Standard prevention blood tests from your GP for your age and family and medical history will do.Can I ask what blood tests to get as part of the keto diet?
Standard prevention blood tests from your GP for your age and family and medical history will do.Can I ask what blood tests to get as part of the keto diet?
What to Do if You Got the Vaccine and Are Having Problems
The primary reason why I wanted to interview Mikovits was to find out her recommendations for those who chose to get the vaccine and now regret it. Interestingly, what I learned is you use the same strategies that you would use to treat the actual SARS-CoV-2 infection.
I’ve written many articles over the past year detailing simple strategies to improve your immune system, and with a healthy immune system, you’ll get through it without incident even if you end up getting sick. Below, I’ll summarize some of the strategies you can use both to prevent COVID-19 and address any side effects you may encounter from the vaccine.
First of all, you’ll want to eat a “clean,” ideally organic diet. Avoid processed foods of all kinds, as they are loaded with damaging omega-6 linoleic acid that wrecks your mitochondrial function. Also consider nutritional ketosis and time-restricted eating, both of which will help you optimize your metabolic machinery and mitochondrial function. As noted by Mikovits:
“We have to think about detoxing metal, we have to think about glyphosate … We have to prevent inflammation in all tissue sites and we have to keep our immune system healthy ... You're going to want to be burning ketones instead [of sugar] for the neuroinflammation, so you're going to want to get into ketosis and take the stress off the mTOR pathway.”
With regard to glyphosate, a simple way to block glyphosate uptake is to take glycine. Approximately 3 grams, about half a teaspoon, a few times a day should be sufficient, along with an organic diet, so that you’re not adding more glyphosate with each meal.
To improve detoxification, I recommend activating your natural glutathione production with molecular hydrogen tablets. All of these strategies should help improve your resilience against SARS-CoV-2, and may even help your body detoxify if you’ve made the mistake of getting this experimental gene therapy.
Another helpful strategy is to maintain a neutral pH. You want your pH to be right around 7, which you can measure with an inexpensive urine strip. The lower your pH, the more acidic you are.
A simple way to raise your pH if it’s too acidic (and most people are) is to take one-fourth teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) or potassium bicarbonate in water a few times a day. Improving your pH will improve the resiliency of your immune system and reduce the mineral loss from your bones, thereby reducing your risk of osteoporosis.
Helpful Supplements
Nutritional supplementation can also be helpful. Among the most important are:
Mikovits also recommends Type 1 interferons.
Vitamin D— Vitamin D supplements are readily available and one of the least expensive supplements on the market. All things considered, vitamin D optimization is likely the easiest and most beneficial strategy that anyone can do to minimize their risk of COVID-19 and other infections, and can strengthen your immune system in a matter of a few weeks. N-acetylcysteine (NAC)— NAC is a precursor to reduced glutathione, which appears to play a crucial role in COVID-19. According to one literature analysis,7 glutathione deficiency may actually be associated with COVID-19 severity, leading the author to conclude that NAC may be useful both for its prevention and treatment. Zinc— Zinc plays a very important role in your immune system’s ability to ward off viral infections. Like vitamin D, zinc helps regulate your immune function8 — and a combination of zinc with a zinc ionophore, like hydroxychloroquine or quercetin, was in 2010 shown to inhibit SARS coronavirus in vitro. In cell culture, it also blocked viral replication within minutes.9 Importantly, zinc deficiency has been shown to impair immune function.10 Melatonin— Boosts immune function in a variety of ways and helps quell inflammation. Melatonin may also prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection by recharging glutathione11 and enhancing vitamin D synthesis, among other things. Vitamin C— A number of studies have shown vitamin C can be very helpful in the treatment of viral illnesses, sepsis and ARDS,12 all of which are applicable to COVID-19. Its basic properties include anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antioxidant, antithrombotic and antiviral activities. At high doses, it actually acts as an antiviral drug, actively inactivating viruses. Vitamin C also works synergistically with quercetin.13 Quercetin— A powerful immune booster and broad-spectrum antiviral, quercetin was initially found to provide broad-spectrum protection against SARS coronavirus in the aftermath of the 2003 SARS epidemic,14,15,16 and evidence suggests it may be useful for the prevention and treatment of SARS-CoV-2 as well. B vitamins— B vitamins can also influence several COVID-19-specific disease processes, including17 viral replication and invasion, cytokine storm induction, adaptive immunity and hypercoagulability.
