Getting a "Handl" on things?

In keeping with the Faceoff, Leda, Helen, and Castor Pollux Theme, look at this:

Hel ("the Hidden" from the word hel, "to conceal") is the Norse Goddess of the dead, ruler of the Land of Mist, Niflheim or Niflhel located in the far north--a cold, damp place that is home to frost giants and dwarves. The name Hel was applied both to the Queen of the Underworld and the land itself, and it is thought that the land gave the Queen Her name. In the late Christianized form of the myth, when Hel became Hell, She was said to be the daughter of Loki, Who was equated with Lucifer.
In appearance She is said to be a fearsome sight: She is described as being piebald, with a face half-human and half blank, or more usually, half alive and half dead. It is told that when She was born, disease first came into the world. She was said to sweep through towns and cities bringing plague: if She used a rake, some would survive; if a broom, none would.
When the beloved Baldr was killed through Loki's treachery, the entire world begged Hel to release Him from death. She agreed, but only if every creature on earth truly mourned for Him. So beloved was Baldr that everything--Gods, humans, animals, trees, stones--wept for Him. All except an old giantess called Thokk, Who was Loki in disguise.
Hel in a reading can represent a time of simultaneous endings and beginnings, the point at which the circle is completed. She can also indicate integrity, as opposites unite to form a stronger whole.


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And then, in keeping with the Monarch connection - this company is looking to energize the tesla car and use solar power.

Now, notice the twisted up figure 8 looking thing in the middle. It reminds me of that session with Laura with Vincent Bridges wanting her to see something like that. Mirror and Ark.,18636.msg176197.html#msg176197
Q: Is it going to be the building of them that will do it, or the devices themselves? I have a feeling it's the building and the knowledge that's going to do it.
A: Yes.
Q: Acquiring the knowledge to be able to do it puts you there. Awareness binds you to the reality. And I was reading this story by Plato about the cave today, and this whole thing is just so amazing. (A) What cave? (L) Plato's Cave, you know. You know, the shadows on the wall and everything. And he really said some interesting things there - a completely analogy of 4th density. All right then ... (A) Well, in fact, when Tony Smith mention Rodin coils - whatever they are - and toroidal structures - they will probaly be important at some point. (L) Yeah ... (L) When, I saw this thing in the mirror, this gadget that shot out this beam or whatever, was that the true image of some kind of a time machine or time-transiting device, or was that something that Vincent was projecting into my mind?
A: Good catch.
Q: Yeah, when I saw that picture on his webpage, I knew he'd been projecting that. He was sitting there focusing on it so I would see it. I told you, I showed it to you, didn't I? That was what I saw, that twisted up figure 8 thing. [Laughter.] I couldn't figure it out, what in the world it was. Is there an object buried in France I'm supposed to find?
A: Yes.
Q: Are we going to find it?
A: Yes.
Q: Can you tell us what year we'll be finding it.
A: Two (tape ended and was blank for some time then picked back up with a segment of what sounded like a heartbeat)
Q: What is the object?
A: Holy grail.
Q: What is the holy grail? {Tape noise gets very, very loud here. Planchette was spinning around and drawing figures.}
Q: Huh. I don't know if they were drawing something or just playing. Guess they're not going to answer that one. Well, anything you want to ask? (A) Yes. It's pretty fun to be talking, so we're talking ... it's fun.,18631.msg176183.html#msg176183
Q: (V) Does this mean that the process of deprogramming will lead to the source?
A: L V I 3 5 Ark.
Q: (Confusion expressed about this last "clue.")
A: L 5 I 3 for more. Mirror.
Q: (V) So we will know more or be able to get more via the mirror?
A: Yes. Goodbye.
Muxel said:
Akopirnas: I'm curious to know this caravan's destination. (I think you split the image horizontally. Vertically should be the other way?)

Yes, Muxel, here is the picture (clickable images) from that time probably after correct splitting - excuse me my answer after 1,5 year..:



Now we have:

1) Low place between stones

2) Two faces of Janus, which associates with trading (once again - german Handl?), rocks, caverns, covered passages, doors and underpassages...

3) Big shadow of some invisible cup...

4) Pyramid in dark circle

6) Something shining under pyramid in the form of a crystal

7) Place where two rivers merged or now merge (receded and dry/dried stream channels?)

8) A compass or letter A on a pyramid

9) Over compass - swagger stick with vegetative or water motive. Or little skull over a horizontal line dividing a pyramid...


Seems, my "calculation" about "40 tons of gold" was not so bad:

Akopirnas said:
Even if I am mistaken and carts moved from the West to the East.
For example, transport column consisted of 30-90 carts, the quantity of people - minimum 100 persons, max 450 and what further..?

Anyway, I have prepared other comment on "this caravan's destination" and it will appear here.
Q: Well, I was already lost in a sea of puzzle pieces.
Nothing like making it harder!
A: Or easier. Template... Templar... Temporary.
Temperature... prime numbers, prime rib... Primary.
Hi all,
Maybe, it is about DNA, water in cell and the invisible computer behind it.Perhaps science is in wrong path when it talks DNA as memory and computer. Humbly, maybe the temperature creates vibration in a precise wavelength.It creats a "Ring" in some atoms and this is the truth computer and interface. DNA builds Template and Space at the same time after receive the instruction. Time is also created with Temperature.All information since begening is save in water's cell, this is the memory.
About Prime numbers, it connects with other density in order to receive or send information. One of this system is more powerful than all computer in our earth because our device can compute but it is limited in time, space and temperature.
A bout prime rib: it decorates with a recurring design of all living beings.
About Primary:Origin? Do We live in the psychological space 3D?
The illusion is : The arrow of time is the temperature, walking the death.This refuse us the action on the past and the memory of the future, but it grant us the memory of the past and the action on the future. I suspect really, CS experiment shows us that this is an illusion.

Best regards,
PS: The image above is really a metaphor.
A: Alfalfa fields in Rhineland yield as of yet undreamed of

Q: Where are these alfalfa fields?
A: Near tracks well worn.
Q: Another clue, please?
A: Nope, that is enough for now!!
Q: You guys are gonna drive me crazy! Do you mean Rhineland
as in Germany proper?
A: We do not mean Rhinelander, Wisconsin... Or do we?!? Who
is to tell?
Q: Who?
A: The searcher, the sepulcher, the one who carries the staff
in constant search for greener pastures.

Q: Oh my! You are being VERY obscure tonight! Just the fun
things I like, too! Now, I think I will be pretty busy
this week on this, but is there anything that can be
expanded, or any additional clues for me or Ark?
A: Last clue for tonight: Look for the vibratory frequency
I was watching this video that describes the concept of "action" in physics.

From wikipedia:
In physics, action is a scalar quantity that describes how the balance of kinetic versus potential energy of a physical system changes with trajectory. Action is significant because it is an input to the principle of stationary action, an approach to classical mechanics that is simpler for multiple objects. Action and the variational principle are used in Feynman's formulation of quantum mechanics and in general relativity. For systems with small values of action similar to the Planck constant, quantum effects are significant.

In the simple case of a single particle moving with a constant velocity (thereby undergoing uniform linear motion), the action is the momentum of the particle times the distance it moves, added up along its path; equivalently, action is the difference between the particle's kinetic energy and its potential energy, times the duration for which it has that amount of energy.

More formally, action is a mathematical functional which takes the trajectory (also called path or history) of the system as its argument and has a real number as its result. Generally, the action takes different values for different paths. Action has dimensions of energy × time or momentum × length, and its SI unit is joule-second (like the Planck constant h).

Video describes mind blowing concept of light (and everything) in the universe (not just at the quantum level) exploring all possible paths(possibilities) and choosing/manifesting in the one with the least action required. We end up seeing the path with least action. Then there was this part where Max Planck describes the moment he discovered/described what's known today as planck length, "the quantum of action". He wrote:
A theoretical interpretation had to be found at any cost, no matter how high. After some weeks of the most strenuous work of my life, light came into the darkness and a new undreamed of perspective opened up before me.

That's when I remembered this cryptic message from the C's: "Alfalfa fields in Rhineland yield as of yet undreamed of
and I had a feeling it must be about physics, and also that its somehow related to planck length. So I looked into some clues starting with alfalfa quote and what I found aligned with the physics theory idea.

Alfalfa-lucerne-light (maybe also alfalfa-alpha-primary)

Rhineland-land of the flow
as of yet undreamed of treasures-new undreamed of perspective in physics that would give treasures both spiritual and physical?
I wish I have understanding of quantum physics but I don't so I can just share what I think I connected.

