Graham Hancock

Re: Where did this thread go?

I don't see it either. What was the title of the thread? The topic?
Re: Where did this thread go?

I don't remember the title, but it was dealing with using drugs and the negative effects.

Was quite a long thread with many replies, Truth Seeker linked it to me in my intro post a while ago.
Re: Where did this thread go?

I've done a few searches and can't find it either. Good reminder for me to start including the title as well as the link. More than likely it was merged with another thread. Is there any specific, unusual word that you can remember from the thread? That may help in finding it.
Re: Where did this thread go?

Was it the one below?

I think the original title was Re: Black Magic, Shamanism, Supernatural, Graham Hancock now titled Graham Hancock,817.0.html
Re: Black Magic, Shamanism, Supernatural, Graham Hancock

Laura said:
ZeropointNinja said:
In shamanic experiences that happen naturally, DMT is the key bio chemistry molecule that makes it happen.

That is theorized but not proven. I agree that it appears to be a key component, but there are several other neurochemicals that seem to be involved there, mainly the MAOI which play a very big part in the artificially induced shamanic visions. In other words, nobody is really talking about what those other neurotransmitters are doing, what their values are, what specific combinations may be required to produce the specific effects, and so on.

ZeropointNinja said:
Hence any shamanic experience (or may other categories of experience in altered states) are a result of DMT.

No, not "hence." See above. Think about this: when the body suffers an injury, say a puncture wound, and begins certain cascades of activities to erect defenses (multiplying of white blood cells, activation of production of fibrin to repair that wound, etc., you have a clear case of cause and effect. You would say that the wound triggered the body to do it's usual maintenance work.

However, you can also chemically stimulate the body to do all of those maintenance things without the presence of the wound.

Would you say that the process is exactly the same? That the body's activity in response to a wound is the same as the body's activity in response to chemical stimulation of the defense/repair response?

Nearly everything about the process is exactly the same except that the trigger is different and what happens to the activated elements is different. In the first instance, there is a natural, causal reason, and all of the activated systems have a job to do and that job means that the production of the various elements all have a "place to go" and a natural way to be metabolized during the process. In the second case, the elements are activated, but with no real wound to "work on" they may very well create a system jam, or attack some normal part of the body, produce a blood clot that leads to a larger system breakdown, and so on. That is because, without the REASON for the triggering being the one for which the system was designed, there is no natural way to metabolize the products of the system.

Now, that may not be the perfect metaphor, but I think you can get the idea.

Is DMT really implicated in alien abductions? Are alien abductions a result of DMT or is DMT a result of alien abductions?

Notice in the blurb from wikipedia about Strasssman that he "advanced the theory that a massive release of DMT from the pineal gland prior to death or near death was the cause of the near death experience (NDE) phenomenon. Several of his test subjects reported NDE-like audio or visual hallucinations."

Next notice that Several subjects also reported contact with 'other beings', alien like, insectoid or reptilian in nature, in highly advanced technological environments[21] where the subjects were 'carried', 'probed', 'tested', 'manipulated', 'dismembered', 'taught', 'loved' and even 'raped' by these 'beings'.

In short, there were two distinct classes of experiences: the classic NDE and the alien abduction scenario.

Right here we have a clue that it is not JUST the DMT, but rather that something else is in play. That could be the differences in the neurochemical mix that is triggered by the MAOI which is probably related to the genetics of the different individuals.

This brings up the question: what would DMT do in a psychopath vs an individual with soul potential? What about Organic Portals? What kinds of "DMT Experiences" might they have? It has been shown that the neurochemical mix in the brain of the psychopath is different and ALSO that the neurochemicals have different effects in the brain of the psychopath because some of the basic structures are different. Notice the clues that I included in my post that relate to this - the relationship of MAOI to violent and aggressive behavior.

ZeropointNinja said:
Do ETs cause your brain to release DMT in order for them to pull you into a 4D pocket so they may have their way with you? Is this one of the ways you would describe as forced means?

I think that here is where you have to think about my example above about the activation of defense/repair systems in the body in the presence of a wound, a physical breach. In this sense, is the event really happening (is there really an abduction taking place?) or is it being triggered by other means? Perhaps you should read my book "High Strangeness" which addresses the abduction issue?

