Health Protocol for Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccination

Now Artemisia's effectiveness has been confirmed in the lab.

I wonder whether anyone is considering taking 'artesiminin' instead of HCQ or ivermectin?
I'm prepared to take the product at least as a prevention together with star anise extract capsules.
I talked to my cleaner yesterday and he was forced to get the jab two days ago because of work. He certainly didn't want to and was even contemplating leaving his job with the city to avoid getting it, but at the end of the day, they were threatening to let him go if he didn't and after talking with his lawyer about it, decided that spending a majority of his savings to fight and win a wrongful dismissal suit and get 2 years severance in return just wasn't worth it. I gave him Gaby's protocol along with the information about the anabolic/catabolic state difference when it comes to the mRNA absorption into the cells, and he's been keto for the last two weeks.

He said he was taking some of the supplements on the protocol but don't think it's enough. 2000mg of Vit C/day, 5000iu of Vit D, reishi mushrooms, zinc/copper. He also said he was okay and had no major issues after getting jabbed other than his arm hurting and wishing he could get a shotgun and go after a few of the people responsible for this insanity, but other than that seemed fine.

Although his wife said he isn't doing as well as he's letting on. He's been looking pale and suffering from persistent headaches ever since. It might be some of the issues related to the blood-clotting or a cytokine storm from the polyethylene glycol and he isn't doing enough of the protocol to combat it effectively. That's only a guess.

I've prepared a batch of NAC (600mg x 2/day) and glycine (5g/day) to upregulate glutathione along with 30mg capsules of ivermectin in the hopes it'll help reduce whatever is happening with him. I know 30mg might seem high but he's also a big guy, about 230lbs (or 105kg) and I've taken 21mg without issue and he's at least 80lbs (36kg) heavier than I am. Also, one of my roommates was taking 20mg for multiple days after a persistent virus that wouldn't go away and recovered really fast despite doing all Vit C, Elderberry, Zinc, D, etc beforehand. He's going to up his Vitamin C to 2000mg every two hours until bowel tolerance. So hopefully it helps!

Any other suggestions or issues with the protocol, please let me know. I just want the guy to get better. Him and his wife are 'awake' to what's going on and his kids need him. I'd hate to not do all I can for him to make sure he doesn't have any complications or something worse happening.
Any other suggestions or issues with the protocol, please let me know. I just want the guy to get better. Him and his wife are 'awake' to what's going on and his kids need him. I'd hate to not do all I can for him to make sure he doesn't have any complications or something worse happening.
One suggestion would be to add Quercetin to facilitate Zinc getting into the cells, as explained by Dr. Zelenko.
Bravo and well done and a big high five! For starting it all straight in the face with your head held high - and also for the amazing, life-affirming Aim you have of becoming a mother, despite the times to come. Now that is some Faith right there!
Thanks so much @iamthatis. Still doing well 1 week after the jab. Some delayed minor arm pain, so weird.

Any other suggestions or issues with the protocol, please let me know. I just want the guy to get better. Him and his wife are 'awake' to what's going on and his kids need him. I'd hate to not do all I can for him to make sure he doesn't have any complications or something worse happening.
I would suggest liposomal Vit C if he can get it. The MD at the functional medicine clinic said that anything over 25,000mg you have to test for some reaction??? I'm not sure. If he can get an IV of vit C it might be helpful. I comfortably took 2,400 mg every couple of hours but that's me. Also ingested CBD seemed to help too. I took enough throughout the day to get high so I ingested A LOT.
Does cannabis help or hurt the immune system?
Just have to say that this vaccine has a flair for weirdness. Not that it will surprise anyone here. After a few intense days of not feeling sick with the protocols (with mega doses of liposomal vit C and CBD) but going on the wild ride that the injection took me on, yesterday my arm felt a little sore and my heart seemed to hurt a bit. This was 9 days after J&J. Not bad, but just wondering what in heck it was doing to me. Perhaps my hyper-antioxidant state was fading.
Wow that’s some crazy medical “Macgyvering”. ;-) I am very glad nothing serious happened to you.

