Health Protocol for Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccination

I do it sometimes, when needed, and never had any irritation to the throat.

@Andrian, I take Quercetin 500 mg with zinc 30 mg as well as Magnesium Malate and Melatonine 2 g on evening before going to sleep.
So, as I take Magnesium at the same time and that I'm going to sleep, I don't take Vitamine C around that time.

And I don't think that Quercetin 400 mg is a high dose, as shown in this study published in NCBI, where it is said that Quercetin exhibited safety (up to 5g daily):

I don't know when you took the Zinc and Quercetin: Was it morning, afternoon or evening? Close to a meal, or on an empty stomach?

I don't have the information at hand, but I remember reading it somewhere that it is better to take Zinc in the evening, but maybe others will have another opinion/knowledge on this. It seems that one should not take it on an empty stomach, that's what I've just find from Mayo Clinic:
Thank you MK Scarlett for your feedback, in the last 5 days I took around 14:00 the vitamin D, Magnesium first and after about 15-20 minutes later I took 400 mg of Quercetin, 25 of zinc piccolinate and 3 gr of Vitamin C on an empty stomach.

As far as I understood from the above it will be wise to take them before or after a meal.
I know it's been discussed a lot in this forum, with their own thread, so I'll just post this conversation about autophagy and sauna, which will be great complements to the protocols in this thread:
Dr Joseph Mercola

Yes, it is. That's the thing. In medicine, you have this - it's not uncommon - you have a double negative, and the fact that the treatment is worse than the disease is so common in medicine. And I'm glad that your study addresses that. And it also offered reasons for hope but was not as specific as I would have liked. I would have loved to have been a mini co-author of this study, but the pearl you dropped for those astute enough to catch it is that hope lies in the fact that the body has an intrinsic ability to cope. And what is that capacity? It is autophagy. The term autophagy is made up of two Greek words combined together. Auto means "self" and phagos means "to eat". So it's "eating oneself"; it's not apoptosis, it's not the destruction of the cell, it's the removal of damaged proteins that need to be removed to avoid causing complications. So you highlighted that and it clicked. And I noted it because there are two powerful and effective strategies for regulating autophagy, and they work great. Do you want to know what they are?

Professor Stephanie Seneff

I guess one of them is the practice of intermittent fasting.

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Intermittent fasting
. Some people can do it. Eighty percent of the population are overweight - and probably close to 40% are obese - they could do this fast and do really, really well. But for those who aren't, there's a process called time-restricted eating. And even if you're obese, you're not going to go straight to fasting, you have to do it slowly because you just won't be able to tolerate it. So time-restricted eating is about limiting the space between your meals to between six and eight hours.

Professor Stephanie Seneff

That's what I do. I learned it from you. I skip breakfast, have lunch at 1pm and then have dinner at 6pm.

Dr Joseph Mercola

Yes. Perfect. That's fine. And there's another strategy that will really, really help. It's the sauna, because it upregulates heat shock proteins. It's an active mechanism. And most people understand that shock is the mechanism, but they don't understand how heat shock proteins work. Heat shock proteins basically work by folding back proteins that are damaged. And about a third of the proteins that the body makes are damaged as soon as they are produced. So this is a major problem. That's why I take a sauna every day.

Professor Stephanie Seneff

It's mostly due to glyphosate, by the way.

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Especially with glyphosate, it could make it worse, and probably by more than a third. But in addition to folding them, this mechanism[of thermal shock]detects if the protein is too damaged or even ravaged and targets it to destroy it, it's a type of autophagy. So there are two powerful ways, and the daily sauna is one of them. I recommend going to 75 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes.

Professor Stephanie Seneff


Dr. Joseph Mercola

Yes. And it's true...

Professor Stephanie Seneff

You do this every day?

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Every day that I'm comfortable at home and I can do it but...

Professor Stephanie Seneff

It's fascinating. So the heat relaxes the proteins and sort of allows...

Dr. Joseph Mercola


Professor Stephanie Seneff

It recognises...

Dr. Joseph Mercola

[cross talk 01:02:39], your body creates heat shock proteins. It's dozens of different proteins.

Professor Stephanie Seneff

In response to heat, these proteins that apparently clean up what needs to be cleaned up are activated by heat. I always wonder why heat triggers these proteins, but there's also the question of "How does it trigger these proteins?
There are still so many questions to ask about biology.

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Yes. And it actually simulates a fever, so that if you have an infection, like an upper respiratory infection or even a Covid, it will help your body destroy that virus
. It's a [cross talk 01:03:12].

Professor Stephanie Seneff

Actually, that's a good point because the virus is sensitive to heat. And that's the critical temperature threshold to reach, the one that's just a little bit above normal human fever, and that's when the virus starts to collapse. So that's true for Sras-CoV-2.