"The type 1 [interferon] — the primary source of interferon, alpha and beta — is the plasmacytoid dendritic cell. We know that's dysregulated in people with HIV, with XMRVs, with aberrant retroviral expression. Those people can't make interferon.
Type 1 interferons can be provided in a spray that you can spray directly into your throat, your nose, and that will give you the protection you need so that the virus doesn't [replicate]. It degrades it right away … Should you feel cough or fever, headache, immediately up your Type 1 interferon. Take a couple of sprays of that per day prophylactically as well, and that will keep the viral load down.
We know [SARS-CoV-2] isn't a natural virus, we know this is lab-created, but it'll calm the expression, it'll degrade the RNA for those who can't degrade the RNA, and that's the job of Type 1 interferon — to have your macrophages be these little Pac-Men that simply degrade the viral mRNA.”
Nebulized Peroxide — My Favorite Treatment Choice
My personal choice for the treatment of COVID-19 symptoms is nebulized peroxide. It’s a home remedy I recommend everyone familiarize themselves with, as in many cases it can improve symptoms in mere hours. You can also use it as a preventive strategy if you know you’ve been exposed to someone who is ill.
Nebulizing hydrogen peroxide into your sinuses, throat and lungs is a simple, straightforward way to augment your body’s natural expression of hydrogen peroxide to combat infections and can be used both prophylactically after known exposure to COVID-19 and as a treatment for mild, moderate and even severe illness.
Dr. David Brownstein, who has successfully treated over 100 COVID-19 patients with nebulized peroxide, published a case paper18 about this treatment in the July 2020 issue of Science, Public Health Policy and The Law. He also reviews its benefits in “How Nebulized Peroxide Helps Against Respiratory Infections.”
Nebulized hydrogen peroxide is extremely safe, and all you need is a desktop nebulizer and food-grade hydrogen peroxide, which you’ll need to dilute with saline to 0.1% strength. I recommend buying these items beforehand so that you have everything you need and can begin treatment at home at the first signs of a respiratory infection.
In the video above, I go over the basics of this treatment. Be sure to buy a nebulizer that plugs into an electrical outlet, as battery-driven ones are too low-powered to be truly effective. Also make sure your nebulizer comes with a face mask, not just a mouth piece. If it doesn’t come with a face mask, you can pick one up separately. Just search Amazon for “nebulizer face mask for adults.”
More Information
Hopefully, we’ve provided enough information to make you reconsider the COVID-19 gene therapy “vaccine.” At bare minimum, do more research before you make your decision. The simple truth is you don’t need it, so it’s an unnecessary risk.
To learn more, be sure to preorder a copy of “Ending Plague: A Scholar’s Obligation in an Age of Corruption.” We’re in a crisis in far more ways than one, and getting educated — and then educating others — is absolutely crucial. The lives of millions of people are at stake. So please, take the time to digest this information, understand it, and share it with those you love.
The problem would then be that they recognize the vaccine as responsible for death (or the diseases it would cause).I'm not sure if insurance companies would want to specifically insure people for this vaccine. It would be a good thing if they did, but they are likely to lose a lot of money.
AFAIK aroma therapists advise against ingesting essential oils or at least that is what I have come across. I have got many EOs at home, but over the years I have become more careful with them because in the past I underestimated their impact and some of them can be toxic.Both those forms are available in essential oils, some essential oils can also be ingested, but not sure how much. Check with the manufacturer. The skin is considered the largest organ in the body and also a first line of defense for threats against our innate immune system.