ZeropointNinja said:
Is this their mechanism of abduction, rape, communication, what have you?

Probably not. Though there are undoubtedly a lot of conditions in modern life - and even conditions in the natural world - that could trigger the release of DMT and, depending on the genetics of the individual which determine the rest of the neurochemical mix, could produce such delusions.

And then, there is 4th Density. When you bring in that factor, all bets are off.

ZeropointNinja said:
Is a thousand fold increase in DMT in our brains, through DNA activation or any other means, the way that the next level of consciousness reached for the species?

Again, what would be the trigger? Is it the wound that triggers a natural systemic response with a complete process of metabolizing or do you think that the DMT release itself would create the illusion of a wound? The metaphor is not the best here because I don't want to suggest that achieving higher levels of consciousness is akin to a wound, but the dynamic of systemic processes is much the same whether it is a reaction to a wound or a reaction to something that makes you laugh or cry: a cascade of natural, systemic responses is set in motion in reaction to an external stimuli, rather than the cascade beginning on its own and then producing the illusion of what is "out there."

ZeropointNinja said:
The implication and questions raised by the studies into DMT are immense, far to immense to hand wave away,

Nobody is hand-waving them away. What is problematical here is your approach to the topic. Such discussions require cool heads and careful consideration. It's not a "drive by commentary" topic.

ZeropointNinja said:
and please, point out to me where the C's have addressed this issue, I have not been able to search anything out of significance.

There are several clues. I already posted one set of remarks about the use of hallucinogens. Here are a couple more that are related:

Cs 12 April 1997 said:
Q: In some of the ancient carvings of the Olmecs, they were
always carved with a cleft in their foreheads. Did this
represent an actual physical cleft?
A: Designation in the art work is for "The Nation of the
Third Eye."
Q: We have talked about the Nation of the Third Eye before.
What is the third eye and how does one activate it?
A: What do you think?
Q: Well, what I think may be erroneous. Is it the pineal
A: May be part of the picture.
Q: Is the third eye something one can use to view their
A: Ditto.
Q: What is the best method for activating it?
A: This is a good one, for example.
Q: Oh, you mean channeling.

Cs 15 April 2000 said:
Q: (L) This is something I have always wanted to get into a session, but I keep forgetting it. So, I wrote it down so I wouldn't forget. What is a "Merkabah?" All these New Age types are talking about it all over the place, and I just want to know if the standard interpretation is anything close to the reality. What is a Merkabah?

A: A creative creation.

Q: (L) Are you saying...

A: As were...

Q: (L) You didn't let me finish my question!

A: We heard it in you.

Q: (L) Well, just to get the question on the record, it was are all these people making all this stuff up about what the Merkabah is?

A: But then again, what is made up and why? It is not so simple!

Q: (L) In ancient literature, something called a Merkabah is talked about, but the definition of this extremely mysterious thing has been lost down through the centuries. There have been many "explanations" from such sources as the Midrash - Jewish commentaries - but there is even argument there. It seems that, even then, nobody knew what it was. But now, we have all these New Age folks coming along who have decided that they know what it is, and it is variously described as rotating double tetrahedrons...

A: If no one knows what it is, that is as good as any other explanation.

Q: (L) I want to know what the ancients who wrote about it meant? What is the definition of the word as the ancient writers used it?

A: The original definition predates this.

Q: (L) What is the original definition that predated the ancient writings that we have access to?

A: What do you think?

Q: (L) What? Well, it's a curious word because it is composed of two words or even three: mer kaba or mer ka ba. If we think of it as three part word, we have the Egyptian Ka, which is like the astral body, and the Ba which is similar to the Ka. I guess you could think of them as the astral body and the genetic body. Then there is the Ab which is the sort of principle element of the life in man - like the part that is of God or the soul. The Ab was represented as a red stone. It was the part of the man that expressed desire, lust, courage, wisdom, feeling, sense and intelligence. So, all of them together sort of expresses an abstract creative principle Kaaba is Arabic for cube, and it is the square stone building in which the Black Stone is housed in Mecca. It was supposed to have been built by Ishmael and Abraham. So with Mer, Ka, Ab, and Ba, we have a cube made up of the principle parts of the etheric self, and housing a stone. Soul stone? Mother stone?

