Grant McNee: Dangerous Cyberpath

I have just been reading this article and i am one of those women that first contacted the newspaper in England. I had been scammed out of $18,000 from Grant Mcnee and have a court order from the Canadian Family court stating that he does indeed owe me the money . Unfortunately like Henriette trying to get our money back is another story .
I find it highly amusing that Grant Mcnee wrote saying he had changed and that he was now a one woman man . I say that because out of curiosity i went on the POF site and guess who i found . Yes he has had several profiles over the last few years .The funny thing is he is a creature of habit and if you know what key words to look for in the profiles he is always easy to find . Firstly you find him by his height 6 ft and birth sign Cancer . then you just have to look for key words in his profile such as it always relates to Scotland (some saying as he thinks he has royalty running through his veins and he believes he is related to Bonny Prince Charlie) OK No laughing please. Then he uses words like Swordfish, bunny boilers, and there you have it you have found him.
I thought i was the type of woman that could see this type of guy a mile away but i guess i let my guard down and paid the price.After we separated i had many months of nasty emails and threats . I did get some money back and that is how Stephanie found out about me because she was the one putting the money in my account . I knew about Henriette and Henriette knew about Ingrid . We had all been told stories about each other but i dint think Grant ever thought we would get in touch with each other let alone get in touch with a newspaper.I did it hoping i could stop some other Innocent woman being scammed by this man and that he would eventually get charged with taking money on false pretences but unfortunately the police said it would be a civil case.
Grant will never changed he has real problems with woman and will never be faithful to anyone except himself.
Hi Secretsarah.

Since it seems that we are about the only place where the story is still exposed, perhaps you could contact the other ladies and they could come and write their own experiences here?
i have just emailed the other ladies concerned and i am hoping that they will get in touch. I keep telling myself that i should just let it lie but when i hear things about him . Oh poor man he was so hard done by! living for free , taking our money,drinking, visiting whore houses,abusing us verbally then yeh i guess we should all feels sorry for him ........Not! :evil:
I also contacted Amber Mun telling her that the least she could have done would have been to get in touch with his victims before pulling the story but i guess that doesn't happen and once again he gets away with it . No doubt one he realises what we are doing the abuse emails will begin again.
Thank you so much for keeping the story alive because if we can just save one woman from his distruction then this will have been worth it .
secretsarah said:
Thank you so much for keeping the story alive because if we can just save one woman from his distruction then this will have been worth it .

That was our thinking too. As Laura said, it would be great if we could update the story with as many of the victims as possible.

Would you mind sending sending me a copy of the court papers and any other documentation you have? I'll black out any personally identifying info (address, b-day, etc.)

I'll PM you my email address. :)

Edited to add-
Oops, I just realized you can't get PM's yet since you're a new member, so I'll post it here. A variety of 'paths have already posted my email all over the net anyway. :rolleyes:

Guardian at
So here is my story of Grant Mcnee

I started talking to him in July of 2004 on the Plenty of fish website . He was very charming and i enjoyed chatting with him (at this time i didn't know he was still living with Henriette) We meet after my visit to Canada with my sister in the Sept .I felt we had an instant connection and spent a few weekends together and chatted every day on the internet. He told me that he was living with a mate and he didn't get on with his girlfriend. In the October he called one day and said he really needed to talk as something had happen. He finally told me about Henriette but made out she was a Bunny Boiler as he liked to call her and that nothing had been between them for some time and he needed to move out . So he came to stay with me . When i look back what a fool i was but he had already hooked me line and sinker!

He then spent the next few months traveling back and forth and he said he needed to tie things up with her and sell the house and she owed him money. He told me she was going to South Africa in Jan and he needed help to move his stuff from the house . What i didn't know was that most of the stuff was hers . So we hired a van took some furniture and brought some to my house and put the rest in storage. Over this time i had been talking of moving back to Canada (as i have dual citizenship ) and i know now that was the attraction for him . He already knew that Henriette was going to come after him for the money so i was his escape . If he was out of the country then she couldn't get him . He was still very charming with me but started to alienate me from my family and friends again i didn't see this at the time . Like the others he would call me at work frequently and i always felt on edge but could never figure out why . We married in the April and i thought we were happy.