Nice! I sometimes make myself a foot bath with essential oils, salt and/or French clay. Some EOs can also help us on the mental plane BTW.My thoughjt is, instead of ingesting, for those finding it hard to source the oral product, how about having a massage party, with those you live and trust, could be just as effective, not to mention, the human touch we so miss during these of imposed social contact.
The second most important use of essential oils is probably in aromatic baths. Water itself has many therapeutic properties, [...] and when these are combined with essential oils, each enhances the potent effect of the other. Baths are the simplest method of use, and can be a valuable way of continuing the benefit of aromatherapy treatment [...].
Let's try to keep this thread for health remedies. If she mentions something about protective measures, you can write a summary.Apologies if this has been posted already, but I came across this very interesting presentation
regarding vaccines
AFAIK aroma therapists advise against ingesting essential oils or at least that is what I have come across. I have got many EOs at home, but over the years I have become more careful with them because in the past I underestimated their impact and some of them can be toxic.
Patricia Davis in Aromatherapy An A-Z even states that sage for example is an oil that "should not be used at all in aromatherapy". She also writes that Rosemary shouldn't be used by people with epilepsy.
This review gives a spotlight on colchicine’s anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties and why colchicine may help fight COVID-19. This review summarizes colchicine’s mechanism of action via the tubulin-colchicine complex. Furthermore, it discussed how colchicine interferes with several inflammatory pathways, including inhibition of neutrophil chemotaxis, adhesion, and mobilization; disruption of superoxide production, inflammasome inhibition, and tumor necrosis factor reduction; and its possible antiviral properties. In addition, colchicine dosing and pharmacokinetics, as well as drug interactions and how they relate to ongoing, colchicine in COVID-19 clinical trials, are examined.
Colchicine, made from preparations of the meadow saffron Colchicum autumnale, has been used for over 2000 years as a poison and as a remedy for gout flares
Tubulin ligands have the potential to inhibit the replication of viruses that depend on the microtubule network. The intracellular transport of viral particles in the host cell, including particle trafficking in later stages of the infection, is mediated by microtubules and associated proteins [30, 31]. By inhibiting microtubule polymerization, colchicine has been reported to cause a significant decrease in virus replication in flaviviruses, such as dengue and Zika viruses [32]; blocks transport and reduces the replication of recombinant demyelinating strain of the mouse hepatitis virus [33]; inhibits respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in neonatal rats through regulation of anti-oxidative factor production leading to inhibition of RSV replication, thus, leading to a significant reduction in the levels of IL-6 and TNF-α [34]. In addition, colchicine and colchicine derivatives may influence HIV viral load [35].
Coronaviruses, members of the Nidovirales order, are enveloped, positive-sense, single-stranded RNA viruses, which redirect and rearrange host cell membranes for use as part of the viral genome replication and transcription [35]. Their replication moves in the cell in a manner that corresponds to microtubule-associated transport, inducing the formation of double-membrane vesicles in infected cells [36]. The infection of cells by coronaviruses involves the interaction of the cytoplasmic tail of the spike protein with cytoskeletal proteins (i.e., tubulin) [37]. This interaction leads to viral entry. Furthermore, microtubules are involved in the transport and assembly of spike proteins into virions during the replication cycle [38, 39]. The colchicine-tubulin complex may block viral entry and replication [40]. This hypophysis requires confirmation.
In an animal model of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, colchicine-treated rat pups had decreased lung damage and lower lung concentrations of IL-1 and TNF-α, suggesting that this therapeutic will reach the target tissue in COVID-19 [41]. Furthermore, other organs are affected by COVID-19-related inflammation, including the myocytes. Previous studies demonstrate the anti-inflammatory activity of colchicine on the heart [3, 42]. It has been suggested that SARS-CoV and its accessory protein are potent activators of pro-IL-1β gene transcription and protein maturation, and thus, can activate the NLRP3 inflammasome. Influenza virus M2 or encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) 2B proteins 2B protein stimulate IL-1β secretion following activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome [43]. Importantly, in experimental models of acute respiratory distress syndrome/acute lung injury (ARDS/ALI), the NLRP3 inflammasome plays a significant role in the development of lung injury [44].
