A: Alfalfa fields in Rhineland yield as of yet undreamed of
Q: Where are these alfalfa fields?
A: Near tracks well worn.
Q: Another clue, please?
A: Nope, that is enough for now!!
Q: You guys are gonna drive me crazy! Do you mean Rhineland
as in Germany proper?
A: We do not mean Rhinelander, Wisconsin... Or do we?!? Who
is to tell?
Q: Who?
A: The searcher, the sepulcher, the one who carries the staff
in constant search for greener pastures.
Q: Oh my! You are being VERY obscure tonight! Just the fun
things I like, too! Now, I think I will be pretty busy
this week on this, but is there anything that can be
expanded, or any additional clues for me or Ark?
A: Last clue for tonight: Look for the vibratory frequency
I was watching this video that describes the concept of "
action" in physics.
From wikipedia:
In physics, action is a scalar quantity that describes how the balance of kinetic versus potential energy of a physical system changes with trajectory. Action is significant because it is an input to the principle of stationary action, an approach to classical mechanics that is simpler for multiple objects. Action and the variational principle are used in Feynman's formulation of quantum mechanics and in general relativity. For systems with small values of action similar to the Planck constant, quantum effects are significant.
In the simple case of a single particle moving with a constant velocity (thereby undergoing uniform linear motion), the action is the momentum of the particle times the distance it moves, added up along its path; equivalently, action is the difference between the particle's kinetic energy and its potential energy, times the duration for which it has that amount of energy.
More formally, action is a mathematical functional which takes the trajectory (also called path or history) of the system as its argument and has a real number as its result. Generally, the action takes different values for different paths. Action has dimensions of energy × time or momentum × length, and its SI unit is joule-second (like the Planck constant h).
Video describes mind blowing concept of light (and everything) in the universe (not just at the quantum level) exploring all possible paths(possibilities) and choosing/manifesting in the one with the least action required. We end up seeing the path with least action. Then there was this part where Max Planck describes the moment he discovered/described what's known today as planck length, "the quantum of action". He wrote:
A theoretical interpretation had to be found at any cost, no matter how high. After some weeks of the most strenuous work of my life, light came into the darkness and a new undreamed of perspective opened up before me.
That's when I remembered this cryptic message from the C's:
"Alfalfa fields in Rhineland yield as of yet undreamed of
treasures" and I had a feeling it must be about physics, and also that its somehow related to planck length. So I looked into some clues starting with alfalfa quote and what I found aligned with the physics theory idea.
light (maybe also alfalfa-alpha-
land of the flow
as of yet undreamed of treasures-
new undreamed of perspective in physics that would give treasures both spiritual and physical?
I wish I have understanding of quantum physics but I don't so I can just share what I think I connected.
Then while I was thinking about this part:
Q: Where are these alfalfa fields?
A: Near tracks well worn.
Q: You guys are gonna drive me crazy! Do you mean Rhineland
as in Germany proper?
A: We do not mean Rhinelander, Wisconsin... Or do we?!? Who
is to tell?
Q: Who?
A: The searcher, the sepulcher, the one who carries the staff
in constant search for greener pastures.
and how it might be connected to what I learned from the video about the
path that light takes a.k.a. the path of least action, a tracks well worn perhaps, and how
The searcher, the sepulcher, the one who carries the staff in constant search for greener pastures might be a description of that as of yet undreamed of reality of the universe/law of physics, I was also thinking about
Need a better "handl" on it.
First I was looking for physicists named handl and on the similar lines, but then a different physics related idea came to my mind. Maybe it's not about handl as handl, maybe it's what's missing in a handle/handel, and that's
E, the symbol for energy in physics. Then I tried to see if there is something in it and looked at "handl" again and what I saw was
H and
L, more
physics constants? So I checked what H stands for in physics and google search gave the
planck constant (discovered by the guy who said "a new undreamed of perspective") And google search for the L symbol in physics gave
angular momentum.
So do we need a better E, H and L in physics? Or just better H and L? Seriously I wish I understand physics better! Somebody call Ark please
Additional thoughts:
Q: You guys are gonna drive me crazy! Do you mean Rhineland
as in Germany proper?
A: We do not mean Rhinelander, Wisconsin... Or do we?!? Who
is to tell?
Q: Who?
A: The searcher, the sepulcher, the one who carries the staff
in constant search for greener pastures.
Based on the mentioned above concept of light taking the path/tracks of the least "action", while discarding all the other infinite possible options that 'it explores', I conclude the C's were also giving a clue here when Laura asks "Do you mean Rhineland as in Germany proper?" and C's reply "We do not mean Rhinelander, Wisconsin.... Or do we?!? Who is to tell?" Laura asks "Who?" And C's say:
"The searcher, the sepulcher, the one who carries the staff in constant search for greener pastures."
Did C's mean it as a reference to the concept of least action and light exploring all the possibilities, like in this example Rhineland in Germany and Rhinelander, Wisconsin. But who is to tell? Maybe that new undreamed of concept in physics, that is near tracks well worn/the path of least action...
"The searcher, the sepulcher, the one who carries the staff in constant search for greener pastures."
And it's interesting that the middle of the visible light spectrum is the green light spectrum. Is that a reflection of the green pastures of life created by "the searcher" constantly searching for greener pastures. Better versions of reality maybe?
Aditional speculation/contemplation: And maybe that 'who' is "Christ" as in "I am the Path, the Truth and Life". Contemplation gave me the idea that at the end of the theorised grand cycle "The Wave", The Searcher, the sepulcher, the one who carries the staff in constant search for greener pastures, collects the Life experiences of the grand total of conscious units and based on them creates a new reality in a new cycle. Those who live their lives by paying attention to objective reality left and right - walking/moving on the Path of Truth of the current reality of Life, that is I think being accelerated towards the end of the cycle so that only those who pay strict attention to the road/the Path/the Truth can stay on it and not hit the edge and crash or drive off the cliff, and reach the end of the road where the new reality is created based on their 'realities?'. While those who didn't participate by ignoring, shuting out or trying to overcome the reality, aren't included in the new one, they are filtered out through the filter of Life. Hmmm
I've done a lots of speculation and I wonder do you think I'm onto something here. Thank you for reading.