I don't know if this has been mentioned before as part of the protocol, I remember Aleo Vero Juice as a beneficial aspect of human health. But more importantly, it has a high natural concentration of Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid).
It is a pharmaceutical drug used to reduce pain1,2 or inflammation.3 It is classified as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). My words Asprin has anticoagulant properties
Now makes me think, that if this jab, which has reported to cause microembolic clots, in capillary blood vessels, then this may be a beneficial juice to have, to consume on a daily basis, it's cheap, and if one looks up the benefits, it has a lot going for it. I take it on an occasional basis, when I feel a flare up of pain related to diverticulitis (related due to aging, and lack of paying attention to diet, such a drag). And works like a dream, it's great.
So in essence, it is a natural source of anticoagulant. So for those concerned, that have taken the jab, it could be beneficial to take on a daily basis. Just my thoughts
But the actual subject I can't yet answer/figure out precisely is regarding the difference between protecting oneself from the covid and protecting oneself against the vaccines (which means to me so far against spike protein and against graphene)
I take it that they are all biological agents that compromise our immune systems. The first agent, comprising of the spike protein apparently enters our bodies via virus transmission, or via these injections that are called vaccines or via shedding of others who were injected or potentially infected too. The second agent, graphene oxide apparently enters via these injections as well but could also be via covid test instruments, like swaps and via inhaling particles on disposable masks and maybe many other ways too.
So, seems to me that one successful method to protect ourselves against the impacts of this first agent is through ivermectin with zinc, vit D and C etc. And seems we can separately protect ourselves against the impacts of the second agent with glutathione. Perhaps both at the same time? It probably is the same whether or not injected with these alleged vaccines. At least that’s my best and very layman’s guess so far.
It lists hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, favipiravir, remdesivir, monoclonal antibodies (one of the treatment that Joe Rogan took to recover from covid in a few days) and other ones like different vitamins.
It's interesting to me that Egypt is pushing for this despite being blacked out in other media sources. A thought occurred to me that countries that are pushing for actual help in the masses have in the past have done some wicked things in the past. Egypt used to be a seat of power in the realm of STS and perhaps it is balance that makes it swing the other way after so long. Maybe other countries that have been huge STS machines may experience the same. The USA is a big one, and it's been hinted at a "triple bad day" in the future. After, it may be time to pick up the fragments shattered and rebuild anew in some capacity.
It lists hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, favipiravir, remdesivir, monoclonal antibodies (one of the treatment that Joe Rogan took to recover from covid in a few days) and other ones like different vitamins.
So I came to the conclusion recently that in order to keep my job I was going to submit to one jab and use medical exceptions down the road. I wanted to get the J&J as the lesser of the evils. However, the J&J is becoming harder and harder to come by here in Massachusetts USA. I was shocked that several pharmacies did not have it. One the pharmacies I contacted, I was assured that the J&J is still in production, but it "will be used for other purposes" than at retaiI pharmacies. I wanted to avoid Pfizer and Moderna at all costs. Tremendous pressure to get vaccinated in my workplace. I think at some point the exceptions will be harder to come by. I'm using mine for pregnancy (hopefully). At least now that I have one jab, the hounds have been called off.
But I wanted to share with you all how I felt and what I did. Basically, I relaxed my arm and went for it knowing I have the power to tame any seriously negative effects.
Went in having taken some veterinary ivermectin (I think the dose was probably around 9 mg, however, I really have no idea. I took enough for three 32 lb dogs), loaded up with liposomal vit C (probably around 5,000 mg or so), quercetin, NAC 600 mg, zinc, vit D, alpha lipoic acid and having fasted 14 hrs. I was aiming to take upwards of 25,000 mg of liposomal vit C. You can do this with liposomal vit C as it is absorbed by the body much more easily. I knew from the natural health place where I got IVs of Vit C that that amount was safe to take without further testing). I think the lesson that I learned from my experience was that it was critical for me to have a very large amount of liposomal vit C and to take it throughout the day and evening before bed.
-Immediately after the shot I felt nothing. I kept taking 2,400 mg of liposomal vit C every few hours with the aim to have 10 doses throughout the day.I also took an unknown and large amount of CBD. On the bottle, it says that 1 ml is the limit for the recommended amount. I would take a whole or half dropper full ever so often. Basically got a little high off of it at the end of the day. I would definitely say that it helped quite a bit. I ate lunch, had the energy to cook.
-started to get a sore throat around 4pm. Said F*** this and kept on with the vitamin C and the CBD. Really was not feeling sick but a bit run down. It was like I could feel something coming on without the sickness.
-by 9 or 10 pm something was seriously going on with my body but I found it more interesting than scary because I made a promise to myself to not freak out unless truly warranted. I probably was a little high at this point too but what happened was very interesting. I was lying down meditating and got images of DNA being produced. It looked crystal white with a rainbow sheen on it getting produced by my cells. There was a surge of energy through my body but not in a bad way. I thought: I am going to ride this wave. Using this energy that probably would have been a fever or heart palpitations I did some breathing and focused on using it in a positive way. I could imagine "my guides" around me and tuned into my chakras. I took more CBD as my heart and lungs started to feel tight. I totally see how this when the heart gets attacked. It worked to relax that feeling. I felt very energized and clear headed. I had some interesting revelations at least in my mind. For instance, the infinity sign is may be symbol of the bi-directionality of nature of matter and antimatter.
