Health Protocol for Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccination

Some have it with a bit of butter.
Hi Gaby,

I have a 200g (a bit less) bag of iv (ivermectin) ordered last year from Serena.
If one do not want to care about, it's quite easier to order pills, which are precisely dosed. But if you have enough knowledge, time also, and the cost factor can also play a role as it's cheaper ton order iv like this compared to a well packeted medicine, one can proceed this way.

Side note :
I plan to create a document which would summarize the couple of different medicines that can be taken, how to take them depending on their "format" (powder - or - tablets/capsules), and also what the dosage to be followed, depending on whether you are taking it as a preventive measure or when you are ill, or even between the two, when the disease or epidemic is raging around you. One other information that could also be added is the potential danger of overdosage, like "is it dangerous if instead of having taken 12Mg (which is the usual dosage) i took 50Mg for instance ?
If i create such a document i'll post it here, but i may come back here also to ask some questions in order to complete it, and i take the opportunity here to ask a few questions and ask what you advise about, or confirm, or give more details as i'm probably missing some insights only a professionnal know.

I just took 12mg of Melatonine, which i also have in powder.
In order to show to readers here the very small quantity it is, i took a picture of the 12mg on the small balance i bought last year, here it is :

It's so sensible that just breathing toward the balance change the measure.
The way i use for administrating is then simple, I :
- switch off the balance
- wet my finger
- scrape the powder with it and place my finger under my tongue (maybe 2 or 3 times)

Do you confirm that it's a good way to proceed ? At least, confirm for iv and for melatonin, but also maybe "in general" with any medicine one could have under powder form ?

As we are speaking about iv, here's the dosage i found :
- Preventive : 12Mg once per week
- When ill : 12Mg during X days depending on the illness (usually during 3 days if it's viral, or more days like 5 to 8 days if a pneumonia)

Do you confirm ? (at least, generally, because when ill, it depend of the illness of course)

Let's now imagine that they released their virus during July/August, time then to go in "Preventive+" mode.
Is there any bad consequence if someone decide to take 12Mg of iv every days, even if it's during 3 months ?
I assume it may be difficult to answer precisely about, but the question is worth to ask as it seems the iv will be the most important medicine (or one of the most important) to take when the "show will start", thus, if we know that if we take more than the usual dosages does not represents a thread (but simply a kind of waste of the medicine), this is good to know.
With 200g of iv, this means 200.000 Mg ! If we divide by 12 it's more than 15.000 doses ... it's enough for a really big family for a couple of years :) I mean, if you have enough iv at home and if it does not harm to take more than the usual prescription, i would think logically that it's better here to take more than not enough ... but maybe i'm wrong (?)
I assume it may be difficult to answer precisely about, but the question is worth to ask as it seems the iv will be the most important medicine (or one of the most important) to take when the "show will start", thus, if we know that if we take more than the usual dosages does not represents a thread (but simply a kind of waste of the medicine), this is good to know.
With 200g of iv, this means 200.000 Mg ! If we divide by 12 it's more than 15.000 doses ... it's enough for a really big family for a couple of years :) I mean, if you have enough iv at home and if it does not harm to take more than the usual prescription, i would think logically that it's better here to take more than not enough ... but maybe i'm wrong (?)
I think once a week is a good reference. Everybody is different with their own unique set up of circumstances, but yeah, you have enough for a lot of people for quite a while!

You can weight it or use a teaspoon of 15 mg, I'm not sure if teaspoons of 12 mg are available. You can weight the ivermectin powder for a teaspoon of 15 mg and see if it's about right. Each powder may vary in weight.
Hi Gaby,

I have a 200g (a bit less) bag of iv (ivermectin) ordered last year from Serena.
If one do not want to care about, it's quite easier to order pills, which are precisely dosed. But if you have enough knowledge, time also, and the cost factor can also play a role as it's cheaper ton order iv like this compared to a well packeted medicine, one can proceed this way.