Then while I was thinking about this part:
Q: Where are these alfalfa fields?
A: Near tracks well worn.
Q: You guys are gonna drive me crazy! Do you mean Rhineland
as in Germany proper?
A: We do not mean Rhinelander, Wisconsin... Or do we?!? Who
is to tell?
Q: Who?
A: The searcher, the sepulcher, the one who carries the staff
in constant search for greener pastures.

and how it might be connected to what I learned from the video about the path that light takes a.k.a. the path of least action, a tracks well worn perhaps, and how The searcher, the sepulcher, the one who carries the staff in constant search for greener pastures might be a description of that as of yet undreamed of reality of the universe/law of physics, I was also thinking about Need a better "handl" on it.
First I was looking for physicists named handl and on the similar lines, but then a different physics related idea came to my mind. Maybe it's not about handl as handl, maybe it's what's missing in a handle/handel, and that's E, the symbol for energy in physics. Then I tried to see if there is something in it and looked at "handl" again and what I saw was H and L, more physics constants? So I checked what H stands for in physics and google search gave the planck constant (discovered by the guy who said "a new undreamed of perspective") And google search for the L symbol in physics gave angular momentum.

So do we need a better E, H and L in physics? Or just better H and L? Seriously I wish I understand physics better! Somebody call Ark please 😅

Additional thoughts:
Q: You guys are gonna drive me crazy! Do you mean Rhineland
as in Germany proper?
A: We do not mean Rhinelander, Wisconsin... Or do we?!? Who
is to tell?
Q: Who?
A: The searcher, the sepulcher, the one who carries the staff
in constant search for greener pastures.
Based on the mentioned above concept of light taking the path/tracks of the least "action", while discarding all the other infinite possible options that 'it explores', I conclude the C's were also giving a clue here when Laura asks "Do you mean Rhineland as in Germany proper?" and C's reply "We do not mean Rhinelander, Wisconsin.... Or do we?!? Who is to tell?" Laura asks "Who?" And C's say: "The searcher, the sepulcher, the one who carries the staff in constant search for greener pastures."
Did C's mean it as a reference to the concept of least action and light exploring all the possibilities, like in this example Rhineland in Germany and Rhinelander, Wisconsin. But who is to tell? Maybe that new undreamed of concept in physics, that is near tracks well worn/the path of least action... "The searcher, the sepulcher, the one who carries the staff in constant search for greener pastures."
And it's interesting that the middle of the visible light spectrum is the green light spectrum. Is that a reflection of the green pastures of life created by "the searcher" constantly searching for greener pastures. Better versions of reality maybe?

Aditional speculation/contemplation: And maybe that 'who' is "Christ" as in "I am the Path, the Truth and Life". Contemplation gave me the idea that at the end of the theorised grand cycle "The Wave", The Searcher, the sepulcher, the one who carries the staff in constant search for greener pastures, collects the Life experiences of the grand total of conscious units and based on them creates a new reality in a new cycle. Those who live their lives by paying attention to objective reality left and right - walking/moving on the Path of Truth of the current reality of Life, that is I think being accelerated towards the end of the cycle so that only those who pay strict attention to the road/the Path/the Truth can stay on it and not hit the edge and crash or drive off the cliff, and reach the end of the road where the new reality is created based on their 'realities?'. While those who didn't participate by ignoring, shuting out or trying to overcome the reality, aren't included in the new one, they are filtered out through the filter of Life. Hmmm

I've done a lots of speculation and I wonder do you think I'm onto something here. Thank you for reading.
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Aditional speculation/contemplation: And maybe that 'who' is "Christ" as in "I am the Path, the Truth and Life". Contemplation gave me the idea that at the end of the theorised grand cycle "The Wave", The Searcher, the sepulcher, the one who carries the staff in constant search for greener pastures, collects the Life experiences of the grand total of conscious units and based on them creates a new reality in a new cycle. Those who live their lives by paying attention to objective reality left and right - walking/moving on the Path of Truth of the current reality of Life, that is I think being accelerated towards the end of the cycle so that only those who pay strict attention to the road/the Path/the Truth can stay on it and not hit the edge and crash or drive off the cliff, and reach the end of the road where the new reality is created based on their 'realities?'. While those who didn't participate by ignoring, shuting out or trying to overcome the reality, aren't included in the new one, they are filtered out through the filter of Life. Hmmm
Just some additional thoughts. Life is symbolized by color green. Maybe "The searcher" creates a new reality/cycle based on all the good crop that was able to enter the narrow door to the kingdom of heaven, as symbolized by the narrow visible light spectrum and even narrower green light spectrum of Life. It's like a filter, filtering out the bad crop through the experiences/experiment of life. And maybe the bad crop, that is a dream in the past is the background cosmic radiation or reflected in it. The red shifted light, the microwave and radio waves wavelengths, that are like a dream in the 'past'. An outdated, no longer current reality of the present.
Further search led me to this theoretical physicist's (Metin Arıdaşır) YT channel. I barely understand any of it, but he seems to know what he is talking about and his theories and formulas seem to fit the clues given by the C's. Do we have a physicist/mathematician here who could better understand the formulas and concepts that he describes?

One of his theories is that planck constant is the angular momentum of the photon and it's not a constant, it's a variable. And it's a variable angular momentum of a point on an Electron Motion Form (alfalfa fields in Rhineland?). L =mvr = h (better h and L on it?)
Screenshots are from these 2 YT videos of his (that I linked below)

WhatsApp Image 2025-03-08 at 16.41.15_43221f7a.jpg
WhatsApp Image 2025-03-08 at 16.41.15_95168e66.jpg

Planck Constant is Angular Momentum! ...of Electron(ARIDAŞIR)

PLANCK CONSTANT is the SPIN of ELECTRON! Quantum's J=L+S is Wrong, L & S are the same (ARIDAŞIR)

Electron Spin is Planck Constant! J=L+S is Wrong. Electron Spin and Electron's Angular Momentum are the Same. (According to ARIDAŞIR's Theory/Formulas):
According to my theory and my formulas:
1. For both electron-at rest and electron-in motion (orbital, linear, etc) cases, Electron Motion Form’s Angular Momentum (Spin, two of these names points out the same thing) doesn’t change, and Electron Motion Form’s Angular Momentum or Spin is constant and in the same time, this constant is Planck’s Constant.
2. For both electron is free and electron is bounded-to proton cases Electron Motion Form’s Angular Momentum(Spin) doesn’t change and it is constant also.
3. Arıdaşır’s Electron Motion Form’s Linear Velocity Constancy Law and Arıdaşır’s vç=1884000 km/s=2πc km/s constant are determinative for electron’s Angular Momentum(Spin) constant and Planck’s constant.
4. In quantum theory, coupling orbital angular momentum and spin angular momentum of electron(L-S coupling) and total angular momentum formula, J=L+S is wrong.
5. For Electron Motion Forms, angular momentum and point-mass velocity or point-momentum directions are not perpendicular, they are parallel and in the same direction.
Metin Arıdaşır 28.07.2022

Screenshot from his video linked below:

WhatsApp Image 2025-03-08 at 16.14.37_a147dbe0.jpg

(his graphical representation of the electron wavelength looks like what I saw in my ayahuasca experience when I asked what is the source of everything. And I saw 2 circles with a 0 point in between like in that image, like horizontal infinity symbol)

ARIDAŞIR's Electron Wavelength=91.155 nm Corresponds Itself at Rest Energy&Hydrogen Ground State E.

Better h and L on 'it'?

His summary in the video:
ARIDAŞIR's Electron Wavelength =91.155 nm Corresponds Itself at Rest Energy&Hydrogen Ground State E.
In accepted physics and quantum theories, the electron has no size, no volume no dimension.
ARIDAŞIR-Electron’s Wavelength=91.155nm Corresponds to both Hydrogen Ground State energy and ARIDAŞIR-Electron’s at Rest Point Energy.

According to my theory and my formulas:

1. Electron Motion Form has the size and it has three dimension in META SENSATİON PERCEPTION MATTER, as the intrinsic, cyclical motion form of MSPM. 2.There are different-size(radius, wavelength) Electron Motion Forms in universes.

4. For all of our bounded electron motion forms to protons, or not bounded and free, this type electron’s initial wavelength is 91.155nm.
5. In our atoms, electrons have the ability to shrink or enlarge

6. Here are my energy formulas for Electron Motion Form:

En,α=h.c²/n²λN(c-vecosα), En,α=h.c/n²λN-∆λcosα), and

masse=h/ n²λN(c-vecosα), pelectron= h./n².λN-∆λcosα),

if the successive wave number n=1 and the electron is not relocating,

mass elct: h/ λN.c p elct:h/Λn

if electron motion form is not relocating, at the first cycle, at rest at the first cycle point energy of that electron is

E1,0=h.c²/1²λN(c-vecosα)=( h/ λN.c)xc² =mexc²,

me=6.6260715x10ˉ ³⁴ kgm²/s/(91.155x10E-9mx3x10ˉ ⁸m/s) =0.0242300x10ˉ³³=2.42300x10ˉ³⁵ kg

E1,0= 2.42300x10ˉ³⁵ kgxcxcx10E16m2/s2= 2.42300x10ˉ³⁵ kgxcxcx10E16=21.807x10E-19 kgm²/s²(J)=13.61 eV.
Whereas, in accepted physics, at rest mass of electron equal to 9.11x10ˉ³¹
there fore, E=me.c2 =9.11x10ˉ³¹ kgx cxcx10E16m2/s2=81.99x10ˉ¹⁵ kgm²/s²(J)=51.174X10⁴

Metin Arıdaşır 10.11.2022
1. Electrons are not writings on water

2. Electrons don’t dance in accordance with the probabilistic rhythm

3. Electrons don't behave arbitrarily

4- Only electrons or electron-like forms shape your universes

5. By its min 1884000 km/s constant linear velocity and its eternally repeating cycles, the electron builds the orders of universes precisely.