-could not sleep. Felt hot without having a fever. If you ever take this much vitamin C you too shall be hyper and sleepless. Finally fell asleep and could tell that there was some "foreign code" in my body but tried not to freak out.
-finally got to sleep at some point. Woke up feeling off but not sick but definitely very odd feeling. Went back to sleep. Woke up feeling better but there was sort of tightness to my legs especially. The injection site is hardly sore.
-kept pounding the liposomal vit C today. Don't know how much I had but less than yesterday.
So far it feels like getting COVID without any of the sickness. The energy of the mRNA being produced felt like an energy surge without getting horrible side effects. I just hope that I don't get any clots. I am feeling energized x 1000. Victory is mine (at least for now)
Following Ant's feedback, I bought 100gr of ivermectin and 250gr of HCQ from Serena. Total cost including shipping to Luxembourg (EU) was 330 USD. The products were marked as something different on the parcel and arrived 2 weeks after placing the order. The only thing I noticed was that the outer pouches had been opened which means that Customs must have checked to see what was inside, but I nonetheless received it on time. Serena is very responsive and will answer all your questions. I am considering getting some doxycycline from her as well.
I did a quick search for Xian Zelong Biotech Co Ltd before purchasing and I found this:
After paying 6060$, FedEx soon delivered a barrel containing 8 kg of white powder. But the inspection showed that the obtained product was not ergosterol. This was very easily established by comparing the NMR spectra of the real ergosterol, which was the object of our contract. It turned out to be more difficult to establish what it is. This was done in the specialized laboratory of the Belarusian State University. Using IR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis, it was shown that this product is amorphous cellulose. The latter is ideal for use as a fake product. The amorphous cellulose is low in cost and good in appearance.
Xi’an Zelong Biotech was represented by a person named Blake Wu. Attempts have also been made to contact sales manager Jacob Liu, but these have not been successful.
Of course, we have repeatedly made proposals to replace the product: “Why don’t you want to get your product back so you can do the analysis yourself and make sure it’s not ergosterol?”. The answer was something like this: “How do I know if I got my product? Maybe you changed my product. You returned me another product other than ergosterol, so you can ask me for a refund.”
SO, people must take this "mandatory" jab with resignation? ....theres nothing else.?..Well really we don't have right on our own body and life by it self.....is a misfortune to human kind...since the begining of all this pandemia .literally we are prisioners ..with no rights...and please don't Say that all is going to be ok...we are being manipulated by all kind of people Who channel other sources ,the knowledge ? In this situation ...doesn't serve You...and then what else ? We are living with monsters.....
I'm reading Mercola's book The Truth About COVID-19 and he basically says that for Corona treatment quercetin can be a full alternative to hydroxychloroquine since both have similar mechanism of action.
Keep in mind that while hydroxychloroquine is a useful tool, it must be used very early in the course of the illness, ideally immediately after exposure, because it works by slowing down viral replication. It’s also worth noting that in areas where hydroxychloroquine is hard to get a hold of, quercetin is likely a more effective and less expensive alternative, as its primary mechanism of action is identical to that of the drug, in addition to having many other anti-inflammatory benefits.
Both are zinc ionophores, meaning they shuttle zinc into the cell. As indicated by Zelenko, there’s compelling evidence to suggest the primary benefit of this protocol comes from the zinc, which effectively inhibits viral replication. The problem is that zinc does not readily enter cells, which is why a zinc ionophore is needed.
Should you have concerns about hydroxychloroquine, or simply don’t have access to it, quercetin is a viable, and perhaps even preferable, alternative. Like hydroxychloroquine, quercetin is a zinc ionophore, so it has the same mechanism of action as the drug—it improves zinc uptake by your cells.
So instead of taking hydroxychloroquine and zinc, you could take quercetin and zinc. These are also the core ingredients in the Swiss Protocol,59 developed by the Swiss Coverage Analysis group, a nonpartisan, nonprofit analysis group that investigates “geopolitical
propaganda in Swiss and worldwide media.” It bases its reporting on published research, case studies, and “precise doctor testimonies.” The complete protocol, recommended to be taken for five to seven days, also includes an anticoagulant, an antibiotic, and a mucolytic, plus hydroxychloroquine (although, again, quercetin has virtually identical actions and benefits).
It’s best to take quercetin and zinc in the evening, right before bedtime and several hours after your last meal. The reason for this is that both quercetin and fasting are senolytic, meaning they selectively kill senescent cells—old, damaged zombie cells that accumulate during aging and accelerate inflammation damage. During sleep, you’re effectively fasting for (hopefully) eight hours or so, which is why it’s best to take the quercetin before bed to maximize these anti-aging benefits
Thank you Altair for the tip on quercetin, will definitely start stocking on it since buying Ivermectin or hydroxichloroquine it's not an option for me here in Italy. In June I've ordered some Ivermectin from China through alibaba, it never arrived, it has been confiscated by the customs as I was expecting unfortunately.
So yeah I think having some quercetin on a rainy day is better than nothing.