In a case report of a COVID-19-infected patient with signs of systemic inflammation, treatment with 1 mg of colchicine on day 8 and 0.5 mg/day after that was reported to be beneficial
Colchicine can be administered by mouth as 0.5 or 0.6 mg and up to 1 mg in tablets. In 2014, the FDA withdrew approval following several cases of fatal toxicity [46]. For the treatment of gout flares, the FDA-approved dose is 1.2 mg (two tablets) at the first sign of a gout flare followed by 0.6 mg (one tablet) 1 h later (total 1.8 mg). For gout flare prevention, the FDA-approved dose is 0.6 mg once or twice daily with a maximum dose of 1.2 mg/day. For Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF), the dose is up to 1.2–2.4 mg (Colchicine (marketed as Colcrys) Information).
The oral colchicine dose used in the COVID-19 clinical trials registered on the site varies (Search of: colchicine | COVID - List Results - 0.5 mg twice daily for the first 3 days and then once daily for the last 27 days; 0.6 mg by mouth twice daily for 30 days; 0.5 mg twice daily with no time limit; or 1 mg daily for 30 days. Others use a loading dose of 1.2 mg followed by 0.6 mg after 2 h on day 1 (similar to gout flare treatment) followed by 0.6 mg twice a day for 14 days or until discharged or release from the hospital. Yet, others load with 1.5 mg (1 mg and 0.5 mg 2 h after), followed by 0.5 mg every 12 h during the next 7 days and 0.5 mg every 24 h after until the completion of 28 days of total treatment versus two other trials that have the same loading dose of 1.5 mg but follow with a twice-daily dose for 10 days. Yet, another clinical trial has no time limit for the twice-daily dose. Treatment starts in some of these trials as early as the time that a patient tests positive for COVID-19 by a PCR-based assay and others only when patients are experiencing cardiac injury or show evidence of cytokine release syndrome.
Only two of the colchicine clinical trials (Search of: colchicine | COVID - List Results - mention altering the colchicine dose in patients receiving lopinavir/ritonavir or other conditions placing patients at risk for toxicity (i.e., advanced age, chronic kidney disease), as described below.
Go to:
Drug Interactions
As stated above, colchicine is a P-gp and CYP3A4 substrate. The drugs reported causing colchicine toxicity are P-gp inhibitors [42]. P-gp inhibitors include antacids, such as cimetidine; antibiotics, such as erythromycin and tetracycline; calcium channel blockers, such as diltiazem and verapamil; immunosuppressants, such as cyclosporine and tacrolimus; HIV proteases inhibitors, such as lopinavir and ritonavir; azole antifungals, such as itraconazole and ketoconazole; antiarrhythmic drugs, such as amiodarone, and quinidine; and selective estrogen receptor modulators, such as tamoxifen (Colchicine (marketed as Colcrys) Information). Life-threatening and fatal drug interactions have been reported in patients treated with colchicine given with P-gp and potent CYP3A4 inhibitors [42]. If treatment with a P-gp or strong CYP3A4 inhibitor is required in patients with normal renal and hepatic function, the patient’s dose of colchicine may need to be reduced or interrupted to prevent toxicity (Colchicine (marketed as Colcrys) Information). Only two of the colchicine clinical trials (Search of: colchicine | COVID - List Results - address the use of other medications concomitantly with colchicine, which may warrant a decrease in colchicine dosing.
The most common adverse reactions reported in the clinical trial for gout were diarrhea (23%) and pharyngolaryngeal pain (3%). The most common adverse reactions for FMF (up to 20%) are abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. These effects are usually mild, transient, and reversible upon lowering the dose (Colchicine (marketed as Colcrys) Information).