A: By god, she's got it!

Q: (L) Okay, we've got the soul or mother stone. Or the mother of all stones. Now that we have a definition, what was it?

A: The Matriarch Stone.

Q: (L) Is the Matriarch Stone the one in Mecca?

A: Symbolism reigns supreme here.

Q: (T) Is this also the Philosopher's Stone?

A: "Stone" to those you perceive as ancients symbolized communication from "a higher source."

Q: (L) What is it about a stone that made the ancients associate it with communication?

A: Radio waves.

Q: (L) How did radio waves interact with the stone? Were they recorded by the stone; transmitted by the stone?

A: Transmission.

Q: (T) Crystals are stones. Crystals are used for radio transmissions.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And it was said before that Stonehenge was a giant transmitter and receiver. The original purpose of Stonehenge was to receive communication and to send communication. It wasn't all that Druid HooDoo stuff that people talk about nowadays. It was a machine, so to speak. (Johan) Could it be that people who come in contact with a stone in one place, and then they go to another place and come in contact with another stone, transfer something from one stone to another?

A: Well, one strengthens their abilities due to awareness channel grooving.

Q: (L) What gets strengthened from contact with the stones?

A: Your abilities.

Q: (L) When they are talking about this Mother Stone, are they talking about something similar to the Atlantean crystals that gathered, dispersed and/or transduced energy?

A: It is more symbolic. But you are on the right track.

Q: (L) So, in talking about Merkabah, we are not talking about spinning tetrahedrons that enable you to ascend or generate some kind of "astral vehicle." They are saying that visualizing yourself inside of one of these enables you to ascend, or something.

A: If you do that, it may help, though.

Q: (L) It may help what?

A: We are going around in circles here. You should use your own abilities to complete the answers to some of these. But, then again, it is one form of "spinning," is it not?

Q: (T) Everything we have been doing here is all about gaining knowledge and increasing frequency in order to transit from 3rd to 4th density. In ancient times, they would have had to do the same things. But, there may not have been as many experiences available. In order to get experiences, they may have had to travel. So, by going to the stones, they might have increased their frequencies to transit from 3rd to 4th density.

(L) Or they used them as a direct machine or device to do it. Archaeologists say that the people who erected the megaliths were barbarians. They are defined as barbarians because they didn't build cities, they didn't have the wheel, they didn't have organized agriculture, and they left no written records. Those are the defined elements of civilization. Yet, this group of people, whoever they were, did things that we cannot duplicate today, and they did it all over the globe. The groups who came along after them who DID have all the hallmarks of what we call civilization, also could not erect these gargantuan stones. I thought about this for a long time. Archaeologists say they must have erected them as monuments to their gods, or heroes or whatever. Some of them think they were calendars to tell them when to plant the corn. Well, I think that is stretching it a bit. If you can't cross off the days on the wall and look outside and see that it is time to plant the corn, you're in pretty sad shape. You hardly need to haul stones as big as buildings across hills and valleys to set them up in special places to tell you to do that! The psychology of the human being cannot have changed all that much over the many thousands of years from then to now, and it is true that people do not do anything without a powerful motivation; what I call the "payoff." What could be the payoff to haul these things around on greased logs as they are depicted? To create a monument or to bury their kings? To get naked and dance in the moonlight?

(A) Like they had a lot of time to do this while struggling to live the barbarian existence, too!

(L) Yeah. They are supposed to be howling savages who must constantly hunt to get food, yet they are spending all their time, occupying all their strongest men, to push rocks around! Meanwhile, according to the archaeologists and paleontologists, these folks only live to about 40 years at max!

(T) They got a lot of mileage out of those 40 years!

(L) Exactly! But, we are supposed to be thinking about the things they didn't have: cities, wheels, agriculture, and writing.

(F) Maybe they didn't need it.

(L) And why would that be? Because the stones did it all!

