Greta Thunberg: False Prophet of the Children's Crusade

The only glimmer of sanity amongst New Zealand politicians revealed it self recently in the local newspaper. One politician from the government (labor/green coalition) and one from the opposition (conservative) were asked to comment on Greta Thunberg's views. The government politician was very predictable with a climate clut rant. The conservative politician had this to say, among other things:

"Realistically I and billions of others will not give up air travel, won't become vegans, won't give up Internet searches, limit our electricity or go to bed early to reduce electricity consumption. I won't be alone when I consider that I do not want to be part of a society that is controlled in this way. History shows people become more concerned about their environmental impact when they are no longer struggling to feed their families so a better us of resources to address climate change would be to strive to improve living standards in the developing world.

The IPCC says that the climate is a 'nonlinear chaotic system and therefore the long term prediction of future climate states is not possible'. It is naive to think there is a dial with which we can control climate. And if there were, who decided what temperature we set it at. There is one source of emissions that we should end immediately: the climate change elite jetting around the world to climate change conferences while they lecture us on lowering their emissions. Blatant hypocrisy"

I was ecopuraged to see that there are so politicians with tow firing neurons who can see the scam that is being worked on the world
Crazy! There is no politician or political party in Germany that opposes the whole global warming agenda? In the Netherlands we have politician Thierry Baudet and his party 'Forum for Democracy' who is pretty much the only sane voice in any of the climate debates.

Yes, there is the AfD (Alternative for Germany, the new right-wing party). They are actually spot-on about the climate scam, some of their federal MPs are very deep into the science and all that. I saw one session in the parliament where there was a heated debate, and the AfD guy cited tons of footnotes and what not from the IPCC itself and knew every little detail, whereas the others were just totally mad and answering in the silliest platitudes.

But alas: no space for the evil right-wingers on the notice board at the townhall...
I can't say that I'm displeased at watching the video and reading the comments. This one, good old British sarcasm :lol: :
"Truly horrible... Someone shouted “Get *him* down!” without first checking his Pronouns."

Hilarious! And you wonder if the 'pronoun' crowd won't be the next group to feel the wrath of the cisgenders! :-P

As for Greta and XRs, not at all surprised they're being Soros funded. It's like everything else - the common people are working full tilt at even more than one job in order to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. They don't have the luxury of time/money to engage in fighting back against all the numerous agendas being forced on them. Every alternate news website is in dire straits monetarily trying to keep their heads above water. Plus the system is set up to benefit those in power and to thwart efforts by the oppressed to change anything!
Gretha suggests breaking laws to force the AGW climate programmes upon everyone:
This begs the question, do these Extinction Rebellionairies believe that breaking or trespassing the law is something only they can administer? Experience in many parts of the world have shown, repeatedly, that breaking the law is not a one way street that insures no oncoming traffic for innocently dissociated pedestrians who imagine they own the whole road.
Here is Dr. Tim Ball discussing on Jason Liosatos 'Outside The Box' show (Sep 26, 2019 - speaks with Dr. Ball for 53 minutes), Greta and her mother, Extinction Rebellion, free will, Christianity, all roads to Rome (the Club of Rome part), the scientists, the spin masters (like M. Strong) - follow the money Vs. plain old power and its pathological goals. Education system and general climate science knowledge, or lack thereof, is also looked at, as is the old 'over population' shtick that the eugenicists are enthralled with - it plays to peoples fears.

People who follow him know his website was crashed and he took it down, however he gets lots of young people, or older, who want to know more and they can contact him by email.

Actually, there is a great deal spoken about here as a political, social, historical and scientific picture using climate and its created villain to help accomplice its said goals.

