: Provocateurs and Snipers

This is where peaceful protests turn violent and bloody. However, there is a twist in the plot that is hidden from the public: the use of provocateurs and snipers by the same people who organized the protests. These trained provocateurs would attack the police/military and burn down government buildings. Some of them are like Antifa, but others are professional militants armed with lethal weapons and trained to kill.

In Libya, on the third day of the protests, police stations and security headquarters were burned down. In Syria, even before the protests spread to other places, dozens of Syrian military soldiers were ambushed and shot to death. (I describe the events in Syria in details in my book, Syria - War of Deception). In Kiev, masked thugs threw Molotov cocktails and beat up the police with chains and iron rods.

Then, at the end of Act 2 Scene 1, snipers come in to radically alter the story. Carefully placed on rooftops and tall buildings, the snipers target the police and the protesters. When the police are shot at, they naturally assume that the bullets came from the protesters, and so the police fire back. Sometimes there are also provocateurs with guns on the ground among the protesters, and they shoot at the police as well.

In Libya, to add fuel to the fire, the snipers cruelly shot and killed 15 people in a funeral. In Ukraine, analysis of bullets and shells proved that the same snipers killed both the protesters and the police.

Ignoring all these, the global media and the politicians have only one narrative regarding all three countries: the government brutally attacked/murdered peaceful protesters. (Example: NPR's article discussing in June 2011 an incident where 120 Syrian soldiers were massacred and mutilated by the "peaceful protesters.")

Act 2, Scene 2: Political/Economic Attack

Regarding Libya, Merkel said right away that Gaddafi was waging war on his own people. Western media screamed that Gaddafi was firing on his own people. The White House condemned Gaddafi for using mass violence against his own people.

A month later, the exact phrase was used against Assad. In Assad's case, this propaganda would last for the next six years, and later expanded to "Assad kills and gases his own people."

In Ukraine, after the president was ousted, he was charged with "mass killing of civilians."

This technique is a well-known form of psychological warfare and is called atrocity propaganda.

With crocodile tears and faux outrage, the West came up with UN resolutions against Syria and Libya, which were probably written months before.

Act 3: Bloodless Coup

In Ukraine, the West used neo-Nazis rather than jihadists as the provocateurs. The CIA befriended pro-Nazi Ukrainians (who were thus anti-Russian) right after WW II and the relationship never went away.

Yanukovych was a democratically elected President of Ukraine who had also twice been the Prime Minister. In 2004, he won the Presidency, but George Soros organized a "color revolution" and clamored for a new election. Lo and behold, the pro-US candidate won with 51% of the vote in the new election.

Then six years later, Yanukovych ran again and won the presidency fair and square. Four years into his presidency, he was simply driven out of the country by the US/EU coalition.

This is the reality of U.S. spreading "democracy." You are free to choose whoever you want, as long as it's the right candidate.

In Libya and Syria, Gaddafi and Assad were tough and not so willing to give up easily. Within a month after the first protest in Libya and Syria, the UN had passed resolutions that authorized arming "civilians" (a.k.a jihadists), and also gave NATO the right to shoot down Libyan planes. The Orwellian term "No Fly Zones" meant that only Gaddafi couldn't fly his planes, but NATO/US planes could. On March 19, one month after the protests started, the US started bombing Libya with Tomahawk missiles. Syria was saved from NATO attacks, thanks to Russia and China.

Act 4 - Civil War

In Libya and Syria, weapons and money poured from the outside to fuel the civil war. Libya fell within a year, since NATO acted as the air force for the terrorists and destroyed Gaddafi's planes, tanks and arsenals.

In Syria, less than half of 1% of the population joined the armed militia. This is why the "revolution" faltered after a few months, and tens of thousands of foreign jihadists had to fly into Syria. Thanks to the billions of dollars of cash and weapons from benevolent Saudi Arabia, Qatar and others, the war went on for six years, destroying a prosperous country and ruining the lives of 20 million people.

Trail of Chaos

Six years later, Libya still doesn't have a unified government; Al Qaeda and militias rule half the country; and there is even slavery now. More than a million Libyans have fled to Europe, creating new problems.

Syria's GDP has fallen 65% since 2011, its debt has doubled, Al Qaeda holds a large province, and it may take twenty years to rebuild the country.

Ukraine is split in half, and people who have lived together for 1000 years are now at war with each other. Using Ukraine as an excuse, the US and NATO are now spending billions to counter "Russia's threat."

So this is the geopolitical strategy of protests, proxy wars, and propaganda. Americans need to wake up, understand geopolitics, and demand an end to these expensive and immoral wars of chaos, misery and destruction.


Chris Kanthan is the author of a new book,
Syria - War of Deception. It's available in a condensed as well as a longer version. Chris lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, has traveled to 35 countries, and writes about world affairs, politics, economy and health. His other book is Deconstructing Monsanto. Folow him on Twitter: @GMOChannel

But we have witnessed it many times.

Maidan: "End corruption!" Result: Fascists taking over, civil war, suppression of minorities etc.
Syria: "Democratic reforms!" Result: Civil war, country destroyed, terrorist dictatorship etc.
Libya: "End the violence!" Result: Death and destruction.

Exactly. For many people in these countries at the time, they believed it was about "justice" of "freedom" or whatever. It was easy for us to spot from the outside, but now some of us are being asked to spot it when it's up close and personal. Revolution are almost by definition in this reality, fake. That doesn't mean there are not genuine grievances, there always have been and always will be, but the revolution part is always manipulated. Let none of us fall into the trap of taking part, either physically or with our mental and emotional energy.
The kneeling business is all about power, not acceptance. Floyd's death has been used as a prestext for something that's been programmed into the populations for a long time. One has to remember that the basis of every manipulation is emotion. People don't have the historical thinking Collingwood talks about. They react in the immediate moment according to the signals given to them by society and the media, without thinking of the consequences. In what universe, burning and looting and attking other brings acceptance and consideration of the other I wonder. It only brings more polarization, which is exatcly what the PTB have always worked hard for.

Racism is solved simply by employment. People work together, become friends, et voilà. The impressionable among the population will kneel or prostrate or whatever. The psycho cops will not be affected even if there are "reforms". There is always a way to evade the law for the criminally minded, and a simple way for the psycho cops to punish the population is to let criminality rise. Anyone who thinks in terms of generalizations (all men, all women, all blacks, all whites, all Jews, all Muslims, etc. are whatever) lacks the minimum mental maturity for a child. Such an individual is the perfect pawn for the puppeteers and when a population becomes excessively manipulable through emotions, victimization and power obsession, it can easily be led to its own self-destruction.
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