He was drinking a bit at the time but was not on the computer on dating sites (well i later found out he still was and when i had weekends when i worked he would go away to his parents he would tell me but in fact he was already meeting other woman)

He told me a little about Ingrid and how he had left alot of debt in South Africa but after 6 yrs it was wiped cleaned and i guess he thought if he could stay out of the UK for 6 yrs the same thing would happen there. He did have a good job earning good money but still managed to run up a huge debt .

So we left for Canada on Aug 6th 2006 we stayed at my sisters to begin with then moved to Ottawa . i had sold my house in the UK and we lived off that until we could both get jobs, I wasn't to worried about the money to begin with because as Grant was in I.T i knew he could get a good salary and we agreed that we would but the money back once he was working .

Thats when things started to change . Grants drinking increased , he spent many hours on the computer (i later found out dating sites.)In Nov he had to go back to the UK because there was a problem with his visa and he needed to be in the UK to sort it so he went back to live with his dad . I had left 7,000 pounds in an account in the UK to pay for any debt i had in the UK . There was plenty there to pay it all off and some left . What i didn't realise was that in 3 months grant had spent the lot and was on the dating sites making arrangements to meet a girl back in Canada on his return .

He came back in the Jan and i thought great finally we can be together he can get a job and we would be happy but he had different ideas . He landed a job in April and then he started disappearing for weekends (business trips) he opened up his own account and gave me no money . (again i didn't realise this) i found his cell phone bill and realised he had been calling other woman and one of them told me he was now with her and he was in a loveless marriage and had only got married to get to Canada. Of course i was devastated and when i finally go hold of him he admitted he was seeing someone else.

I then kicked him out and he left us with $89 in the bank for me and my daughter. I then endured many months of vile emails from him , verbal abuse because i dared to ask for my money back . He threaten my family telling me he knew where they lived in the UK and he could easily get to them . He tried to scare me telling me his dad was in the stone masions and could arrage to hurt people. Whilst in the army he told me he was in Ireland and trained as a sniper (again it was only later i found out these all to be lies and Grants fantasy life) again he used this to frighten and intimidate me.

I knew he was dating other woman because after many months i ran into him in a coffee bar hooking up with another woman.

I tried to get him to do the right thing which of course was impossible for him to do and pay me the money back as i already knew he was on a good income. He paid me a small amount and then in Jan 2009 h left CANADA .

I divorced him and got a court judgement against him for $18,000 and do date he has not paid .
He went back to the UK after he conned another woman in to paying for his flight telling them he was having a mental break down and need to go to an army hospital (more lies of course because he went to live with his mother) He later claimed bankruptcy in the UK .

When he left here he had used my address and telephone number when he leased a truck and i received many calls from the company looking for him . I also had revenue Canada calling , debt collectors calling all looking for him as he had once again run up debt here in Canada.

After many month Stephanie got in touch with me and we started talking about our experience and it was so funny to see that we had experienced many similar situations with Grant . I contacted Henriette and Ingrid after deciding something needed to be done. I contact a lawyer to see if i could get any help getting my money back they couldn't help but put me in touch with the newspaper. I persuaded the other to talk to the reporter to get our story heard.

The sad thing is he is still on the dating sites and know doubt conning more woman out of their hard earn money. :(
secretsarah said:
I also contacted Amber Mun telling her that the least she could have done would have been to get in touch with his victims before pulling the story but i guess that doesn't happen and once again he gets away with it .

Did you ever get a reply from Amber Mun explaining her reasons for taking down the story? As you say, the least she could have done before pulling the story would have been to contact McNee's victims to find out the truth of the matter. She must have been really taken in by McNee's sob story. Perhaps she thought you were all just ganging up on poor little innocent Grant :curse: Taking down a story on the word of a psychopath! Jeez!!

edit: sense
seek10 said:
I am not sure whether you read "women who love psychopaths" or not. This has LOT of stories like that ( most us felt unbelievable).

