Health Protocol for Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccination

Thanks for this. I've been searching in Europe for L-carnitine and not sure if a mix of the various carnitines would be optimal or should one just go for the fumarate version - any thoughts peeps?

This version of seemingly pure L-carnitine fumarate is on Amazon Germany and seems a bit expensive:

Pure Encapsulations - CoQ10 L-Carnitine Furmat - 60 Capsules

1758mg L-carnitine fumarate.
62€ for 60 capsules

Ingredients: L-carnitine fumarate, capsule: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, coenzyme Q10, filler: microcrystalline cellulose

Another question: L-arginine has been used in the past and I have quite a bit left - would this be a useful addition to the heart health protocol?
Thanks, @Kay Kim, and everyone else for their super helpful advice here! I found this, which seems cheaper, but I'm not sure about the optimal dosage:

BTW, is anyone taking hydroxychloroquine? If so, how much do you take?
Also, can anyone recommend a good brand of melatonin available in Europe?
Regular official guidelines on hydroxychloroquine are 200-400mg per day for adults, depending on what it’s being used for.

I’ve been taking 400mg daily.
Just a heads-up, that that might too much on a regular basis and without supervision. Not even lupus patients take 400 mg consistently and all the time. One thing is to do a protocol for some reason, another thing is to have extra protection. But I find 400 mg every day too much. One to two times a week sounds more like it.
Just a heads-up, that that might too much on a regular basis and without supervision. Not even lupus patients take 400 mg consistently and all the time. One thing is to do a protocol for some reason, another thing is to have extra protection. But I find 400 mg every day too much. One to two times a week sounds more like it.
As Gaby posted above, that does sound high T.C. From an eyesight perspective, just be aware that at higher doses and long periods of use (5 years or more), hydroxychloroquine can cause corneal and retinal toxicity (notably affecting the macula and therefore central vision). The damage to the macula is not reversible on cessation of the drug. Even for chronic autoimmune diseases, dosage is adjusted for weight & the recommendations are not to go higher than 400mg daily due to the ocular risks.
Ingredients: L-carnitine fumarate, capsule: hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, coenzyme Q10, filler: microcrystalline cellulose
That’s why I ordered powder foam, and they claimed that there’s no other additives.

Thanks, @Kay Kim, and everyone else for their super helpful advice here! I found this, which seems cheaper, but I'm not sure about the optimal dosage:
Reviews from the customers
Great product, beware label measurements.
Product is not labeled correctly the serving sizes.
Bag has wrong dose labeled on it.

Someone thinks 1/8 tsp is right dose, I do think that, that’s right dose for powdered form.
I have not bought any nattokinase yet as it's expensive and I've been researching so I don't waste money. I had a severe case of covid early 2020. Not long after I developed xanthelasma around my eyes, which are cholesterol deposits. They appeared quite soon after I had covid so I thought somehow it must be related.
Is it possible that it had anything to do with too much oxalates in your food / body ? (and that covid somehow interacted / disturbed something in your body, leading to the excretion of crystals in your eyes ?) Apparently too many oxalates do induce low grade inflammations in the body / the body's immune system having to work harder to get it out of the body.
Regular official guidelines on hydroxychloroquine are 200-400mg per day for adults, depending on what it’s being used for.

I’ve been taking 400mg daily.
Isn't such a high dosis too much for the heart ?!

I mean when taken a longer time. I remember Dr Wolfgang Wodarg mentioning, that hydroxychloroquine takes a while to break down in the body, so when taking 400 mg for a longer time, it accumulates to dangerous levels by pushing the heart beyond what is healthy ( leading to irregular heart beat). It had something to do with the nerve that regulates the heart beat, being affected ?

I think this came to light when the WHO in 2020 let (faulty) tests to be conducted with hydroxychloroquine, through a South American doctor who gave his patients too much of hydroxychloroquine, which lead to many deaths - and so the WHO used this in order to cancel hydroxychloroquine. (Shortly later we saw how the second biggest hydroxychloroquine factory in Taiwan was burned up). In reality the aforementioned doctor described far too high doses of hydroxychloroquine, which lead to numerous death.
Another question: L-arginine has been used in the past and I have quite a bit left - would this be a useful addition to the heart health protocol?
I had a quick look, but since EO Nutrition mentions it in one of his videos of last year I would say why not? Unless you were having issues with it? But then, I am not an expert.

BTW, perhaps Alana's post is a good reminder if people are concerned about their heart health. This was the video she posted:
Hi everyone, first just like to say thanks for all the amazing info here..

I'm hoping someone can help with some advice about whether some of the supplements on the list provided for protection from the spike protection interact with certain heart medications that my brother is taking.

I told him about the supplements on the list and how they protect the heart, but haven't yet explained about the vaccine side effects yet. I'm working on a way to explain this without worrying him overly as he took the vaccine but stopped when I shared with him about how it was risky, from info provided here.. Thankfully . (And he worries alot) .