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Yes. I think it's one of the most important health practices you can do because it will help the body in many ways. But it's obviously a bit expensive. Generally saunas cost a few thousand dollars or even more, but if you have one in your home - I wouldn't use a commercial sauna like in a gym or something, because when you sweat, you detoxify and get rid of a lot of toxins that are fat soluble. So unless they're really diligently cleansing on a regular basis, which [inaudible 01:03:55] toxins in there, [it's best to avoid - Ed.]

Professor Stephanie Seneff

That's a good point. Because that could be a problem in this case [if commercial saunas are not cleaned very regularly].

Dr Joseph Mercola

But it helps your body to detoxify. Especially if you are corpulent, you store these fat-soluble toxins and then your body excretes them.

Professor Stephanie Seneff

It makes sense actually, just through sweating, right? It makes sense.

Dr Joseph Mercola

Yes. It's very effective. And in Finland where they did the studies, they found a 40% decrease in overall mortality, 40%...

Professor Stephanie Seneff

That's fantastic.

Dr Joseph Mercola

It's [inaudible 01:04:21] heart disease. So it's crazy not to take advantage of it. Once you have one, it costs you next to nothing; you have to shower and clean up afterwards, of course, but when I go, I sweat every time.

Professor Stephanie Seneff

That's great.

Dr. Joseph Mercola

I lose two or three kilos.

Professor Stephanie Seneff


Dr. Joseph Mercola

But it feels good. And it feels so good when you get out and especially when you dive in or under the water. So those are the two pearls of hope and what you can do and what you should do anyway because even if it doesn't do anything about it - which we don't think it will - we know it will activate autophagy, so it will help not only if you've had the vaccine, but even if you haven't, there's still that process of viral shedding that you've referred to and probably the spread [inaudible]. 01:05:07 - of the Spike protein via the injected? NdT]
Le lien entre protéine Spike et protéine à prion — Quels sont les effets des injections anti-Covid-19 ? Entretien exclusif entre Stephanie Seneff du MIT et le Dr Mercola --

Well, little by little, almost everything that has been tested via this forum will be useful at some point.
On the mention of Quercetin, I just started taking it this week. I would take zinc picolinate 30 mg occasionally, and thought I'd add the Quercetin just to boost immunity. I took the zinc and 500 mg of Quercetin at nighttime, as I heard in another thread it helps to get rid of old (brain?) cells. I also take one NAC pill and two magnesium pills at nighttime. The first night I didn't notice anything and I was tired yesterday, and I had taken melatonin with 7 hours of sleep.

But last night I woke up really refreshed and able to think clearly. I didn't take melatonin and I only got 6 hours of sleep. I heard something about sleeping in intervals of 90 minutes, which is close to a sleep cycle. So it could have been that. But I hear that Quercetin helps with allergies and there has been some spike in pollen recently. Whatever it was, I appreciated the extra energy today. I'll see how it goes and hold off on melatonin.
@Andrian, Magnesium and Vitamine C should not be taken at the same time, they cancel each other out. Magnesium is best before sleeping.

@3DStudent, NAC should be taken on an empty stomach on the morning.

That's what I've read here and there, FWIW.
Thanks for the tip @MK Scarlett I admit I missed that important piece of information. From now on will take Vitamin D first, one hour later will take quercetin, zinc and vitamin c together, before sleep melatonin and Magnesium and will see how it works.
Thanks for the tip @MK Scarlett I admit I missed that important piece of information. From now on will take Vitamin D first, one hour later will take quercetin, zinc and vitamin c together, before sleep melatonin and Magnesium and will see how it works.
I add that Vitamine D should be taken with a meal, as well as A, B, E, in case one would take them too.

I'm sorry for not being able to recall exactly about all this supplements stuff I've learned here on the forum, as my understanding of it come from many years ago in different threads. I sticked on what I've learned then and have not change a bit since.

However, I've shared earlier in this thread how I do take supplements:
At first, there is no specific moment to take Vit. C; You can take it at any time of the day, including on the evening (I sometimes take 1/2 g at the middle of the night if needed, as I sometimes experiment pain that wakes me up).
  • For Vit A, B complex, D & E, I take them at once with my main meal.
  • After the other meal, I take Hyaluronic acid and Collagen.
  • I usually take Probiotics just before bed, with Melatonin and Magnesium.
I've done so for years, with regular short periods of interruption, apart for Vit. C.

The difference today is that I added Zinc & Quercetin to the third bullet point: Probiotics, Melatonin and Magnesium.