Thank you for sharing your experience and for doing some digging @alkhemst.
The name of the company you found as being a possible scam (Xian Zelong) is different from the one listed in the link you were sent (Xi'an Tongze). Were you able to link the two?
As for the products I received, it's hard for me to assess whether they're the real deal or not. I received them both as white powder. The HCQ has a bitter taste while Ivermectin is more or less taste-less and the powder is finer compared to the former. Maybe others that have acquired these products from elsewhere can share their experience in case there is a marked difference in taste or other properties...?
Of course, to be 100% certain I would need to find a laboratory that would analyse the powder I received and compare it to ivermectin, though not sure how viable that is.
Thank you for sharing your experience and for doing some digging @alkhemst.
The name of the company you found as being a possible scam (Xian Zelong) is different from the one listed in the link you were sent (Xi'an Tongze). Were you able to link the two?
As for the products I received, it's hard for me to assess whether they're the real deal or not. I received them both as white powder. The HCQ has a bitter taste while Ivermectin is more or less taste-less and the powder is finer compared to the former. Maybe others that have acquired these products from elsewhere can share their experience in case there is a marked difference in taste or other properties...?
Of course, to be 100% certain I would need to find a laboratory that would analyse the powder I received and compare it to ivermectin, though not sure how viable that is.
It goes into detail about graphene oxide, connecting to the spike proteins in mRNA shots, potential activation with EMF exposure and ways to rid these from the body.
I find all the selling products on the website distracting, but content is interesting so that’s another reason I thought it helpful to post the text below.
How Graphene Oxide Works with 5G
Graphene oxide is activated by electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), specifically the frequencies that are part of the 5G spectrum.
All materials have what is known as an electronic absorption band. An absorption band is a range of wavelengths, frequencies or energies in the electromagnetic spectrum which are characteristic of a particular transition from initial to final state in a substance. This is a specific frequency above which a substance is excited and oxidizes very quickly.
Frequencies beamed at human beings that have a build up of graphene oxide in their body can cause the graphene oxide to multiply very rapidly, breaking the balance of glutathione and causing a cytokine storm in a matter of hours.
This is why EMF protection and graphene oxide removal are an essential way for you and your family to fight back.
Spike Proteins, Graphene Oxide, Covid Shots Explained
Covid Shots – contain mRNA which causes your body to become a spike protein production factory.
Graphene Oxide- used in the shots to surround the mRNA in a protective biosphere in order to get it into the cells. After it delivers this, the graphene oxide stays in the body and causes many diseases and sickness. It also multiplies when stimulated by EMF.
Spike Proteins- are being continuously generated in your body due to the shot, and they cause many problems and disease, including prion disease in the old and infertility in the young. They also cause “shedding” of the vaxxed to the non-vaxxed. New information is coming to light everyday about what these spike proteins are doing.
Graphene Oxide is the main ingredient in DARPA Hydrogels. It is used in the Covid vaccines to deliver the “payload” which is the mRNA into the cells. The reason why it is used for this is because the mRNA is very fragile and dies very easily. Graphene oxide is extremely strong and is used to create a biosphere of protection around the mRNA that allows it to be injected directly into your cells. It is the mRNA that causes your body to create spike proteins.
The spike proteins are creating many problems and disease, including prion disease in the old and permanent infertility in the young. They are also causing the “shedding” of the vaxxed to the non-vaxxed. This is what has been discovered so far, but new information is coming to light every day.
The graphene oxide which has been found in the vaccines, the masks, the PCR tests, the water supply and the chemtrails is also causing many problems and disease and the symptoms of graphene oxide poisoning are similar to the symptoms of Covid, and also radiation sickness caused by EMF and 5G.
Keep in mind that this is all big experiment that is clouded in secrecy and in direct violation of the Nuremburg code that prohibits experiments on humans without their informed consent. It also violates countless laws at the local level. The main stream media controls the narrative and puts out false “science” reports that are paid for by big pharma. Any real research done by very highly skilled doctors in this field is censored and “debunked” by big tech and “fact checking” websites that have been shown to own stock in the vaccines.
So which is it? Graphene Oxide Poisoning? Spike Proteins? Covid?
Because of the tremendous fraud and corruption that is running rampant during this “scamdemic” There are a lot of “false positives” and misdiagnosis. This chaos has been done on purpose, to keep the public confused in order to keep everyone in fear and under control.
Its possible the PCR tests and masks deposited enough graphene to induce graphene oxide poisoning symptoms which were then diagnosed as “Covid”. Its possible it’s the graphene oxide in the shots that are causing the symptoms which are then diagnosed as “Covid”.
Health Concerns of Graphene Oxide
Graphene is poisonous to humans. Toxicity of Graphene Family Nanoparticles a general review of origins and mechanisms. Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles: a general review of the origins and mechanisms
Graphene oxide has a direct effect on human neurons. They can be controlled from the outside with a magnetic field apparatus.
Graphene technology using external fields to self-actuate in the body, makes it prone to over-stimulate, inflame the body due to background EMF radiation (4G LTE and 5G cell towers and IoT gadgets).
“This is a mass, uniformed, without consent global experiment. They have never been able to get this into humans on an experimental basis. No human subject review board would ever approve of protocols with this stuff in it.”