The Montreal Heart Institute (MHI) announced today that the COLCORONA clinical trial has provided clinically persuasive results of colchicine’s efficacy to treat COVID-19. The study results have shown that colchicine has reduced by 21% the risk of death or hospitalizations in patients with COVID-19 compared to placebo. This result obtained for the global study population of 4488 patients approached statistical significance. The analysis of the 4159 patients in whom the diagnosis of COVID-19 was proven by a naso-pharyngeal PCR test has shown that the use of colchicine was associated with statistically significant reductions in the risk of death or hospitalization compared to placebo. In these patients with a proven diagnosis of COVID-19, colchicine reduced hospitalizations by 25%, the need for mechanical ventilation by 50%, and deaths by 44%. This major scientific discovery makes colchicine the world’s first oral drug that could be used to treat non-hospitalized patients with COVID-19.
“Our research shows the efficacy of colchicine treatment in preventing the ‘cytokine storm’ phenomenon and reducing the complications associated with COVID-19,” said Dr. Jean-Claude Tardif, Director of the MHI Research Center, Professor of Medicine at the Université de Montréal and Principal Investigator of the COLCORONA trial. “We are pleased to offer the first oral medication in the world whose use could have a significant impact on public health and potentially prevent COVID-19 complications for millions of patients.”
Treating patients at risk of complications with colchicine as soon as the diagnosis of COVID-19 is confirmed by PCR reduces their risk of developing a severe form of the disease and, consequently, reduces the number of hospitalizations. Prescribing colchicine to patients could help alleviate the problems of hospital congestion and reduce healthcare costs here and around the world.
Since I started medical school in 1976, until 2020, I have heard the dogma that viral diseases are not treatable (with some exceptions such as antivirals for HIV/AIDS), certainly not with antimicrobials. My older son, a newly minted general surgeon, was educated much more recently, but with the same misunderstanding. Since viral diseases are not treatable, our only weapon is vaccination. A friend who spent his life as an academic university physician retiring in 2016 had never heard this fact either. As the "pandemic" broke out, I constantly watched and read online publications. After reading about the Chinese, Indian, and Korean use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), an antimalarial agent, against coronavirus, within an hour I found more than 20 scientific papers, written in the last 40 years on the use of lysosomotropic agents — specifically chloroquine — to treat viruses. Like Rip Van Winkle, I suddenly awoke, after decades, to a completely new medical reality.
For example, "numerous investigations have reported in vitro antiviral activity of AZ [azithromycin] against viral pathogens with 50% inhibitory concentrations ranging from ~ 1-6 μM, with the exception of H1N1 influenza," write Damle et al.1 They state that in vitro evidence suggests that AZ has antiviral properties at concentrations that are physiologically achievable with doses used to treat bacterial infections in the lung. Intracellular sequestration of AZ may prevent viral replication. AZ is being used against COVID-19, with the generally stated rationale being its antibacterial or antiinflammatory activity.
Antibiotics used in Lyme disease, including tetracyclines, macrolides, metronidazole, and ciprofloxacin, may have activity against a number of viruses.2
How could all our medical education "overlook" this basic science?
It may be difficult for non-physicians to appreciate the magnitude of this world-shaking scientific omission — and probable cover-up. It is the pharmaceutical equivalent of being told for 40 years the world is flat — only to have it conclusively exposed overnight to be round. This idea that viruses — like the current pandemic SARS-CoV-2 virus — can be killed by commonly used drugs — antibiotics, antimalarial, or antiparasitic agents — profoundly changes the practice of medicine.
The scientific paper that first got me thinking about a potential motive to hide this data concerns the in vitro inhibition of human influenza A virus replication by chloroquine (CQ).3 It was published in 2006. This paper and others, including one published in 2005 about the effectiveness of CQ against SARS-CoV-1, the cause of severe acute respiratory syndrome,4 show CQ, from which HCQ is derived, to be extremely effective against some viruses. Given the supposed concern of health officials over deaths by influenza, why was the research into CQ not pursued? Consider that the entire $69 billion-per-year vaccine industry is based on "preventing" viral diseases that are otherwise "untreatable" — like viral influenza A, measles, etc. If a cheap and effective treatment is available for these illnesses, the entire vaccine industry crashes down like a house of cards. Until the coronavirus pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website has been a non-stop advertisement for vaccines — especially the influenza vaccine. We are constantly told in the news and commercials to "Get your flu vaccine!" because of the risk of death from the seasonal influenza virus.