6- Light is the bridge between absolute single existent MSPM reality and our subjective reality that we share with all living species, and the unique source of light is electron, and electrons are intrinsic motion forms of meta sensation perception matter. You can not separate anything from MSPM, you can not put space limits in it. You can see the same thing or nothing if you could see MSPM directly. You can not see electron forms directly either. You can not divide MSPM into atoms.

7. Remember, this was my sentence from my first video: I found an empty page in universes, then, I started to write. This was a story about an individual from mankind trying, as if the universe, who try to know itself. I am sharing my thoughts and images with you not to be in resonance in the same frequency as a herd, only I did, only I do, that is all.

8-All interactions inside MSPM between its intrinsic electron forms synchronously transfer to our subjective reality as mass, heat, temperature, weightiness, colors, shapes, to be at rest, etc.

9. Do not forget, physics science exists on this duality: we live in at least two realities: one of, the MSPM universe reality and our sensational-perceptional subjective reality. And, I have told before and formulated, there is absolute simultaneity between two realities.
And a screenshot from one of his latest videos:

WhatsApp Image 2025-03-08 at 16.41.15_e82305b9.jpg

Planck’s "Constant" Is Angular Momentum Of A Photon, h Is Variable, Planck’s Formula Is Wrong

According to my theory and my formulas
1. Although the E=h.f formula was introduced by Planck as a solution to the ultraviolet catastrophic continuous blackbody radiation graph, it is impossible to reconcile the blackbody radiation graph with this formula.
2- a)Planck’s constant is not a constant and it is nothing but variable angular momentum of a point on an Electron Motion Form and I have formulated is: L=m.-cxcxλN or L=m-vçxvçxλN. This imaginary, inseparable point of EMF is the photon.
b) Planck’s constant was mathematically deduced by Planck from the blackbody radiation curve for a solution to the ultraviolet catastrophe of the same curve. According to Planck, each wavelength point on this curve corresponded to a different frequency.
But this is not the case, because, each blackbody radiation continuous spectrum graph represents an in-motion Free Electron Motion Form(FEMF) with a special initial wavelength and a single special frequency. Despite wavelength, wave velocity, angular momentum, tangential velocity, energy, mass, etc in each direction, on every point of this EMF, and on every point of its successive waves change depending on the FEMF’s velocity, direction, and orientation, frequency doesn’t change.
Therefore there is no possibility to be true for Planck’s E=hxf formula.
Metin Arıdaşır 07.01.2024

I just found his channel and I think his theories seem fascinating and worth looking into!
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Light Is The Bridge Between M. S. P. Matter Reality&Subjective Reality. Arıdaşır's Physics is here

according to my theory and my formulas
Light Is The Bridge Between META SENSATION PERCEPTION MATTER(MSPM) REALITY and Subjective Reality Pictures:
Light Is The Unique Bridge Between The Two Realities Pictures: META SENSATION PERCEPTION MATTER Reality And Our Subjective Reality

1. Light is the bridge between the two realities. Light is the specific, intrinsic motion form of META SENSATION PERCEPTION MATTER and shines into our subjective reality as a living experience. The light belongs to the two different universes in different ways.
2. Light experience in subjective reality is not an ordinary object effect which is transferred from MSPM intrinsic interactions that we sense day to day in our visible world (subjective reality). There is no light particle(photon) in the subjective reality picture. There is only one effect as light in subjective reality, it is bright or faint or hot color.
3. Light as a wave, is not in the subjective reality picture. All wave formulas about the light that are assumed in subjective reality-picture are wrong. Neither the photon particle hypothesis nor the wave idea of light is valid in the subjective reality picture. We can only talk about the color, brightness, luminosity, etc of light in subjective reality.
4. The light as the waves, belongs to the META SENSATION PERCEPTION MATTER(MSPM) reality picture. Intrinsic, immanent, cyclical, repetitive motion forms, Electron Motion Forms of MSPM produce and propagate the light waves.
5. MSPM’s EMFs are unique light sources in the universes.
6. In accepted physics, light speed is independent of its source's motion. This is wrong. Light waves' velocities are variable and they are depending on their EMF sources' motions.
7-In our subjective reality picture, ordinary objects follow the Galileo relativity formula that is based velocities-addition rule. The Lorentz transformation and Einstein Relativity are based on Galilean Relativity and velocity adding rule by revising the gamma factor only.
8. Light waves in MSPM reality Picture, don’t follow the velocity-adding rule. As I told and explained before, light wave velocities decrease in the direction of their sources' motions. Just for this reason, there is absolute simultaneity in our universes.
Metin Arıdaşır 25.11.2022

Electron Is "The God Particle"! There Is No Mass-Giver Higgs Particle In The Universe

According to my theory and my formulas: Electron Is "The God Particle"! There Is No Mass-Giver Higgs Particle In The Universe:Electron Is "The God Particle"!Joke. There is no Higgs particle that is a mass-giver. Are you looking for a"god particle"? Don't waste your time and money. There are plenty of "God particles" in the universe. It is the unique source of the mass that those objects have.
1. Electron Motion Forms are unique sources of all masses that objects seem to have them.
2. Objects' masses are, in fact, Electron Motion Forms'(EMF) masses only.
3.EMFs don't give their masses to any objects. Objects seem to us as if they have masses. In fact, EMF interaction effects that transferred to our subjective reality as objects.
4. EMF's masses emerge when EMFs emerge. If there was no angular momentum(spin, h) and there was no charge of EMF, the mass wouldn't exist on it. Whereas, they say, the Higgs particle has no spin and no charge. Shortly, there is no "god particle" in the universe. Electron Motion Form is not a particle. Electron Motion Form is a motion form. Electron Motion Form is the intrinsic motion form of Meta Sensation Perception Matter.
I advise you to watch my, 'The Origin Of Mass: Mass Is Not Property of Matter' titled video.
Metin Arıdaşır 23.09.2022

No Place For The Past In The Observable Universe Picture, James Webb T Only Shows The Present Moment

No Place For The Past In The Observable Universe Picture, James Webb Telescope Only Shows The Present Moment According to my theory and my formulas,There Is No Place For The Past In The Observable Universe Picture
1. Once the light goes away, it never comes back.
2. In accepted physics theories they say CMBR comes from the past, it comes from 13.6 billion years ago. Whereas, according to my theory and my formulas, light can not come from the past, neither CMBR nor any galaxies’ light.
3. Wholly observable universe’s picture is not from the past.
4. There is no place for anything that comes from the past in the whole observable universe Picture
5. According to me, as I have told you before, there are two types of light in our universes, one of these light types is successive waves light of FEMFs, and the other one is Single Wave Pulse light that produced and push out by proton-bound EMFs under the influence of successive waves of FEMFs. Whether as successive waves of FEMFs or as SWPs from p-bound EMFs, once produced and propagated or push out through eternity, light never goes back, neither as the expanding intertwined spheres successive waves light from FEMFs nor as the expanding single sphere SWP from p-bound EMF can shrink. Light spheres can not shrink to go back.
6. Continuous spectrums are products of in-motion FEMFs’ successive waves. They are unique carriers of SWPs' characteristic lines (emission or absorption lines) from p-bound EMFs.
7. This is so important if we observe the characteristic lines that are shifted, for instance redshifted, it can be possible only as they are within a continuous spectrum, it can seem to us only in a continuous spectrum. Only a continuous spectrum as a carrier can bring us these redshifted lines in order and in a scale. Only a continuous spectrum as a carrier brings to us red or blue, all shifts.
8. From the edge of the universe we see the shifts, high redshifts for instance if we observe this continuous spectrum and red shifted or blue shifted or no shifted line spectrum, their sources are still alive and they are still in there, they are at present.
10. Everything in our observable universe picture is at present.
11. Unless you abandon the constant speed of light dogma, your horizon will be limited to the past.
12. As I told you before, there are two realities: 1. META SENSATION PERCEPTION MATTER REALITY 2. SUBJECTIVE REALITY THAT WE SHARE WİTH ALL LIVING SPECIES, PERHAPS WITH ALL INTERACTING THINGS, and light is the bridge between the two realities, and absolute simultaneity is built between the two realities: Light velocity and wavelength are variable as the frequency stays constant and, light velocity and wavelength are depending on light sources' velocity, direction, and orientation.
Metin Arıdaşır 28.04.2023

