Getting a "Handl" on things?

In keeping with the Faceoff, Leda, Helen, and Castor Pollux Theme, look at this:

Hel ("the Hidden" from the word hel, "to conceal") is the Norse Goddess of the dead, ruler of the Land of Mist, Niflheim or Niflhel located in the far north--a cold, damp place that is home to frost giants and dwarves. The name Hel was applied both to the Queen of the Underworld and the land itself, and it is thought that the land gave the Queen Her name. In the late Christianized form of the myth, when Hel became Hell, She was said to be the daughter of Loki, Who was equated with Lucifer.
In appearance She is said to be a fearsome sight: She is described as being piebald, with a face half-human and half blank, or more usually, half alive and half dead. It is told that when She was born, disease first came into the world. She was said to sweep through towns and cities bringing plague: if She used a rake, some would survive; if a broom, none would.
When the beloved Baldr was killed through Loki's treachery, the entire world begged Hel to release Him from death. She agreed, but only if every creature on earth truly mourned for Him. So beloved was Baldr that everything--Gods, humans, animals, trees, stones--wept for Him. All except an old giantess called Thokk, Who was Loki in disguise.
Hel in a reading can represent a time of simultaneous endings and beginnings, the point at which the circle is completed. She can also indicate integrity, as opposites unite to form a stronger whole.


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And then, in keeping with the Monarch connection - this company is looking to energize the tesla car and use solar power.

Now, notice the twisted up figure 8 looking thing in the middle. It reminds me of that session with Laura with Vincent Bridges wanting her to see something like that. Mirror and Ark.,18636.msg176197.html#msg176197
Q: Is it going to be the building of them that will do it, or the devices themselves? I have a feeling it's the building and the knowledge that's going to do it.
A: Yes.
Q: Acquiring the knowledge to be able to do it puts you there. Awareness binds you to the reality. And I was reading this story by Plato about the cave today, and this whole thing is just so amazing. (A) What cave? (L) Plato's Cave, you know. You know, the shadows on the wall and everything. And he really said some interesting things there - a completely analogy of 4th density. All right then ... (A) Well, in fact, when Tony Smith mention Rodin coils - whatever they are - and toroidal structures - they will probaly be important at some point. (L) Yeah ... (L) When, I saw this thing in the mirror, this gadget that shot out this beam or whatever, was that the true image of some kind of a time machine or time-transiting device, or was that something that Vincent was projecting into my mind?
A: Good catch.
Q: Yeah, when I saw that picture on his webpage, I knew he'd been projecting that. He was sitting there focusing on it so I would see it. I told you, I showed it to you, didn't I? That was what I saw, that twisted up figure 8 thing. [Laughter.] I couldn't figure it out, what in the world it was. Is there an object buried in France I'm supposed to find?
A: Yes.
Q: Are we going to find it?
A: Yes.
Q: Can you tell us what year we'll be finding it.
A: Two (tape ended and was blank for some time then picked back up with a segment of what sounded like a heartbeat)
Q: What is the object?
A: Holy grail.
Q: What is the holy grail? {Tape noise gets very, very loud here. Planchette was spinning around and drawing figures.}
Q: Huh. I don't know if they were drawing something or just playing. Guess they're not going to answer that one. Well, anything you want to ask? (A) Yes. It's pretty fun to be talking, so we're talking ... it's fun.,18631.msg176183.html#msg176183
Q: (V) Does this mean that the process of deprogramming will lead to the source?
A: L V I 3 5 Ark.
Q: (Confusion expressed about this last "clue.")
A: L 5 I 3 for more. Mirror.
Q: (V) So we will know more or be able to get more via the mirror?
A: Yes. Goodbye.
Muxel said:
Akopirnas: I'm curious to know this caravan's destination. (I think you split the image horizontally. Vertically should be the other way?)

Yes, Muxel, here is the picture (clickable images) from that time probably after correct splitting - excuse me my answer after 1,5 year..:



Now we have:

1) Low place between stones

2) Two faces of Janus, which associates with trading (once again - german Handl?), rocks, caverns, covered passages, doors and underpassages...

3) Big shadow of some invisible cup...

4) Pyramid in dark circle

6) Something shining under pyramid in the form of a crystal

7) Place where two rivers merged or now merge (receded and dry/dried stream channels?)

8) A compass or letter A on a pyramid

9) Over compass - swagger stick with vegetative or water motive. Or little skull over a horizontal line dividing a pyramid...


Seems, my "calculation" about "40 tons of gold" was not so bad:

Akopirnas said:
Even if I am mistaken and carts moved from the West to the East.
For example, transport column consisted of 30-90 carts, the quantity of people - minimum 100 persons, max 450 and what further..?

Anyway, I have prepared other comment on "this caravan's destination" and it will appear here.
Q: Well, I was already lost in a sea of puzzle pieces.
Nothing like making it harder!
A: Or easier. Template... Templar... Temporary.
Temperature... prime numbers, prime rib... Primary.
Hi all,
Maybe, it is about DNA, water in cell and the invisible computer behind it.Perhaps science is in wrong path when it talks DNA as memory and computer. Humbly, maybe the temperature creates vibration in a precise wavelength.It creats a "Ring" in some atoms and this is the truth computer and interface. DNA builds Template and Space at the same time after receive the instruction. Time is also created with Temperature.All information since begening is save in water's cell, this is the memory.
About Prime numbers, it connects with other density in order to receive or send information. One of this system is more powerful than all computer in our earth because our device can compute but it is limited in time, space and temperature.
A bout prime rib: it decorates with a recurring design of all living beings.
About Primary:Origin? Do We live in the psychological space 3D?
The illusion is : The arrow of time is the temperature, walking the death.This refuse us the action on the past and the memory of the future, but it grant us the memory of the past and the action on the future. I suspect really, CS experiment shows us that this is an illusion.

Best regards,
PS: The image above is really a metaphor.
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