It looks great.If I have missed anything out, or which needs to be added, that would be excellent (@Gaby etc?).
I would add an idea of doses of stuff I mentioned in the first post for those who have access and/or have already significant inflammatory or insulin resistance issues. Depending on the reaction to the vaccine (or lack thereof), the doses and duration can be adjusted.
In case of insulin issues, berberine or Metformin 500mg once per day and if tolerated, add a second metformin 500mg dose after a week.
Hydroxychloroquine 200mg once per day starting a few days before. On the day of the vaccine do HCQ 200mg twice per day. Continue with 200mg twice per day for one more week or longer.
Ivermectine a dose the day of the vaccine and another dose a week afterwards if reactions and/or symptoms persist. Apparently, it worked better than HCQ + azythromycin in COVID-19. A guideline for the dose:

If there's a significant reaction, these could be added:
Azythromycin 250-500mg three times per week or doxycycline 200mg once per day or 100mg twice per day. The later should also give protection if taken every other day.
There was more mentioned in the main thread, but the above is (or was) easy enough to get and use, provided you're not taking already medications which prolong the QT in the electrocardiogram.
There's more, but sometimes simpler is better. If I'm forced to take the vaccine against my will, I'll do the HCQ and perhaps the ivermectine, other than most of the supplements mentioned by Elliot (minus a few ones), adding some of the stuff that classically sits very well with me like milk thistle and bromelain.
I'm already tolerating 8 grams of vitamin C most of the days and will have high quality liposomal vitamin C available just in case. I usually take vitamin D 2000 a couple of times per week and my vit D levels remain on range. I'm taking it every day now.
I'm doing 10-20 minutes comfortably in cold water at 8-10 degrees Celsius, at least once per week or when I can. I do have some cold adapted genes ("Siberian")
I personally don't see how they can enforce the vaccine this season, but we'll see.