E≠h.f I WARN YOU PHYSICISTS, Planck's E=h.f Formula As Your Quantum World's Main Foundation, isn't Valid
My energy formulas: En,α=h.c/n²(λN-∆λcosα), En,α=h.c²/n².λN(c-vecosα) and CONSTANT FREQUENCY- VARIABLES IN CONTINUITY LAW for lightwave sources which are I put forth. I will mention these below, according to my theory and my formulas:
CONSTANT FREQUENCY- VARIABLES IN CONTINUITY LAW; the energy of the waves can change without frequency changing, this is against the Planck formula E=h.f
CONSTANT FREQUENCY- VARIABLES IN CONTINUITY LAW: these variables are wave velocity, wavelength, and energy for any point and on any nth cyclic spherical point of a free electron motion form whether it is at rest or it is relocating as a successive wave source without frequency changing and there are my formulas which I put forth for each of these variables, Meanwhile, these are formular relationships according to my theory, for any spherical point of relocating electron motion form, it is not important whether it is decelerating or accelerating or it is in the inertial situation, at the constant frequency (this constancy relates electron motion form’s initial wavelength) : my another formula for ∆λ is: frequency is

constant ve.cosα/c=∆λ.cosα /λN and
frequency is constant, ∆λ/ λN =ve/c = ∆λ.cosα /λN = ve.cosα/c
frequency constant:
these are formular relationships according to my theory, for any spherical point of relocating electron motion form, it is not important whether it is decelerating or accelerating or it is in the inertial situation, at the constant frequency (this constancy relates to electron motion form’s initial wavelength)

f= c-ve.cosα/λN-∆λ.cosα =c/λN
My En,α=h.c/n²(λN-∆λcosα) and En,α=h.c²/n².λN(c-vecosα) formulas determine all of the continuous spectrums, and Planck formula gives the true result only if n=1 and if free electron motion form is not relocating or if it is atom tied electron which is in balance(not enlarging or narrowing to step which is not initial, not in balance situation) that doesn't mean it is valid. I want to remind you difference that I put forth between the free electron motion form and the atom-tied electron motion form that I explain before.

HERE IS MY SECOND LAW THAT I PUT FORTH :All successive waves’ energy loss per n and its compensation by countless free electron motion forms interference here ULTRAVIOLET CATASTROPHE AND PLANCK FORMULA another subject that I put.-for lightwave sources in motion Planck Formula is not valid also. For continuous spectrum, naturally, for black body radiation,
Planck Formula, E=h.f is not valid.
Planck Formula is not valid, neither for not relocating free electron motion form nor for relocating free electron motion form.

Is there something to his Electron motion form theory? Could it be related to alpha and primary and template clues from the C's, and maybe even "look for the vibratory frequency light" clue, or am I seeing connections that aren't there. It's very hard for me to understand so this is where I will stop posting, unless I find some good connections worth to share. But this is where the clues led me and I have a feeling there is something important about this physicist's theories.
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I couldn't resist 😅

Q: Now, when you were saying that I needed to get a better
'handl' on it and I found...
A: Have you overlooked North America? Check Atlas indices
for names to pique interest.

Q: What names?
A: Oh now, we cannot tell you that!
Q: The reason I have been focusing on Europe is because you
said that this thing we were supposed to find was in the
A: But there are always connections, both hither and yon.
Tricky those Rosicrucians, tricky. And what of Piri Reis?
Q: Well, I was already lost in a sea of puzzle pieces.
Nothing like making it harder!
A: Or easier. Template... Templar... Temporary.
Temperature... prime numbers, prime rib... Primary.

Q: Oh God! I thought it was bad before, now it is worse!

Overlooking North America literally gives this result


Turtle Island is a name for Earth or North America, used by some American Indigenous peoples. The name is based on a creation myth common to several indigenous peoples of the Northeastern Woodlands of North America.

From English atlas, from the name of the Ancient Greek mythological figure Ἄτλας (Átlas, “Bearer (of the Heavens)”), from τλῆναι (tlênai, “to suffer”, “to endure”, “to bear”.

Checking indices for Atlas literally as in connections/equivalent figures from myths, and literally could maybe also be as a key for how to solve the clues (literally - from Late Latin literalis/litteralis "of or belonging to letters or writing," from Latin litera/littera "letter, alphabetic sign). In any case, it seems it's on the right track, cause turtle is an equivalent for Atlas in many creation of the world myths across the world including the Hindu Kurma.

Kurma (Sanskrit: कूर्म, lit. 'Turtle' or 'Tortoise'), is the second avatar of the Hindu preserver deity, Vishnu. Originating in Vedic literature such as the Yajurveda as being synonymous with the Saptarishi called Kashyapa, Kurma is most commonly associated in post-Vedic literature such as the Puranas. He prominently appears in the legend of the churning of the Ocean of Milk, referred to as the Samudra Manthana. Along with being synonymous with Akupara, the World-Turtle supporting the Earth.

In the legend of the Samudra Manthana, the devas and asuras were churning the Ocean of Milk in order to obtain amrita, the nectar of immortality. They used the mountain Mandara as the churning shaft, which started to sink. Vishnu took the form of a tortoise to bear the weight of the mountain to allow them to complete their task.
To bear - to support the weight of, sustain, to move while holding up and supporting (something)

Vishnu (/ˈvɪʃnuː/; Sanskrit: विष्णु, lit. 'All Pervasive', IAST: Viṣṇu, pronounced [ʋɪʂɳʊ]), also known as Narayana and Hari, is one of the principal deities of Hinduism.
Vishnu is known as The Preserver within the Trimurti, the triple deity of supreme divinity that includes Brahma and Shiva. In Vaishnavism, Vishnu is the supreme Lord who creates, protects, and transforms the universe.

The Sanskrit word "हरि" (Hari) is derived from the Proto-Indo-European root "*ǵʰel- to shine; to flourish; green; yellow" which also gave rise to the Persian terms zar 'gold', Greek khloros 'green', Slavic zelen 'green' and zolto 'gold', as well as the English words yellow and gold.

A: The searcher, the sepulcher, the one who carries the staff in constant search for greener pastures.

Middle English staf, from Old English stæf; akin to Old High German stab staff, Sanskrit stabhnāti he supports.

The one who carries the support/stability in constant transformation/search for greener pastures of life?

Narayana (Sanskrit: नारायण, IAST: Nārāyaṇa) is one of the forms and epithets of Vishnu. In this form, the deity is depicted in yogic slumber under the celestial waters, symbolising the masculine principle and associated with his role of creation.
The waters are called narah, (for) the waters are, indeed, the offspring of Nara; as they were his first residence (ayana), he thence is named Narayana. 'Narayana' is also defined as the 'son of the primeval man', and 'Supreme Being who is the foundation of all men'.

'Nara' (Sanskrit नार) means 'water' and 'man'
'Yana' (Sanskrit यान) means 'vehicle', 'vessel', or more loosely, 'abode' or 'home'
The Sanskrit word 'Vishnu' literally means “all-pervading”. It is derived from the root words 'Vish' (“to envelop” or “to enter”) and 'nu' (“person”). Hence, it means “an all-pervading person or entity”. This name is attributed to Lord Hari as he is omnipresent.
Alfalfa fields in Rhineland/primordial waters/blueprint for all creation?

Also Vishnu is often depicted with four arms and consistently carries four attributes: the discus, conch, club and lotus.

And what of Piri Reis?
The name Piri originates from Hungary and holds a rich history dating back to ancient times. Derived from the Hungarian word pir, meaning old or ancient.
Reis - Inherited from Ottoman Turkish رئیس (reʾis, “president; captain”), from Arabic رَئِيس (raʔīs, “head, chief, leader”).
It seems that even this clue fits the story.

Then we have ancient Egyptian djed symbol.
The djed, also djt (Ancient Egyptian: ḏd 𓊽, Coptic ϫⲱⲧ jōt "pillar", anglicized /dʒɛd/) is one of the more ancient and commonly found symbols in ancient Egyptian religion. It is a pillar-like symbol in Egyptian hieroglyphs representing stability. It is associated with the creator god Ptah and Osiris, the Egyptian god of the afterlife, the underworld, and the dead. It is commonly understood to represent his spine.
I don't think that it represents the spine. It seems it represents the same concept/law of the universe that Vishnu in his second avatar form Kurma (tortoise) represents. I think there are many similarities and connections.