That's the book I thought too when I read your first post, secretsarah. It will really help you understand the reasons why - which qualities of you as a person/woman - this slimeball saw and manipulated to get you hooked onto him so he can then empty your accounts.

Another useful book is Puzzling People: The Labyrinth of the Psychopathby Thomas Sheridan, which a few of us in this forum read and agree that it gives a great description of these vampiric creatures. You can read the forum discussion about the book here. Sheridan also goes a lot into their pasts and how they present their life-stories to others, only for these others to find out later that it was all lies.

I am really sorry that you (and the other women) had to go through it, but take to heart all of you that these creatures are excellent at wearing a mask of appearing normal to hide their pathology, and from your experience you will become a wiser person. For what is worth...
Amber Mun
4:59 AM (6 hours ago)
to me

Dear Ms Wilson

Thank you for your email. Unfortunately I am not in a position to disclose details of individual complaints for confidentiality reasons, however there is a summary of the complaint available on the PCC’s website:

I hope that this is of some assistance, and I am sorry not to be able to be more helpful on this occasion.

Best wishes,


this was the response that i got from amber today .
When i look back at the emails Grant has sent he referres to the fact we hacked his computer . Here is the funny thing he is supposed to be an I.T specialist and we are just mere woman. The information i got concerning conversations he had had with other woman just after we married 2 months to be exact was from the family computer. This computer was Grants in the UK but when we moved to Canada he bought a new one for himself and we used the other one for the family .(which he set up for us ) The conversations that i found were in a shared file which he probably didn't even know he had saved due to the amount of drink he had . So there was no hacking involved just his stupidity and if the complaints procedure had contacted me then i could have put them straight . But i guess we are just the victims of a conman and our sides in this procedure do not count. :(
But keeping the story alive on this website will sure help
thanks everyone for doing so. :D
Just to let everyone know, Sarah has sent me scans of the Judgement she has against Mcnee, as well as some other info. I'm going to redact her personal data and upload it to the Enpsychopedia listing as soon as possible.

I'm not surprised the article was removed from the UK website due to the very broad defamation laws over there. In the US we have the First Amendment, which means that ordinary people are allowed to offer their opinions on pretty much whatever they want. As long as you don't try to tell the truth about the government/mega- corporations and/or someone who's wealthy and influential, the First Amendment will usually protect you.

If I read the PCC complaint procedures correctly, they probably had some type of hearing that you weren't even notified of because you're not in the area?
It looks like Ms Mun is between a rock and a hard place, and this is not a good time to be losing your job. That's ok though, she did her part. We all found out about Mcnee, and are talking to Sarah, because of her original article. Now we can take over where Ms. Mun was forced to leave off. Works for me! :D
Well, while I was putting this post together, Guardian posted hers . . .

Press Complaints Commission said:
Complainant Name:
Mr Grant McNee

Clauses Noted: 1, 3, 10

Publication: Daily Record


Mr Grant McNee complained to the Press Complaints Commission that an article reporting allegations made against him by various women contained inaccuracies, intruded into his private life and set out the women's admissions that, without his permission, they had looked at emails on his computer.

While the newspaper denied there was any breach of the Code, the complaint was resolved privately between the parties.

Date Published: 06/01/2012

Well that's pretty vague. I wonder if McNee was asked to prove his allegations. It sounds like they just took his word for it. And when it says that 'the complaint was resolved privately between the parties' did that include his victims, or just McNee and the Daily Record?

The clauses of the Press Code of Conduct referred to above are as follows:

Press Complaints Commission said:
1 Accuracy

i) The Press must take care not to publish inaccurate, misleading or distorted information, including pictures.

ii) A significant inaccuracy, misleading statement or distortion once recognised must be corrected, promptly and with due prominence, and - where appropriate - an apology published. In cases involving the Commission, prominence should be agreed with the PCC in advance.

iii) The Press, whilst free to be partisan, must distinguish clearly between comment, conjecture and fact.

iv) A publication must report fairly and accurately the outcome of an action for defamation to which it has been a party, unless an agreed settlement states otherwise, or an agreed statement is published.

