Goodbye, Luna the cat!

Sorry for your loss. She's now with you all the time.
I started typing my answer with my cat Pixelle on my lap (she just left). Being often in front of my PC, she actually comes at least 2x per day during 10 to 30 minutes on my lap, during some period it's less, but she's very affective and i noticed that she needs this and also need my attention. What i want to say is that if Luna spent 16y with you this is a great gift that you gave her, what the vet of Kari Baba said is true, you allowed her to live longer but also probably help her to progress on the spiritual side.

I can't help to regularly think about the day this will happen for Pix, who reach 10y old recently (already 10y ! time went so fast). I dread this day, I dread the days that will follow this day as my relation with her very strong, she's my little sister i often tell her and as i live alone with her and no other 2D friend/brother/sister, I feel guilty on the rare occasions when I go on holiday.

God (or the cosmic mind) bless Luna, my sincere affective toughts for you Seppo and to Luna too.
Such a sad loss Seppo but you did the right thing in letting her go before life became unbearable. She looks lovely in your photos and I am sure she had many, many happy years with you. My cat Jack was 19 when diagnosed with facial and jaw tumours. I took him to the vet thinking he had an abscess but when I left him there for x-ray under anaesthesia, they phoned to tell me about the tumours. They said I could bring him home with analgesia for a few more weeks or let him sleep into death under the anaesthetic. I chose to let him go as I couldn't bear to let him suffer any more pain. I know I made the right decision for him. He was a stray who had a wonderful long life in a loving home. What better gift to an animal? I hope Luna comes back to visit your home from time to time. I am sure she will.... :hug2:
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