The djed was an important part of the ceremony called "raising the djed", which was a part of the celebrations of the Sed festival, the Egyptian jubilee celebration. The act of raising the djed has been explained as representing Osiris's triumph over Seth. Ceremonies in Memphis are described where the pharaoh, with the help of the priests, raised a wooden djed column using ropes.
Pillar_amulet_of_Tutankhamun_2019.jpg 4572.jpg

Osiris (/oʊˈsaɪrɪs/, from Egyptian wsjr, was the god of fertility, agriculture, the afterlife, the dead, resurrection, life, and vegetation in ancient Egyptian religion. His green skin symbolizes rebirth. He also carries the crook and flail. The crook is thought to represent Osiris as a shepherd god. The symbolism of the flail is more uncertain..
Aaru (/ɑːˈruː/; Ancient Egyptian: jꜣrw, lit. 'reeds'), or the Field of Reeds (sḫt-jꜣrw, sekhet-aaru), is the name for heavenly paradise in Egyptian mythology. Ruled over by Osiris, an Egyptian god, the location has been described as the ka (vital essence) of the Nile Delta.

Ancient Egyptians believed that the soul resided in the heart, and that each individual would therefore undergo a "Weighing of the Heart" in the afterlife; each human heart is weighed on a giant scale against an ostrich feather, which represents the concept of the goddess Maat. All souls that successfully balance the scales will be allowed to start a long and perilous journey to Aaru, where they will exist in peace and pleasure for eternity. Conversely, hearts that are heavy with evil will tumble from the scale pan and fall into the crocodilian jaws of the goddess Ammit. Any souls that are subject to Ammit's "second death" are doomed to restlessness in the Duat.

We see common themes connecting to alfalfa fields in Rhineland quote. From the word Aaru itself (having double A letters) to the concept of field in the vital essence of the river, to the green shepherd god theme, to the ritual of the raising of the the djed (symbol for stability/support of the universe?), akin to Vishnu taking the form of a tortoise to bear/support the weight of the rotating mountain Mandara, the shaft of the universe.
Tortoise was first recorded in English around 1350–1400. It originated as a variant of the earlier words tortuse, tortose, and tortuce. The word tortoise may be related to the Latin for “twisted” (tortus). The Latin word testudo comes from testa (“shell”).

I think it's very likely that C's clues aren't one dimensional, but layered and/or multidimensional.

What if "Need a better "handl" on it." is also a multilayered clue.
Could it be, like I theorized "Need a better h(planck constant) and L(angular momentum) on it (the equation?)
and in the same time also a hint towards the physics behind the door handle, torque in specific.

Turning the Knob: When you turn a door knob, you are applying torque. Torque is the rotational equivalent of linear force and is calculated as the product of the force applied and the distance from the pivot point (in this case, the center of the knob).

Similar to conservation of linear momentum, where it is conserved if there is no external force, angular momentum is conserved if there is no external torque. Torque can be defined as the rate of change of angular momentum, analogous to force. The net external torque on any system is always equal to the total torque on the system; the sum of all internal torques of any system is always 0 (this is the rotational analogue of Newton's third law of motion). Therefore, for a closed system (where there is no net external torque), the total torque on the system must be 0, which means that the total angular momentum of the system is constant.

Angular momentum provides stability in rotational systems due to its conservation and the way it influences the motion of objects. Bicycle wheels also demonstrate the law of conservation in action. As the wheels spin, they behave like gyroscopes, generating their own angular momentum. The faster they spin, the greater the momentum and the greater the stability.

So we see angular momentum is what provides stability in rotational systems. And it has the property of conservation. Just like Vishnu the preserver and djed the symbol of stability and support (and it even looks like a representation of angular momentum like concept in the form of a pillar, or even like a piece of technology). And tortoise is a symbol of stability too.

Was this a hint too maybe? "Have you overlooked North America? Check Atlas indices for names to pique interest.", pique has the same "que" suffix as torque.

Is there something to this? C's clues seem to be pointing to angular momentum, planck constant and torque, at least if I'm seeing things right. If yes, then maybe they are pointing us to understand these forces at a quantum/electron/wave level of physics, and maybe even to be able to apply it, to affect things from that level of access? Just as a door handle opens the door using the physics of torque, maybe understanding those same forces (torque, angular momentum and planck constant) at the primary level of physics could give us the ability to open the doors to as of yet undreamed of treasures. Maybe even to have flying bicycles :lol:

"They used the mountain Mandara as the churning shaft, which started to sink. Vishnu took the form of a tortoise to bear the weight of the mountain to allow them to complete their task."

From the video below going into the concept of angular momentum and torque 🤔
"In angular (compared to linear) momentum formula mass is replaced with moment of inertia and the force F is replaced with torque τ."

True or not, it was fun :-D
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Electron have spin/angular momentum, even tho they aren't supposed to have it.

Feynman says that we there are two things now one electrons behave like a tiny magnet very similar to how a spinning ball of charge would work and secondly they show they wobble and they show that they have angular momentum. How do you reconcile all of this? There's only one way we have to say that electrons have some kind of a property which assembles spin, even though they don't really do.
And even the math shows that the magnetic the tiny magnets that they produce the strength of the tiny magnets which is technically called the dipole moment but don't worry about it it is directly proportional to its angular the quantum angular momentum so there is no escaping it it is evident that the electrons possess some kind of a Quantum Spin and it's that Quantum spin that gives rise to these tiny magnets the magnetic dipole moment.
We can ask Feynman what's the best way to put it all together, like how do we reconcile all of this this sounds very contradictory right that electrons don't spin but they kind of do. Well Feynman says we need to be very careful with the words and here's one way my understanding of what Feynman says. that electrons behave just like a spinning top but it doesn't really Spin.
How can you have an intuition for a world that you're not exposed to our intuition comes from our limited understanding of how the macroscopic world behaves how can I how can we possibly use that for the quantum world but if you think about this there shouldn't be a problem with this it's kind of like saying that hey there is an animal on an alien world that looks like an elephant that that has a trunk like an elephant that behaves like an elephant that kind of looks like an elephant that has ears like an elephant but is not an elephant and there's no contradiction over there, like it's perfectly reasonable to think that there could be animals out there on an alien world World which we have no intuition for how they behave and what they look like and they they could resemble one of the animals that we are familiar with.
I would like to end by just saying the reason we have a hard time understanding all of this is because you and I are like these two frogs in a well who have lived their whole life in a well and we think that the entire world behaves and looks just like the inside of a well but when you try to come outside you see a brand new world out there where you have no intuition for but you go where your observations and experiments leads you to.

Better 'handl' on it really seems to point towards the h(planck constant) and L(angular momentum) on it(the equation for the behavior of the electrons in relation to spin?/the unified theory of the universe?)?

If we understood that "alfalfa fields in Rhineland", (the electron?) the ancient king(piri reis)?, the the one who carries the staff/support (of the laws of the universe? maybe even the source of all spin itself? 🤔 ), (the world turtle-Atlas-Vishnu-Osiris?), perhaps the utilization of it would yield those spiritual and physical treasures that the C's have mentioned.

Also "need better handle on it" I read also as a metaphor for 'better torque' for the electron, different kind of formula/concept and utilisation of the forces of spin and torque in the arena of the quantum world, if it makes sense what I'm trying to say.
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Further decoding/following the clues, again leads me to quantum physics, and to the concept of "the one" "carrying the (staff)structure of the universe".

A: Alfalfa fields in Rhineland yield as of yet undreamed of treasures.
A: But there are always connections, both hither and yon.
Tricky those Rosicrucians, tricky. And what of Piri Reis?
Q: Well, I was already lost in a sea of puzzle pieces.
Nothing like making it harder!
A: Or easier. Template... Templar... Temporary.
Temperature... prime numbers, prime rib... Primary.

Now check this out:

In physics, the fine-structure constant, also known as the Sommerfeld constant, commonly denoted by α (the Greek letter alpha), is a fundamental physical constant that quantifies the strength of the electromagnetic interaction between elementary charged particles.

It is a dimensionless quantity (dimensionless physical constant), independent of the system of units used, which is related to the strength of the coupling of an elementary charge e with the electromagnetic field, by the formula 4πε0ħcα = e2. Its numerical value is approximately 0.0072973525643 ≈ ⁠1/137.035999177⁠, with a relative uncertainty of 1.6×10 on the power of -10.

Arnold Johannes Wilhelm Sommerfeld was a German theoretical physicist who pioneered developments in atomic and quantum physics.
He introduced the second quantum number - azimuthal quantum number, and the third quantum number - magnetic quantum number. He also introduced the fine-structure constant and pioneered X-ray wave theory.

Feld - from Middle High German velt, from Old High German feld. English - field. And he is german (from the land of the river Rhine), but most importantly he introduced the fine structure constant alpha (α), which is a fundamental constant in the universe.

American physicist, Richard Feynman described it as “a magic number that comes to us with no understanding. This constant represented by the Greek letter alpha, appears on the surface to be nothing special. It’s just a dimensionless number, so no matter what units you use, it will always have the same value - approximately 1/137.

Yet, it’s precise value could not be more important. Some studies show that if it was different by just 4%, you and I would not exist because stars could not make carbon and oxygen, elements essential for life. It’s value being so precise is one of the reasons that some believe nature must be fine tuned for life. This constant seems to turn up everywhere in physics, like the quantum theory governing the electromagnetic force. Yet its value cannot currently be predicted directly from any theory. It’s one of the fundamental constants we simply have to measure experimentally in nature.