Ball mentions Vaclav Kaus's book Blue Planet in Green Shackles: What Is Endangered: Climate or Freedom?
Greta Thunberg Climate Change Hoax Dr Tim Ball Interview

Gretha suggests breaking laws to force the AGW climate programmes upon everyone:
This begs the question, do these Extinction Rebellionairies believe that breaking or trespassing the law is something only they can administer? Experience in many parts of the world have shown, repeatedly, that breaking the law is not a one way street that insures no oncoming traffic for innocently dissociated pedestrians who imagine they own the whole road.
Bear in mind that one of XR's demands is the establishment of a citizens council of experts (they get to pick the experts of course). Funny, we thought we already had government by an elected citizens council
It does anger me that there has been push back, and divergent opinions on the Greta crusade, especially on her recent trip to oil country in Alberta. But there has been next to nothing about this in the media.

It does anger me that there has been push back, and divergent opinions on the Greta crusade, especially on her recent trip to oil country in Alberta. But there has been next to nothing about this in the media.

Just a further example of the fact that the MSM is fully the puppet of whoever/whatever is aiming to totally destroy human society and make it helpless in the face of the facts of reality.
This goes back a ways (to October 8th):

If Greta follows in her Mother's footsteps, I don't see much of a productive future for her? Her Mother's Eurovision performance was a flop. From what I can gather, Malena was trying to imitate Madonna?

Greta Thunberg’s mother revealed as Eurovision star
I think I saw a still shot of her mother performing previously, but didn't pay much attention to it. Watched the video performance and this time it became clear what Malena and her daughter are about - don't know if Vigilant Citizen has also spotted the obvious:


Someone sent me an October 15th copy from this Vigilant Citizen (a newer article - thought it was the same one at first) and then was reminded in Hello H20's Sputnik article above whereby Greta did her "solo climate protests outside the Swedish parliament last year" which is where this begins - The Elite Machine Behind Greta Thunberg

Had a look and it seems here that Greta was inculcated with nonsense at an early stage - a parental accepted marketing scheme that played right into the hands of those who would use her, and the parents ensured it. The rest is history.

I don't get this whole one-eye business that some celebrities do (I mean it's stated and seems bizarre to even consider). However it will be up to the reader to decide if Greta has been pimped out or it is all just free will with her parents to market and sell lies for a cabal that people are eating up.

She has certainly been managed. :-(

Just a further example of the fact that the MSM is fully the puppet of whoever/whatever is aiming to totally destroy human society and make it helpless in the face of the facts of reality.

The Elite Machine Behind Greta Thunberg
Ernman on the cover of Vi magazine. The quote under her face says: “We all sell our souls to the devil”. Can’t make this up.​
If Greta follows in her Mother's footsteps, I don't see much of a productive future for her? Her Mother's Eurovision performance was a flop. From what I can gather, Malena was trying to imitate Madonna?
Ernman on the cover of Vi magazine. The quote under her face says: “We all sell our souls to the devil”. Can’t make this up.
What a coincidence. The article about Madonna as Madam X that I posted excerpts from included this:
And, at age 60, Madonna still needs to do this MKULTRA, one-eye stuff. Why? Well, I’ll let one of Madonna’s own Instagram posts answer that question.

Nope - you really can't make this stuff up.
This article is more of the same as has been posted in this thread with the exception of the meat angle. I'm going to skip most of the 'preaching to the choir' parts, but reading the article itself can fill you in:
Why Is The Elitist Establishment So Obsessed With Meat?

by Brandon Smith


I don’t know how many people have noticed this, but in the past three months it has been impossible for a person to throw a beef burger patty in any direction on the compass without hitting a news article on the “destructive effects” of the meat industry in terms of “climate change”. There’s also been endless mainstream articles on the supposedly vast health benefits of a vegetarian or vegan diet. This narrative has culminated in a tidal wave of stories about vegetable-based meat companies like Beyond Meat and their rise to stock market stardom. The word on the street is, meat based diets are going the way of the Dodo, and soon, by environmental necessity, we will ALL be vegetarians.