However, that would be great if someone with knowledge could confirm what I've read elsewhere that Zinc, and then Quercetin, should be taken before sleep as well - which would have a greater effect given that the cellular system is "cleaning" itself during the night.
@Gaby? @Keyhole? Anyone else?
I add that Vitamine D should be taken with a meal, as well as A, B, E, in case one would take them too.
B vitamins are water-soluble and in general should be taken outside of a meal time to increase absorption. The rest (A, D, E) are fat-soluble and in general should be taken with a meal. Some fat-soluble vitamins (for example, D) sometimes are sold as drops and are already dissolved in some fat.

However, that would be great if someone with knowledge could confirm what I've read elsewhere that Zinc, and then Quercetin, should be taken before sleep as well - which would have a greater effect given that the cellular system is "cleaning" itself during the night.
Mercola recommended it. I quoted him here.
B vitamins are water-soluble and in general should be taken outside of a meal time to increase absorption. The rest (A, D, E) are fat-soluble and in general should be taken with a meal. Some fat-soluble vitamins (for example, D) sometimes are sold as drops and are already dissolved in some fat.

Mercola recommended it. I quoted him here.

Thanks Altair for the reminder of your quote about Mercola's protocol and answer about Zinc, as well as for the B Vitamins that should not be taken with meal. :flowers:
Earlier on I mentioned something like bicarbonate, which is water soluble, could alter the pH such that the chemodynapics of liposome-mediated entry into cells is disrupted. I didn't find much literature on that modality, but I did come across information on a class of cytokines called Interferons in the book The Immunity Fix. Our own cells produce these molecular messengers when they realize they are infected with a virus (i.e. malicious DNA or RNA) to both activate apoptosis and warn other cells nearby that an infection is present.

With respect to Covid-19, interferon deficiency was associated with more severe cases, either from mutations to components in the signalling path or to auto-antibodies generated from previous infections inhibiting their activity:
This is with respect to acute infections. In prolonged infections it seems like IFNs may have inhibitory effects on other aspects of the immune system:

What's interesting is that subcutaneous or intramuscular injection with interferons is already a type of immunotherapy, most often used in cases of multiple sclerosis.

WebMD' guide to interferon therapy had some interesting things to say:

A meta-analysis on the effect of INF-alpha on Covid-19 after screening a number of unsuitable studies was favorable:

As stated above, the acute nature of the treatment reduces the likelihood of emergence of chronic side effects, which have been documented elsewhere in the use if INF-alpha to treat chronic conditions:

INF-alpha has also been experimented with as an adjuvant in veterinarian vaccines against porcine foot-and-mouth disease.

A similar and more recent study was done here: Interferon as a Mucosal Adjuvant for an Influenza Vaccine in Pigs - PubMed

What I found interesting about this was that the only difference between the control and test group was the INF-alpha inclusion, and the group into which it was inoculated developed no lesions and had no evidence of the virus after two weeks. This points to the fact that INF-alpha made the vaccine inoculation far more neutralizing (i.e. stopped the virus in its tracks).

There's strong grounds to suspect that the non-neutralizing, leaky immunizations that these mRNA vaccines are non-neutralizing on purpose; so the mRNA itself can spread and reprogram the transcriptome of the entire body without the immune system raising that big a fuss. Perhaps the engineers of these vaccines count on the body just getting used to the chronic, low-level infection and not putting up a fuss (they're not good slaves if they're dead after all). Then there's the tragic case where the vaccinated one develops a strong immune reaction and can't neutralize its spread anyhow. Those cases are the ones you hear about where the autopsy reveals spike proteins in every tissue of the body, with cytokine levels off the charts in the post-mortem bloodwork.

It seems like the solution we're looking for is one that will paralyze the ability of mRNA and spike proteins to spread through exosomes to other parts of the body, where they could have even more unknown effects. If INF-alpha improves neutralization (especially if inoculated immediately after the jab, hours before it normally would peak in the tissue), then it would be a good candidate for an intramuscular injection that could stop mRNA replication before it even really starts.

It kind of reminds of the western world hand-wringing over the advance of Daesh in Syria around 2013 saying, "Woe is us, Islamic terrorism is on the rise, coming to take down geopolitical enemies of Israel, and there's nothing we can do about it!!!" Sanctioned and starving Syria is not able to fight Daesh effectively due to bombings by the west and so Daesh expands. Then Russia comes in and says, "Nay, we will not let this cancer spread!" Then they proceed to bomb the sh*t out of them (in Trump's immortal words) while the Five Eyes pour copious amounts of crocodile tears into MSM outlets about how bad Putin and Assad are.