Just curious did you network about it before your experiment? If not, why not? As there are several MDs on the forum I am sure you would receive some objective feedback.
Nope, I didn't network about it. I conducted the “Macgyvering” on the spur of the moment. I'm sure I would have been discouraged from conducting reckless experiments like this if I had networked about it, and I certainly learned the importance of following dosage and application instructions the hard way. The skin on the eyelids is very thin and my skin is sensitive in general so I can't say I'm particularly proud of that mishap.
I wonder whether anyone is considering taking 'artesiminin' instead of HCQ or ivermectin?
I'm prepared to take the product at least as a prevention together with star anise extract capsules.
Just thought I would add this: Some plant sources are neurotoxic. The two bushes or plants called white wormwood and artemisia absinthium contain Thujone which is neurotoxic and can cause irreversible nerve damage. (These two sources are not considered to be sweet wormwood) On the other hand, Sweet Wormwood which is Sweet Annie or artemisia annua seems to be a much safer source.
Hi all would like to ask you an advice or your opinion please. A few days ago i've started to take quercetin 400 mg, 5 minutes later 25 mg of zinc piccolinate and 5 mintues later 3-5 gr of Vitamin C. The sensation afterwards: just phenomenal, felt more focused, concentrated, energized.

The side effect I've noticed was a soar throat, the conclusion i came to is that maybe the quercetin dose is too high? Will lower the dose today but still I was wondering if someone knows if taking daily high doses of quercetin, low dose of zinc + high doses of vitamin c may be dangerous?
Hi all would like to ask you an advice or your opinion please. A few days ago i've started to take quercetin 400 mg, 5 minutes later 25 mg of zinc piccolinate and 5 mintues later 3-5 gr of Vitamin C. The sensation afterwards: just phenomenal, felt more focused, concentrated, energized.
I would try to reduce Vitamin C intake to 2 gr at a time and rather take it more often but in lower doses.

I second that. I can tolerate much more vitamin C per day and I reach bowel tolerance much later if I take lower but more frequent doses. And if the aim is to take as much as possible this approach is more effective.

The side effect I've noticed was a soar throat, the conclusion i came to is that maybe the quercetin dose is too high? Will lower the dose today but still I was wondering if someone knows if taking daily high doses of quercetin, low dose of zinc + high doses of vitamin c may be dangerous?

I've never taken 3-5 gram of vitamin C in one go but it's a very acidic substance, I wonder if it could be irritating to the throat?
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I second that. I can tolerate much more vitamin C per day and I reach bowel tolerance much later if I take lower but more frequent doses. And if the aim is to take as much as possible this approach is more effective.

I've never taken 3-5 gram of vitamin C in one go but it's a very acidic substance, I wonder if it could be irritating to the throat?

I do it sometimes, when needed, and never had any irritation to the throat.

@Andrian, I take Quercetin 500 mg with zinc 30 mg as well as Magnesium Malate and Melatonine 2 g on evening before going to sleep.
So, as I take Magnesium at the same time and that I'm going to sleep, I don't take Vitamine C around that time.

And I don't think that Quercetin 400 mg is a high dose, as shown in this study published in NCBI, where it is said that Quercetin exhibited safety (up to 5g daily):


The hepatitis C virus (HCV) infects more than 180 million people worldwide, with long-term consequences including liver failure and hepatocellular carcinoma. Quercetin bioflavonoids can decrease HCV production in tissue culture, in part through inhibition of heat shock proteins. If quercetin demonstrates safety and antiviral activity in patients, then it could be developed into an inexpensive HCV treatment for third world countries or other affected populations that lack financial means to cover the cost of mainstream antivirals. A phase 1 dose escalation study was performed to evaluate the safety of quercetin in 30 untreated patients with chronic HCV infection and to preliminarily characterize quercetin’s potential in suppressing viral load and/or liver injury. Quercetin displayed safety in all trial participants. Additionally, 8 patients showed a “clinically meaningful” 0.41-log viral load decrease. There was a positive correlation (r = 0.41, p = 0.03) indicating a tendency for HCV decrease in patients with a lower ratio of plasma quercetin relative to dose. No significant changes in aspartate transaminase and alanine transaminase were detected. In conclusion, quercetin exhibited safety (up to 5g daily) and there was a potential for antiviral activity in some hepatitis C patients.

I don't know when you took the Zinc and Quercetin: Was it morning, afternoon or evening? Close to a meal, or on an empty stomach?

I don't have the information at hand, but I remember reading it somewhere that it is better to take Zinc in the evening, but maybe others will have another opinion/knowledge on this. It seems that one should not take it on an empty stomach, that's what I've just find from Mayo Clinic:

Zinc supplements are most effective if they are taken at least 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals. However, if zinc supplements cause stomach upset, they may be taken with a meal.

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