Side note :
I plan to create a document which would summarize the couple of different medicines that can be taken, how to take them depending on their "format" (powder - or - tablets/capsules), and also what the dosage to be followed, depending on whether you are taking it as a preventive measure or when you are ill, or even between the two, when the disease or epidemic is raging around you. One other information that could also be added is the potential danger of overdosage, like "is it dangerous if instead of having taken 12Mg (which is the usual dosage) i took 50Mg for instance ?
If i create such a document i'll post it here, but i may come back here also to ask some questions in order to complete it, and i take the opportunity here to ask a few questions and ask what you advise about, or confirm, or give more details as i'm probably missing some insights only a professionnal know.

I just took 12mg of Melatonine, which i also have in powder.
In order to show to readers here the very small quantity it is, i took a picture of the 12mg on the small balance i bought last year, here it is :
View attachment 92284

It's so sensible that just breathing toward the balance change the measure.
The way i use for administrating is then simple, I :
- switch off the balance
- wet my finger
- scrape the powder with it and place my finger under my tongue (maybe 2 or 3 times)

Do you confirm that it's a good way to proceed ? At least, confirm for iv and for melatonin, but also maybe "in general" with any medicine one could have under powder form ?

As we are speaking about iv, here's the dosage i found :
- Preventive : 12Mg once per week
- When ill : 12Mg during X days depending on the illness (usually during 3 days if it's viral, or more days like 5 to 8 days if a pneumonia)

Do you confirm ? (at least, generally, because when ill, it depend of the illness of course)

Let's now imagine that they released their virus during July/August, time then to go in "Preventive+" mode.
Is there any bad consequence if someone decide to take 12Mg of iv every days, even if it's during 3 months ?
I assume it may be difficult to answer precisely about, but the question is worth to ask as it seems the iv will be the most important medicine (or one of the most important) to take when the "show will start", thus, if we know that if we take more than the usual dosages does not represents a thread (but simply a kind of waste of the medicine), this is good to know.
With 200g of iv, this means 200.000 Mg ! If we divide by 12 it's more than 15.000 doses ... it's enough for a really big family for a couple of years :) I mean, if you have enough iv at home and if it does not harm to take more than the usual prescription, i would think logically that it's better here to take more than not enough ... but maybe i'm wrong (?)

you can weigh a larger amount and make a suspension say you weighed 1g, put it in a dropper bottle with 50ml water/glycerin/alcohol then you can adjust the dose in 1mg steps(drops)
50% glycerin is enough to "suspend" the powder after shaking
the alcohol just needs 5-10% for preservation.
this method is better than relying on miligram scales i make all oral powders like this
For the powder format, a useful measurement in mg are the micro spoons available on Amazon suggested by Gaby in the following post:

When using powder, you can use mg measuring spoons like this one:

There are as many protocols of ivermectin as there are papers out there. You can do a search for ivermectin in this thread:

And see what people did, suggested. Research and experiment, there's not a single rule or dosing to rule them all ;)

For example, I noticed that every time I took ivermectin, my heart rate variability (a marker of health/smart vagus activity) goes up, and the effect lingers for several days. So once a week or any now and then, works. Some research showed that once a month did it for those working in a COVID unit. If I'm sick, I'll take it for 3 days in a row and then stop. Just some examples.
We can always say "no", what will they do if we refuse to let a stranger inject some MRNA vaccine into us?
Kill us?
Well, so be it?
When we say "no," we are not only sending a signal to these 'strangers,' but also to the universe! It's easy to portray four armed man holding us while the fifth one injects us with the vaxx... but who says that will happen? Reality is about to get "really interesting," because humanity will find a unifying purpose that will transcend all the machinations of these 'strangers.'
A: Life is religion.

Q: (L) What does that mean?

A: Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the worlds will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the "past." People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the "Future."
Why not be part of the ride? 😉
I see.. That means it will be difficult to weigh the right amount for my kids... the youngest is 2.5 years (3mg for 3-year olds). I felt really good from taking one spoon (that is supposed to measure between 10-15 mg) so I will continue with that for myself. But maybe for the kids I should consider getting the 3 mg pills.
(You are right I meant 8mg :-))

just thought I'd mention this method here because i have tested it down to micrograms(0.00005g Thyroid T3 powder) with bloodwork and it matched the expected serum levels for 1-2h post dose
Interesting findings:

