Greta Thunberg: False Prophet of the Children's Crusade

Being that this is a Greta thread, I see she is now in Calgary, Alberta (the corporate oil town of Western Canada):

I was wondering how the Albertans would welcome Greta. The province is mostly conservative, with many livelihoods being sustained by the oil rigs (actually people come from all provinces to Alberta to make money). From the article you posted, Medicine Hat mayor's reaction is what I expected in general:

While Edmonton's mayor, Don Iveson, extended an invitation to meet with Thunberg, Medicine Hat Mayor Ted Clugston expressed skepticism about her overall cause.

"No one's ever asked me to declare a climate emergency," Clugston told the Medicine Hat News. "I'm tired of people calling carbon dioxide 'pollution.' It's a basic building block of life."

"I'll listen to qualified scientists."
Here is a good one that brought a smile on my face. It was the reaction by londoners to well-fed middle class climate crazies jumping on top of trains trying to stop working people from going to work:Angry Londoners Drag Climate Change Protesters From Roof Of Train
Angry Londoners Drag Climate Change Protesters From Roof Of Train
Profile picture for user Tyler Durden
by Tyler Durden
Thu, 10/17/2019 - 08:11

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,
Angry Londoners furious at having their lives disrupted dragged ‘Extinction Rebellion’ climate change protesters from the roof of a train this morning.

The incident happened at Canning Town Tube station, located in London’s poor east end – a particularly stupid venue for Extinction Rebellion activists to try to pull such a stunt.

One decidedly middle class looking protester climbed on top of the train but was pelted with objects before being dragged back down to the platform.

Almost immediately, another protester climbed on top of the train but was also pursued and dragged back down.

London Underground staff had to intervene to prevent the protesters getting a substantial beating.
Another video shows commuters arguing with one of the protesters before forcing her to admit she’s a hypocrite.

Police said four protesters were arrested.
The official Extinction Rebellion Twitter account later tried to compare their activists to Rosa Parks, despite the fact the footage shows white middle class activists being confronted by a mixed crowd which includes numerous black people.
As we document in the video below, the ‘Extinction Rebellion’ protest movement is one huge virtue signal centered around middle and upper middle class people lecturing working class people on how to live their lives.

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I just posted in another thread: Predictions and Prophecies

One thing seems sure, things can't go on much longer as they are. I saw a video on Twitter today of a mass of commuters pulling a climate protestor off a train and beating him up. I'm afraid that's going to start becoming a lot more common as people begin to fully grok that the whole Climate deal is both real AND an attempt to scam the people. Those persons who are vocal "faces" of different movements that are soon to be perceived as "at fault" will be the main targets, not the string pullers behind them.

Things just may get very ugly very fast.
I thought this was funny and its good to see humor about these serious issues. Hope you don't mind the post from New Law Requires You To Listen To Greta Thunberg Lecture Before Purchasing Gasoline

New Law Requires You To Listen To Greta Thunberg Lecture Before Purchasing Gasoline
October 7th, 2019


U.S.—A series of new bills working their way through state legislatures in New York, California, Oregon, Hawaii, and several other progressive states will require you to listen to a Greta Thunberg lecture before purchasing gasoline.

Motorists will be required to watch a 20-minute lecture by the 16-year-old climate activist before they purchase gallons and gallons of harmful fossil fuels.
"We want to make sure drivers are informed," said California Governor Gavin Newsom, who says he will sign the bill into law. "So we are having them get lectured by a 16-year-old so they will have all the facts before they do something rash like put gasoline in their cars to go to work."

Once the driver has listened to Thunberg's entire lecture, they will be prompted to complete a quick, fifteen-question quiz to show they understand how horrible they are for driving a car. Drivers who get at least 80% will then be allowed to refuel their vehicles. As
they refuel, the screen will simply play a clip of Thunberg saying, "How dare you!" over and over again.

The law will not apply to celebrities purchasing jet fuel.
Was that an actual episode?
Yes, the Midnight Sun.
The Earth's orbit has been perturbed, causing the planet to slowly fall into the sun.

A prolific artist, Norma, and her landlady, Mrs. Bronson, are the last residents in their New York apartment building. Their former neighbors have either moved north to seek a cooler climate or they have already perished from the extremely high temperatures. At twenty minutes to midnight, it is 110 °F (43 °C) and sunny as high noon. Norma and Mrs. Bronson try to support each other as they watch life as they know it erode around them. The streets are deserted, water usage is limited to an hour a day, and their electricity is gradually being turned off. Food and water are scarce and the sea has dried up. A radio presenter announces that the police have been moved out of the city, and that citizens must defend themselves against looters, then angrily goes off script, joking that you can "fry eggs on your sidewalk and heat up soup in the oceans". The presenter is then forcibly taken off air.

As the temperature rises to 120 °F (49 °C), the two women grow weaker. Norma burns her hand on a windowsill. Mrs. Bronson becomes psychologically unstable, beseeching Norma to paint a picture of a cool subject, rather than Norma's usual paintings of the sun and burning cities, screaming, "Don't paint the sun anymore!". A looter enters the building through the roof access door, which Mrs. Bronson neglected to lock. They hide in Norma's apartment. The looter calls from outside, demanding entry. Norma threatens him with a cocked revolver, and they hear him walk away. Against Norma's pleas, Mrs. Bronson unlocks the door, and the stranger forces his way in, pulls the revolver from Norma and drinks their water. He calms down after seeing their distress and begs for their forgiveness, claiming that he is an honest man driven insane by the heat. He throws away the revolver and describes the recent death of his wife and newborn child. He begs for forgiveness until Norma acknowledges him with a nod; he then leaves the apartment building.

In an attempt to console Mrs. Bronson, Norma shows her an oil painting of a waterfall cascading into a lush pond. Mrs. Bronson deliriously claims that she can feel the coolness and delightfully splashes in the imaginary waters before dying from heat stroke. Norma sits in shock as the thermometer surges past 130 °F (54 °C) and shatters. The paint on Norma's oil paintings begins to melt before her eyes; she screams and collapses.

The scene cuts to the same apartment at night with heavy snow outside the windows. The thermometer reads −10 °F (−23 °C). Norma, who has been bedridden with a high fever, is being cared for by a doctor and Mrs. Bronson. The Earth moving closer to the sun is revealed to be only a fever dream, while in reality the Earth is moving away from the sun, and the world's inhabitants are actually freezing to death.
Indeed. Yesterday, I went by a notice board at a townhall and all posters from the different political parties were about their grand plans to fight climate change, including the conservative party. The one by the Social-Democrats read "In the future, those behaving climate-friendly will be rewarded." :scared:

Crazy! There is no politician or political party in Germany that opposes the whole global warming agenda? In the Netherlands we have politician Thierry Baudet and his party 'Forum for Democracy' who is pretty much the only sane voice in any of the climate debates.
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