(T) Maybe they were 4th density STO beings who planted all those stones all over the place.

(L) Well, if you think about a group of people who are setting up these massive stones like they were pieces of styrofoam. The stones collect energy and information. They then transduce the energy or amplify it. These people know things about movement, dances or spinning or something, that enables them to behave in concert with the stones so that they all become part of a grand machine that does things! All of the legends talk about stylized dances and the oldest things about Stonehenge say that it was the Temple of Apollo and that Apollo danced there all night at certain periods of time. Every 19 years, I believe. When you think about that, and the other places Apollo appeared, the inversions and redactions of the legends, and we come to these magical stones that produce things.

Then we come to the head of Bran the Blessed which supposedly produced endless supplies of bread and fish or whatever else was desired. Bran's head was the giver of all good things. But more than that, it was an oracle. It could speak. And here we have the idea of a similar function for Stonehenge: both an oracle as well as a giver of blessings and bounty. Anything you wanted or needed it provided for you. If you wanted to go somewhere, it transported you as in the legends of the flying carpets. It was magic transportation. All of these things are associated, when you track them back far enough, with a stone. The stones did everything.

(J) And it is funny that stones come up. What I have been doing for the past 10 or 15 years is running around the globe collecting stones. I've been to some of the most ancient places on earth, and I go from one to the other. And from each one, I've collected stones. Plus, Apollo: on Crete, there was an oracle of Apollo on Tara...

(L) And there was Tara in Ireland...

(J) I wouldn't be surprised if Tara meant stone too! How is all this connected?

(L) Exactly. This is what I have always thought about these megaliths. They DID things. All of the things we think are the "signs" of civilization were done by the stones. Maybe Terry is right; these people were at some level of density where they could make this work. At some point, something happened, the ability was lost, and then people had to build cities, engage in agriculture, invent the wheel, and develop writing - because they could no longer do it the "easy" way.

(J) In talking about stones, would the mother of all stones be the navel of the earth; is that the same as Ayers rock? It's the largest stone on earth and they call it the navel of the earth.

(L) Does Ayers rock have anything to do with this?

A: No. Stones were once utilized to provide for all needs, as the energies transmitted connected directly with the pituitary gland to connect spiritual realities with the material realms of 3rd and 4th densities. So you see, the "stone" was viewed as Matriarchal indeed!

Q: (L) Were the beings involved in this type of activity 3rd density, 4th density or bi-density?

A: Originally 4th when home was in other locators.

Q: (L) Could it be said that the pituitary gland itself is the body's own "mother stone?"

A: If you prefer.

Hello everyone :)

I haven't finished reading this thread yet. I'm on page eight. It is very inspiring. Nevertheless I want to share an image with you. Civilization how it is defined today with all its technological achievements looks rather symptomatic in the light of this post. The spiritual, stone related form of human society being connected to nature in ways we can barely imagine evoked an image in my mind: Imagine a clearing seen from above, a magical place with huge stones put into certain places. Between these stones you see highly organized patterns of dancers moving like animated crop circles. It's some kind of organic machinery like a cellular network, a technology that uses natural ways of interacting with life, having even 'magical' effects onto matter. This organic machinery is driven by music.

Our modern society on the other hand seems to compensate for the loss of this very link to nature, this (w)holy knowledge, the loss of all the 'magical' abilities like telepathy. A society that communicates telepathically by nature, using images instead of words, would never invent writing or all the other forms of technology and engineering we define as signs of advanced civilization. What today is called sophisticated technology might very well be nothing else than prostheses and implants for an invalid who has forgotten that he once was healthy. Those are rather signs of advanced degradation. Since this amnesia, this devolutionary process occurred, all the natural abilities have been replaced by technological prostheses one by one, a process that turns humans into machines, a process that excludes the world around us bit by bit, even the very parts of ourselves, getting more and more alienated in our own bodies, relying more and more on outer technological influences. It's as if someone wants to convince himself of non-being. I want this to stop. I'm getting sick of this paragraph. :nuts:

:whlchair: Unless we remember our old abilities I guess we need those external technologies to compensate for the lack of those internal abilities. I wish that we can regain our places in the cosmic organism, getting whole and healthy again. The German word for "single human being" is “Einzelner”. I've always made the mistake of misspelling it “Einzellner” because to me this word has always been linked to the word “ single cell” or “protozoan” which means “Einzeller” in German. As above so below.