3 *Privacy

i) Everyone is entitled to respect for his or her private and family life, home, health and correspondence, including digital communications.

ii) Editors will be expected to justify intrusions into any individual's private life without consent. Account will be taken of the complainant's own public disclosures of information.

iii) It is unacceptable to photograph individuals in private places without their consent.

Note - Private places are public or private property where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy.

10 *Clandestine devices and subterfuge

i) The press must not seek to obtain or publish material acquired by using hidden cameras or clandestine listening devices; or by intercepting private or mobile telephone calls, messages or emails; or by the unauthorised removal of documents or photographs; or by accessing digitally-held private information without consent.

{This next clause is very interesting . . .}

ii) Engaging in misrepresentation or subterfuge, including by agents or intermediaries, can generally be justified only in the public interest and then only when the material cannot be obtained by other means.

{ . . . because at the end of the list of clauses we find . . . }

The public interest

There may be exceptions to the clauses marked * where they can be demonstrated to be in the public interest.

1. The public interest includes, but is not confined to:
i) Detecting or exposing crime or serious impropriety.
ii) Protecting public health and safety.
iii) Preventing the public from being misled by an action or statement of an individual or organisation.

2. There is a public interest in freedom of expression itself.
3. Whenever the public interest is invoked, the PCC will require editors to demonstrate fully that they reasonably believed that publication, or journalistic activity undertaken with a view to publication, would be in the public interest and how, and with whom, that was established at the time.
4. The PCC will consider the extent to which material is already in the public domain, or will become so.
5. In cases involving children under 16, editors must demonstrate an exceptional public interest to over-ride the normally paramount interest of the child.

Well, surely, this information about Grant McNee is in the public interest – after all he's scammed thousands from women who trusted him – and one has to ask why this fact was not taken into consideration. It's possible that the adjudicating body lacked accurate knowledge of pathology, and that is why they found in favour of McNee, but the man has stolen thousands from those women who trusted him. If that's not a crime which it would be in the public interest to disclose, I don't know what is.

It's also possible that the adjudicating body has some pathological deviants among its members making sure they protect their own . . .

And McNee was never likely to make the material public of his own accord.

One wonders is Amber Mun was 'leaned on' so to speak.
Endymion said:

3 *Privacy

i) Everyone is entitled to respect for his or her private and family life, home, health and correspondence, including digital communications.

ii) Editors will be expected to justify intrusions into any individual's private life without consent.

Oh yeah, there's another huge difference, in the US, we really don't have any rights to privacy to speak of.
In the US we don't even have to offer facts, we can just rant to our heart's content. We don't do that here, which is why I asked Sarah for proof of her claims, and she sent it to me. We specialize in offering well documented facts, but my point is that's it's legal to just talk trash in the US..facts are optional.

Like everything, has its good points, and its bad. :/
As Sarah said, she has a judgement against Grant Mcnee for $19,000.00

I met grant Mcnee on pof sometime in 2007 just after he separated from Sara. He was renting a town house in Nepean near Algonquin College in Ottawa. On our first date he picked me up by tax, we spent 7 hours together, he was nice, he told me he just got separated, all he need was somebody to love him. He even asked me to live with him 3 days in a week to see if things could work out between us. On the second date he invited me to his place, it was there I realized the guy was a player. He showed his computer room and there I noticed he was on pof talking to other women. I slept at his house but I didn’t want to sleep with him because he was very drank and he looked very confused, he kept on asking me me why I was looking at him he said “because he’s fat”. A lot strange things happened that night.. His dog kept on jumping on me then I told him I wanted to go home so he offered to put the dog in the basement. The following morning drove me home.After two days he sent me email through pof saying that I was not his type because I hurt him by allow him to put his dog in the basement. . Two days after that he deleted his profile from POf. He would phone me sometime then after a while he told me that he living with someone. I didn't hear from for a while but after 6 months he sent me a message on pof saying he never forgot about me, he was just going through a difficult time at the time and he wanted to work things out with me. I met up with him, he looked very unhappy; he told he wasn't working and that he was thinking of going back to Scotland because things were not working for him. While in Scotland he used to call quest line another service where you women by phone.
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