Whoa, thank you for this thread. I've learned so much about myself from reading the replies.
I too am a loner type and don't have many friends. The only friend I'd say is a co-worker who is aware some things are not right in the world. So the forum is basically my group of real friends. Most of my old friends were lost after high school and college. I can remember many friends and family going to Iraq, getting married, college, etc.
I also read that article linked about Americans not having many friends. I read the comments and didn't really feel anything at the first one or two. But then I started to really feel the same way because they were describing things I feel too! I had that feeling of loneliness and longing to share things with another. So I started to tear up while reading the comments. Then I listened to
VSQ's version of The Scientist, which I knew would let the rest out.
So I cried what was left and felt really relieved. I felt kind of empty and that I had been healed.
Music has always been something that can get me to release emotions. That's why I have tried out playing a few instruments. After listening to that song and reading those comments on the article, I looked up some drum circle events near me. I was thinking that that could be something to help me connect to people, with the instrument being something to break the ice.
But that was two days ago, and after finishing this thread I'm thinking differently. Especially the part about this road being a lonely one of the seeker. And I don't think you can base a friendship on one interest, when the person is asleep in every aspect.
So instead of joining some group to be part of some musical ensemble, I just remembered that I can be a part of this ensemble on the forum. We don't have to be in proximity of each other, we work through energy and efforts. And our instruments are the Work. Striving for STO, we are all united and friends, Fellows. Should the network become lost, and as we continue our lives surrounded by the unconscious and the matrix, we can still remember that there are others out there. And although we may not interact with them, we can act
as them. In this way we would still be together. In the case of not having access to the forum and network, this would be the only thing we could do to "interact"; continue to live what we've learned, so that maybe we may again find eachother.
Some things in particular that were helpful were the comments of Deedlet, so I thank you Deedlet for the insights.
Deedlet said:
We're all reactionary wetroof. You're not alone. In ways we're all lonely- especially truth seekers. The important thing is to learn as much about yoruself as possible ("know thyself") and to not give up on the work- even when it gets hard and lonely. Not giving up, is what warriors are made of.
This is what I was talking about earlier concerning the seekers path. I think knowing the self would solve all of these kind of problems.
Deedlet said:
Maybe the "identity" you lost was part of your faulse self?
This made me really think, because I've felt like I lost a part of myself when I lost friends from high school. But all we did was have common interests like TV, videogames, geeky stuff. So those things are A influences and a false part of myself that I no longer have. It really does feel like you're empty when you lose these false things.
Deedlet said:
Perhaps the reason you have lost so much "self confidence" is becuase you relied on others for it? Self confidence comes from within. That's what it means to know yourself. If you know yourself, you will have self confidence. Imo, you need to examin all of the above closely. The loss of your self confidence, seeing yourself as worthless and pathetic, comparing yourself to others. These are all things that stem from deep psychological wounding- most likely from some trauama in your youth.
I hardly have any self confidence these days too. Maybe I had some when I had friends, but I agree that it comes from within, something that you can grow. I looked at trauma in my youth too and remember in kindergarten I didn't want to be away from my mom, and so I cried when she had to leave me. I hadn't had much interaction with others, so was always afraid of new people; this kind of continues to this day. So maybe that first real separation from my mother is something I still fear, that loneliness. I think it also has to do with independence and relying on others versus taking matters in your own hand.
So, I had a lot of "Whoa.." moments reading this thread. Thank you again everyone. Maybe someone else will learn something from my long post ;).
Edit: spelling