Maybe those crop-circles really are some code of practice, maybe we could translate it into music and dances. I wonder what those dances were Gurdjieff was engaged in. There seems to be more than meets the eye. I have always been drawn to the idea that there might be an alternative technology that uses what is already there instead of inventing something additional.

EDIT: spelling... curious, I've misspelled "word" three times without noticing. I wrote "world" instead of "word", no kidding. :P
Re: Black Magic, Shamanism, Supernatural, Graham Hancock

Laura said:
SH said:
These Overlords of Entropy, or so we may call them, by virtue of the overlay of intensified subjectivity, - the hallmark of the influence of the Thought Center of non-being - interface with the organic world on a “geographic” scale. Since they have, so to say, an intimate relationship with matter, the contractile consciousness of such a being can affect its area of chosen dominion very much like an overshadowing “cloud” with millions of tendrils of connections between it and its range of influence. This includes even the very matter of the bodies of human beings. It is through these etheric fibers that the Overlords of Entropy assimilate energy.

These overlords have “organs” so to speak. Just as a group of people were described by the Apostle Paul as “the body of Christ”, so are the organs of entropic overlords manifested as individual beings, though their direct connection to a single massive consciousness unit makes them more like “projections” than individually souled beings.

Because of their great drive to conserve and assimilate energy, the overlords are “stingy” with allowances to their organ-beings. It seems that they do not “waste” energy in manifesting and maintaining organic structures for their organs, and thus the organic physicality takes on the configuration of less complex creatures in the organic world. Rather than interacting with an organic structure in a cooperative, awakened state, they exercise control over theirs. Utilizing organic structures that require the least energy to maintain conserves energy. To this end, they draw the energy for their organic units from the pools of archetypal form of the animal kingdom. This energy is more easily accessed, is lower in frequency, and thus more amenable to control.

This seems to be the reason why, when perceived by individuals of the third dimensional self-consciousness - third density - realm, their appearance is generally startling. The reptilian type comes to mind as being the most energy efficient. Again, remember that consciousness is merely “reading waves”.

This description reminds me of some old artwork: Where animals are carved in wood without legs and arms, these are replaced with long tendrils, usually making up a web. Here's an example from an old church portal:

There's pictures of a man fighting against a dragon, the dragon is depicted with long tendrils around the man. The long tendrils also intertwine the scenes from the story told on the portal, which is the mythological story about Sigurd the dragonkiller, _

Makes me wonder what the artist behind the woodwork thought and knew.

I found this thread interesting. There's two psychopaths in my family that probably used plants, and maybe some medicines, for divinatory purposes. They have mentioned Datura stramonium (_ and Solanum nigrum (_ On an occasion they talked about things that happened 20-30 years later. Contact with 4D STS, well, that could explain something! They could have used other things as well, I do not know much, they wouldn't talk about such things when anybody listened.
Re: Black Magic, Shamanism, Supernatural, Graham Hancock

Stellaria_graminea said:
On an occasion they talked about things that happened 20-30 years later.

I would just like to add that the event the psychopaths talked about that happened much later, involved a person that show some psychopathic traits. Another tendril of the same animal, so to speak. Maybe an example of the trans-"time" stalking mentioned by Laura?

On a few occasions one of the psychopaths looked like there's something else inside, like someone else looking out through the psychopath's eyes. Something unhuman and evil, a kind of stare that no human beings have. The psychopath have tried to hide this, and looked away immediately when I looked in the psychopaths direction. The stare looked "demonic", in lack of better words. I pretended that I had seen nothing, and decided to remember and try to find out what that stare was.
Re: Black Magic, Shamanism, Supernatural, Graham Hancock

Laura said:
What is most fascinating in terms of shamanic studies is a mysterious “female sickness” that male shamans often suffered. One of the reported (and variable) symptoms of becoming a shaman is that the individual begins to dress as a woman, to act as a woman, and to generally begin a process of feminization. We see a hint of this factor in Jacob’s journey south to “build booths” which was a strictly female activity!