According to the CDC, 80,000 people died in the U.S. last year from the flu. That itself is a lie. In truth, actual viral influenza accounts for only a fraction of those deaths. The CDC and World Health Organization (WHO) once reported real numbers of influenza cases — and most people assume they still do. But they actually report ILI or "influenza like illness," and in the past they added the caveat that only 4-7 percent of ILI was influenza — the rest were other respiratory viruses. So, when they say 80,000 people died, only about 6,000 actually had viral influenza.5-10
Previously, in tables of ILI deaths, a small box at the bottom would tell you the percentage of ILI that is influenza. The CDC no longer does that, and currently, looking at multiple yearly reports, I am unable to determine the percentage of ILI that is true influenza from the CDC website. This distortion by reporting big scary numbers began when the flu vaccine became profitable through the use of adjuvants and "soft mandates" — i.e. pushing hospitals and police forces and other professions to vaccinate their staff to "protect the public." Of course, the flu vaccine only works against flu — not other causes of ILI.
Treatment vs. Vaccination in Other Viral Diseases
Vaccinating the entire nation against influenza to prevent 6,000 deaths is hard to justify, but the bigger lie is even worse. Based on the currently available science, it is probable that treatment with HCQ in patients with severe influenza and ILI could have saved millions of Americans from dying. And people within the inner circle of pharmaceutical research must have known this. Pharmaceutical firms employ thousands of virologists and infectious disease experts. Are we to believe they failed to read and pursue the relevant viral research? And, this is not just about influenza and SARS-CoV-2, but hepatitis, viral meningitis, equine encephalitis, shingles, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), possibly leukemia, and other deadly known viral diseases. Were deaths from such viral diseases, over decades, an acceptable price for $69 billion in yearly vaccine profits? Vaccination began with smallpox, then polio. Then vaccination programs expanded to childhood viral illnesses, including usually benign ones such as mumps. Influenza then became the big vaccine target. Along the way, teaching the immunology of communicable diseases to medical and nursing students got distorted. Most physicians today don't learn that the mortality of childhood diseases in well-nourished, unvaccinated, First-World children was negligible prior to the advent of vaccines.11 Nor do they understand the big difference between vaccine immunity and disease-acquired immunity. After recovery from measles or the flu or mumps or any other common viral illness, a person walks away with full-spectrum cellular and humoral immunity. The immune system is specifically and generally strengthened against a multitude of future diseases in ways we do not fully understand. Vaccine researchers concentrate on producing an antibody response, which is a very incomplete form of immunity.12 Even repeated doses of such vaccines do not produce the true macrophage-mediated tissue immunity that is lifelong and usually fully protective against repeat disease exposure.
Worse yet, in some cases, vaccine-based immunity can worsen disease outcomes. With SARS and other illnesses caused by RNA viruses, vaccination has increased the risk of dying from a subsequent exposure to the virus. This is the result of "immune enhancement," wherein the vaccine produced antibodies actually hide the virus particles from the host's immune system killer cells.13-15 Rapid viral replication ensues causing fatal overwhelming disease. Cellular immunity from natural infection, on the other hand, is the kind of immunity that can save you from serious diseases like this novel coronavirus or the 1918 influenza. Vaccination is not a panacea. It was once the last resort to the treatment of disease. In the age of huge vaccine profit it has become the first choice for every disease.