-Dr. Jane Ruby
Some of the symptoms of Graphene Oxide
GO creates thromboses.
GO causes blood clots.
GO disrupts the immune system.
GO can trigger a cytokine storm.
GO toxicity can instigate pneumonia.
GO creates a metallic taste in the mouth.
GO causes inflammation of the mucous membranes.
GO produces a loss in the sense of taste and smell.
GO is magnetic (especially at the injection site.)
GO blocks detoxification in the body by blocking glutathione.
GO may be activated by 5G frequencies.
GO passes thru the blood-brain barrier.
Graphene oxide inside the body causes thrombogenicity, thrombi. Graphene oxide inside the body causes blood clotting. Graphene oxide inside the body causes post inflammatory syndrome or systemic or multi-organ inflammations. Graphene oxide inside the body when it is above the levels of glutathione —which is the body’s natural reserve of antioxidants—, causes alteration of the immune system, collapse of the immune system and cytokine storm. Inhaled graphene oxide spreads evenly throughout the alveolar tract and causes bilateral pneumonias. Inhaled graphene oxide causes inflammation of the mucous membranes and thus loss of taste and smell, possible loss of taste and smell: anosmia.
In short, graphene oxide behaves exactly like the supposed SARS-CoV-2 of the official version, generating the same symptomatology of severe COVID-19. When installed at the neuronal level, it causes neurodegeneration or, in other words, neurological COVID-19.
Covid symptoms / Radiation poisoning symptoms / graphene oxide poisoning symptoms
The symptoms sure match radiation sickness, and the protective gear to fight it seems to match that of those in Japan during their nuclear disaster? Dr.’s Fauci and Birx sure aren’t dre…
Graphene Oxide Causes Loss of Taste, Smell
Inhaled graphene oxide causes inflammation of the mucous membranes and thus loss of taste and smell, possible loss of taste and smell: anosmia.
In this video, Ricardo Delgado, founder and director of La Quinta Columna, reveals that he and his research partner, Dr. José Luis Sevillano, discovered graphene oxide in the vial after submitting a sealed vial of the Pfizer “vaccine” to a lab for analysis. Graphene Oxide is also found in the...
Blood Clots
Thrombogenicity- Blood clots
Thrombosis in COVID-19 – PubMed Thrombosis in COVID-19 Thrombotic complications are frequent in COVID-19 and contribute significantly to mortality and morbidity.
Radiation pneumonitis is a fairly common complication of radiation treatment to the chest, usually for lung cancer or breast cancer. We’ll go over the signs and symptoms to watch for and give you a timeline of what to expect during recovery. We’ll also give you tips to help manage your symptoms...
Thrombus inducing property of atomically thin graphene
Graphene oxide (GO), the new two-dimensional carbon nanomaterial, is extensively investigated for potential biomedical applications. Thus, it is pertinent to critically evaluate its untoward effects on physiology of tissue systems including blood platelets, the cells responsible for maintenance...
There is increased evidence from animal studies that radiation induces thrombosis and that the thrombosis rate is related to the dose.
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2) is the pathogen that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). As of 25 May 2020, the outbreak of COVID-19 has caused 347,192 deaths around the world. The current evidence showed that ...
Frontiers | Radiotherapy and Cytokine Storm
Cytokine release syndrome (CRS) has been reported after immunologic manipulations, most often through therapeutic monoclonal antibodies.
Radiotherapy (RT) shows advantages as one of the most important precise therapy strategies for cancer treatment, especially high-dose hypofractionated RT whi...
Graphene Oxide is directly cytotoxic to immune cells (in vitro), causes blood clots, and alters the natural immune system by depleting glutathione reserves – resulting in a cytokine storm.
A team of researchers and professors have confirmed the presence of "enormous doses" of graphene oxide (GO) nanoparticles in covid masks, PCR and antigen tests, and all so-called vaccines. Graphene Oxide is directly cytotoxic to immune cells (in vitro), causes blood clots, and alters the natural...
Effects of inhalation of graphene on alveolar epithelial cells
Graphene is a fascinating nanomaterial that has garnered significant scientific interest because of its unique properties such as superior thermal and electrical conductivity, high mechanical strength and unique optical properties.
Radiation Pneumonitis
Radiation pneumonitis is a type of lung injury. While pneumonia is caused by bacteria or viruses, pneumonitis is caused by an irritant, similar to an allergy.
Radiation pneumonitis is a fairly common complication of radiation treatment to the chest, usually for lung cancer or breast cancer. We’ll go over the signs and symptoms to watch for and give you a timeline of what to expect during recovery. We’ll also give you tips to help manage your symptoms...
COVID-19 pneumonia is a serious illness that can be deadly.
Pneumonia is a serious complication of the new coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. This lung illness may cause severe breathing problems that put you in the hospital. Learn the warning signs, who’s at risk, and steps you can take to prevent infection.
Neurodegeneration-Neurological Disorders
Neurodegeneration is the progressive loss of structure or function of neurons, which may ultimately involve cell death.Many neurodegenerative diseases—such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and prion diseases—occur as a result of neurodegenerative processes.