This feminization of the shaman directs us to consider the fact that the original shamanic/grail function was most likely fulfilled by women only, and at some point, men attempted to dispense with the function of the female and to acquire her attributes and natural shamanic capabilities.

There is an interesting article on SOTT about the recent research on the oldest-known cave art paintings that suggests women to be the main artists. And there is also a shamanic connection.

Archaeologist Dean Snow of Pennsylvania State University analyzed hand stencils found in eight cave sites in France and Spain. By comparing the relative lengths of certain fingers, Snow determined that three-quarters of the handprints were female.

"There has been a male bias in the literature for a long time," said Snow, whose research was supported by the National Geographic Society's Committee for Research and Exploration. "People have made a lot of unwarranted assumptions about who made these things, and why." [...]

Snow's analysis determined that 24 of the 32 hands - 75 percent - were female. [...]

"I think the article is a landmark contribution," said archaeologist Dave Whitley of ASM Affiliates, an archaeological consulting firm in Tehachapi, California. Despite these handprints being discussed for half a decade, "this is the first time anyone's synthesized a good body of evidence."

Whitley rejects Guthrie's idea that this art was made for purely practical reasons related to hunting. His view is that most of the art was made by shamans who went into trances to try to connect with the spirit world. "If you go into one of these caves alone, you start to suffer from sensory deprivation very, very quickly, in 5 to 10 minutes," Whitley said. "It can spin you into an altered state of consciousness."

The new study doesn't discount the shaman theory, Whitley added, because in some hunter-gatherer societies shamans are female or even transgendered.
Graham Hancock was the most recent guest on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast. I listened this morning, and Mr. Hancock's description of the theme of his latest book is very interesting, and will be all too familiar to everyone here. This discussion takes place around 2 hours and 17 minutes. It really heats up at around 2 hours 25 minutes. Be warned, there is some colorful language, but nothing too bad. The whole podcast is worth listening to, and it seems that Mr. Hancock, although he may be a advocate of psychedelics, is very much colinear to this group.
Hi Berdmann,
Can you tell in a few words what the subject of the video is? Maybe a short description for those who do not have a very powerful connection :)
Sure. They discuss psychedelics, isolation tanks, cyclical cataclysms, megalith builders and the idea that there is a 'war god' that needs to be fed with the psychic energy of sacrificed humans.
It is a podcast, so it is more a 2.5 hour conversation rather than a structured presentation, so it is difficult to summarize or break down into a specific theme. I posted because Mr. Hancock seems like a great guy who has arrived on his own at many of the same conclusions as Laura and the ideas of the C's. Also, although it may seem like an odd match, I do think Laura would make an excellent guest on Mr. Rogan's podcast, as he and his guests are often very, very close to the ideas brought to us by the C's, but just not quite there.
Berdmann said:
It is a podcast, so it is more a 2.5 hour conversation rather than a structured presentation, so it is difficult to summarize or break down into a specific theme. I posted because Mr. Hancock seems like a great guy who has arrived on his own at many of the same conclusions as Laura and the ideas of the C's. Also, although it may seem like an odd match, I do think Laura would make an excellent guest on Mr. Rogan's podcast, as he and his guests are often very, very close to the ideas brought to us by the C's, but just not quite there.

I listened to the short section you highlighted, and he did say some things that are compatible with some of the ideas we talk about here, e.g., the universe being a big school where we learn to make choices, that the universe may be 'one' on some level, but on this level we must learn about duality, i.e., making the right choice and choosing good over evil. However, despite these similarities, I think there are some definite incompatibilities between Hancock's approach and ours, as is discussed earlier in this thread.
Fair enough, I understand that. I am struggling to find the words to express myself about this, but I suppose the best way would be to say - he's a good guy, doing the best he can, bringing these ideas to a lot of people, and that's a cool thing! In all of the media I am exposed to, I never really hear anyone else talking about this stuff. Despite his methods, he's still a part of the family, so to speak. :)
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