COVID-19 and the War against Hydroxychloroquine
This begins to explain the uproar about HCQ. Never have I seen such political brawling over a legal pharmaceutical. When the current pandemic was starting to kill Americans in significant numbers, President Trump identified HCQ and azithromycin as having excellent cure potential. Around the world, doctors were speaking and writing about the great cure rate of COVID when these drugs were given early.16-24 Sick patients from all over the world recounted having nearly immediate turn-around of the symptoms once they were started on the regimen. State Rep. Karen Whitsett, a Michigan Democrat, credits President Trump for saving her life by advocating for the use of HCQ.25
To my knowledge, neither governors nor boards of pharmacy have ever outlawed any legal drug — not even opioids like Oxycontin that cause about 30,000 deaths a year. But when it comes to HCQ and CQ, governors, medical boards, and boards of pharmacy in most states have either outlawed or limited the use of HCQ or threatened doctors with licensing board scrutiny.26 Medical leaders from the CDC and National Institutes of Health (NIH) said HCQ might not work and proclaimed that we needed more study — ignoring the multiple scientific and position papers being published daily that demonstrate the benefit of HCQ.27
Dr. Anthony Fauci, an immunologist and head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) of the NIH, has discouraged use of HCQ for COVID-19, but praised Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) treatment with HCQ in 2013.28-31 In 2006 the CDC's own research showed CQ to work against coronavirus in SARS-CoV-1, yet their current guidelines recommend against "high-dose use," and does not discuss the low-dose regimens in use around the world.32-33 Note also that on Apr 28, 2020, Dr. Fauci touted the positive findings for remdesivir, even though no randomized controlled studies have been completed. Why is he so strongly promoting the $3,600 remdesiver and almost totally ignoring the $20 HCQ regimen, other than to say the latter is of "unproven benefit"?
Media acted in lockstep with corrupt politicians. They said HCQ was experimental. Not so — it has been around for decades, and approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Then, they claimed it was illegal for doctors to use HCQ off label. Wrong again. Nearly every doctor, every day, uses a drug "off label," because, once FDA approved, drugs are not re-studied to add every potential benefit. And now scientific literature "hit pieces" against antimalarial drugs are being published and quoted. A recent Los Angeles Times headline, "Malaria drugs fail to help in coronavirus studies," sensationalized a misleading study.34 This study, done in Brazil, prescribed toxic, even lethal doses to very sick patients late in the disease when it was almost certain to be of no benefit.35 The methodology was severely criticized by Brazilian scientists,36 and alleged ethical violations are under investigation by Brazilian authorities.37
Since CQ and HCQ work by stopping viral replication, they can prevent viral damage to the heart, lungs, and other organs. However, they cannot improve organ damage that has occurred. While the Brazilian paper correctly reported that CQ did not change outcomes, this was a classic study designed to fail.
Since the 1950s, HCQ has been used for a variety of problems including a 1960 trial for angina pectoris based on the observation that HCQ reduced sludging due to agglutinated red blood cells in patients with vascular diseases.38 While subsequent results in angina patients were reportedly negative, HCQ seems to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular diseases in rheumatic patients. In addition to its antiinflammatory properties, HCQ reduces cholesterol levels and the risk of Type 2 diabetes, and also has anti-platelet effects. In 2017, the OXI study was designed to determine whether treatment with HCQ, as compared with placebo, would reduce recurrent events among myocardial infarction patients.39
Millions have been treated with HCQ for malaria, and it is commonly given in long-term high-dose treatment of patients with rheumatologic disorders. Until now, the drug has been distributed with only a minor mention of the potential for cardiac arrhythmia. While other side effects are categorized as "very common," "common," or "rare," cardiac issues are infrequent enough to be noted under "unknown frequency." The Sanofi patient safety handout for Plaquenil states, "Heart problems or failure, cardiomyopathy, an enlarged or weak heart can occur if you take Plaquenil for long periods of time..." People with SARS-CoV-2 generally require only 5-14 days of treatment. So, why did the FDA only now issue a very public warning against the use of HCQ — citing cardiac rhythm issues?40-42
Is There a Political Cover-up?
In the investigation of any political cover up, the question "Who knew what, when?" must be asked. Reference papers discussing CQ/HCQ and viruses, from all over the world, go back at least to 1982.43 And there was much interest dating even into the 1970s about lysomotropic agents, i.e. chemicals that are selectively taken up into the lysosomes — the cellular organelle in which HCQ inhibits viral replication.44-46 Speculating about the possible motives for hiding such a powerful weapon against viral illness during this pandemic, some might suggest a "deep state" take-down of America. Or one could focus on conflicts of interest, suggesting that lead spokesman Dr. Fauci is an integral part of a vaccine coalition.