Our findings here have identified an unappreciated link between body temperature, gut microbial activity, and host resistance to viral infection. Specifically, high heat-exposed mice increased their basal body temperature over 38 °C, which may stimulate gut microbial activity. Indeed, both primary and secondary bile acids were significantly enhanced in the serum and livers of high heat-exposed mice. Increased mortality in partially hepatectomized mice following influenza virus infection may be explained by the fact that primary bile acids are synthesized from cholesterol exclusively in the liver and further metabolized by the gut microbiota into secondary bile acids. Because secondary bile acids are produced by microbial biotransforming reactions in the gut, high heat-exposed LF-fed and Abx-treated mice significantly reduced the secondary bile acids in the serum and succumbed to influenza virus infection.


In the present study, we demonstrated that high heat-exposed mice kept at 36 °C are highly resistant to influenza virus and SARS-CoV-2 infection. A recent study showed that mice housed in 10 or 20% relative humidity succumbed to influenza virus infection more rapidly than those housed in 50% relative humidity.

A practical example of using this knowledge when we are sick would be to heat our room, increase the air humidity and eat a high fat yogurt. If you are avoiding dairy, then just eat some fat and take a probiotic.
Interesting findings:

A practical example of using this knowledge when we are sick would be to heat our room, increase the air humidity and eat a high fat yogurt. If you are avoiding dairy, then just eat some fat and take a probiotic.
I am increasingly convinced that fever in viral processes is something to embrace and not something to avoid.

All the programming in people is along the lines that if there is a fever it must be eliminated immediately. The doctor will immediately try to lower your fever.

When it happens to me I don't feel that way, I feel that it is good for me.
I am increasingly convinced that fever in viral processes is something to embrace and not something to avoid.

All the programming in people is along the lines that if there is a fever it must be eliminated immediately. The doctor will immediately try to lower your fever.

When it happens to me I don't feel that way, I feel that it is good for me.

Yes, it seems that fever plays a part of the healing process, but what these scientists say is that it is only a part of the process, and if other parts are not functioning properly then we will not be cured by it. For example, we know that SARS-CoV-2 kills good bacteria in our intestines. So if we lose them during the viral infection, then fever will not be able to help us. Or if we don't have enough fats to make bile acids. Or if our room is too cold, and we are using too much of our energy to heat up our body, and we don't have enough of it left to fight against infection.

On the other hand, some of the things that lower our body temperature are good antivirals, so perhaps taking them only before the sleep, when we are not digesting anything, would be a good approach.
I am increasingly convinced that fever in viral processes is something to embrace and not something to avoid.

All the programming in people is along the lines that if there is a fever it must be eliminated immediately. The doctor will immediately try to lower your fever.

When it happens to me I don't feel that way, I feel that it is good for me.
I agree.
When we feel feverish, it's a moment (which sometimes seems very, very long ) when we allow our bodies the freedom to fight and become strong. I learned when I was a child that when we have fever there's a battle going on in our bodies, the nasty viruses against the defenders, who are valiant soldiers, true knights. :lol: It's a battlefield, and when you have fever, you have to allow that space for your body to defend itself. We have to trust our bodies.

That's why I love homeopathy. For fever, we can take Belladonna, which acts gently, wisely, and the fever subsides a little, allowing a reprieve. Nevertheless, the battle goes on, but more easily.

I listen to my body, this cathedral, when I have fever. All the lights are on, it's hot! and I wait for it to heal.
So after the last session, mentioned were some supplements that add to the original protocol (in the first post of this thread, and also in this SOTT article), specially AFTER vaccination for those that had the vaccine, but also for those that didn't.

Mentioned was the lenght of said protocol: 6 months and the focus is in protecting the heart. Here are the supplements in the session:
  • Hawthorn Berry
  • CoQ10
  • Fish Oil
  • NAC
  • Plasmalogens
  • Nattokinase
And maybe Quercetin too? Any other not mentioned?

I was wondering the recommended dosage for each.

Now, there are two main categories of supplements in the SOTT article: Glutathione & Precursors and a Mitchondrial Cocktail (check out the specific supplements and their dosage in the article). Should we assume those could be included too in this 6-month protocol? (NAC & CoQ10 are mentioned both in the article and in the session). So I was wondering if the dosages proposed in the article remain the same?
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