Shocking Case of Neurological COVID caused by Graphene…
What we do know, with scientific evidence, is that graphene oxide is excited in neurons. Which is precisely the point they’re looking for easily crossing the blood-brain barrier. When inhaled, it moves through the olfactory nerves, settles in the neurons, and causes neurodegeneration. ORWELL CITY: Shocking case of neurological COVID caused by graphene in vaccine leaves man in vegetative state
Role of Ionizing Radiation in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Radiation can increase many circulatory, age related and neurodegenerative diseases.
Ionizing radiation (IR) from terrestrial sources is continually an unprotected peril to human beings. However, the medical radiation and global radiation background are main contributors to human exposure and causes of radiation sickness. At high-dose exposures acute radiation sickness occurs...
COVID-19 and neurological disorders:
Neurological disorders and coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic are two conditions with a recent well-documented association. Intriguing evidences showed that COVID-19 infection can modify clinical spectrum of manifested neurological disorders but also it plays a crucial role in the development of future diseases as long-tem consequences.
Neurological disorders and coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic are two conditions with a recent well-documented association. Intriguing evidences showed that COVID-19 infection can modify clinical spectrum of manifested neurological disorders but also it plays a crucial role in the development...
FDA Wants to Ban Another Natural Supplement with Success in Treating Symptoms of COVID-19
Why the FDA is Attacking NAC Supplements
N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) has been on the market as a supplement for decades—why is the FDA attacking it now? It seems obvious that the FDA is clearing the market of affordable NAC supplements in an effort to eliminate competition for NAC drugs that could be coming to market in the next few...
Magnetism From the Shots Explained
Magnetism after the shots usually begins at the injection site, but then it moves through the body, usually towards the head.
Magnetism can be caused by a number of things:
(none of which should be legal as it is experimenting on humans)
-Graphene Oxide in the shots – becomes magnet with contact of hydrogen in the body
-Manipulative magnetic nanoparticles in the shots (link to study in blog)
-SPIONS – Superparamegnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in the shots
(link to study in blog)
-EMFs stimulating inside of the body whatever is in the shot
Brittany Galvin
Magnetism and Vaccine Injury
from the Moderna Shot
Heath Economist, Dr Jane Ruby, with more than 20 years in pharmaceutical research joins Stew Peters to explain why we’re seeing these magnetic effects associated with the COVID injections. She explains that manipulative magnetic nanoparticles were deliberately added to the shots, because “It is a more aggressive delivery mechanism to get it [the mRNA that creates the spike proteins] into every cell in your body. It’s a process called ‘magneto-fection’…they are using magnetic fields through different chemicals to actually concentrate the mRNA into peoples’ cells. This is in alignment with everything we’ve been reporting for weeks, now. We just know what and how is behind these magnetic phenomena, where people are having these items are sticking to them.
“So, what it is is a lipid nano-particle and it’s a super delivery system and there are places in your body that synthetic DNA and RNA should not be going and yet, this approach forces the material – the mRNA encoding – to force your cells to make, over and over again, these dangerous spike proteins all over your body. It’s actually a forced gene delivery system.”
She says we’re going to hear more and more about SPIONs, which stands for Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles, “Where they’re putting this magnetic field technology in and around the lipid-nanoparticle envelope…to get this mRNA into your cells.
“Why do they need to do that? Because the mRNA is so delicate, so easily-degraded – it’s another reason why it has to be stored, you know, the Pfizer shot material needs to be stored at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit below zero.”
There are hundreds of components called “polymags” that are available in 200-mcg vials that can be used to put magnetic fields around your molecules. Dr Ruby cites a German company called Chemicell which sells these with the following disclaimer, “‘The magno-fection reagents and all of its components are developed, designed, intended, sold for research use only.’ And here’s the frightening part, Stew, ‘They are not to be used for human diagnostic or any drug intended for humans.’”
Dr Ruby believes Pfizer and Moderna are using these substances illegally, which is a crime against humanity and that the mechanism of these magnetized nanoparticles and reagents is what explains what we see in the chronology of Brittany Galvin’s videos, where, at first, we see magnetic objects sticking to her injection site and later, the objects are seen sticking to her forehead and cheeks.
Engineering a Genetically Encoded Magnetic Protein Crystal
Manipulative magnetic nanomedicine: the future of COVID-19 pandemic/endemic therapy
Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticle
Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) are a type of MNP that show magnetic properties in the presence of an external magnetic field.
Magnetized people after The Vaccine: Measuring with electromagnetic field detection devices They are injecting graphene oxide as an adjuvant in vaccines This video belongs to Ricardo Delgado from La Q
This video by Ricardo Delgado from La Quinta Columna in Spain shows and alarming result of magnetism and EMF on a person who had 2 Pfizer shots. First is shown that 5 neodymium magnets are sticking to the forehead. Then he takes a multimeter to measure the difference in voltage coming from the subjects head. The voltage fluctuates and goes up to 180mV, and sometimes it goes negative. This is NOT a good sign. It shows that something outside of the body is inducing these voltage fluctuations. This is being done by eternal radio frequencies or EMF’s that generate varying electromagnetic fields. This is why sometimes there is repulsion and sometimes extraction of magnets.
