Happy 20th anniversary for the C's!!!

latulipenoire said:
Glad to know that another book is available!!

I will try to buy the paperback edition anyway, but, just in case, will there be a Kindle edition?
I've got the kindle edition of the 1994 sessions so I'm sure it's in the works. I prefer to read a real book but the kindle is just so light!
lainey said:
latulipenoire said:
I will try to buy the paperback edition anyway, but, just in case, will there be a Kindle edition?
I've got the kindle edition of the 1994 sessions so I'm sure it's in the works. I prefer to read a real book but the kindle is just so light!

Yes, it is in the works and will be available soon! But maybe you can consider the paperback also; it's going to survive longer than electronic storage!
Another year passed and so goes another happy birthday out for the C's and of course Laura and the team :flowers:

And in case somebody missed it the news from some days back, the newest (third book) transcript print version is available here:

Red Pill Press (USA and Canada): http://www.redpillpress.com/shop/the-cassiopaea-experiment-transcripts-1996-volume-3/
Les Editions Pilule Rouge (Europe): http://en.pilulerouge.com/shop/cass1996
Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/Cassiopaea-Experiment-Transcripts-1996/dp/0692725733

The volume is also available on other Amazon sites: Amazon.de, Amazon.fr, etc.
Happy anniversary to the Cs and Laura and crew! You have helped so very, very many! Thank you! :flowers:
1984 said:
Nancy2feathers said:
Gaby said:
Nienna said:
Happy anniversary to the Cs and Laura and crew! You have helped so very, very many! Thank you! :flowers:

Happy anniversary! :wizard: :flowers: :cheer:

More Happy Anniversary wishes! Thank you Laura and Team for ALL you do! :perfect:
Hear, hear indeed!!!!!! :cheer:

Thank you very much Laura and Team for all the hard work you do and thank you C's for guiding us towards the light of a better future. :hug2:
Eärwen said:
Happy anniversary dear Laura and the team. Thank you for everything. :hug2: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Ditto. :D

And without a doubt, one of the strongest forums on the planet. Thanks to great Leader ship, Intelligent moderators, Dedicated ambassadors, and a thinking membership.
All graced by the Cassiopeans of 6Density STO. :perfect:
Happy Anniversary from me as well! Thank you so much, Laura, Cs & all others running this place and beyong, for continuing to provide a light through the darkness and for all your efforts making the world to a better place. You certainly did this for me and many others - and it continues.

For many more years to come! :flowers: :hug2: :love:
Eärwen said:
Happy anniversary dear Laura and the team. Thank you for everything. :hug2: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Happy anniversary and a big thank you Laura, Chateau Crew, Farmies and everyone. :flowers:

Edit: typo
Eärwen said:
Happy anniversary dear Laura and the team. Thank you for everything. :hug2: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Indeed, it is really amazing what y'all have offered to others, and it is rather humbling when one considers the depth and breadth of all the words, the studying and the help offered to people. :flowers: :bacon:
Happy anniversary to the C's and Laura and crew ! :flowers:


Thank you Laura and Team for ALL you do ! :rockon:
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