It’s one of the parameters that is inserted by hand into the Standard Model of particle physics, our best theory of nature, to make the theory work. Some numerologists have even suggested a mystical significance to the number 137 because it seems to show up in other places in nature as well. What is this mysterious constant? Why does it have the value that it does? And what does it represent?

Let's look at the fine structure constant alpha. Its numerical value is approximately 0.0072973525643 ≈ ⁠1/137.035999177, with a relative uncertainty of 1.6×10 on the power of -10 (which means the first 10 or so digits should be accurate).

First of all 137 is a 33d prime.
Then let's look into first 3 digits after the zero. 359 is a 72nd prime.
Then let's look into first 5 digits after the zero. 35999 is 3824th prime.
Then let's look into 2nd 3 digits after zero. 599 is a 109th prime.
Then there are 3d 3 digits after zero, the three 9s. 999 is not a prime, but it subdivides into 3*3*111(3 ones), and further subdivides into 3*3*3*37(3 threes and 37, the 12th prime).

Then let's look into 4th 3 digits after zero. 991 is a 167th prime.
And all of the single digits excluding the 9s in both ≈ 0.0072973525643 and ≈ ⁠1/137.035999177 are primes (disregarding the digit 4, cause it's within the uncertainty range).

Even the double digits in ≈ ⁠1/137.035999177 are prime (excluding 35 and 99s). 11,13,37,73,91,17

A: Look: 3 5 3 5 3 5.
Q: (L) What is the 3 5 sequence?
A: 5 minus 3.
Q: (L) Okay, we have strange math. But, you can do anything with numbers because they correspond to the universe at deep levels...
A: Is code.
Q: (L) What does this code relate to? Is it letters or some written work?
A: Infinite power.

That's some crazy math right there, hidden in the constants of the universe.

And could we perhaps calculate the correct value all the way down the numbers line with this 5 3 5 code? Just a theory. First 5 numbers after zero in ≈ 1/137.035999177 is a prime, then maybe 3d 5 numbers after 0 should be a prime too. 99917 isn't a prime, so according to this theory it's not the correct number (last two digits fall in the inaccuracy range). But that may be a good job for the AI to figure out 😅

And I will just put this here too:
But there are always connections, both hither and yon. Tricky those Rosicrucians, tricky.
They repeated the word tricky two times. Reading it at loud sounds like three key (what key?) And could perhaps also be read as 3 K. Why wasn't I surprised when I just now checked the numerical order of the letter K, and found it is 11. Three times 11? 3*11=33. Alpha constant, the fine tuned universe constant is ≈ 1/137. And 137 is a 33d prime.


Q: (L) Well, three times eleven is thirty-three.
A: Yes, but what about 11?
Q: (L) Well, eleven is supposed to be one of the prime, or divine power numbers. In Kaballah, 11 is the power number...
A: Yes...
Q: (L) Eleven is 10 plus 1; it is divisible only by itself and by 1. I can't think of anything else. I am an 11 in numerology... I am also a 22. What else is there to the number 11?
A: Astrology.
Q: (L) Well, in astrology, the eleventh sign is Aquarius, my name is an eleven, my birthday is a 22 which is twice eleven, and I am an Aquarian. The eleventh house is friends, hopes, dreams and wishes, and also adopted children. Aquarius the Waterbearer, the dispenser of knowledge. Does 11 have something to do with dispensing of knowledge?
A: Now, 3rd house.
Q: (L) Gemini. Okay. Gemini and Aquarius. Third house is how the mind works, communication, relations with neighbors and siblings, education, local travel, how one speaks. Gemini is known as the "consummate man." Somewhat shallow and interested in the things of material life. It is also the divine number of creation. So, what's the connection here?
A: Matrix.

Why do some people assign it mystical meaning?Mainly because the number 137 seems to appear elsewhere too. For example some say that it can’t be coincidence a that the age of the universe is 13.7 billion years.This is a stretch because current best estimates say the number is actually about 13.8 billion years.
The number shows up in Jewish mysticism (kaballah tree), as well as the Christian bible. Kabbalah tree is one of the most used concepts by those tricky Rosicrucians.


Again and again, it seems that all these sets of clues given by the Cs are pointing towards the quantum physics and seemingly towards the unified field theory or some understanding related to it. OSIT.
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A: Ever feel as if you are dancing around in circles?
Q: (L) Yes, but one of the unique things about this Horselberg business is that, the legend is that three 'fiery objects' landed on top of this mountain. And, if you draw a line from Horselberg, which is a 'big rock,' to the 'big rock' of Luxembourg, it crosses the Rhine exactly on the big rock of the Lorelei...
A: Tritium.
Q: (L) Well, Lorelei, translated from German, going back to the Saxon roots, is literally, 'Laura's rock.' I just thought that was VERY funny. You had said to look for the three, the 'triplicative connecting profile,' a rock, and you mentioned sirens. Lorelei later evolved into a story about sirens...
A: Tritium mines.
Q: (L)[To Ark] What is tritium? (A) In physics, it is an isotope of hydrogen. You have deuterium, and you have tritium, and you make fusion bombs out of tritium. (L) So, there are tritium mines there? (A) You cannot mine for tritium because it is a gas...
A: But what does it emanate from?
Q: (A) That's a good question. I don't know. We can find out.
A: Look for clue!
Q: (L) You say I am dancing around in circles...
A: We are saying, as always, pay attention to the words.
A: Does not gold conduct electricity, heat, etc.?
Q: (L) Yes, and gold is also called a ferrophile metal, or 'iron loving,' because it binds easily with iron.
A: And iron...
Q: (L) Iron in the blood... iron in the ground...
A: Magnetic...
(L) Exactly. Anyway, somehow, all this connects backward to something that Solomon used to build his temple, and you told us previously that the secret that the Templars discovered UNDER the temple, was something that related to anti-gravity and that it was 'buried in Galle.' So, yes, we are going in circles. Can you comment on my comments?
A: Circles, hmmm...
Q: (L) Do the properties of alfalfa tend to enhance the non-physical effect, or vice versa?
A: Maybe it enhances that "psychic effects." And, on that note, good night.

Q: Can you help me out here? I would like to know about this Moshe thing. You not only brought up the name, but you brought up a lot of other things. And it seems that this was the opening of a door of moving me in a certain direction. I don't even know how to ask about this because it is so strange...
A: Then it should be shelved.
Maybe shelved as in made it the shells. What occupies shells in the world of physics? Electrons. And also a connection to the world turtle/shell holding the world? (re: check Atlas indices for names to pique interest)

In chemistry and atomic physics, an electron shell may be thought of as an orbit that electrons follow around an atom's nucleus. The closest shell to the nucleus is called the "1 shell" (also called the "K shell"), followed by the "2 shell" (or "L shell"), then the "3 shell" (or "M shell"), and so on further and further from the nucleus. The shells correspond to the principal quantum numbers (n = 1, 2, 3, 4 ...) A useful guide when understanding electron shells in atoms is to note that each row on the conventional periodic table of elements represents an electron shell.
In quantum mechanics, the principal quantum number (n) of an electron in an atom indicates which electron shell or energy level it is in. Its values are natural numbers (1, 2, 3, ...).

Hydrogen and Helium, at their lowest energies, have just one electron shell. Lithium through Neon (see periodic table) have two shells: two electrons in the first shell, and up to 8 in the second shell. Larger atoms have more shells.

The principal quantum number is one of four quantum numbers assigned to each electron in an atom to describe the quantum state of the electron. The other quantum numbers for bound electrons are the total angular momentum of the orbit , the angular momentum in the z direction ℓz, and the spin of the electron s.
Angular momentum comes again and again, or so it seems to me. And it is a rotational/circular motion.
Angular momentum (sometimes called moment of momentum or rotational momentum) is the rotational analog of linear momentum. It is an important physical quantity because it is a conserved quantity – the total angular momentum of a closed system remains constant. Angular momentum has both a direction and a magnitude, and both are conserved.
Pay attention to words. Circles hmm...
Old English circul, from Latin circulussmall ring’, diminutive of circus ‘ring’
Also a possible clue "circle less". Pointing to smaller or the smallest circles/ring in the physics? (angular momentum of the quantum particles?)

An electron's angular momentum, L, is related to its quantum number by the following equation:
WhatsApp Image 2025-03-13 at 16.48.41_25c28dc0.jpg
where ħ is the reduced Planck constant, L is the orbital angular momentum operator and Ψ is the wave function of the electron.
Remember the title of this thread is this clue given by the Cs: Need a better "handl" on it. As in need a better h and L on it? Better planck constant h and better electron's angular momentum L? Or a better understanding of them?