Next he used a electromagnetic radiation detector pencil that had a very fine range. When put close to a router or active cell phone it starts to beep showing it is detecting EMF coming from the device. He then puts it up to his own head, to show that he himself is not emitting EMF. Then he places it directly on the head of the twice jabbed Pfizer subject and it starts going off in specific areas of the head, showing that the Pfizer Jabs make you EMIT EMF!
This is precisely what we covered in our last presentation in regards to “shedding” one theory being that the shots were turning humans body into EMF emitters and that’s how they were transmitting illness to non vaxxed people.
Treatments to get rid of magnetism
Drug name: Suramin, but the natural name is Shikimic Acid or Shikimate. You can make your own tea with Star Anise / Pine Needles / Fennel. Link to recipe and explanation:
Correlation between 5G and the Variants
Ricardo Delgado has put forth a theory that they are switching on 5G in certain areas to create the “variants” that are being used to cause sickness and shut down society.
Here is some Interesting research that could support this theory. If you do various searches to find out when 5G was turned on in certain areas, you get an interesting time line.
For example NYC was first to turn on 5G
Wuhan pilot city
Cruise ships 5G
Lombardy Italy pilot city
More recently, the UK switched on 5G in 9 coastal towns in order to get ready for the summer holiday makers. This was on June 4. One week later the “Delta variant” hit the UK and shut down travel.
EE upgrades mobile network ahead of expected bumper staycation summer to help customers stay connected 4G network upgraded in UK’s busiest coastal locations – with more to follow this summer – alongside rollout of 5G in several coastal towns and cities RNLI says mobile connectivity can help...
5G experimental network turned on in France End of June.
- Orange to launch Europe’s first 5G Stand Alone (SA) fully end-to-end cloud network - from devices to IS in a cloud-native mode - Key partners involved in delivering network announced
Shortly after the Delta wave peaks in France
To do this kind of research for yourself you can follow the latest articles on where they are turning on 5G at the following site: https://www.lifewire.com/5g-news-4428066 And then look for where the main stream news narrative posted stories about “variants”, “outbreaks” and “waves”.
Studies Prove Connection Between 5G and COVID-19 Symptoms
What is the effect of 5G on humans? Dr. Magda Havas, Ph.D, sought to answer that question. Dr. Havas “compared the average number of cases, deaths, and tests for covid-19 per million population in states with and without 5G.”
Link to Dr. Magda Havas Study:
Dr. Havas found that the standardized testing for states with and without 5G was similar. But he discovered a real difference in COVID-19 cases per million population for those states that deployed 5G. Dr. Havas found that “Covid-19 cases per million are 95% higher and covid-19 deaths per million are 126% higher in states with 5G.”
Covid-19 cases, deaths and tests standardized for population density (data courtesy of A. Tsiang).
A Spanish study proved that countries with 5G had 220% more COVID-19 infections than countries that had not deployed 5G.
Link to study translated into English
Covid Deaths linked to 5G Exposure
Stranger than Fiction did a video that showed a comparison of 5G network maps in several different countries with the Covid outbreak cases. It was found that the majority of Covid was found in places with 5G and hardly any cases were found in places where there was no 5G.
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How to Remove Graphene Oxide From the Body
Graphene oxide, a substance that is poisonous to humans has been found in the Covid 19 “vaccines”, in the water supply, in the air we breath through chemtrails, and is even in our food supply. Graphene oxide interacts and is activated by electromagnetic frequency’s (EMF), specifically the broader range of frequencies found in 5G which can cause even more damage to our health.
The symptoms of graphene oxide poisoning and EMF radiation sickness are similar to those symptoms described as Covid. The good news is, now that graphene oxide has been identified as a contaminant, there are ways to remove graphene oxide from our bodies and restore your health.
This is a holistic approach of using several different methods simultaneously for the best effect. Including, specific supplements to degrade the graphene oxide in the body, and controlling EMF’s in the environment to minimize graphene oxide activation.
This information comes from several sources and is based on scientific studies. Links are reference below.
Glutathione is a substance made from the amino acids glycine, cysteine, and glutamic acid. It is produced naturally by the liver and involved in many processes in the body, including tissue building and repair, making chemicals and proteins needed in the body, and for the immune system. We have a natural glutathione reserve in our bodies. This is what gives us a strong immune system.
When glutathione levels are high in the body we have no problems and our immune system functions well. But when the amount of graphene oxide in the body exceeds the amount of glutathione, it causes the collapse of the immune system and triggers a cytokine storm. The way that graphene oxide can rapidly grow to exceed glutathione in the body is by electronic excitation. Meaning, EMF’s that bombard the graphene to oxidize it, which rapidly triggers the disease.
At the age of 65 glutathione levels fall drastically in the body. This can explain why the population most affected by Covid-19 are the elderly. Glutathione levels are also very low in people with pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, obesity, etc. Likewise, glutathione levels are very high in infants, children and athletes. This can explain why Covid-19 has not affected these people.
Graphene oxide when oxidized or activated by specific EMF frequencies overruns the body’s ability to create enough glutathione, which destroys the immune system and causes the illness. In events of illness (such as Covid symptoms and all the “variants”) it is necessary to raise glutathione levels in the body in order to cope with the toxin (graphene oxide) that has been introduced or electrically activated.
