Goodbye, Ernie

From your pictures he seemed to not really mind the job he did. He was very precious. I am sorry for your and your families loss.
Sorry to hear about this AI :( I think Ernie was lucky to have a loving friend like you, and vice versa. You both enriched each other's lives and souls, and what more could you ask of a good friend? Truly a life worth living for Earnie, and a friendship that will surely last beyond this life.
Ernie must have been such a sweetheart! I wish him the best in his next life. My condolences to both you and your family, AI. :hug2:
Here's my mom's new pup, a rescue dog (Pyrenees Retriever) named Toby:

Oh, I hadn't seen this thread before, I'm sorry for the loss of your dog, as I read your initial post I instantly weep. It hurts a lot when it is about pets :cry:

The new dog looks very lovely and cute. I hope your mom and Toby had a great time together and both care for each other. I'm sure it will be so. :hug:
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