Q: Okay. This one book I just read, the guys came across the Mandeans who talked about a star called "Merica," and from this, these geniuses deduced that the Templars sailed to America! What DID happen to the Templar fleet?
Sail to underworld.
Sail to underworld... "(Alfalfa)... Maybe it enhances that "psychic effects."
Psi (uppercase Ψ / lowercase ψ) is the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet. The symbols are commonly used within physics to represent wave functions in quantum mechanics, or even representing psychology, or psychiatry.
The question just popped into my head after noticing that the Greek letter ψ looks kind of like a wave itself. Stylized, they look even more wavy. This made me want to ask the question why Ψ was chosen to represent the wave function. I am aware that Erwin Schrödinger is responsible for the Schrödinger equation which calculates the wave function, giving the value for Ψ. Also, I read somewhere that I can no longer find, that Schrödinger is the one who chose Ψ to represent the wave function.
I have found a Quora answer that gives quite a reasonable, I am just not sure if it is correct, given that they provide no sources, and I cannot find any supporting documentation to back up it. The answer given there is that the Greek letter Ψ was associated with the Greek god of the sea, Poseidon. The connection is that Ψ looks like the trident that Poseidon was known for.
Sail to the underworld of wave function of quantum physics? And maybe even to the underworld of the psyche and it's connection to quantum physics? hmmm

A: But there are always connections, both hither and yon. Tricky those Rosicrucians, tricky. And what of Piri Reis?
Q: Well, I was already lost in a sea of puzzle pieces. Nothing like making it harder!
A: Or easier. Template... Templar... Temporary. Temperature... prime numbers, prime rib... Primary.

A summary of Schrödinger equation, notice the letters in the solutions.
The Schrödinger equation is a fundamental equation in quantum mechanics that describes how the quantum state of a physical system changes over time. There are two main forms of the Schrödinger equation: the time-dependent Schrödinger equation (TDSE) and the time-independent Schrödinger equation (TISE). Here’s a detailed comparison of the two:

Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation (TDSE)
WhatsApp Image 2025-03-13 at 17.53.14_b3b6caa7.jpg
- Ψ(r,t) is the wave function that depends on both position r and time t.
- i is the imaginary unit.
- ℏ is the reduced Planck's constant.
- ^H is the Hamiltonian operator, representing the total energy of the system.
2. Usage:
- Describes the evolution of quantum states over time
- Applicable to systems where the potential energy may change with time.
3. Wave Function:
- The wave function Ψ provides complete information about the system at any given time.
4. Solutions:
- Solutions to the TDSE can be complex and often require numerical methods, especially for many-body systems.

Time-Independent Schrödinger Equation (TISE)
WhatsApp Image 2025-03-13 at 18.01.45_c9ba3891.jpg
- ψ(r) is the spatial wave function that depends only on position.
- E is the energy eigenvalue associated with the wave function.
2. Usage:
- Used for systems in a stationary state, where the potential energy does not depend on time.
- Typically applied to problems like bound states in quantum mechanics (e.g., the hydrogen atom).
3. Wave Function:
- The solutions ψ(r) represent the spatial distribution of the quantum state, allowing for the calculation of probabilities.
4. Solutions:
- The TISE can often be solved analytically for simple systems, resulting in discrete energy levels and corresponding wave functions.

Key Differences
  • Time Dependence: TDSE accounts for time evolution, while TISE is applicable to time-independent scenarios.
  • Wave Function: TDSE uses a time-dependent wave function Ψ(r,t) while TISE uses a time-independent wave function ψ(r)
  • Application: TDSE is used for dynamic systems, while TISE is used for systems in stationary states.

The TISE can be derived from the TDSE by assuming a
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This separation of variables leads to the TISE, demonstrating that stationary states can be treated independently of time, characterized by their energy eigenvalues.

In summary, the TDSE is essential for understanding how quantum systems evolve, while the TISE provides insight into the properties of systems in stable, time-independent states.

"A: But there are always connections, both hither and yon." Is 'hither' a reference to the Schrödinger equation?

Are Cs pointing us to Schrödinger equation and connection between 'here'/hither/time independent Schrödinger equation and yon/over there(beyond)/time dependent Schrödinger equation?
Or is yon also a reference to another equation? That simultaneously also fits to interpretation of the word 'yon' as in different state/frame/level compared to Schrödinger equation. Like a connection between quantum wave function and non quantum 'equivalent' of the wave function/Schrödinger equation. Maybe it's this:

In mathematics and physical science, spherical harmonics are special functions defined on the surface of a sphere. They are often employed in solving partial differential equations in many scientific fields.
Since the spherical harmonics form a complete set of orthogonal functions and thus an orthonormal basis, every function defined on the surface of a sphere can be written as a sum of these spherical harmonics. This is similar to periodic functions defined on a circle that can be expressed as a sum of circular functions (sines and cosines) via Fourier series. Like the sines and cosines in Fourier series, the spherical harmonics may be organized by (spatial) angular frequency, as seen in the rows of functions in the illustration on the right. Further, spherical harmonics are basis functions for irreducible representations of SO(3), the group of rotations in three dimensions, and thus play a central role in the group theoretic discussion of SO3.
Spherical harmonics are important in many theoretical and practical applications, including the representation of multipole electrostatic and electromagnetic fields, electron configurations, gravitational fields, geoids, the magnetic fields of planetary bodies and stars, and the cosmic microwave background radiation.

From: Table of spherical harmonics

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Visualization of complex spherical harmonics:


Q: (Ark) But I want an answer! (L) Well, that means you're right. (discussion of "pyro") (Ark) Alright, next. Long ago, you talk about that I should find a paper about windows, and we ask what windows, and you answer mathematical windows. I was inquiring whether it has to do with chaos and fractals and Mandelbrot and, well, and so that's still my guess. And I must say that probably for seven years, I couldn't figure out and find a paper on these windows. Or maybe I have and I don't know. So my question is, can I have another hint on this?
A: Remember the "center of the sphere" is a window.

Q: (Ark) Center of the sphere... Now again, you mentioned long ago Mandelbrot, in fact you spelled it strange like "Mandlebrot" while normally people say "Mandel"... So I was looking for years for this Mandelbrot, and I thought it was fractals, and this was a good beginning. But I still don't know what Mandelbrot has to do with the center of the sphere because it must be somehow connected to windows, too. Hint?
A: Emergence from the center. The surface is where "things happen" and where the fractals coalesce.

Could that be the connection between hither and yon? Wave function/the center of the 'sphere'/the source and the surface of the sphere/the shell (the world turtle supporting the world), the shells that electrons occupy, where fractals (and numbers?) coalesce? Just thinking at loud here.

Also I found an article online stating that Schrödinger was a Rosicrucian, but I wasn't able to confirm it's true. But even though Schrödinger was an atheist, he had strong interests in Eastern religions and pantheism, and he used religious symbolism in his works. He also believed his scientific work was an approach to divinity in an intellectual sense. This is his quote: "There is obviously only one alternative, namely the unification of minds or consciousnesses. Their multiplicity is only apparent, in truth there is only one mind. This is the doctrine of the Upanishads."

And what of Piri Reis?
Electrical Power formula in DC Circuits and Ohm's law perhaps?

Only S is missing. What could S represent? In physics it is used to represent distance, displacement, action, but can also be used to represent the surface area of the sphere. hmmm and sigh. Anyone any ideas? Am I on the right track with at least the way I'm decoding the clues, not necessarily the way I'm interpreting the possible meanings, or did my pattern recognition software ran amok? 😅

Are Cs really giving us quantum physics formulas in these clues? I have a feeling like it's an epic, multi layered/'dimensional' treasure hunt designed by them, where you are made to learn along the way and learn how to make connections, and where unlocking one clue leads you to the keys for unlocking the other clue and so on. And then at some point if you are patient and dedicated enough and put enough effort in the quest, maybe a mosaic like picture will start to form. Maybe such high level of obscurity was necessary, because the reward is proportionally high to the effort required to decode it, and the Cs don't give free lunch.


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Light Is The Bridge Between M. S. P. Matter Reality&Subjective Reality. Arıdaşır's Physics is here

Electron Is "The God Particle"! There Is No Mass-Giver Higgs Particle In The Universe

No Place For The Past In The Observable Universe Picture, James Webb T Only Shows The Present Moment

Is there something to his Electron motion form theory? Could it be related to alpha and primary and template clues from the C's, and maybe even "look for the vibratory frequency light" clue, or am I seeing connections that aren't there. It's very hard for me to understand so this is where I will stop posting, unless I find some good connections worth to share. But this is where the clues led me and I have a feeling there is something important about this physicist's theories.
Reis is also the plural for the Portuguese word , Kings ( or singular Rei )
A: But there are always connections, both hither and yon. Tricky those Rosicrucians, tricky. And what of Piri Reis?

What if 'Rosicrucians' here means those electromagnetic fields that produce photons and electrons?
Remember how physicists tried to 'trick' the photons to behave like particles in the 'double slit experiment' by shooting one photon at a time to make it produce two lines and not the wave interference pattern? Surely the photons could be described as being tricky, because they tricked the physicists!