“We have seen clinical trials with hundreds of patients who were in the ICU, on a respirator and intubated, practically on the verge of death. With bilateral pneumonias caused by the spread of graphene oxide and subsequent 5G radiation in the lung plaques. Well, this diffuse stain in these patients is symmetrical, which would not happen with a biological agent since it would be rather asymmetrical, as for example when there is a pneumococcal infection, right? Well, in that case a diffuse stain usually appears in one part of the lung, but not in another, not in both symmetrically. So when treated with glutathione via direct intravenous —or even orally as well— or with N-acetylcysteine (NAC) 600 mg or higher doses, people within hours began to recover their oxygen saturation” -Dr. Ricardo Delgado https://www.orwell.city/2021/07/NAC-glutathione.html
N-acetylcysteine or “NAC” is a supplement that causes the body to produce glutathione, it is known as the precursor to glutathione and causes the body to secrete glutathione endogenously, just as it does when you do sports intensely. N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) comes from the amino acid L-cysteine and is used by the body to build antioxidants. Antioxidants are vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that protect and repair cells from damage. You can get NAC as a supplement or a prescription drug.
Zinc in combination with NAC are essential antioxidants used to degrade graphene oxide. Dr. Ricardo Delgado states that with these two antioxidants he has personally helped people affected by magnetism after inoculation. This is in people with two doses of Pfizer who have become magnetic and after these supplements they no longer have this symptom.
Other supplements that can be taken to assist in the removal of graphene oxide are:
Milk Thistle
Vitamin C
Vitamin D3
For more information on these supplements for graphene oxide removal please see this link:
Astaxanthin: A natural carotene antioxidant that protects cell membranes from free radical damage. Cellular integrity is necessary for the host (you) to fight
Graphene oxide is activated by electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), specifically the frequencies that are part of the 5G spectrum. All materials have what is known as an electronic absorption band. An absorption band is a range of wavelengths, frequencies or energies in the electromagnetic spectrum which are characteristic of a particular transition from initial to final state in a substance. This is a specific frequency above which a substance is excited and oxidizes very quickly. Frequencies beamed at human beings that have a build up of graphene oxide in their body can cause the graphene oxide to multiply very rapidly, breaking the balance of glutathione and causing a cytokine storm in a matter of hours.
Graphene Oxide is the main ingredient in DARPA patented hydrogels. It is these hydrogels that are in the Covid Jabs, the PCR test swabs and the masks. A conductive hydrogel is a polymer like material that has substantial qualities and applications. They are developing different kinds of conductive hydrogels that are being used in many things, in our food, our water, and injected into our bodies in vaccines. Conductive hydrogels contain nanotech that locks on to your DNA and can be controlled by 5G sensors. They allow for DNA collection and manipulation. Conductive hydrogels allow for tracking and tracing of human beings. There are THOUSANDS of peer reviewed scientific studies and articles discussing conductive hydrogels. We’ve put together a short list of some relative studies as backup documentation.
Summary of Hydrogel & Quantum Dot Nanotechnology Characteristics-Click to Download
It is from these studies that we can summarize some of the characteristics of conductive hydrogels.
Characteristics of conductive hydrogels: self recoverability, electrical conductivity, transparency, freezing resistance, stretching, self healing, stimuli responsiveness which means IT DOES CERTAIN THINGS WHEN 5G HITS IT (or other frequencies for that matter).
We are surrounded in EMF radiation from cellphones, TV’s and Wi-Fi. Many areas are also turning on 5G and there have been investigations done showing the correlation between the 5G networks and the Covid outbreaks in an area. To best protect yourself from graphene oxide poisoning and the activation of graphene oxide in your body it is necessary to do several things to limit your EMF exposure.
Some suggestions on how to do this include: do not live in a city with a lot of towers if you can help it, turn off your Wi-Fi at night and stay away from smart meters and other smart devices if at all possible. Another option is to use EMF protection products such as orgone energy devices to help transform the EMF radiation to mitigate the harmful effects.
Since graphene oxide is activated by EMF, you want to create a protective barrier in your immediate environment that mitigates the EMF so that it does not activate the graphene oxide. In the 1930’s a discovery was made that can be applied today to help with EMF protection. During a series of experiments, the late Dr. Wilhelm Reich discovered that living samples placed within containers made from alternating layers of steel and non-conductive organic material were able to harness healthy ‘cosmic energy’ from the environment. He called this energy ‘orgone’. These orgone accumulators and had the ability to:preserve blood samples for longer periods of time, sprout healthier plant seedlings and provide pain relief for his patients who sat inside them.
Today, instead of using sheets of steel and plastic we use a composite made from a blend of; iron oxide, steel, brass, shungite and crystal powders encased in epoxy resin. The end result is a harmonizer that is able to transform the harmful wireless fields from; cell towers, smart meters, smartphones, internet router and your television, into more beneficial energy for you and your plants and pets. The effects of this scientific phenomenon were replicated and well documented in studies done by the University of Pennsylvania and the Heraclitus Microscopic research laboratory.