The West = The Deep State and their genetic modification plans
Daesh = the evil mRNA vaccine
Syria = your body
Syran Army = your immune system
Russia = hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, azithromycin, quercetin, zinc, iodine, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin D, magnesium, saunas, Thuja homeopathic remedies, methylene blue, NAC, (tri or bi methyl) glycine, glutathione, colchicine, basically whatever else Keyhole recommended awhile back, ditto with Dr Zelenko ... and also possibly INF-alpha? Just my two cents.

@Gaby I just finished this post before I came across your post about Judy Mikovitz' recommendation on using INF-alpha -- it's a great read as well. @cope thanks for the link on where to find INF-alpha2; acquisition is one area I haven't explored yet. And thanks @Pierre for the heads-up about the 4-in-1 treatment for Covid called "Ziverdo" from India. It may be something I grab and keep on hand for vaccinated family members who are at risk of some antibody-dependently enhanced variant of Covid they probably helped spread.

Also, it turns out that interferon alfa 2-a and 2-b are also on the WHO list of essential medicines:

From wikipedia:
Pegylated interferon-alpha-2a or pegylated interferon-alpha-2bα[note 41]

Pegylated interferon alfa-2a, sold under the brand name Pegasys among others, is medication used to treat hepatitis C and hepatitis B.[1] For hepatitis C it is typically used together with ribavirin and cure rates are between 24 and 92%.[1][2] For hepatitis B it may be used alone.[3] It is given by injection under the skin.[1]

Side effects are common.[4] They may include headache, feeling tired, depression, trouble sleeping, hair loss, nausea, pain at the site of injection, and fever.[1] Severe side effects may include psychosis, autoimmune disorders, blood clots, or infections.[1] Use with ribavirin is not recommended during pregnancy.[1] Pegylated interferon alfa-2a is in the alpha interferon family of medications.[1] It is pegylated to protect the molecule from breakdown.[4]

Pegylated interferon alfa-2a was approved for medical use in the United States in 2002.[1] It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines.[5]

Pegylated interferon alfa-2b is a drug used to treat melanoma, as an adjuvant therapy to surgery.[3] Also used to treat hepatitis C (typically, in combination with ribavarin), it is no longer recommended due to poor efficacy and adverse side-effects.[4] Subcutaneous injection is the preferred delivery method.[3]

Belonging to the alpha interferon family of medications, the molecule is PEGylated to prevent breakdown.[3][4] Approval for medical use in the United States was granted in 2001.[3] It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines as a therapy for chronic hepatitis C.[5][6]
Was sent this link today, will post it here if anyone wants to look into them for a source for ivermectin. Apparently they sell hydroxychloroquine aswell. Havent ordered from them myself.

Thank you. I have selected another source for my upcoming order which sells a bit cheaper but charges €25 or $30 for express postage. Buying for two or three people diminishes the postage fee per head of course.

This outlet is based in the UK and I have received information that they are importing from India.
Shipment is due to take 2 two 3 weeks. Their stromectol is said not to contain titanium dioxide.

The annoying thing about these online pharmacies is that they do not publish their company addresses.
I came across Zetpil Nutrition today - Home - and they manufacture suppository supplements.
Apparently the absorption rate is higher and there are fewer side-effects for some supplements compared to the oral route.
Not cheap but probably cheaper than getting IV drips of certain items.
My package with ivermectin and HCQ is being unfortunately held at customs. I've got a letter from them and they require me to provide, among others, informaton about what is in the package. (The package is noted as a "GIFT").
As far as I know you can't buy IV and HCQ without prescription in Poland and I'm worrying that I can get into some law issues regarding medicine regulations if I would provide them with the information. Anyone in Poland had a similar situation?
My package with ivermectin and HCQ is being unfortunately held at customs. I've got a letter from them and they require me to provide, among others, informaton about what is in the package. (The package is noted as a "GIFT").
As far as I know you can't buy IV and HCQ without prescription in Poland and I'm worrying that I can get into some law issues regarding medicine regulations if I would provide them with the information. Anyone in Poland had a similar situation?
Unless they have opened the package, which they usually do, and the labels are obvious, you could say you are trying out some new health supplements that you have read about. FWIW
According to this, the ivermectin dose is 0.2mg/kg.
They also have this summary of high-dose studies:

These show the safety of doses up to 10x the normal dose. They write:

In COVID-19, particularly in regard to the emerging variants of concern, viral loads are higher and viral replication is thought to be prolonged. Given that ivermectin has demonstrated a strong dose-response relationship in terms of viral clearance, higher doses have not only been required, but have demonstrated clinical efficacy. Below are hyperlinked references to numerous studies demonstrating the wide safety profile of high dose ivermectin in COVID and other diseases

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