For at least the past ten years the United Nations has been aggressively promoting the concept of a meat free world, based on claims that accelerated land use and greenhouse gas emissions are killing the Earth. In the west, militant leftists with dreams of a socialist Utopia have adopted a kind of manifesto in the Green New Deal, and an integral part of their agenda is the end to the availability of meat to the common man (it’s interesting the Green New Deal agenda matches almost perfectly with the UN’s Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030). [emphasis mine] Some of these elitists have argued in favor of heavy taxation on meat products to reduce public consumption; others have argued for an outright ban.

The problem with this dietary revolution is that it is based primarily on junk science and cherry-picked data, along with outright lies and propaganda. The majority of studies and articles covering this issue are decidedly biased, left leaning and collectivist in nature. Now, I plan to touch on this issue, but what I really want to focus on is the “WHY” of the matter – Why are the elites targeting human meat consumption, and why are they willing to lie about its effects in order to get us to abandon our burgers and steaks? What is the real agenda here…?

First, lets tackle the climate change issue. The UN claims that human food production must change drastically in order to stop global warming and damage to the environment, and these changes must focus mainly on meat production and ‘methane gases’. In other words, they assert that cow farts are killing the planet. This is a rather convenient story for the elites as they push their carbon taxation agenda. It seems everything we do as humans must be monitored, restricted or taxed, from breathing to procreating to eating meat, otherwise the Earth is “doomed”.

In past articles I have written extensively on the direct ties between the UN’s global warming hysteria and the push for global government. In particular, I’ve mentioned the writings of former UN assistant secretary general Robert Muller. In his manifesto collected on a website titled “Good Morning World”, Muller argues that global governance must be achieved using the idea of “protecting the Earth” and environmentalism as the key components. Through fear of environmental Apocalypse, the public could be convinced to accept global government as a necessary nanny state to keep society from destroying itself.

Muller initiated such programs in the early 1990’s, which were similar in tone to the Club Of Rome think tank, a group of consultants to the UN which called for a stop to human population growth. In their white paper titled ‘The First Global Revolution’, the Club of Rome stated:

“In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes. and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.”

The statement comes from Chapter 5 – The Vacuum, which covers their position on the need for global government. The quote is relatively clear; a common enemy must be conjured in order to trick humanity into uniting under a single banner, and the elites see environmental catastrophe, caused by mankind itself, as the best possible motivator.

From public admissions from UN officials and the Club Of Rome, we can see that climate change is a narrative driven by ideology, not science, and that the real goal is global governance, not saving the planet. As for the “science” these ideologues say supports their demands, there is none.


Here we see the climate change hoax in action, as well as the UN and the Club Of Rome conspiracy to engineer an environmental threat that will provide a rationale for global government. But what does all this have to do with meat?

The climate change myth is simply a means to multiple ends. And, one of the things the elites are using it to unravel is society’s eating habits. The purpose behind the war on meat is less clear, but I do have some theories based on historical evidence as well as scientific evidence that shows ruling oligarchies have always tried to restrict meat consumption by the “peasant class” whenever possible. [emphasis mine]

In feudal Europe in the middle ages, the presence of meat in a diet was rare for the peasant class. Farm animals were strictly controlled property, given to peasant farmers as tools for working the land, not for eating. Hunting wild game was difficult as the ruling royal families often claimed ownership of all the best hunting grounds within the country. After multiple peasant revolts, such as the Great Peasant’s Revolt of 1381 in England, the elites banned hunting parties, as they were suspected of being used as cover for peasants to train in military tactics and to plan rebellions.

Peasants caught poaching “the king’s deer” were punished severely – this including hanging, castration, blinding and being sewn into a deer carcass and chased down by ferocious dogs.

This did not stop peasants from eating meat at times though. When possible they would eat small game. But their diets consisted primarily of pottage and porridge made from grains, beans and root vegetables, along with black rye bread. Going into the middle ages onward, researchers will find that for the serfs and the poor, a meat dinner was treated as a special event.