The most striking study in light of recent discoveries of graphene oxide can be found in the “Reich Blood Test” performed by the Heraclitus Microscopic Research Laboratory. In this test, they show the effectiveness that orgone energy has on the blood. They took two blood samples and put one in a control box and the other in an orgone energy box. Over time they took microscopic photos of the blood samples and witnessed that the orgone energy sample was able to maintain its life force for a longer period of time. (its was like the fountain of youth for blood)
When a red blood cell has defects and starts to die, they can develop something called Acanthocyte formation, where multiple spiky like projections of varying lengths protrude from the cell. The pictures below show what it looks like when a blood cell dies.
Decaying blood cells forming into what Willhelm Reich called “bions” from the Reich Blood Test work done by Hericlitus Labs.
These slides above are showing the bionic disintegration of living and non-living matter. The healthier cell has a more solid membrane with a blue light around it. This blue light is actually the lifeforce or “Aura” of the cell. It is what Reich called “orgone” energy. As the cell dies and disintegrates, the membrane wall forms spikey protrusions coming out of it.
The graphene oxide based nanoparticles used in the covid shots is designed to penetrate the membrane of the cells in order to get the mRNA into them. This constant penetration of the cell membrane wall could be what is causing these membrane deformities. According to a laboratory guide to clinical hematology at the Open Education of Alberta:
“Acanthocyte formation occurs as a result of either hereditary or acquired membrane defects. Defects that cause an imbalance between the membrane cholesterol and lipid content affect the RBC’s ability to deform resulting in more rigid plasma membrane”
February 5th, 2021 - Updated October 1st, 2021 & March 12th, 2022! July 7th, 2023[88]Author: Robert O Young CPC, MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitionerwww.drrobertyoung.com 16th RevisionPhase Contrast, Dark Field, Bright Field Microscopy, Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy and...
His conclusion is that what we are seeing in these blood cells is from the effect of EMF radiation poisoning, graphene oxide poisoning. He calls the formation of the blood cell membranes “The corona effect” and the “Spike protein effect”.
This looks identical to the behavior of the dying blood cells in the Reich Blood Test experiment. What we are seeing here are cells that have been poisoned and are dying. We also see the formation of the spike protein in the last slide.
A striking discovery is found in the Reich Blood Test that shows how the orgone energy devices slows down, and stops this decay of blood cells. This is showing, at a cellular level, how the orgone energy devices protect the human body from harmful EMF.
The slide below shows the results of the Reich blood test. The sample on the left is the one that was inside the orgone accumulator box. The rate of cell death and decay is 5%. The sample on the right is the one that was not in the orgone accumulator box. The rate of decay is 50 %. Clearly, the orgone energy is doing something to help preserve the life force and health of the blood.
We make these devices for EMF protection in a variety of shapes and products. These are intended to be placed around your environment. They work passively emitting an orgone energy field that interacts with any EMF radiation that may be around you. This field changes the harmful EMF energy and transforms it into healthy beneficial energy. The effects of this energy field can be measured in plant growth, seedling germination, blood test results, and pain alleviation. You can check out our products and find more informational videos at our website www.FTWproject.com
I received the (french) attached PDF as a summary of treatment against the spike protein & the graphene.
What puzzles me is that it almost respond to a former question I was wondering and asked here +/- 1 week before.
I quickly translated it and did a quick reformatting, I noticed some errors from deepl (sometimes a group of 2 words are writtent 2 times in a row, it may still contains some errors, i'm a bit tired and going to bed after this ... )
When I read (in the PDF) about Dr Mikovits speaking about suramin being a good candidate against the vaccine, I quickly searched at least on this specific thread but found nothing, that was suspicous. I then searched on duckduckgo on "Mikotivs suramin" and found this short one on bitchute :
I didn't know about this recommandation from her, at least it gives more credits to it.
Maybe someone who knows well the subject can have a look at it and comment ?
Note : the NAC is not listed vs the graphene, and probably other things, but from what I learnt so far it seems to be finally a good summary, or a good start.
Thank you for sharing your experience and for doing some digging @alkhemst.
The name of the company you found as being a possible scam (Xian Zelong) is different from the one listed in the link you were sent (Xi'an Tongze). Were you able to link the two?
As for the products I received, it's hard for me to assess whether they're the real deal or not. I received them both as white powder. The HCQ has a bitter taste while Ivermectin is more or less taste-less and the powder is finer compared to the former. Maybe others that have acquired these products from elsewhere can share their experience in case there is a marked difference in taste or other properties...?
Of course, to be 100% certain I would need to find a laboratory that would analyse the powder I received and compare it to ivermectin, though not sure how viable that is.
Yeah you’re right. The Zelong one came up as a top search result when I looked for “Tongze”. So I took it to mean it was the same but it’s probably not. I searched around some more and found that the Tongze organisation has been used by researchers such as below. So that’s a good sign.
2.1. Materials and reagents
PSO (98%) was purchased from Tongze Biotech Co., Ltd. (Xi’an, Shanxi, China)…
Pumpkin seed oil (PSO), which is a valuable compound with high nutritional value used for the prevention of various chronic diseases, is prone to oxid…
Ph (purity > 98%) was purchased from Xi'an Tongze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (Xi'an, China).
I reckon you both getting the same taste with HCQ, it’s another good sign. Likely it’s a good source. Also found other contact details that could be helpful.
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