Specifically, the Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP) is a collaboration of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Dr. Fauci's NIAID. Dr. Fauci was also named to the Leadership Council of the "Decade of Vaccines" Council.47 Although it is difficult to pin down all the financial details, we know that large sums of money are flowing from the Gates Foundation to and around NIAID projects, such as the 2019 partnership for "genebased therapies against AIDS and Sickle Cell Disease, to which Gates contributed $100 million.48 Also, the Gates Foundation has contributed $2.24 Billion to the "Global Fund," of which Dr. Deborah Birx, frequently at the White House panel discussing COVID-19 policy, is a board member.49
The recent congressional bill H.R. 6074 in the 116th Congress to develop drugs and vaccines for coronavirus is a $3.1 billion windfall for drug companies, and also includes $8.36 million to Dr. Fauci's NIAID for "training."50 Moderna — one of the Gates-funded companies that is working on a coronavirus vaccine, is in partnership with NIAID51 and getting special treatment. Moderna was allowed to bypass standard long-term animal drug testing, and roll out mRNA-1273 vaccine trials on humans on Feb 24 at the NIH, within months of the genetic decoding of the virus. Moderna's chief medical adviser, Tal Zaks, states, "I don't think proving this in an animal model is on the critical path to getting this to a clinical trial."52 And on May 2020, after NIH fast tracked Moderna's vaccine human trials, Tal Zaks exercised stock options, selling 125,044 units of MRNA stock for $1,526,787.53
None of this, however, explains the 40 years of medical misinformation and suppression of the pharmaceutical truth. To have covered up the knowledge for four decades that viruses could potentially be treated by antimicrobials required extensive effort:
- Censorship. It is likely that some scientists were never published again after authoring one paper on the antiviral benefits of CQ.
- Buying silence of news media. This is evident from the blackout across the political news spectrum concerning vaccine adverse effects. Pharmaceutical manufacturers provide the most lucrative advertising for both written and broadcast news programs.
- Misdirection. For years, pharmacology professors in medical schools have perpetuated lies of omission. -
- Lies by drug companies. Merck was caught publishing its own "peer reviewed" journal to promote its drugs.54
- Regulatory capture. "Big Pharma" essentially owns the FDA by being its biggest funder and employing more than 58 percent of the FDA's upper-level regulators and administrators either before or after their tenure.55,56
- Research funding. Big Pharma is the major funder of nearly all "independent" drug research, and there is no incentive to research cheap/ less profitable solutions.
The COVID-19 pandemic is calling attention to the potential for treating viral diseases with currently available drugs, and exposing long-available but ignored research. The implications of all this are very disturbing. Where have the virologists been, and the CDC "experts" who claim to care about influenza deaths? Has the burgeoning nearly trilliondollar vaccine industry been built at the expense of patients' lives? Disregarding the sizeable database of vaccine injuries, and the controversy about the long-term danger of vaccines to the immune system, if HCQ or other drugs could have treated viral illnesses cheaply and effectively, there was never a need for vaccines to begin with. As the WHO reportedly admitted, as recorded in a currently unavailable YouTube video from 2019 Vaccine Safety Summit, the "front line is becoming wobbly" — meaning doctors are less and less convinced that vaccines are safe and desirable.
Boris Yeltsin, as he was surrounded by Soviet troops on the steps of Moscow's Dom pravitelstva Rossii Federatsii (the Russian White House), opined, "You can sit on a throne of bayonets, but you cannot sit on it for long." It took 70 years for the truth about the murderous and corrupt Soviet regime to break through the propaganda, but when the masses of people understood, they tore down the Berlin wall. The wall of silence and coercion that has propped up a corrupt, and yes murderous, vaccine industry will hopefully now be dismantled by everyday physicians and patients who have awakened to the "biggest lie," and are beginning to say, "Yes, Virginia, antibiotics and other antimicrobials do treat viruses.