The list I've recommended to him is similar to the one you guys have recommended as far as I understand, but don't want to overload him as it usually has the opposite effect 😅 . Even if he can take a few it would be good (apart from Hawthorn and Natto as when I did some research these definitely interact with blood thinning type meds).

Here are the things I'd like to recommend:
(Not sure about dosing).

Liposomal Glutathione
R Lipoic Acid
Rosemary supplement, either rosmarinic acid or possibly rosemary powder
High dose liposomal vitamin C
High dose vitamin D
High dose vitamin B thiamine
Collagen peptides
(He's already taking Circumin)
(Also Q10 but low dose, is scared to take higher doses)

Anyway.. He's very open to taking the supplements but is concerned about wether they will interact with the heart medication he's on. He recently had a stent put in, just in time.. So I said I'd network here about it.. He's also going to ask the doctors about wether there may be any interaction with the meds he's taking too.

He's dipped into the C's work and is kinda open minded about it ish, but definitely does trust them regarding health, as I remember saying to him year's ago about certain health subjects which I learned from here, and through time these ideas from the C's and also research from forum, (especially those surrounding gut issues) have been proven to be right, a long time before they became accepted by the mainstream.

Just really worried about him and he's pretty much all the family I have left , others lost mostly due to heart problems and it very much runs in my family.
Any advice on this would be massively appreciated, if at all possible 🙏
Here are the meds he's taking:


Hes also taking Multivitamin and fish oil, and has a med/Asian blue zone diet.

Thanks so much for listening, thought I'd ask just in case anyone can shed light on this, and who knows it may be helpful to others in some way too. I will also do some research myself, but find it hard to trust what I read on the Internet. Thanks again to all forum members for all the wonderful knowledge here.. I started taking supplements on this list and it's made a huge difference so thank you.

Also just like to add some of the herbs and other stuff I've been taking on top of this in case it helps anyone.. (Just as and when, when I'm organised enough and can afford lol, no particular dose).

American Ginseng
Korean Ginseng
Medicinal mushrooms powder
Pau D'Arco
He shu Wu
Bee pollen
Bee propoils
Glucosamine/MSM/Condriton for joints
Green lipped muscle extract (also great for joints)

Thanks again:)
Also found these on Amazon, they seem to contain some extra added bonus type stuff. (Not sure about the capsule shell material on the Swiss cardio defence though).. Thought it may be worth sharing.


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Thank you for clarifying @fabric. I missed the video completely. However what you're saying is indeed interesting, hopefully more studies will be done.

I have not bought any nattokinase yet as it's expensive and I've been researching so I don't waste money. I had a severe case of covid early 2020. Not long after I developed xanthelasma around my eyes, which are cholesterol deposits. They appeared quite soon after I had covid so I thought somehow it must be related. My diet and exercise routine had not changed and I'd had blood tests done in 2019 and lipids were normal.

This Time article called COVID-19 Can Cause New Cholesterol Problems. What to Know states

One of the theories in the article is interesting

The only other lingering issue I have since I had covid is some difficulty doing strenuous exercise, where I sometimes get light headed and nauseous with a feeling that I can't get enough oxygen, only happens when I do cardio or walk up a steep hill. The xanthelasma are just a cosmetic issue but my major concern has been what damage did covid do internally that I can't see? I've lost 10 kgs since the xanth appeared due to me cutting out a lot of fat, increasing exercise, taking up smoking tobacco, introducing lots of supplements but the xanth have not reduced in size, meaning any damage done by covid internally may still be there too.

Nattokinase just seems to tick so many boxes, it's anti-inflammatory, reduces blood-clotting and the build up of plaque in the arteries and more. So I'm going to go for it and order some.
Hi Candice, thanks for the info about Covid 19 and cholesterol. I too found out that my cholesterol was very high in January (LDL), but luckily low triglycerides. Looks like your doing all the right things, hope you are feeling better for it.
Tried running recently and felt out of breath which isn't usual, so I know what you mean about the feeling of breathlessness. I've lost weight recently too and feel loads better after going back to a lower carb diet with lots of fresh fruit and veg, I found mixed salads with plenty of herbs like basil, coriander and parsley help energy levels alot, plus gut health.

Also apparently black garlic extract is good for healthy cholesterol levels, as well as plant sterols.
I've also been eating oat bran and oats for beta glucan ,and apparently the fibre in this helps remove cholesterol from the bloodstream, as somehow the body needs to pull fats from the bloodstream to help digest it, although I'm no expert.. And oatbran is relatively low in carb. And more mushrooms in general, some of which contain beta glucan for heart health, like shitake and portobello when I can (well cooked is important for portabelllo apparently). Also reishi is high in beta glucan as well as other medicinal mushrooms, I've got this powder and use in drinks etc.

Been eating leaner cuts of meat and also eat decent quality salmon more often, use more olive oil now and avocado oil instead of too much ghee or fats that are too high in saturates, hope this is the right thing to do but it's difficult to know exactly.. Anyway all the best 👍
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