Q: Well, I was already lost in a sea of puzzle pieces. Nothing like making it harder!
A: Or easier. Template... Templar... Temporary. Temperature... prime numbers, prime rib... Primary.

Also the Rosicrucian rose on the cross symbolism is very interesting. Could it represent that something that is primary in the universe, that elusive unified field theory that gives rise to our 3D physical reality as represented by the symbol of the cross.
And it does look a bit like a letter psi Ψ in Schrödinger's equation.

"Rosi" is not a standard English word, likely related to "rose" in French and Italian, deriving from Latin "rosa," or the genitive of Latin "ros" (dew), from PIE *r(h)ew-. As a surname, it has Italian origins, possibly from "Roso," linked to "rose" or "red."
The color red symbolizes initiation and beginnings, but also primitivity (hence the word rudimentary) and simpleness. In Hebrew, the names Adam (אדם, 'adam) and Edom (אדום, 'edom) relate to אדם ('adom), meaning red.

And cross is a symbol of suffering in the physical world, and the symbol of vectors of the 3D reality. So it can be argued that rose on the cross could be a symbol of the pure consciousness/light/creator crossed/crucified by/in the laws of 3D reality, or the wave function crossed into a 3D world. hmmm

I think that corroborates the idea that 'there are connections both hither and yon' clue represents the connection between the 'quantum world' and the manifested physical reality, that is represented by Schrödinger's equation (that suspiciously contains letters H i t h e and r).
If that's the case, what exactly is the 'yon' part? And what of Piri Reis?

And what is the connection of Atlas (the one who carries the staff(support) and "to pique interest" part of the phrase)?
Check Atlas indices for names to pique interest.

Pique the verb is borrowed from French piquer (“to prick, sting; to anger, annoy; (reflexive) to get angry; to provoke, stimulate).

"To stimulate in the rest"? Stimulate something that's in the rest? What does quantum physics has to say on that idea?

It is only possible for a particle to be at rest when its position is completely unknown. And if its position is unknown many people would not call that "being at rest," but that's as close to being at rest that a particle gets.

The problem is not directly related with measurement, it has to do with the properties of the wave function of a single particle.

The wave function of a particle gives the probability of the particle to be found in a given location. So if we precisely know the particle's position, the wave function is nonzero only at that location. On the other and, if the particle is at rest (has zero momentum), its wave function is the same everywhere. If we measure the particle's position the result will be completely random. This is just the uncertainty principle at work.

Now if you describe this with the Feynman path integral approach, you can say that there are various "possible particles" constantly moving around, and they sum to create the wave function. Whether these are "real" particles seems to be a philosophical question that physics is not be able to answer, as they can't be directly measured.

Yep, that sounds like exactly the reference to Schrödinger's wave function (hither and yon), and perhaps the biggest mystery in the physics.

Could the phrase: "Check Atlas indices for names to pique interest"(in the rest?) have one of these additional meanings too?
1. letters of indices in the 'atlas in the realm of physics' as in:
P= momentum
I= electric current
Q= electric charge
U= potential energy
E= energy

2. perhaps reading it as pe ke, as in potential energy and kinetic energy
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Or both in the same time.

Interest: late Middle English (originally as interess ): from Anglo-Norman French interesse, from Latin interessediffer, be important’, from inter-between’ + essebe
Kinetic and potential energy in the rest? Or in between/in the balance?

The total energy is the sum of the electron's kinetic energy and its potential energy.

Additional notes:
I think 'prime rib' clue = prime shell (ribs enshell the heart and lungs)

A: Alfalfa fields in Rhineland yield as of yet undreamed of treasures.
Greek: "thesauros" (meaning "storehouse, treasury"), from "tithenai" (meaning "to put, to place"), "a place where things are stored"
The sepulcher perhaps? Where the consciousness is stored, even after 'death'.

Also speculating further: yield 'three asures'?
Ahura is an Avestan language designation of a type of deity inherited by Zoroastrianism from the prehistoric Indo-Iranian religion, and denotes a particular class of Zoroastrian divinities. The term is assumed to be linguistically related to the Asuras of Indian Vedic era.

Avestan ahura "lord" derives from Proto-Indo-Iranian language *Hásuras, also attested in an Indian context as Rigvedic asura. As suggested by the similarity to the Old Norse æsir, Indo-Iranian *Hásuras may have an even earlier Proto-Indo-European language root.

The Rigveda says that Asura such as the “Father Asura”, Varuṇa, and Mitra, are “older gods” who originally ruled over the primeval undifferentiated Chaos.

The Three Pure Ones, also translated as the Three Pure Pellucid Ones, the Three Pristine Ones, the Three Divine Teachers, the Three Clarities, or the Three Purities, are the three highest gods in the Taoist pantheon. They are regarded as pure manifestations of the Tao and the origin of all sentient beings, along with the "lords of the Three Life Principles", or qi. They were also gods who were "associated with the sky, the earth and the underworld."

From the Taoist classic Tao Te Ching, it was held that "The Tao produced One; One produced Two; Two produced Three; Three produced All things."
They were thought to be able to control and have power over time in various ways. They were sometimes seen as literally the "Past, Present, and Future.

If my reasoning is correct and the treasure quest that Cs created is about a quantum physics theory and seemingly one that would be groundbreaking to the point of meaning of life and reality, would it be a stretch to think that such theory, if proved by the laws of physics itself, could also reveal laws of physics that were represented by the ancient divinity figures throughout our history, like those above mentioned trinities. Interesting!

Going where these clues led me and based on what I know about the Cs, makes me almost certain that if a good quantum physicist would follow these clues, he/she would be able to put it all together and find the answer!
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Does ancient Egyptian 'djed' symbol represent α, the fine structure constant? In it's 4πα form, in which it appears at more than one instance in physics formulas/relations. You can check the list here.
Pi number can be represented as a circle, so 4π is 4 circles. And the pillar is a symbol of stability and structure, and the same can be said that fine structure constant α represents in the universe.

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And it fits with what Cs said "check Atlas indices for names to pique interest". Atlas the bearer of the world, holding the world stable.. Osiris raising/and being the djed pillar, the symbol of stability. 4 handed Vishnu holding 4 symbols in his hands.

Vishnu, the leader-king , is identified with four symbols: conch-shell trumpet or shankh, discus whirring around his index finger or chakra, a mace or gada and a lotus or padma. Come to think of it a good leader also has only four tools to get his work done.
Basically the symbols for fibonacci ratio, circular motion, strength/power and life. Laws/structures of the universe.

I just had an idea that 'pique interest' might actually symbolize the physics terms and constant I mentioned before as "being in the rest", being in between the P I Q U E. Meaning as the clue to alpha being the relation between the physics units such as electric charge, potential energy, momentum etc. As is seen in one of the many equations for alpha (picture above).
Interest: from Latin interesse ‘differ, be important’, from inter-between’ + essebe’.
Could the phrase: "Check Atlas indices for names to pique interest"(in the rest?) have one of these additional meanings too?
1. letters of indices in the 'atlas in the realm of physics' as in:
P= momentum
I= electric current
Q= electric charge
U= potential energy
E= energy

The Cs are pointing to more treasures being yielded by 'alfalfa fields'. Could they point to a new formula waiting to be discovered that is based on alpha constant (with or without the 4π part). The clues given point to the answer being yes!
A: Need a better "handl" on it.
As I already noted, it seems they say we need a better physics symbol 'h' and 'L' on it. And it seems that 'it', is the alpha itself.

Two photos below are from this video. You can see how the units for all the symbols from the equation α = e2 / 4πε0ħc cancel out, and thus only alpha is left (or 4πα).
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Could Cs be pointing us to another equation waiting to be found that shows the relationship between physical constants, perhaps in the standard physics, or perhaps a bridge between the standard and quantum physics (as hinted with 'hither' and 'yon' clue).
Or maybe even to an equation for the gravity itself! Cs did say that gravity is a glue in the universe and it goes through all 7 densities. And a glue is something that connects things, right? And that is exactly what alpha is doing. Connecting physical constants left and right.

If my theory is correct, then the question posits itself. To relation of which physical constants are Cs pointing us with the clues they've given? I believe that they left many physics concepts and formulas clues in the words and I listed them in the previous posts.

Any ideas?

EDIT: And in the same video above there is information that fine structure constant's value seems to be changing. It started as 1 at ''big bang' and then quickly reached around 137 and paused, or slowed. Could it be that the value of alpha changing is the meaning of "the searcher" in Cs quote: "The searcher, the sepulcher, the one who carries the staff in endless search for greener pastures". Could alpha be like some sort of search function, endlessly 'fine tuning' the laws of the universe (the structure/the stability), as if carrying the staff(stability/structure) in endless search for greener pastures (more fine tuned or something, more goodies in the universe, more color and novelty, like universe alpha.x).
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