In feudal Japan, meat eating, not just hunting, was specifically banned for over 1000 years, starting in 675 AD. The ban was based on the melding of Buddhist beliefs and Shinto. Of course, while the law was enforced for peasants, the elite ruling class and the samurai warrior class never actually gave meat up. Meat was often eaten by the elites, under the auspices of improving health. When given as a gift to a feudal lord, pickled meats were labeled “medicine” in order to avoid open defiance of the laws.

This selective ban continued until Europeans arrived on Japanese shores, and the reintroduction of meat dishes began to spread. By the late 1800’s the meat ban was officially lifted. It was believed by the Japanese of the era that Westerners had superior physiques because of their meat based diets, and that Japanese physiques had been subdued by their vegetable and grain based diets. There is some truth to this observation.

Today, the vegetarian ideology is not a stand-alone philosophy. It is tied inexorably to other ideologies such as socialism, globalism and extremist forms of environmentalism. There are very few vegetarian promoters that are not politically motivated. This has caused a rash of propaganda, attempting to rewrite the history of the human diet to fit their bizarre narrative.

Even though human beings have been omnivores for millions of years, the anti-meat campaign claims that humans were actually long time vegetarians. They do this by comparing humans to our closest evolutionary relatives, like chimpanzees and gorillas, and arguing that these animals have a strict vegetable diet (which is not exactly true).

Of course, Native American tribes, living closest to how our prehistoric ancestors lived long ago, had meat heavy diets, but don’t expect the environmentalists to accept this reality. What they conveniently do not mention is that over 2 million years ago human ancestors broke from their vegetable diet and began eating meat. Not only this, but the diet changed our very physical makeup. We grew far stronger, and smarter.

Yes, that’s right, the rise of meat in the human diet tracks almost exactly with the rise of human intelligence and advances in tools and technology.

Vegetarian and vegan diets have been shown to lower overall IQ due to lack of nutrients required for brain health. This is because the human brain NEEDS fatty acids such as Omega 3 which is only found in saturated fats in meats. There is no substitute in the plant world. Saturated fats from animal protein have been shown to increase cognitive function as well as memory.

The brain uses almost 20% of the human body’s calorie intake in order to function, and much of this intake requires saturated fats and even cholesterol. Contrary to decades of misinformation, animal fats are good for you. Pro athletes also must often revert to a meat based diet in order to build up superior muscle structure, and another factor which is rarely mentioned is the increase in estrogen-like compounds in plant based foods (mainly soy), which can reduce testosterone.

And here we get to the crux of the issue. It is perhaps by mere coincidence, or perhaps just observation on the part of elitist dynasties, but meat consumption has always been connected with an unruly peasant class. This is because meat eating contributes directly to greater cognitive function, as well as better memory and muscle mass.

While much is discussed about how artificial meat like Beyond Meat has effectively copied the taste or appearance of a normal hamburger, very little is discussed about what it is lacking. Beyond meat has zero cholesterol and no amino acids or fatty acids like Omega 3 or vitamins like B12. It uses coconut oil to mimic saturated animal fats, which does not duplicate the animal fat value to the human brain or body. Essentially, a Beyond Meat burger is designed to copy the taste of a burger without any of the benefits.

My theory? That meat is a cognitive enhancer as well as a strength enhancer and the elites at the UN and other globalist organizations are seeking to remove it from our diet based on lies because such a change could contribute to a dumber and weaker population that would be easier to control.

Fake meat is also highly processed and uses a complicated method to mimic beef protein structures. It can only be created in a lab and mass produced in a factory. You will never be able to make your own Beyond Meat burger. Meaning, by banning or taxing meat into oblivion and replacing it with an industrial substitute, the establishment will have made society effectively dependent on them for a significant portion of their dietary needs. Not only do they hope to make us dumber and weaker, they also hope to make us desperately dependent.

Why Is The Elitist Establishment So Obsessed With Meat? – Investment Watch
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